Innamoramento (Future Luke x...

By AonabiChan

2.4K 53 69

Future Luke x Reader Warning: it contains massive spoilers from "Professor Layton and the Lost Future". The s... More

Risveglio (I)
Risveglio (III)

Risveglio (II)

258 6 3
By AonabiChan

(Reminder: This story contains massive spoilers from 'Professor Layton and the Lost Future')



At this rate, you will reach the surveillance floor in no time.

Clive has been following your progression for a while - shifting from one security camera to the other.

He zooms in to take a closer look at you.

He lets his fingers skim across the screen, as if gently caressing your cheek.

You flinch at this contact, and your reaction astounds him.

Celeste forces you into a room to conceal yourselves, waiting until his goon has left the passage.

He switches to the next camera to watch you.

"Don't worry. I instructed my men not to touch a single hair on any of your heads. You and all your little friends are safe... For now."

He observes your expression changing as you continue to navigate around.

It seems like your resolve has strengthened.

He detects some movement in the corner of his eye and checks the other monitors.

He can see all of you.

Professor Layton and the children are now talking to Fisheye in front of the surveillance room where Clive is currently standing.


He walks to the middle of the room, sliding his hands into his pockets and grabbing the controller that will allow him to escape.

Waiting to be lectured in three... two... one...

As expected, the airlock door opens.

"So nice of you to join me, Professor!"

"Whatever it is you have planned, you can't go through with it. We know what Bill and Dimitri did. When the world learns of it, they'll be punished. You said you wanted justice, and isn't that justice enough?"

Clive sighs in disdain.

"That's a nice sentiment. But without large-scale havoc, these fools in government will never change their ways."

"Listen to yourself, Clive! You--"

Clive promptly interrupts the professor while, instantaneously, the door opens once again to let you and Celeste in. You have no opportunity to announce yourself as the young man, unmoved by your arrival, flares up.

"Who are you to argue with me? As a reporter, I've witnessed countless tragedies first hand. And it's clear that my life isn't the only one that's been destroyed in the name of progress! To those in power, the rest of us little people are all just bumps on the road to a brighter tomorrow."

A tomorrow in which Clive has no place any more, he tells himself.

He has lost everything back then, and today as well. He is so broken that there is no way to piece him back altogether.

You cannot fix him, he wilfully convinces himself.

"The only thing a bully understands is force. So you see, I have no choice but to level this place and rebuild it from the ground up."

"What you're saying is unthinkable!"

"This conversation is over."

"No, Clive!"

"Clive! Please, let's talk!", you implore.

He winces at the pain in your voice.

He feels responsible for it and wishes he could apologise.

But he does not dare to face you.

The sight of you makes him feel weak and miserable.

He must not lose track of his purpose.

If he had to stay and listen to you, his whole stratagem would fall apart.

"Sadly, I must leave you now, as the main event is about to start."

The platform he was standing on collapses under him and leads him through an underground tunnel back to the control area.

Frustrated, he sits in front of the dashboard and starts manoeuvring the fort.

After turning on the camera, he proclaims with a demented tone:

"Please make yourself comfortable. Sit back and relax. After all, you won't be leaving anytime soon. Take a good look at London because this will be your last chance."

Several grappling hooks are propulsed from the machine against the sky of Future London.

Or rather, its artificial sky.

Tearing through it, breaking it apart and smashing it to pieces, revealing the real one above, painted of dark mauve and gold, dotted with twinkling stars.

The stronghold climbs and pulls itself up.

Out of the gigantic hole it pierced, making its way to London.


Spewing out black clouds of despondency and oozing gloom.

Roaring furiously.

Stomping and destroying everything under the twilight.

Canons shouting bombs in every direction.

You all stare, dispirited and powerless, at the cold-blooded assault unfolding right in front of your eyes.

Covering your mouth with both hands, you are shaking like a leaf.

You cannot believe Clive actually did it.

Your head is spinning. You feel unwell and are about to throw up.

"This is... utter madness.", mutters Professor Layton, as dejected as you are.

"Come with me!"


"I know how we can stop Clive! There has to be a generator somewhere here. All we need to do is find it and shut it down!"

