π˜½π˜Όπ˜½π™” 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇

By eldri_sv

19.8K 583 48

'I've been watching you. I've been waiting for just the right moment...' * Heroes aren't the good guys anymor... More



1.2K 34 3
By eldri_sv

𝕀'𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕥


TW: fear, mentions of assault, pain, panic


Y/N felt incredibly drowsy when she woke up. It took her a while to gather all her memories. She wasn't even sure where she was when she woke up. The room she was in was completely unfamiliar. This wasn't her shitty little studio apartment, hell no. This was much more luxurious than that.

She woke up on a big double bed with pristine white bed sheets. Honestly, this bed was so comfortable that Y/N was very tempted to just close her eyes again and sleep some more. She felt sleepy enough for that anyway. But she was very aware that she was in unfamiliar surroundings.

As she tried to sit up she also realized that her entire body hurt. Most of all her head. She tried to remember what the hell had happened... she was at work... then she went to walk home by herself instead of taking the train... the dark alleyway, the group of people in front of her... and then the one following her and another man appearing right in front of her. Y/N shuddered.

She almost wished that she couldn't remember. They had beaten her up... no wonder her bones hurt like that. And she could imagine that she wasn't in a great state after that torture. The actual assault was still pretty unclear in her mind and in a way Y/N was thankful for that. She didn't really want to think about it anyway... but where the hell was she now? Had they kidnapped her?

No... No, there was something else that happened... but what the hell was it? They had run away at some point, hadn't they? And it was because... there was someone else there. Y/N gasped when she remembered. A hero. There was a hero there that had saved her. And now she was in some strange room. Damn it.

This was bad. This was so, so bad. She remembered the way he looked - dark, long hair. Tall, a bit of a stubble. Red glowing eyes. He wasn't wearing anything flashy, just a dark overall and some sort of scarf. His hair had been floating, hadn't it? Y/N tried to think of all the heroes that she knew, but he definitely wasn't one of them. Who the hell was he? She couldn't remember ever hearing of a hero that looked like him. The red eyes had to be distinct, right?

For a minute, Y/N wondered whether she had maybe gotten lucky and it was one of the few remaining nice ones that had saved her, but she quickly pushed that thought out of her head. There was no way that was what happened. At least, she couldn't just assume it was what happened. Once she was proven wrong it would already be too late for her. She had heard all the horror stories of young women being "saved" by heroes and basically being nothing more than cheap mistresses for them until most of them either managed to run away or until they killed themselves.

Once she had somewhat been able to get past what her situation was like, she managed to calm herself down. Telling herself to breathe... slowly... calmly. She needed to keep a cool head. She could either wait and see what would happen right now or she could try and figure out a way to escape. The sooner she escaped the better, right? And there had to be a way out...

Although her injuries would really make her escape more difficult. Moving wasn't as easy as Y/N hoped it would be. Her limbs felt stiff and her muscles were sore. The pounding headache she had wasn't really helping much either, it just made it that much more difficult to focus on her movement. Anything that required balance was off the table, that much was clear.

Maybe she could find something that might help her. Painkillers, possibly. Some water, something small to eat... There had to be something in this room that would help her, right? Unless this guy was a complete freak and had planned this out perfectly, there had to be a way out of this place.

Y/N surveyed the room. It was a tidy room and looked pretty cozy. Under different circumstances this would have been a really nice place and Y/N might have actually enjoyed living there. But right now, it just seemed like a horrible, horrible prison. No matter how nice and soft the bed was. Right now, she was willing to do everything she could to get back to her tiny apartment with her crappy hard mattress and the bedsheets that she should have washed months ago.

There was barely anything else in this room. There were two bedside tables, one of them had a paper cup on it that was half-filled with water. There was a shelf with books on one wall and a desk against the other wall. There was also a closet in the room, but it seemed to be locked for whatever reason. Y/N wasn't sure whether she wanted to find out what was in there.

She tried to sit up further, managing to get some of the stiffness out of her limbs. Her head felt worse than ever, though. She didn't only have a headache now, she felt nauseous, too. And dizzy. Y/N glanced back at the cup of water. It was kind of odd that it was a paper cup... did he do that on purpose? So she couldn't use it as a weapon against him or something? If it was an actual glass... she could easily have used it to hurt him or hurt herself. Another shiver ran down her spine.

