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a collection of short stories / oneshots of loona and others, i hope you enjoy reading like i enjoyed creatin... Daha Fazla

around you - heejin - hyunjin
it's all in my head - heejin x hyunjin
partner in crime - heejin x hyunjin
who are you - haseul x vivi
dear diary - yeojin x choerry
puzzle - yeojin x choerry
thunderstorm - jinsol x kim lip
sun & moon - jinsoul x kimlip
happy birthday - jinsoul x kimlip
her sister - jinsoul x heejin
something im willing to do - jinsoul x hyunjin
destined to love you - jinsoul x hyunjin
im not jealous! - jinsoul x hyunjin
if i love you do i lose you you - jinsoul x hyunjin
i want to help you - jinsoul x yves
safe place - yves x jinsoul
bad idea - yves x kimlip
still in love - yves x kimlip
the line - yves x haseul
growing pains - yeojin & olivia
she doesnt love you - yves x chuu
rosy - gowon x oliviahye
beautiful moon - oliviahye x gowon
beautiful moon 2 - oliviahye x gowon
games of the heart - yves x jinsoul x kimlip
only need us - jinsoul x kimlip x yves
bad dream - elly x rina
hoodie - arin x binnie
you dont know me - mia x yiren
all my nights are warm - mina x chaeyoung
i did it for you - winter x karina
pretty face - winter x karina
thank you - siyeon x sua
baby its cold outside - jiu x yoohyeon

blue knight - jinsoul x kimlip

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request: @guzelamaispanyolca, @mikasasgirlfriend & @jinflow_
length: 22.1k

Jungeun stood on the balcony above the grand archway that created the entrance to the castle, her hands balled up into fists and her breaths short. The sunlight shone onto her golden hair but wasn't strong enough to force her to squint at the pathway ahead. It was a little cloudy that day, and the normal commotion of the castle was in full swing. Out here, it was only the faint sound of men and women's voices. Jungeun tried to steady herself. She was fine.

"Princess!" Called a happy voice, and Jungeun looked over her shoulder to see a redhead with a giant smile.

"Jiwoo," Jungeun said softer, smiling a big in return.

"I should've guessed you'd be out here, waiting," She wiggled her eyebrows and squealed excitedly as though it was scandalous. "How romantic,"

"Hmm," Jungeun replied softly, feeling uneasy.

"Don't you want to prepare?" Jiwoo asked with a cocked head. "I mean, you should look your very best considering what today is,"

Jungeun waved her off. "I can do that later. I want to see them come in",

Jiwoo said something unbearably sappy that Jungeun didn't catch and the Princess wondered if this was what it was like to have a parrot. Jiwoo, even as her most favorite maid and trusted friend, simply could not shut up at any given time. If she sensed how nervous Jungeun was she didn't bring it up.

"I bet she'll be so handsome," Jiwoo nudged her, smirking, which looked very odd on her. "I bet she's all buff from the war,"

Jungeun's teeth grinded inside her mouth. "Maybe,"

"Jinsol and Jungeun. Oh, you just sound like you're going to be adorable together," Jiwoo mused, humming a tune that Jungeun barely recognized and busying herself like Jungeun was with watching the road. "What are you going to do when you see her?"

Jungeun raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I would run up to her and give her a kiss," Jiwoo said with a very serious tone. "That way everyone in the castle would know that she's mine,"

"You've thought about this a lot," Jungeun chuckled. "Maybe it's from too many romance novels,"

"Nooo!" Jiwoo protested. "It's your fault for teaching me how to read anyway,"

"I am not going to do what you suggested," Jungeun shook her head, smile dropping. "I'm nervous, actually,"

"Nervous? What on earth for?" Jiwoo gasped. "You're the Princess. Jinsoul is the one who should be nervous,"

Jungeun bit her lip. "I know. I don't know why I'm like this," She turned to Jiwoo. "What if she doesn't want me?"

"Hey," Jiwoo frowned. "She'll want you. You're a princess, you're beautiful, and you were friends once, right?"

