Dead Bite

By IveAwokenMyDemons

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A girl goes on an adventure during the zombie apocalypse. She knows how it started but is there a cure for th... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter one

338 18 6
By IveAwokenMyDemons

   I wake up to my dad shaking me, and Rubble licking my face. Rubble has grown into a huge pitbull with one unique feature, he has a mustache. He is grown now. It was only a dream, Kaylee, I think. I feel some tears rolling down my cheek bone. My dad looks at me and checks my neck. Then he walks out of the room without a word. I could not help but laugh at Rubble for licking my face. I pat his head and got up. I slump to the bathroom to look at my face. My face is a bit red, probably from crying or screaming; however, no acne.
   My long black hair causes my skin to be paper white that contours with my soft, light, pink lips. I am skinny, maybe a hundred and ten pounds, but most of that consists of muscles. I have toned abs and have medium sized muscles. My father used to say I had his eyes and my mother's. I, being heterochromic iridium, have one blue and one green eye. I got my green eye from my mother and my blue eye from my father. My eyes look so tired.
   I splash some water on my face to wake up my lifeless body. I walk out and start rummaging through the clothes I had, which was not much. I decide to wear my black shorts, a black tank top, and a guys sweatshirt. I want something to control my jungle of hair and decided to wear my beanie. Once I have made a few adjustments to my outfit, I drag myself to my dad's room. Outside, in the hall, are old news papers, trash, and other random useless things. A fridge, couch, and tv along with other big things block the stairs to the eighth floor. I stare at a small teddy bear. I wonder whose teddy bear this is? I get distracted very easily. I snap out of my trance and slid into my father's room. In his room, he has already made two bowls of biscuits and gravy and a bowl of dog food. I sit at the opposite side of the small table, and shovel food into my mouth.
   "So," my father starts," have the nightmare again?"
   I nod my head," it seems like every time I have it, the memories become more vivid and I remember more."
   My father sighs,"well, if you keep screaming like that then we are gonna have infected up our ass."
   "Sorry, I need my medicine..." I whisper under my breath.
   "Well then I will have to go on a run for supplies; besides, we are running low. While I'm there, I will get you some more anxiety pills and anti-depressants if they have any.
   "I'm sorry I'm fucked up," I answer slightly hurt.
   "You are fine and definitely not fucked up. I'm just trying to protect you." He finishs eating before me and starts packing his usual stuff for his trip outside. I set my bowl down and clear my throat.
   "Dad, can I go on the run with you?" I ask meekly. He hesitates a second before answering.
   "No," he replies as he continues to pack. I stomp my feet a little.
   "But dad! I'm seventeen! You cannot keep me locked up here on the seventh floor of this lousy apartment building forever!" I yell agitated.
   "Well, you do NOT want to end up like your mother, do you?"
   "But you didn't have to shoot her," I answer as I storm out of the room. The first room I went to was the room at the end of the hall. That is my anger room. Once I enter, the walls were decorated with holes. The holes in the walls scream angrily at me while the walls mock me. I scream and punch the wall as hard as I can, adding more "decorations" to the walls. My dad begins pounding on the door with his mighty hands.
   "Kaylee, are you alright?" He asks. I open the door but not enough so he could see inside.  My hands bled down the side of the door frame out of sight from my father. I take deep breaths to calm myself. He tries pushing past me, but I put my foot in the way.
   "Sorry, there is a fridge in the way," I lie smiling. I step back.
   "Hmm, well, I must be going if I am going to make it back by sundown," he kisses my forehead and descends down the stairs. He stops at the balcony.
   "Oh, by the way, you might want to clean your hands off so you don't get an infection." He calls. Agitated, I punch the wall one last time. The warm, red liquid trickles down my hand and onto the dark, cold floor. He is right, I do need to clean this off. I go to our water supplies and start washing off the blood. The blood continues to flow out of my hands; I might have broken a few knuckles, but I do not care. I wrap both my hand and then throw myself onto my bed. I lay in silence for a while until a muffled voice interrupts my silence. I pull the walkie talkie out from under my pillow.
   "Come again?" I ask.
   "Your screaming has brought quiet a few infected tonight, even more than we have had actually."
   "Sorry," I growl slightly. I wait a few seconds before asking," oh, how did you know I punched the walls?"
   "I have been in there. There are holes all over those walls. And I'm sorry about bringing up your mother. It's just that..."
   "I don't care. I do not want to talk about it," I interrupt.
