A Bonfire Unlit

By Hiiambob77

14K 202 52

The Ashen One finally thought his journey was to end. But it seems like fate had other ideas. Join him on thi... More

The Beginning to an End
A Misunderstanding
A New Quest
A "Harmless" Prank
A Hunter's Dream
A New Enemy
A Never Ending Fight
Back To Olympus

Freeing the Sun

1.8K 32 2
By Hiiambob77

I DO NOT own Percy Jackson or Dark Souls. Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson, and Dark Souls is owned by From Software.

I looked around the forest that surrounded me. Trees and bushes littered the soft white ground. Little white flakes were falling from the sky as it snowed. The trees were covered with the white substance, green of the trees contrasting with the white of the snow created a very beautiful picture. I took a deep breathtaking this new world. I let it out before looking at the sky, there was no sign of sun, just gray clouds as far as the eyes could see. I could hear the little chirps of the animals, the rustle of the snow, and leaves as they moved along the ground. The air was cold and sharp but I was used to extreme temperatures now.

I looked around and could only see trees and snow for miles. And the sky gave me no clear sign on which way North, West, East, or South was. I sighed before spinning in my spot, I stopped after a few seconds and tried my best to gain my senses back. I looked in the direction I was facing and started to walk the opposite way. I gritted my teeth as the branches, the bushes, and the snow slowed me down significantly. It also didn't help that I was wearing armor that was getting snagged into every little branch that you could see. I let out an irritated sigh before deciding to take off my armor. I took off my helmet and chest plate but kept the gauntlets and leggings on.

Without my helmet and chest plate on you could now see how I looked. I hadn't looked at my reflection in a long time but the last time I checked I had short silver/gray hair with blue and orange eyes. My body was well-toned and muscled but that was the last thing on my mind. I groaned in annoyance as the bushes smacked against me. Hopefully, I would be out of the woods soon. I trudged onwards my teeth slightly chattering as I had no protection from the bitingly cold temperature now. I rubbed my arms trying my best to get as much heat as possible, but it wasn't working well at all.

After debating for some time with myself, I put my chest plate back on but kept the helmet in my inventory. It was still slightly annoying that the branches would catch onto my chest plate but it was a hell of a lot better than freezing to death. I moved forward I still didn't see any signs of anybody else being here. I was about to give up and use a homeward bone back to the bonfire but then I noticed something. A few feet away from me was some ripped clothing with some splattered blood. 'The red really does look nice against the white color of the snow 'I thought to myself. Anyway, I noticed that the blood continued on through the forest, feeling excited that I may have found who I was looking for I ran after the trail of blood.

But I was still cautious of my surroundings, you never know what could attack you if your guard was lowered. While following the trail I noticed that there seemed to be multiple footsteps in the snow. I would count at least 7 or 8 people who were traveling together. I quickly took out my Astora Great Sword to be safe and carried it onwards. And then I heard a scream followed by a roar, my eyes widened and I rushed towards the sound as fast as I could. The air stung my face and my lungs were burning but I kept on running towards the sound. Then the snow started to act weird around me, it started to melt and it turned into water. The water then rushed towards the source of the noise and I ran after it. I could now hear the battle, I heard metal clashing against metal, I heard lightning bolts, water balls? and fireballs being thrown, I also heard a voice and I wondered what type of idiot would waste their breath talking while fighting.

I crashed through the bushes coming upon a clearing where I saw 5 men and women fighting a man in some sort of beige tunic with green sleeves at the end and with chainmail linking across his arms and forearms. For some reason, the figure looked familiar to me. I also saw a man and woman and the edge of the clearing where they looked at being knocked out. I didn't quite have enough time to analyze everything as the 5 people also turned on me their faces filled with slight fear and determination.

"I am here to help you!" I yelled trying to assure them that I wasn't a threat. They didn't want to believe me but had no choice but to think I was telling the truth. They turned back to the threat but he had already rushed them and had swung his sword towards a scrawny-looking curly-haired kid. I immediately rushed to him and deflected the hit.

I rushed into the fight swinging my sword at the mysterious man. He saw my attack at the last second and barely dodged it getting a small cut on his chest in the process. He rolled away and I finally got a good look at him and the huge sun plastered straight on his tunic.

"Solaire!?" I yelled confused about why he was fighting these people and why he was here in the first place. He didn't seem fazed that I recognized him and just charged to attack me. I moved away from his swing and rolled backward. The 5 people who were fighting him looked beat up but still were standing. I cursed under my breath. If this went any longer they could die, Solaire was an amazing fighter, one of the best I have ever encountered. They weren't ready to fight him yet. Thinking quick I got out a homeward bone and gathered the 7 people before using it on them and teleporting back to the bonfire in the forest where I spawned. A yellow circle surrounded them and they vanished into ash.