This guy knew what he was doing and Y/N didn't like it. It couldn't be a coincidence that he had given her the paper cup. He didn't want her to escape. He wanted to keep her here for the rest of her life and do God knows what to her. Y/N felt more and more nauseous the more she was thinking about it. It was like all the thoughts in her head were spinning faster and faster...

No. She had to stop this. She had to stop thinking about it so much. Sure, he might be prepared for her to escape, but it didn't change anything. She had a cup of water. She could drink the water and hope that it might make her feel better, so there was at least that. It would all be okay. She'd find a way out of here and she'd go back to her own home and somehow take care of her wounds.

Y/N took the cup from the bedside table and quickly gulped down the water that was inside it. It was lukewarm, which wasn't as refreshing as she had expected, but it at least made her parched throat feel better. Once she was done, she put down the cup on the bedside table again, moving so her legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. Her legs probably hurt the worst out of everything (except her head).

It was only now that she realized that her face still felt kind of numb in places. Y/N remembered getting punched at some point... she honestly hoped that she hadn't broken anything, because that would just make everything so much more painful. She stretched her legs, bending down to softly massage the sore muscles... and grimacing in pain when it hurt worse than expected.

What the hell had these guys done to her? She could barely sit up. How the hell was she supposed to stand and climb out of a window? She wouldn't have any way to fight off that damn hero, either. Not in her state. But she had to try, right? If she didn't try, who knows what might happen to her?

After taking a deep breath she put her feet down on the ground, trying to prop herself up against the edge of the bed. So far, so good. She took another deep breath and pushed herself upwards, a sharp pain shooting through her legs. She grimaced, but the pain started subsiding after a while. The headache was getting worse, but Y/N just had to ignore it and power through this. She could worry about all of that later, like when she was safe and away from wherever she was right now.

God, she really hoped she wasn't too far away from her home... she hoped she actually knew where the hell she was, because otherwise it would get difficult to get back all by herself. Damn it, next time she would just wait for the damn train or at least avoid these stupid dark alleyways... if there ever was a next time. There was a good chance she wouldn't manage to escape. Or that she'd somehow fall off a roof and die while trying to get away.

She tried to take a step forward, the nausea that rolled over her almost making her faint. This was torture. Was this really worth it? What were the chances of this even working out? She was sure that she wouldn't be able to get out this easily anyway... Maybe she should wait until she felt better...

No. Absolutely not. She had to try it now. If she died trying, well that would be a shame, but it was probably better than whatever was in store for her if she stayed. She needed to leave. She needed to get away from here. She took another step... and another one... each step more painful than the last.

While she was focussed on getting out and on the pain, she almost didn't hear the approaching footsteps and the gentle knock at the door. But once she heard the knock, her body went into full panic mode. Her heart started beating faster, her breath became more shallow and she felt a little dizzy, but the headache was almost fully gone for now. She had to go, now.

Y/N quickly made her way over towards the windows, hoping that they'd be unlocked and that she wouldn't find herself more than one storey up. This was so damn risky... why the hell was she doing this? What if he was actually okay? No. She wasn't going to take that chance.

She heard the door creaking open slowly, just as she was climbing onto the window sill. Damn it... She turned around and saw the hero coming inside, a tray in his hands. He was wearing civilian clothes - just a pair of black pants and a regular black shirt. His hair was tied up into a ponytail. He did look pretty handsome, Y/N couldn't deny that, but she was still terrified of him.

She tried to open the window in a panic, but of course it was locked. And she could feel herself getting weaker now... her head was spinning and she felt dizzy. There were sweat drops on her forehead and her heart was beating faster and faster. She needed to rest... her entire body screamed at her to rest. But she couldn't. Her brain was telling her that she needed to run.

"What are you doing? You should be resting." she heard the hero's voice. It was suddenly much closer than before... and then she felt his arms around her shoulders. He was pulling her up, onto her feet, before draping her arm across his shoulder. Y/N was barely able to walk.

"No... need to get away..." she mumbled, just before everything went black and she felt her legs giving out beneath her. She expected to hit the hard floor, but she was caught by two strong arms that picked her up. Y/N wanted to fight back and get away, but she was way too weak for any of that.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed. We'll talk when you wake up."

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