   He sighs,"I have to go," an arrow zooms by the walkie-talkie," be safe, please. I love you, honey."
   "I love you too daddy." I clip the walkie-talkie to my belt and venture to my father's room. I rummaged through his closet and find his tool belt. There were different sizes of knives; I pick out the smallest ones. The two smallest knives are my favorite knives, but no guns. The reasons I do not just steal a gun from my dad is because they are loud and will attract infected. Also because guns are not my favorite. Maybe if I used guns more I would grow to like them, but for now I do not. I slip into my dads boots and walk out into the hall. 
   "Rubble, come on boy," I whistle. He rushes towards me with a wagging tail. "I need you to watch my back." I jump down the first flight of stairs to the sixth floor. I descend down until I got to the second floor. I look down the hall and see a winged object. I silently walk down the hall; my knives ready to strike. I come up to the object. It is a black bat bag and a pair of black converse boots. I check the size, only two sizes too big for me; way better than my dad's seven sizes too big army boots. I slip into the black converse and put my dad's boots in the bat bag. I throw it over my shoulder and, jump down the last flight of stairs. I push the door open. I am blinded for a few seconds before my eyes finally adjust. Outside is beautiful when I get to go outside. The leaves on the trees are green, the birds are chirping, the beautiful flowers smell amazing, and then the infected lay on the ground. I knew my dad had killed them all, but that does not mean there are not any infected near by. The first infected I walk up to is a male, maybe, that is an office worker, maybe. I kneel down next to it and rummage through its pockets. What I find is cool; I found two unopened packets of gum, a notebook, a pen, a pencil, and a phone. Many of the people I rummage through have phones. I do the same to the other infected, patting them down for cool knick knacks. From around twenty infected, I conjure up two hundred and three dollars, three pocket knives, seventeen cell phones, and one amazing leather jacket. Many of the infected I rummage through are young. The younger you are, the most likely you are to die.
   I stuff everything into my bag and head inside. I still have a lot of room in my bag, I thought, and my dad will not be home until around sundown.
   "Should we go explore other floors?" I baby talk. Rubble barks,"I am taking that a sign of yes." I walk around the first floor, not finding much as well as the floors leading up to the fifth floor. However, on the fifth floor, I find a few boxes of unused bullets, two hand guns, and my favorite find, a rifle. I climb the stairs to my floor and in my secret chest, I stuff all the new stuff I found in there. I close the chest and hide it. I stand up and start thinking, I wonder what is on the eighth floor. I open the blinds to see where the sun was. It is only starting to set; I have plenty of time to explore the unknown levels of this apartment building.
   I hold my knives close to my body, knowing my dad had not cleared the floors above us. I slowly maneuver around the pile up to the door that leads to the eighth floor. I manage to get through as well as Rubble who wiggles his way through the heap of objects. I push the door open a crack and look inside and down the hall. Down the hall is clear, for now. I step inside and partially close the creaky, rusted door just in case infected chase me. I creep down the hall a bit, avoiding making loud noises. The first door I go to is slightly open. I swung the door open and stepped inside. There is a smell of death so strong it nauseats me. This smell is... familiar to me. A memory consumes my mind and blurrs my vision.
   "Kaylee hurry! We have to go before we are completely swarmed!" My dad yelled over the snarls of the infected piled up at the door,"we need to get to those apartment buildings," he pointed.
   "Dad, I cannot hold them much longer. I'm running out of ammo!" I screamed over the infected. The glass doors were beginning to crack. "I'm gonna let them in. Hand me that sword!" He handed me a katana. It was a nice sword. I moved away from the door. The infected flooded in like a typhoon as the doors hit against the opposite walls and shattered. I started slicing all of them; they fell all around me. My dad shot the ones that I had missed. The flow of infected started decreasing. One infected got behind my dad and was about to bite him.
   "Dad watch out!" I screamed. I threw my katana at the infected and it fell. He turned around and I knew there were infected coming right for me. I roundhouse kicked straight through an infecteds head. Its body fell to the ground. Infected encircled me and the flow of infected stopped. There was maybe thirty infected around me. I dropped to my knees. The smell, the same smell I'm smelling now.
   I snapped out of my memory with me sitting up against the wall and Rubble licking my hand. I was shaking uncontrollably although I was hot and did not have the strength to stand up or move. I slipped in and out of consciousness. The smell was so nauseating now.
