The Broken Wolf ~1~ (Loki X M...

Par thivya2002

10K 272 47

A young boy who was born as a werewolf. Kidnaped, tortured, and mind wiped by hydra to do their dirty work. H... Plus

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20

chapter 5

621 13 1
Par thivya2002

8 a.m.
you woke up from a peaceful sleep to the sun shining brightly, warming up your face, this was your first time waking up in a proper bed comfortably....being able to look at the sun and hear the birds chirping. you felt something you've never thought you'd feel since your parent's death, calmness. 

It was something you've always wanted to feel, being in a cell at hydra's base never really gave you a chance to feel calm cause the first thing they want you to feel when you wake up is fear. fear of when they'll come and take you to get your daily beating, fear of when they'll shock you to the point of death, fear of when you'll be tested on again with multiple needles and with little to no rest or breaks. all you felt in your 17 years of life was fear and it's definitely weird feeling calm for the first time.

that's when you remembered what happened last night, the nightmare, the scream, the tony putting you to bed. you groaned and fell back on your bed wondering how you were gonna go out of your room after this or even look at them. you groaned once more before deciding to go and take a shower and go out anyway before they come looking for you

 you took a nice warm bath, brushed your teeth, wore some clothes, and went out to the elevator to go to the place they called the living room

"good morning Ashton" you jumped at the sudden voice "good morning Friday" 

"would you like to go to the living room?" what an easy way for this living building to read my mind you thought

 "yes please, thank you" you replied to the AI, it still felt weird to talk to something that replies through walls but it did make things easier. once you reached the level you wanted to be in you smelled something that made your stomach grumble the minute the doors opened

you walked out and saw someone in the kitchen so you walked over, you saw steve there doing something. he didn't notice you so you thought, why not greet him first "good morning" you were peering over his shoulder by now

 "oh Jesus!, omg you scared me (deep breath) and good morning to you to ash" you chuckled in return and he joined you too. "want some pancakes?" he asked after seeing you staring at the thing he was making "is that what made me hungry and smelled good?" you asked and he chuckled in return

"yes they are what made you hungry" he said with a grin "try them, you'll love it" he said and put two on a plate for you, 

he watched as you took your first bite, and the minute it landed on your tongue god did it taste like heaven to you. your eyes widened and you ate the whole thing in seconds and asked for another one. he laughed and made you more pancakes, after making more for the team he joined you eating breakfast

you were thankful he didn't bring it up yet, cause you're definitely sure you saw his face yesterday through all the chaos

"someones up early, good morning Ashton, Mornin rogers" you turned around to see Natasha walking up to you both "good morning" you both replied at the same time and soon she joined for breakfast as well. you were eating chocolate chip pancakes while she took the normal ones but with some berries on top

there was a comfortable silence as you guys ate, and no one really seemed like they wanna ruin that

a little while later everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast "friends it seems that I am needed back in Asgard, so ill be leaving in a bit" thor said while eating breakfast and you looked at steve "what's Asgard?" the puzzled look on your face made them wanna pinch your cheeks

 "Asgard is actually a place where point break came from" tony said pointing at thor. you made an 'O' with your mouth signaling you understand but squinted your eyes to 'point break' but just let it slide

"how long will you be gone for?" clint asked while biting into his apple "well probably for about 3 days or so in about 2 or 3 weeks here" everyone nodded and continued eating while making some small talk here and there

about an hour or so later thor left to Asgard and you went to sit in the living room where everyone joined you "Ashton about....your wolf thing uhm, I know you're uncomfortable talking about this....but if you could just tell us how you got it....?" Pietro asked for the first time since you got here and everyone looked at you wanting to know as well "you don't have to force yourself as well" bucky said from the side, understanding how you may feel

