The Boy I'd Always Love ***A...

By ZsaYad

3.3K 76 13

I had come to terms that Bastian would probably never settle down, not even for me so the next best thing was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

The Boy I'd Always Love ***A Short Story****

976 10 2
By ZsaYad

Copyright 2013 @ Yadi Medrano

All Rights Reserved

Copyright: This story " The Boy I'd Always Love" including all chapters, prologues, epilogues and associated content ( ie: fan pics, fanfics,teasers, and content within a blog, social networks and eReaders). Is copyrighted under the Copyright and Designs Patent Act 1968. All rights are reserved by the own and the creator of this work (Yadi Medrano), and any unauthorized copying, manipulation and or broadcasting, and distribution or selling of this work constitutes and infringement on copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Punishment includes but not limited to:

A fine of up to $150,000 for each work infringed

Infringer(s) pay for the attorney's fees and court costs

The Court can issue an injuction to stop the infringing act(s)

The Court can impound the illegal work(s)

The infringer can go to jail

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