   "Go get dad," I manage to get out. I lose myself in the evolving darkness. The tempting, monstrous darkness.

   I have everything on my list except for Kaylee's medicine. I head for where they stored all the medicine. A lot of the antibiotics are already gone but no one bothered taking the anti-depressants and anxiety meds. I grab all the rest of them so I do not have to worry about anyone taking them. I look over at the counter and see some sleep medicine. Maybe if I gave Kaylee these then she will not scream in her sleep. I take them and stuff them in my bag. I look down at my list of items; food, more clothes, stuff for Kaylee (since she is at that age), and her medicine. I have everything I need. I step over the dead zombie at the entrance. As you might tell, me and Kaylee call the dead different things. When she was young, she thought the zombies were just sick people that were infected with a virus; which concluded in her calling them infected. I look up at the sky, and notice the sun already setting. Man, I am not getting home before dark. I walk just a tad bit faster so I am not getting home way past dark. As I am walking I hear a rustling up ahead of me. I get my revolver out and point out in the direction of the sound. The shape is that of a dog.
   "Rubble?" I ask. The dog barks. How strange. Why would Rubble...
   "Oh God." I bolt. Rubble runs ahead of me and barks. I run as fast as I could, which was pretty fast. As I run, the backpack begins falling off my back. I pull it up and in about twenty minutes I am back at the apartments. In what would have taken me an hour, I get there in twenty minutes. I skip steps on my way up to the seventh floor.
   "Kaylee!" I call. I search the rooms, but with no luck. Rubble barks behind me and so I turn around. He is at the bottom of the eighth floor stairs.
   "I had not cleared those floors. What was she thinking?" I quickly maneuver around the pile up; however, end up cutting a gash into my thigh. I make it to the top successfully and push the door open. Luckily I do not hear any zombies, yet. Rubble barks at one of the doors and I push the door open. When I first see her, she is against the wall and shaking slightly. The smell is horrific. I shake her slightly then hear Rubble growling. There is a slight dragging on the floor.
   "Oh now we are in trouble," I whisper. There is definitely more than one for the snarls of multiple zombies can be heard. I pull my gun out and anticipate pulling the trigger. The first zombie marchs in and right as I pull the trigger, Kaylee stands up. She stands in an awkward position as if she is being held up by some unseen force. Knives slide down from her sleeves. She walks out into the hall. She is as silent as a ninja. The terrifying part is I heard bodies dropping to the ground. Thump. Thump. Thump. Any one of those bodies could be Kaylee. I walk out into the hallway to discover bodies covering the ground. I listen for Kaylee; I hear her chuckle an evil laugh. I see her do a back flip and kill the last zombie. She is facing a window and the full moon shines through onto her pale skin and long black hair. I limp over to her and touch her shoulder. She turns around. There is blood splattered on her face and she has this creepy devils smile. Her eyes glow in the moonlight; however, it is not a normal glow. They are illuminating the hall slightly. She looks up at me and grins even more before her legs give out. She falls back and I catch her limp body. Her hair waves in the cool breeze. I pick her body up, and head for the stairs. It is harder to get down the stairs with my hurt leg, zombies in the way, and with Kaylee; although, she does not weigh that much. There is no way I can get past this again.
   "Rubble, lay," I command. He lays down and I prop Kaylee against him. I start moving stuff away from the stairs. This creates a lot of noise but I do not care; Kaylee has killed all the zombies. I have to get her medication along with wrapping my leg. I get all the way down to the big things; a refrigerator, dresser, and oven. Well, only one way to get this out of the way. I use all my strength and push the bigger things down the stairs. It all starts tipping over until finally it falls with a horrific boom.
   I pick Kaylee up and carry her to her room where I proceed to examine her hands. Before taking off the bandages, I can tell they were bad. I commence to unwrap her hands. She does not move the entire time until I grab the knives away from her. She screams and mumbles in tongues.
   "Kaylee," I cooed. She stops and looks in my direction without opening her eyes, which was creepy. She lays back down and I leave the room. What was going on with her? I hide my knives in my closet and wrap my leg. I walk back into Kaylee's room and see that she is sweaty. I brush some hair out of her face. My eyes grew wide. She is scorching hot. Did she get bite? I check her entire body, finding no bite. I put a cool rag on her forehead.
   She stays in this state for five days. Every morning at three in the morning, she would wake up screaming and speaking in tongues. After three minutes she would stop. I sit down next to her and hold her hand tightly until I finally got a reaction.