Jungeun sighed. "That was years ago. War must change a person, don't you think?"

"It could've changed her for the better," Jiwoo said positively. "I don't know what the arrangement was, but shouldn't she still want you all this time? I mean, she fought for you. She probably killed for you,"

Jungeun winced.

"Why wouldn't she want you?"

"The agreement was that I was to marry the man who killed King Son. I didn't think, I mean no one thought she would be the one to do it. But the news was given to us early in the War. The war continued because the Edentia refused to surrender. She told me long ago that she would be the one to do it," Jungeun laughed. "I didn't believe her. We were just kids,"

"Ugh, so romantic," Jiwoo groaned. "So you're telling me that your childhood best friend has come to claim your hand in marriage after spending years at war for your hand and you're still not sure she likes you?" Jiwoo scoffed, rolling her eyes in a way that would most certainly get her in trouble if they weren't good friends. "Jungeun, you are daft. She'll love you. Especially when I get you all dressed up the way I plan to," She squealed and ran off back down to the inside of the castle.

Jungeun rested her head in her hands as she looked over the railing, waiting for the telltale sound of stomping hooves that would mean the soldiers would be there soon. She was curious to see all the people that had been gone for so long, but Jinsoul the most.

Jungeun's nerves grew as she heard the sound of clacking hooves and distant shouts, and saw the King's Men approaching down the road. She could feel the eyes on her, no doubt she was hard to miss being the only person on the wall and with her striking blonde hair. It felt familiar to see the men whispering amongst themselves about "the beautiful Princess" and that wasn't what made Jungeun anxious.

In the crowd, Jungeun recognized familiar faces. Yerim, a young squire who had barely been a teenager when they set off for war, was now atop a beautiful chestnut brown horse with a suit of armor. She smiled up at Jungeun, who returned the sentiment. She was happy to know that Yerim didn't seem to have lost her positivity after all this time.

Jungeun also noted Hyunjin, who she remembered as her good friend Heejin's lover. Well, maybe lover was a strong word, but Jungeun knew that they had been awfully close before the war. Heejin had confessed to her that she promised Hyunjin that she would wait for her, and Jungeun was happy for her friend because Hyunjin was from an incredibly wealthy family and it could work. She thought Hyunjin looked good, black hair cut in a straight line across her back and a bow and arrows at her side. She was pretty, and even Princess Jungeun had heard of her archery skills. She looked how Hyunjin often looked, slightly bored, but rather calm as she entered the castle she hadn't been in in years.

There was another woman that made Jungeun's heart race a bit. Sooyoung Ha, known as one of the most formidable swordsman in the country. She was stunning, and it was clear she was very confident with the way she carried herself and Jungeun spotted a rather large sword at her side. She was on a horse too, this one bigger and a formidable black. She caught Jungeun's eye as they approached the castle's entrance and Jungeun saw her smirk, then turn to the knight next to her and-

It was Jinsoul. Jungeun should've recognized her. Her face was sharper now, clearly taller even on her horse - a white stallion contrasting Sooyoung's black - and her hair a slightly wavy slightly wavy chocolate brown. She was tanned from the sun, her eyes focused straight ahead and her jaw clenched. Jungeun silently revered in how regal she looked, even while simply heading towards the castle.

Sooyoung leaned over and whispered something to the general, mischief in her eyes, and Jinsoul's head immediately jerked to look at her friend.


"Looks like you've got an admirer," Sooyoung snickered, and Jinsoul momentarily moved her gaze from the castle to her friend. Sooyoung eyed the top of the archway. "I must say, Princess Jungeun has only gotten prettier over the years, impossible as I thought it was,"


Jinsoul's head whipped around in the direction Sooyoung was looking and she saw her.

Jungeun was standing above them, dressed a green gown and her hair down, blowing slightly in the wind. It reminded Jinsoul of the last memory she had of Jungeun, watching the young Princess tearfully wave goodbye to her inside the walls of her Kingdom, after Jinsoul had promised to win her hand and come back for her.