"But wait... This place is huge. We don't have time to scour it all! What are we going to do?", Luke asks.

"Look around you. The monitors in this control room are linked to cameras throughout the fortress. Perhaps they can offer us some clue as to the generator's location. Let's search together.", requests the professor.

"Look at all these monitors!", Flora exclaims with apprehension.

You anxiously scan them all, feeling under time pressure.

Then you notice


On the screen...

"Ah, there it is!"

"That's it, Luke! Now all we have to do is feed these coordinates into the transport pod. Let's go!"

You exit the surveillance room and make a sharp turn to reach the elevator.

"Punch in those coordinates, Luke. Once you do that, we should be able to go to the generator room."

The lift starts beeping and whirring.

"Look, Professor. The button for the generator room lit up!"

He presses it, and you arrive in a new area where the light is low and reddish. The room is steamy and stiflingly hot. Cables of all sizes are crossing each other, connected to numerous screens and to the heart of the tower.

The professor and Celeste inspect the control panel, which is locked away. After solving the conundrum embedded in, they open the pod.

You all gasp at the sight of Bill Hawks tied up inside, unconscious.

At that very moment, the televisions turn on and Clive speaks ominously.

"I knew you'd find your way here sooner or later. I know how you like to play the hero, but I'd advise you not to get any foolish ideas. You see, the prime minister is perched on a very special seat. And should you try to move him from that pod, this whole fortress will detonate."

"That can't be...", you whine.

"Also, you should know that there's enough charge in here to level most of London. Of course, London's getting levelled either way, he he he! Now, I do hate to run, but I have work to do."

The screens turn black again. Following Clive's intervention, you all give each other a look of panic. Celeste hastily checks the booth.

"Look at this device. It seems to be monitoring the prime minister's heartbeat... It will detonate the charge if the sound of his heartbeat disappears."

"Perhaps we can sever the connection somehow", suggests the professor, unsure.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Professor... See how these are two sets of wires in the circuit? I don't think we'll be able to cut both sets before the device reacts."

He looks at her inquisitively.

"Amazing, Celeste. You obviously possess a better understanding of mechanics that I do. Your sister would be very proud."

Seeing Celeste's sad expression, you intervene:

"Is there any way to dismantle it or cheat the mechanism?"

"Hey! That's a brilliant idea, (Name)! I know. What if we use it?"

She takes out her pocket watch, and the professor's eyes widen in surprise.

"That... is the pocket watch I gave Claire, long ago. And here I thought it had been lost in the explosion."

"I actually found it when going through Claire's things after the accident. Unfortunately, the watch has been broken since I found it. No matter how much I wind it up, it never seems to run for more than ten minutes."

"I see where you're going with this. You're suggesting we replace the sound of the prime minister's heart with that of the pocket watch?"

"Exactly. It's risky, but it seems to be the only option we've got. We'll need to disconnect the circuit from the prime minister and attach the watch in one fell swoop."

"But even if we succeed, the watch will stop running in ten minutes and the fortress will explode anyway! We could end up putting the people of London in real danger!", Luke interferes.

"Luke, if we take no action, London will face a greater danger than any explosion. This is our only chance to stop Clive. The chances of success are slim, but we must try.", the professor replies.

Our only chance?

No way.

"That's not the only way. I can still convince Clive to cease this folly. At least, I must try."

"B-but how is that possible? We don't know the coordinates for the transportation pod...", remarks Flora.

"I do. I memorised them when we were in the surveillance room. I know where Clive is."

"What?!", Luke cries out. "There's no way we'll leave you alone with this lunatic! Who knows what he may do to you!"

"The more opportunities we have, the greater our chances to save London!"

"T-then I'll go with you!"

"No, Luke. I'll be fine. Honest. Thank you for everything. You've demonstrated countless times already how good of a person you are... How good you are to me. You're a true gentleman."

You hug him, affectionately rubbing your head on top of his. He shyly returns your embrace, and you feel him trembling in your arms.

You whisper.

"I promise you that one day, you'll meet someone who will return your love a hundredfold. I can't wait to make their acquaintance."