   "Kaylee? Kaylee, can you hear me?" I called. She sits up and opens her eyes. "Where am I?"

   "You're safe now," he says with a huge smile. He wraps his arms around me in a bear hug. I am so confused. I stand up off the bed and stumble a bit. My clothes are nasty.
   "Be careful," my dad calls. I steady myself and make my way to the closet.  I grab a tan loose pair of pants with a black tank top and my undergarments. On my way to the bathroom I trip over my own legs. My dad catches me before I hit the ground.
   "Dad, I can stand on my own," I growl. He sighs and lets go. I nearly fell over. I shut the door behind me.
   "You're just like your mother," he laughs.
   "I'm not an infected," I answer plainly. I hate when he brings up my mother.
   "Kaylee, I need to ask you something," he hesitates before asking," do you remember anything from the day you were on the eighth floor?" I stop right where I am. My heart is racing, but why?
   "No, all I remember is smelling something putrid and then nothing."
   "You were unconscious for five days," he begins, "you must have sent Rubble to find me, and when I found you, you were passed out. Then, for some of reason, you woke up, kinda, and killed all the infected on level eight. Every morning at three you would scream and speak in tongues," he finishs.
   "You're saying I killed a lot of infected and I'm crazy? Now am I allowed to come on runs with you? " I ask.
   "No, but you did kill a floor or two of zombies and once I found you, you had this creepy ass grin and your eyes were illuminating and then you passed back out and no you cannot." I did not move; I could not move. I look in the mirror. I can see my eyes flash and so as a reflex I punch the mirror. The glass shatters and my hand starts bleeding. I cradle my hand against my chest; the red, sappy liquid dropping into my bra. My dad bust through the door. My face flushed of all color. I was standing there in only my bra and underwear. I stood there half naked; my D-cup boobs hanging out. He hands me his jacket to cover up. I gladly take it and wrap it around myself. He pulls me into my room and sits me on the bed. He starts wrapping my hand.
   "Why would you do that?" He ask concerningly.
   "Reflexes thought I saw something in the mirror," I answer. "Sorry for making your life complicated," I murmur under my breath.
   "What was that?" He retorts.
   "Like the time at the cafe and now on the eighth floor. I screw everything up."
   "That day at the cafe was my fault. It's not your fault I had to carry you to this apartment. The smell is too strong for you..." He continues talking; however, I stop listening. I stare out the window. I am focusing on the memory of the eighth floor. I concentrate on it, trying to grasp what happened. Then it slowly comes to me.
   I look out and see an infected. I do not feel like myself. I killed the infected nearest me. It felt amazing, which was not me. I did really cool tricks while killing them that I had not even mastered; except, I was doing them. I look out at the beautiful night. The sky is pitch black and there is a beautiful, bright, full moon. Someone touches my shoulder. I was so happy. I grinned at my dad and he looked petrified. All of a sudden I blacked out. I shake off the memory that I had just seen. My dad looks at me confused.
   "Are you okay?" He asks.
   "I'm... fine," I hesitate. He gives me a look, knowing that I am lying.
   "What, I am not lying," I shrug.
   "Whether you are lying or not, go to bed." He left the room leaving me to my thoughts. I did not want to fall asleep, did I? I did not want to see anything like that again. I just won't sleep for a while. I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceilling. My thoughts jump around from different topics. First they are the memories I remembered of my mother; then, it went to how this whole thing began. I was the only one, besides my dad, to know how this all started. My dad had told me a few weeks after it all started. I shake my head and think of something else. The next thing caused me to think hard. Was I ever going to meet another human besides my dad? My dad is the only person I have had contact with since... Well, I cannot even remember. I hear someone walk into my room. I look towards the person.
   "Why aren't you asleep?" My dad asks.
   "I could not fall asleep," I answer laying back down and staring at the ceiling.
   "Here, I got you a surprise," he calls. I sit up and look at what he held in his hand.
   My jaw drops,"where did you find these?" I ask taking them. I fumble with the bottle in my hand. It is a bottle of mountain dew. "Is it still good?" I laugh.
   My dad shrugs," the bottle says it's expired but you can try it with your medicine." He holds out my pills. I sigh and take them in my hand. There is more than one.
   "What are all of these?"
   "Oh, you have your normal anxiety medicine. The small oval blue one is for your hands, and the little white one is a sleep medicine." I shove the white one back.
   "I don't need this one," I exclaim calmly.
