BEDEVIL | jenlisa

By chanelwaffle

356K 13.9K 2.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Abducted. Tormented. Owned. Jennie never knew hell existed before she met such an evil person w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [M]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [M]
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [M]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

9.8K 452 56
By chanelwaffle


My eyes flicker, adjusting to the dark silhouette sitting on the chair next to the bed. I jolted up, realizing it was Lisa. She's wearing a gold printed blazer over a red button up and black jeans. Jesus, what kind of attire is that? What time is it and why is she wearing something like that?

I tried to move but my hands are still tied behind my back. I slept with my stomach flat all night. It was a hard sleeping position and I couldn't turn sideways, I have no balance and I have no strength.

What's left for me to do?


She stands up and brushes her bangs up with her hand. I just side eyed her as she makes eye contact with me, "How did you sleep?"

Is she trying to piss me off?

"I'll have Saem bring your breakfast," she said, "We'll see each other again later," without any other words, she left the room and as soon as she's gone, Saem came in, carrying a tray with a bowl and glass of orange juice.

She untied me and my hands' wrists can finally breathe again. I sat up and stared at them, noticing some red marks around them. Nothing else happened in this place but her tying me up and feeding me to the wolves.

I touched my wrists, feeling a mild sore that the ropes left to my skin. Can my hands be free for at least one day? It's not even necessary! It's not like I can actually run away from her? When she has his men everywhere and those goddamn wolves.

As much as I want to escape, I don't think I'll ever succeed. Miss bitch is too considerate to keep me here and she will not let me go just like that.

"Ms. Jennie, are you okay?" Saem woke me up from my thoughts as she places the tray on the table. Her eyes landed on my redding wrists, "Do you want me to put some ointment on those? I know it hurts,"

I just gave her a small smile, "No, it's fine. This nothing I can handle,"

She just sighs and sits on the edge of the bed, "Your situation isn't easy, if I could only give you any help, I will."

I shake my head, "I...I don't want to be here anymore, Saem. This isn't the life I wanted, I never even imagined to be kidnapped." I know the sad tone I was making, "It's only been 2 days and I nearly died once. She has more plans for me, I can feel it. She's not letting this end like this, isn't she?"

Saem was silent for a few seconds, only staring at her hands on her lap. She blinks her eyes and releases a deep breath before turning her attention to me with sad eyes.

It made me wonder, why is she working for someone like Lisa? Does she know how evil she is? Why is she still here?

"You know, that girl isn't like that when I first worked here. I was her babysitter until she reached 16, she was a bubbly child, always smiling." I saw the corner of her lips lifted into a small smile, "I treated her like my own since I couldn't bore one, she was the daughter I couldn't have."

I listened to her story and imagined how things work before. Lisa was smiling? From what I saw, she does but her smile means something bad. Her smile was never a sign of affection or appreciation. She smiles like a serial killer and I can't imagine her being goofy.

She's not a nice person, point blank.

"I watched her change, every single thing in her changed." Saem was about to talk again when she stopped herself, probably preventing to tell me more. "Anyway, if you're really okay, I'm gonna take my leave." She stands up.

Before she can walk away, I grabbed her arm. She turns to me with a confused face.

"Do you...think she'll let me go?"

Saem only smiled, "I don't really know what's going on in her head but I'm going to pray she would. You don't deserve to be in this place," my grasp loosens as I heard those words. "Make sure to eat your breakfast," She gave me a nod before she completely walks out the door.

I blinked and turn my head to the tray. Why can't she just tell me? All I need is answers. I felt my anger creeping up to my head and the next thing I knew, I'm sweeping the tray off the table, the food spilling on the shiny red floor with the glass and plate breaking into pieces.

I ignored my empty stomach and buried my face on the pillow, letting my tears damp the cover. She took away my freedom, my will to live, and my dignity. She's a fucking monster.

I want out of here.


A loud banging on the door had my eyes shoot open, I quickly sit up and see Lisa standing near the door, eyeing me closely. I rolled my eyes, which I assumed still look red from crying, and ignored her presence. She entered the room and immediately spots the mess on the side of the bed.

I didn't dare to look in her direction, I feel like throwing up every time I do.

"How are you hungry yet still have the guts to waste food?" She questioned. "You know this is your meal for the whole day right?"

What did she just say?

For the whole day?

She really is trying to starve me to death, huh? Serving me two pieces of french toasts and a glass of water as my whole meal for the day as if it would be a big help.

She's sick in the head.

I look away from her, staring at the door instead. I can feel my teeth gritting on their own like they're used to do every time I see her face. My jaw clenched tight along with my fists that were wishing to punch her since day one.

I heard her chuckle, "I'll take you to bath," I turn my head to her and watched her walk towards me. She aggressively grabbed men by my collar with one hand and forced me out of the bed. She dragged me out like a piece of paper and god knows where she's going to take me.

I was expecting her to take me to the bathroom where I first used to bathe but I was wrong.

Lisa starts walking me out of the house and took me to a pool, a huge pool to be exact, and as I expected her men were around watching us carefully. So this is the bath she was talking about? I refuse to believe this is called a 'bath', all I know is that it's going to be her drowning me until I turn purple.

She shoved me to the edge of the pool and signals to one of her men. I turn to see a guy with a nose piercing coming towards me, carrying a weird looking thing that I can't honestly describe. He kneels down and just when I start looking down to see what he's doing, Lisa grabbed my chin and have me look at her.

I can feel a cold steel hugging around my calf and that's when I heard a click.

"You can enjoy my pool all night, honey." She leans in and made sure our noses touch, "That is, if you can make out alive."

She backs away and kicked something that made me stumble back, I tried to fight it off but it was pulling me strong. My head shoots when I heard a loud splash, that's when I realized I'm about to fall off the pool.

The sight of Lisa with smirk on her face was the last thing I saw before the water engulfs my whole body, along with the darkness under the water.

I was confused why I keep sinking.

I look down and saw a boulder, attached to chain that was locked around my calf, that was heavy enough to pull me deeper.

A shadow appeared on the very top of my head and I see her, watching me drown like it was the most beautiful thing has ever seen. As much as I want to yell and cuss her to death, I can't. Not right now, not in this situation. I need to preserve the oxygen I have left in my body.

When I tried to swim up, I just feel more heavier as this weight never even moves an inch. This pool is 8 or 9 feet deep and this is honestly like sinking into a sea. A bubble left my mouth when I exhaled and attempted to reduce the pressure in my throat but hell, I instantly regret that.

My hands started gasping for something to hold on to and my feet kicking everywhere. I'm losing air.

I grabbed the rusty metal wrapped around my calf and tried to take it off but what did I expect? Of course, it's locked!

For fuck's sake.

My eyes searched for something that would help me but they found her instead. She's watching me from up there, not a single hint of helping me can be seen. Why would she? She's the one who wanted me dead anyway.

My vision starts to blurry as my airway starts to clump close. She should be happy now. Everything was going well according to her plan and she's winning.

She just have to make sure she let me die or god knows what I would to her if she chose to save me. I'm going to make sure she regrets keeping me alive.

And just like that, my vision turned black as I couldn't hear and feel anything anymore.

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