I Have To Leave

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Tubbo woke up in a pitch black room. It seemed like he was being watched, but, alas, the dark made it hard to see. He rubbed his eyes, trying to make out whatever it was in the dark, but, couldn't see anything. "Hello?! Who's keeping me here?" He coughed up something, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Woah, woah, stay still mate." A voice rang out, the voice echoing off the walls. "You're okay..I don't know why Techno put you in this dark of a room." A light switched flipped on, and light flooded into the room.

It took Tubbo a few seconds to adjust to the light. Standing in front of him was a man, no surprise. He had a green and white striped bucket hat, along with emerald earrings. They looked expensive. He was also wearing a green robe with hints of red rubies in it, and the most ominous thing were his red eyes.

"Y-You're a vampire..." Phil nodded, smiling. "Yep, I am.  "Get away from me!" He said this, yet, he wanted to get closer to the man. "Well, mate, you're kinda a vampire yourself."

"Wh-..what?..you..turned me?" Phil smiled. "Mhm! You'll make a perfect son along with Tommy and Ranboo." "You turned Ranboo..so...there's no hope really.." Phil frowned. "Shh, it's okay..You'll be safe with me, Phil, Techno and Wilbur!.." He carded his fingers through Tubbo's hair.

Tubbo subconsciously leant into the touch, smiling a bit. "Yea..that sounds kinda nice actually.."

"I'm glad you agree, now, go to sleep."


Tommy spent 7 days looking for the both of them. 7 days. He was upset beyond belief, he had failed his two best friends. Karl had assured him that it wasn't his fault, but, Tommy knew it was.

He had gotten kidnapped. He let himself be taken. Of course it was his fault. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and laying down on the bed. Atleast Micheal was safe.

Micheal would be worried sick about his dad's. He sighed again, on the verge of crying when an idea came into his mind. Yes, it would he extremely dangerous but it can't be any worse than the current situation. Although the sting of guilt, and betrayal would linger.

He had to run away, away from this town. With Micheal. It was risky, yes, and very much betraying Tubbo and Ranboo, but they would want him and Micheal safe, right? Well, not if they were that far gone.

He brought it up to Karl the next morning. "You know, Karl, they both are probably turned." This made Karl bite the inside of his cheek. "Yes..I know..what's your plan then?" Tommy sighed. "I'm going to leave with Micheal." Karl gasped a bit, before sighing and smiling. "That's a pretty good idea. I'll keep you stocked up with food."

Karl smiled. "There's a town nearby, I think its called Manberg? Or was it Badlands? Something like that. It will be far enough away from the vampires, and the people are nice." Tommy smiled. "Thank you so much Karl."

The next few days were packing, and explaining the situation to Micheal. Micheal thought that his parents were gone already, because although being only 4, piglin minds mature fast. "Micheal, I'm sure you know why we are leaving." Micheal nodded. "It's okay, we can get Boo and Bee another time right Tom..Tommee!!" Tommy smiled.

"That's right, big man."

And then they were off after that, on their own. Tommy hoped that Ranboo and Tubbo still had a good sense of mind, but it was too late to save them. And plus, maybe they could make a new life in the new town. Hopefully away from vampires.


It was next week. Wilbur was pacing around the room. "I'm telling you, Dad, I couldn't smell his scent anymore. There's no way he's in the town an-" "Will, yes he is." Phil, well, Phil was in denial. They were having a family meeting about Tommy, and Tommy..well..he was gone. And Phil couldn't accept that.

Tubbo and Ranboo had forgotten their morals in a week, and had already started getting kills. They needed Tommy aswell, and were quite mad about him leaving. "It's kinda selfish, honestly.." Tubbo had told Wilbur his side of the story. "He hadn't even came back for us! I mean, not like I would wanna leave. I would convince him to stay. But he just left!" He crossed his arms and huffed.

Techno had been searching the whole town, and no sign of the boy that Wilbur had claimed as his little brother. Techno really didn't care, since he had Ranboo, and Phil had Tubbo, but Wilbur needed Tommy.

He needed to find him.

For Tommy, For Tubbo, ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now