   "Kaylee, take it," he answer back calmly.
   "Fine." I nod my head and attempt to open the bottle. I twist and turn out with no luck. I hold out the bottle to my dad.
   "Can you open this please?" He takes it and tries to open it.
   "Hold on, I'll use one of my knives," he leaves the room and I hear the bottle fizz. He comes back with the bottle in hand. I take it and take all my pills before chugging the entire thing. It still taste amazing, kinda. It has a weird taste but still taste like I remembered it tasting. I wait for the painkillers to take effect; however, instead of the pain subsiding I feel drowsy.
   "You gave me the sleep medicine!" I exclaim.
   "You need sleep and since you were not going to take it, I took it into my own hands to have you take it."
   "But dad!" I yell. I lay down and fell asleep, angry.
   I woke up sweaty and look around the room. Rubble is laying next to me. I can hear the morning birds chirping and my dad snoring. I yawn and stretch my arms into the air. I look around my room, damn my room is messy. Let's see, if I was unconscious for five days and the day I passed out was a Wednesday.
   "Holy hell," I signed. Cleaning day is on Saturdays. Yes, I still knew what day it was. I kept a small miniature calendar in my pocket until we got here, where I found a normal sized one. On my calendar were various types of kittens and adorable things. I shake Rubble awake and he yawns the biggest yawn ever. I laugh and he wags his tail.
   "It's cleaning day Rubble," I smiled. On cleaning day, I clean the clothes, Rubble, silverware, and any infected that my dad killed inside the building. I normally began with clothes but today I am going to start with infected since there was a lot. I head upstairs to the eighth floor. I look around. This is going to take all day, I think. I look over at the window I remember seeing in my memory. I could always just throw them out the window. I walk around all the dead infected to the window. I shove the window open, which takes much force.
   I grab the infected nearest to the window. Should I check them for valuables? I stop and sit the infected down. Tiptoeing down the stairs is easy since my dad is a deep sleeper. I empty my bat bag out into the chest and run back upstairs to rummage through the infected. I think of things I might use the eighth floor for. I would probably use it for practicing some of those cool gymnastics tricks I did when I was crazy.

In the room to my left, there is a small coffee table at the entrance. I creep inside and search the entire room. I find a few cans of spray paint along with a half a can of chocolate smelling axe. I love this stuff! I spray it on the bandanna I was using so that I would not smell the decaying of the infected. I have to look through all the rooms before I finally got to the room I passed out in. I hesitate going inside, but I need to and hopeful, find some febreeze. I venture inside keeping my face covered. Inside, the walls were decaying so much that they were falling off the foundation. I can hear mice squeaking. The first place I went to was the food closet. Inside I found a lot of uneaten, unopened food. It all looks good; there was cereal, gummy worms, and lots of canned foods. I stuff what I can into my bag and go to the bathroom. In the bathroom, there was a gun laying on the ground. I push the door open to get inside and found a dead person.

   "Oh God," I gagg. I keep myself from vomiting just because it would make the smell so much worse. I push the cabinet open and found a few more cans of chocolate axe; people seem to like chocolate axe. I find a lavender Febreze, finally! I carry around the Febreze through the entire eighth floor to get rid of the purified odor. I take my bandanna off and take a huge whiff. I sigh, for it smelled amazing. Now I need to get all the other cleaning done
   I finish everything before noon and before my dad woke up. I walk into my dad's room and got me and him some food. I look at him. He never slept this long before. I walk beside him and shake him.
   "Dad, get up," I called. He moans and turns over. I groan. "Dad, get your big butt out of bed!" He rolles 0ver and looks at me.
   "What time is it?" He asks.
   "I don't know, but it is almost noon," I answer. He quickly sits up.
   "But it's cleaning day! Why didn't you..."
   "It's all done," I interrupt. He gives me a weird look. "I already took the infected outside, I did the clothes, I cleaned Rubble, I cleaned the dishes, and our rooms, along with me taking a shower." I smile.
   "You did not have to do all that by yourself," he exclaims.
   "And you needed sleep, now here is your lunch." I hand him a bowl of chili with some noodles.
   "Where did you get all this food?"
   "Upstairs," I answer shoving food in my mouth. He stops talking to me and starts eating his food. After he has finished eating, my dad sits on his bed. He looks like he was in deep thought because when I touch his shoulder, he jumps.
   "Yes?" He aske.