 "it's fine really, my parents were werewolves, figured that out a few years later as I was brought to hydra's base. I didn't really know anything about myself cause they took me at the age of 2 but I know I'm a werewolf cause I can communicate with my wolf. well not really but I feel its emotions so it wasn't hard to figure out....and I kinda heard a little of their conversation saying they have been tracking my parents down. waiting for an opportunity to take them and when they did they saw me so they just took me instead and killed them" you explained "I'm sorry" Pietro said quietly "no its... it's ok" you told him and looked at your lap. a few seconds later you got up "I'm...gonna go to my room" 

"hold up" tony said, you knew exactly why "about yesterday uhm...I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you guys it's just--" everyone's heart went soft as they heard you stuttering trying to explain something you can't control

"it's alright ash, we understand. we've all been through something traumatic so you can talk to any of us if you have a problem or nightmare" nat told you with a smile "yeah kid, you can even ask Friday to call me to your room if something like that happens again. you don't have to get worried about us getting mad at you cause that's never gonna happen alright? not in a million years" tony said afterward

you didn't know what to say, you stood there trying to process what they said, and when you did your eyes started to fill with tears "oh kid" toy muttered and walked over to you, pulling you into his chest"thank you" you chocked out, tony just rubbed your back trying to ease your pain even a little

"no problem kid, we're all here for you alright?" you just nodded your head and slowly you pulled away and he wiped your tears away, you gave him a sly grin causing him to ruffle your hair

you walked to the stairs and climbed to your floor and into your room. no one questioned you knowing very well that you needed some space after speaking about a painful past

You didn't really know what to do so you just sat there thinking about your life all over again, one, you still couldn't believe you go out of hydra...well saved but still you made it out alive. and two,.....your parents, you pulled out a picture from one of your drawers, you don't know how you got it but remember having it close to you when they took you. you still missed them even if you haven't had a normal life with them 

you could still somehow make out how your mother smelled when she held you close to her chest. she had this minty lavender scent that you could never forget, no wolf could forget the scent of their mother. little did you know tears were streaming down your face and that's when someone knocked on your door

 you hastily wiped them away, hoping that whoever it is won't notice "come in" and tony walked in "hey kid I figured you don't--were you crying?"

he immediately walked over to you and sat beside you on your bed "you okay kid? did something happen?" he asked looking worried. you stared at his face for a minute, you didn't know why he was worried for you, even last night you wondered about this "why are you worried about me?..." Tony's eyes softened "honestly.....I don't know, but you're not alone anymore cause once you're here in the avenger's're part of this family, no matter what. we'll all be worried about you and we care about you ok? now tell me what's wrong" you nodded your head slowly with tears blurring your sight "it's just...I miss my parent, even if I haven't lived a life with them it still hurts, I feel like they were killed because of me" you said and it ended as a whisper, "oh kid" tony immediately wrapped his arms around you as you cried in his chest....for the second time today 

"it's ok, I understand. and it's not your fault so don't go blaming yourself. what happened, happened. you have a family now" he whispered in your ear and you just cried harder letting all your pain out.

you guys stayed like that for about 30 minutes after you calmed down "come on kid I've got something for you" he said and broke the hug "what is it?"

"a new phone" he said and grinned "what's that supposed to do?" you asked and tilted your head a little, tony had a look of horror on his face even when he knew you wouldn't know what a phone is and so you spent an hour learning about your new phone cause you didn't understand a thing he said but slowly and surely you started to learn and understand the things about the 'phone' "--and if you press on this you can listen to any song and even download any song you like ok?" as he finished explaining he turned to look at your expression, he chuckled at the face you put on like you were trying to understand a math equation "don't worry kid you'll get the hang of it in a few days" you nodded and said thank you to him as he went out of your room saying he'll call you down for lunch

you decided to just click on a song and start listening to it, halfway through and you were starting to enjoy it. the song you were listening to was high hopes

 lying in this bed that felt like clouds made you slowly drift off to sleep while the songs kept playing. a small smile was tugging on your lips as you took your peaceful nap, waiting for tony to soon enough call you down for lunch

if there are any mistakes please do let me know

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