"Y-yes...", he sniffles.

You loosen your grip, walk to the lift and type in the digits. The button for the control area flashes.

"You're Professor Layton's apprentice, after all. He needs you here with him to save the day again.", you encourage him.

Luke lowers his head and clenches his fists.

"We could find a way to break the generator instead and shut down the fortress. If not... (Name), you'll only have ten minutes to talk some sense into him and get him to change his mind.", warns the professor.

"Ten minutes are more than enough.", you nod with conviction.

"(Name)... Good luck.", tells Flora with teary eyes.

"You'll be all right, sweetheart. We believe in you.", adds Celeste with a graceful smile.

You press the switch and at the very time the door closes on you, you discern Luke raising his head and taking a step towards, calling your name.

You take a deep breath, feeling your heart racing.

You barely have time to exhale that the trip is already over.

You have arrived at the control area.

You realise how close and yet so far you and Clive have been all this time.

The doors open with a sound of pneumatic pressure, alerting Clive who turns his head and peeks at you over his shoulder.

Your face pales.

He smirks, showing he has been expecting you. He asks wryly:

"Why, (Name), how did you get here? So, what's your plan to try and stop me? Are you going to hit me? Or do you intend to kill me, perhaps? You wouldn't dare, I know you better than you know me. He he he..."

You gulp, feeling all your confidence immediately vanishing into thin air

Stung by Clive's mockery

Unaware that he is only pretending.

He is definitely not enjoying himself at all.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm glad you could make it here. Come enjoy the show with me. Be my guest."

You feel like you are suffocating.

"Clive... You must stop... all of this... this is so, so wrong. Can't you see it?"

He sighs.

"I already explained it to you and Professor Layton. Don't you think injustice is the worst? Don't you agree those unscrupulous people have been ruining too many lives already? Too many children's lives... You surely do get that, don't you?"


This time, he turns and looks at you.

"What's with the obstinate silence? Are you mad at me because I lied to you?"

You furiously glare back at him.

The truth is that his actions have left you speechless.

There are no words to describe all of it.

The horror is palpable, obvious.

Like your heart in your throat.

You cannot understand why Clive does not see it.

"Ah. I see what's going on."

He puts his hands in his pockets and simpers.

"Do you actually like me that much?"

You are about to disprove his claim with the first thought that comes to your mind, but eventually decide to keep silent.

You do not know what Clive means to you any more.

"Oh, my. I guess I should feel flattered then... Though, aren't you jumping the gun? You and I barely know each other after all.", he enquires with a sardonic smile, walking closer.

Despite the fact that his words feel like knives piercing through your heart, you take every single remark on your chin.

You cannot let him see your weakness, so you keep scowling at him defiantly.

He stops right in front of you.

You stare at each other, both of you refusing to give in.

"You've got a pretty face, but you're definitely not the brightest light bulb in the box, are you?", he attempts in a derisive manner, hoping to trigger a different reaction from you.

Anything else but scorn.

You breathe in, purse your lips and shake your head in disappointment, your eyes categorically refusing to leave his.

He sniggers and ironically raises his hands up to show he is capitulating.

"Very well, so be it. Can't argue with that look."

He laughs and steps back a little.

He refrains from commenting jokingly that it is your first fight as a couple.


"To be fair, I've begun to appreciate you. I had fun with you and our little games. Your naïveté is touching."

"Please, you--"

"(Name), come with me.", he calls all of a sudden, holding out his hand as an invitation. "When London will be no more, let's start anew. We'll make a better future together. Where no one will ever have to suffer because of bad people's decisions."

You study for a few seconds the hand extended to you.

You coldly refuse it and tersely reply:

"Clive... That's so sick. You disgust me."

It is now his turn to put up with your comments.

They hurt.

He should have known there is a thin line between love and hate.

"(Name), why are you so stubborn?", he mutters with clenched fists, beginning to breathe irregularly.

"Because what you're doing is completely unacceptable!"

"Is it?! Then look closely, everywhere around you! All the pain and suffering we, people, must endure due to petty politicking! What I do is giving these callous jerks in power a well-deserved retribution for their crimes! This will set up an example for the world to see and hopefully serve as a lesson for future generations!"