   "I need to ask you something. Can you take me somewhere, maybe to a park?" I smile. He gives me a weird look.
   "Aren't you too old for parks?"
   "No," I whine.
   "I'm kidding with you. I guess I can since you got everything done and I don't need to make any runs," he smiles. I jump up and down while squealing. I run into my room and start finding some comfortable clothes to wear. It is hot outside and I was going to be running around a lot. I pick out a pair of jean shorts and a purple dinosaur shirt along with my pair of Jordan's that someone left at one of the houses we searched a while back. I walk out into the hall where my dad was waiting. He has shorts on and a plain red shirt. Man, how he has changed. I used to not see a day go by with him not wearing his tux. He had to dress professionally for work. I smile as I walk out. I walk up to him and he held out a gun.
   "Why are you giving me this?" I ask taking it.
   "Just in case," was all he said. We walk down all seven flights of stairs. He pushs the door open and I jump outside. He grabbs my arm and pulls me back.
   "You cannot just jump outside," he says sternly. He walks out with his gun pointed and waves for me to follow. He does not have to be this cautious. He puts his gun down and walks around the building. Just across the way, there is a huge playground. How did I not know that was there? I run over to the playground and run to the top of the slide as Rubble runs around in a circle. It is a very tall slide that is a spiral. I slide all the way down and jump up. I have so much energy, probably because I slept good for once. I sit on the swing and look at my dad.
   "Dad, push me!" I scream at him. He turns round and smiles. He walks over and starts pushing me. I laugh just like I used to. I then felt a drop of water hit my nose. I look up and see rain clouds. In about a millisecond it starts down pouring. I jump off the swing and start running towards the apartment. My dad and Rubble are close behind me; my dad is laughing while Rubble is barking. It is kind of weird. I have not  seen my dad this relaxed or happy since this whole thing started. We run to our building and slam the door behind us panting. We both look at each other and burst into laughter.
   "You look amazing Kaylee!" He laugh.
   "Oh don't you talk about me looking amazing, you should look at yourself!" We both were silent and then burst into even more intense laughter. As we climb the stairs we continue to laugh. We stop on the fifth floor to catch our breath. Rubble stands in front of us and shakes himself off. Me and my dad cover our faces and chuckle a bit.
   "That was fun dad," I smile.
   "Yes, it was. You got to go outside and I got to relax a little." He half smiles.
   "Felt nice to laugh and relax a bit, huh?" He nods his head.
   "I can do that once in a while," he starts walking up the stairs but I wrap my arms around his waist. He stops.
   "I missed that you, daddy."
   He sighs then turns around," I wish I could be like that all the time but that is what gets you bite or killed by some other group. I could lighten up a bit, be less strict and grumpy. As long as you don't get hurt, then I'm going full daddy mode," he laughs.
   "Good, I love you."
   "I love you too."
   We proceed to our floor and he goes in his room while I go to mine. I get a loose pair of sweatpants and a tube top. I walk into my dad's room to find him in shorts and a plain white t-shirt. He is not bad looking for his age. He is pretty thin, with muscles and had naturally spiked hair. When his hair gets wet; however, it is very curly. I'm so glad I did not get that from him.
   "Your hair looks amazing," I compliments.
   "It's curling, isn't it?" I nod my head and jump into bed with him. I cuddle up to him and he wraps his arm around me.
   "Hey daddy, do you think I will ever get to see anyone my age or anyone?"
   "I don't know sweetheart," He answer. "I haven't seen anyone younger than thirty when I go out."
   I sigh," is it possible that I am the last teenager in the world?"
   "No, there are more out there. The world's a big place darling." He smiles and moves his arm. "Now off to bed, if you start sleeping like that and have more energy, maybe I will take you on runs with me." I jump up and run to my room. Then I go back to my dad's room.
   "One, I need my medicine. Two, do I have to take the sleeping pill? And three, I love you." He hands me my medicine, including the sleeping pill. I head out the door, and right when I get to the doorway he stops me.
   "I love you too," he smile. I go to my room, take my pills, strip out of my clothes, and lay down. I let the memories of today drift me to sleep.
   I am awoken by something coming up the stairs. I quickly stand up, half asleep, I almost fall over. I grab my chest and put it in my dad's room. I grab my two favorite knives and call for Rubble. He runs into my dad's room and I silently shut the door. I creep over to my dad and shake him. He snores and rolls over.
   "Oh thanks dad," I whisper harshly. I push him off the side of the bed and point under the bed.