I looked back at Solaire with sadness in my eyes, he truly was an amazing friend but now it was time to kill him again. I put my Great Sword in one hand and the Spirit Tree Crest Shield in the other. I needed a good lightning shield for this fight. We didn't say a single word to each other before I rushed him. He seemed like he was ready for the attack and he rolled away from my attack and my second one as I tried to wombo combo him. He got his talisman and threw a lightning bolt at me, knowing I wouldn't be able to roll away fast enough I put my shield up and it took the hit for me. I gritted my teeth as it connected, it felt like a stray demon had used his attack on me.

I moved out of the way from his next strike and took a small sip from my Estus Flask. The soreness in my muscles evaporated and I attacked Solaire again. He tried to parry my attack but mistimed it and I managed to get a solid strike on his chest. He stumbled back as the wound started to bleed and I tried to keep the pressure on him but he kept on evading my attacks. I got tired so I moved away to get my breath back. He also took this time to drink his Estus so he could heal his wounds. I also took a green-blossom leaf to make sure I wouldn't tire out too easily again.

He rushed me and I moved out the way before slashing my sword at him, he dodged it and rushed me once more. I gritted my teeth and also ran towards him, he swung his sword and I blocked it with my blade. I moved in close and bashed his head in with my shield, he stumbled back, feeling dazed, and I managed to get another good hit on him on his sword arm. He moved back again and tried to take more Estus only to realize that he was out.

I knew that this was my chance to kill him, he had run out of Estus and I still had plenty left. He quickly ran to me and swung his sword but this time I parried his attack, he had a look of slight surprise as I did. He was left wide open and time seemed to slow down as I mouthed a sorry at him before driving my sword straight into his chest and through his heart. He choked and coughed out blood through the helmet. It seeped through the eye holes and the bottom of the helm onto his tunic. He fell to his knees and onto his face before turning into ash and being dispersed into the air. But I could hear a faint 'Thank you for freeing me, my friend' in the wind as he left this world.

Tears came to my eyes as I heard those words. I dropped to my hands and knees and started to weep. The pain of having to kill one of my friends again hurt so much. I hope Solaire... I hope that you can find your sun once more. I took off my gauntlets and wiped my tears before putting it back on with my helmet. I used another homeward bone going back to the bonfire in the forest hoping that the kids were still there. I felt myself turn into ash before being teleported back to the bonfire I had rested at earlier. As I formed again I noticed that the 7 people were huddling around the bonfire trying to get warm. I also noticed that the 2 kids who were knocked out were up again. They saw me forming and pulled out their weapons, pointing them at me.

"Who are you?" one kid said in a tired voice. I looked at the speaker, he had black hair, green eyes, and was holding a bronze sword at me. He reminded me a lot of Poseidon, so I guessed that he was his kid and that he was also the one who managed to control the water. I pushed his weapon away before going back to the bonfire and signaling them to gather around me. They hesitated before cautiously moving around the flaming sword. I sighed before putting my hand over the bonfire and muttering a few words. As I finished my chant ash started to surround us and we were teleported back to Camp Half-Blood.

We soon formed out of ash again and the kids started to cough as they breathed in the ash. We were back in the valley of the Camp. Back to the first bonfire, I had lit in this world. The kids slowly regained their senses and realized that we were also back at Camp. They looked slightly surprised about it but they just shrugged it off.

One kid with blonde hair noticed me again and pulled his sword out of nowhere pointing it at me. The kids saw this and were confused on why he was being aggressive towards me, even after I had saved their lives and brought them back to camp. He slowly put down his weapon but still glared at me. I raised my brow at his attitude but it didn't matter to me why he was mad at the guy who saved him.

I let out a sad sigh before walking away from the kids and towards the middle of the camp.

"Uh, Gods I got your children back!" I yelled to the sky. I waited a few seconds before I saw someone teleport in front of me. It was Artemis and she glared at me once more. I just gave a stoic expression and this seemed to anger her. She started to get out her hunting knives as if to attack me but managed to calm herself down before she could attack. She grabbed my arm roughly and teleported me back to where the Olympians were.

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my book. If you enjoy it make sure to vote or comment on it. We are so close to 100 reads! Thank you so much for the support once again. Bye and have a damn good day!


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