"That is completely absurd! Your vision of the world is so distorted that you can't even see that what you're doing is just plain wrong!"

He is furious by this point.

"What do you know of right and wrong, anyway? You can't even begin to fathom how it feels, you have no idea how I feel!"

"I'm not denying it, Clive! I don't know how you feel and never will! And frankly, I pray that I never ever get to feel so much hatred, resentment and mournfulness in my entire life! I won't even wish it on my worst enemy! I don't even wish it on Bill Hawks! You and I know very well that if something is broken, you must fix it!"

"Fix it, uh? How am I supposed to bring my parents back to life? How do you expect me to take back all these years I've lost in the hands of these brutes?"

"I recognise that cannot be fixed. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss, Clive. I'm sorry for you... I can see how deeply you care for your parents, I can see that sweet and good little boy inside who is still weeping for their death. And it pains me to see that despite Ms Dove's love, you're still suffering tremendously..."

"Constance Dove left this world five years after adopting me, and all that she left me was money, a house and two servants. I couldn't care less about any of these."

"B-but Spring and Cogg care so much about you, they're loyal... When Inspector Chelmey went back to the clock shop to rescue them, they told him how gentle you were and couldn't believe you would do something so malicious. They love you, Clive. They're your friends..."

"What of my relationship to them? You don't even know me! You fell in love at first sight with a total stranger, a phoney. The representation your mind fabricated of an adult Luke Triton."

"No, I got attracted to you because you were good to me. It has nothing to do with Luke.", you confess with rosy cheeks. "And what if I told you that I want to know you? The real you?"

He is taken aback by your words.

"L-liar! I know you're only trying to buy some ti--", he rebuts, but you interrupt him.

"WHAT! Me?! I am a liar?! That's outrageous!", you choke.

He realises how insensitive his remark was.

You are confessing your affection for him, and he calls you a liar.

Seeing how angry you are, he does not know how to get you to simmer down.

"(Name)! W-why don't you understand?! I wish you could... or would try to understand me. I want you to understand me!"

"I refuse to lower myself and sink so low as to understand that degree of lunacy you're displaying! If you've been able to instigate such a mass-scale diabolical project and pour so much time and energy into it, then you're perfectly capable of creating a new, better future for yourself and everyone else!"

You point out at the windows, overwhelmed by rage.

"Look at the world outside! The turmoil! The terror! The... the massacre you're committing! How many little Clives are you leaving behind because of this evil plot of yours?! All those children whose parents and siblings are probably dead because of you! THAT'S WHAT IS WRONG!!!"

You burst into tears.

"It... it's... so... so wrong...", you snivel, hiding your face in the palm of your hands.

Clive gazes at you, genuinely confused.

He holds his head between his hands.

He is losing it.

He cannot be wrong.

That is impossible.

"I was wrong about you. I thought that you and Professor Layton could..."

He stops, irresolute.

"We could... what?"


The ground shakes violently, almost throwing you both to the floor.

The blow provokes some tremors, but you manage to keep your balance.

"(Name)! Are you alright?", asks Clive worriedly, to your utter surprise.

The sound of an alarm.

He bolts to the dashboard and examines the flickering counters.

He listens to the thunderous noises coming from the pumps and motors shutting down. He pulls a lever and presses a few buttons on the control panels, watching the screens incredulously.

"Huh? Now what is it?"

"Professor Layton...", you whisper to yourself.

"No, no, no!"

The large chimneys are vomiting dark puffs of smoke and the huge pipes are whistling while the stronghold is slowing down and sagging.

Desperate, Clive feebly leans out the window and shouts:

"This isn't happening. It can't end this way. It won't end this way!"

"Clive, we must leave!"

An enormous hose gets loose from the ceiling and falls right on Clive, just under it.

"Watch out!"

But it is too late.

Hit head-on, Clive falls to the ground.

He is not moving.


Could he be...

Your heart skips a beat.

"No! Clive!"

No no no no no...

You rush to his side and kneel to check on his pulse.

He is still breathing.

You feel your heart beating twofold faster after this scare.



You need help.

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