For Tommy, For Tubbo, Forever

By gabstractt

8.4K 402 92

"Ah, vampires. The creatures who steal humans to take as one of their own. Like they are just a toy. But what... More

What Do You Mean He's Missing?
Does He Like Us?
Slowly, He's Liking Us More
We Need Tommy Back
Alright, Let's Dance
New Destinations
You Left Me To Die
I Have To Leave
School's Boring Dad!
Peck, Peck, Peck
I Should've Known
Karl, no more reading!

Let's Do This

549 34 0
By gabstractt

"Stop stop don't hurt him!" Tommy, his eyes looking a bit dazed, stepped out in front of Wilbur. "Don't hurt him!" He was whining as if he was a 5 year old, all while Wilbur smirked.

Niki looked at the pair with a confused expression. Ranboo was a bit creeped out, but nothing compared it to Tubbo's angry expression. Angry expression, but a glint in his eyes meant that he was also a little bit..scatterbrained at the moment.

"You're kidding. You're joking! We just got you back, and you're protecting your kidnapper! You put a spell on him! You did something!" He pointed his dagger at Wilbur as he spoke. "Tubbo-" "No Niki! I'm done staying quiet! I'm done not being in charge like I usually was! Hand him back now, or we'll have problems."

"And what will you do? Kill me? Vampires are a lot stronger than humans you know." Tommy looked at Tubbo and Wilbur back and forth. " no, don't fight!.." Tubbo sighed. "Obviously I won't be able to beat you." "Smart id-" "But I can still fight you. You- Your kind- I..Vampires killed my family you know. The least I can do is try and avenge him- no, them."

Ranboo furrowed his eyebrows, conflicted. He wanted so much to just go home, go with Micheal and color with him while Tubbo laughed. I wanted them to have hot chocolate together while watching a funny stand-up comedy show. He also didn't want Tubbo hurt. But Tubbo was standing up for himself. And he didn't want to ruin that!

"Then let's fight, dance, blah blah blah." Wilbur lunged at Tubbo, fangs shining in the crappy light of the store, while Tubbo dodged, throwing a can of dog food at Wilbur.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Tubbo slashed Wilbur's face. That would leave a scar. Just as he was about to knock Wilbur out with the hilt of his dagger, Technoblade grabbed his arms. "I'll stop you right there."

Niki looked at the scene, muttering a swear under her breath while explaining her plan to Ranboo. "You're half-vampire. We have weapons, but our fangs will do most of the attacking since we are going against, well, vampires.."

Ranboo nodded, and prepared to attack until Phil grabbed his arms. "Not so're the guy who hurt my son." Niki tried to get Phil away. "Get away from him!" Ranboo was just scared.

Tommy, by then, had fallen out of the spell and was scared but, was more angry at the fact that Tubbo was getting hurt. "Get your vampire hands off of Tubbo!" He tried to get Techno away by grabbing Tubbo's dagger and stabbing his arms. Techno winced, and let go off Tubbo.

"Run, guts, just run!" Niki yelled at them, while Ranboo nodded. "Run Tubbo." Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other before running.

"You're kidding..we lost them because of you!" Phil was angry, and tightened his grip on Ranboo while Techno and Wilbur knocked Niki out cold. "P-Please don't hurt me.." Techno smirked, and opened Ranboo's mouth. "He's half-vampire. I knew it." "Really? I wouldn't expect a ender hybrid to also be half-vampire."

Ranboo looked away from them. "You're acting like it's a bad thing, oh no it isn't!" Wilbur cupped Ranboo's face, Ranboo tried to move away from him. "It just means..that we not only have some leverage, but we can turn you into a vampire at any moment!"

Ranboo widened his eyes. "W-Wait, no no, I..No..I.." "And then you'll basically be forced to join our family." The family all smiled at him, and he felt like a traitor. "I hate vampires!" "You'll learn to love them." Phil smiled. "Of course, we need Tommy aswell, maybe even the goat hybrid. We'll be a happy family." Ranboo tried to yell for help, but Techno's hand was covering his mouth now. Wilbur looked at him. "Now sleep."

A nap did sound pretty good about now, and now his head was full of cotton. Of course he could sleep. He could worry about the situation later. Ranboo fell asleep with no hesitation.


Tommy and Tubbo finally made it home, immediately packing up stuff to make another trip somewhere else. Tubbo looked scared out of his mind. Not for himself, obviously, but for Ranboo. As they made the trek back to his business home to get Micheal, he kept on asking questions.

"Tommy, do you think Ranboo is okay?"
"Tommy, what do I tell Micheal?"
"Tommy, we shouldn't have left Ranboo behind, should we go get him?"

"Tubbo..he'll be fine. You can tell Micheal he's on vacation, and we'll get him when we can. Okay? He's going to be okay."

That made Tubbo feel a lot better.


When they got to his business home, Micheal was coloring. He looked fed, obviously by the guards. And looked fairly happy. "Bee!" He raced to Tubbo, smiling and hugging him. Tubbo picked him up and spun him around. "There's my little bumblebee!"

"Where's Boo?" He looked around, and waved at Tommy. "He's on vacation, Micheal...but we'll see him soon. Hey, can you grab your clothes, and toys? We're going upstate!" Micheal smiled and went to grab his things, Benson being first. Tubbo sighed.

"We'll have to go upstate. I there. Well, the family I have left. So..let's hopefully survive?" He held out his hand to Tommy. They do a little handshake every time they promise each other something.

Tommy shook his hand. "Let's do this."

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