   "Rubble hide," I demand. He dives under the bed and I creep back over to the door. I put my ear up to the door. Instead of hearing snarls and growls, I hear voices. There were living people? I hear one of them talking.
   "So what do you think we will find in this building?" One of them asks
   "I have no idea but it smells like chocolate axe. It has been recently sprayed. Be careful guys, there is probably someone still here, most likely a male from the smell."
   "I'm not a guy," I murmur under my breath. I hear them, they are now on our floor. They go into the room next to us, my room. I hear them start to hoot.
   "Well, it looks like we have or had a girl rooming in here!"
   "Ugh, perverts." Then I hear one of them go by the door. I hold my breath but Rubble starts growling softly. I put my finger to my lips but it is too late. Someone pushes on the door so I push it back closed. He tries again and I do the same thing.
   "Hey guys, there is some in here!" The man yells to his fellow people. Should I let him in? I let the door open and hold my knives out. The guy pushes the door open and sees me. He laughs.
   "Hey guys, I found the girl and she doesn't have any clothes on!" Before he gets a clear picture of me I stab him. He falls to the ground. The other guys stare at me and then comes for me. I kick the feet out from under one of the guys and made him bash his head against the ground, which kills him. The two other guys charge at me. I do a back handspring. I end up kicking one of them in the face, and stabbing the other with the knife. I look around and see no one else. I trudge back into my dad's room. I nudge my dad.
   "Dad, get up," I call. I am not going to get him up. I walk around to the other side of the bed to get Rubble out from under the bed. I kneel down.
   "Come on Rubble," I pat my leg. He growls at me. I hear a floorboard creak behind me. I turn around with my knife up. I see a younger male; he is holding a gun up. I smile, he knows he is defeated. I wiggle my fingers at him.
   "Gun please." He places the gun in my hand. "Thanks," I smile. Rubble comes out from under the bed as I bind the male to a chair in the corner. "Rubble guard." He sits two feet away from the male and growls. "Good boy," I go to the side of the bed where my dad is laying. I kick him a tad bit harder than last time.
   "Dad, get up!" I yell. He brushes his leg under mine, he stands up and grabs me before I hit the ground.
   "I'm sorry sweetheart. What do you need?" He asks. I point at the doorway where the four men lie dead. "Oh."
   "Yeah! I could have used some help! I ended up getting this guy," I point to him. The male smiles at us. "And since I captured him, I get to ask the questions," I smile and walk over to the boy.
   "So, what is your name?" He looks me in the eyes; he has bright green eyes.
   "Damien," he answers. His eyes capture my gaze and mesmerize me. He seems to be checking me out. I nudge but caught myself.
   "Where is your camp?"
   "There is a small camp, a group of buildings, just north of here. But I would not go now, there are a lot of zombies out at this time of night."
   "Ugh what is up with you people calling them zombies?" I look back at my dad and Damien. My dad shrugs and so does Damien.
   "Well, I might as well head out then," my dad states and starts packing his stuff. I walk over to my chest and hold out my sniper. He pushes it back towards me.
   "You will need that more than me," he smiles holding his bag open just enough to see how many guns and knives and weapons he has. He zips his bag back up and heads for the door. I run up behind him and hug him.
   "Please be careful dad," I whisper into his shirt. I feel like I am five again, when he would leave for work. He hugs me back.
   "Don't worry, don't I always come back?" He smiles. Then I watch as he disappears out of sight. I walk back into my dad's room and sits at the end of the bed.
   "So, how old are you?" I ask.
   "He looks up at me," I am eighteen." I hold my breath; seriously, I'm not the only teen! I walk behind him and untie him from the chair. I practically drag him to the bed and lay him down. He gives me a weird look.
   "You can sleep here so you will be comfortable. I'm tired and I don't feel like hearing you complain about how you are uncomfortable," I smile. "If you need anything just shout, I'm just in the other room." I start walking out of the room.
   "Heterochromatic iridium eyes," he calls after me.
   "Hmm?" I turn around.
   "Your eyes are two different colors, very pretty," he smiles.
   "Thank you, Damien." I walk out a bit more,"oh and my name is Kaylee." I leave and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Did I actually just defeat four grown men? I thought as I drift into a peaceful sleep.

Ok guys, I will try to post a new chapter every Friday or Sunday at the latest.if you guys like it leave a comment about your favorite part or what I could do to fix it. But don't be harsh. Xx~thanks~xX

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