Jinsoul had done just that, but she wasn't really prepared to experience the beauty Jungeun now possessed. She was hardly ugly before, but now, god, there was no one who could compare to the Princess of Lunaria.

"Dont stare too hard, you'll get wrinkles," Sooyoung teased after a moment, and Jinsoul glared at her when Jungeun broke their eye contact and disappeared behind the wall.


Oh my god.

Jinsoul's gaze made her feel hot, like she was being burned but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it. How long had it been since they had laid eyes on each other? What did Jinsoul think of her?

"Hey- oh," Jiwoo came up behind her, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Jungie? You alright?"

"She's gorgeous," Jungeun breathed out. "Like, really gorgeous,"

"What a wonderful turn of events," Jiwoo clapped excitedly. "Now let's go make sure she thinks the same about you,"


Jungeun winced as Jiwoo pulled back another strand of her hair, she felt like her scalp was going to break and she was beginning to seriously doubt her maid's styling skills.

"Did I hurt you?"

"Just...minor loss of feeling in my head," Jungeun shrugged.

"It'll be worth it~" Jiwoo sing singed, grabbing another piece of hair.

"Wait! Leave the ones at the front alone,"

Jungeun remembered how Jinsoul would brush the hair out of her eyes. Maybe she'd do it again.

Jiwoo didn't seem to care, if anything she got more ecstatic because Jungeun arguably looked prettier with it framing her face.

Once the hair was out of the way, Jiwoo moved onto dressing her. The sun was beginning to sink below the mountains and Jungeun was getting anxious about time. Jiwoo didn't seem to be worried though, and she pulled out all the stops in preparing Jungeun for what may very well be one of the most important moments of her life.

Nothing could've prepared Jungeun for the dress though. She was in shock when Jiwoo hauled it out of the closet, hardly believing it's size or it's color.

It was the most radiant blue she had ever seen. It seemed to almost glow, and Jungeun swore that she could be dreaming this. Blue was by far the most expensive and rarest color of fabric, maybe second only to purple, and this must have cost a fortune. It shimmered even in the dying sunlight, and it had a bit of a train that dragged behind Jiwoo as she walked.

"I know, isn't it gorgeous?" Jiwoo sighed. "I had it made for you so long ago, but this is a special occasion,"

"But...our Kingdom's colors are red and gold," Jungeun breathed out, eyes glued to the dress.

Jiwoo giggled. "Haven't you heard the tales? The Edentia Kingdom's colors are too similar to ours and it was confusing on the field of battle, so General Jinsoul chose blue to be their sigil,"

"Oh," Jungeun nodded faintly. "Wait. Jiwoo, you chose this because it's Jinsoul's color?"

Jiwoo nodded happily. "Romantic, isn't it?"

Jungeun turned an awful shade of red. "No! I'll be so embarrassed! I'm basically claiming Jinsoul as mine!"

"Yeah...doesn't sound like a problem to me," Jiwoo shrugged. "Didn't we spend the whole time doing your makeup talking about how nice her face looked? I didn't even see her and I'm pretty sure I could pick her from a lineup of 100 women,"

"Yes," Jungeun said sulkily. "But it's still embarrassing,"

"No. It would be embarrassing except this is literally the prettiest dress on earth and General Jinsoul won't be able to keep her eyes off you,"

Jungeun squirmed at the thought.

"Come on, we're short on time," Jiwoo instructed her to take the robe off and she helped the Princess into the dress carefully. Jiwoo had been her maid for a while and they were completely comfortable being naked in front of each other, since Jungeun was dressed by her almost everyday. Jiwoo was one of the most genuinely kind people Jungeun had ever met, so she believed Jiwoo when her maid gushed about her beauty.

The dress fit Jungeun perfectly, as it should since it was literally made for the Princess's body. The blue hue made her skin glow and the hemline cut low but not overly so. The sleeves were flowey and almost sheer, while the rest of the fabric was a deep blue. The waistline flowed out into a small ballgown shape, reaching the floor but not long enough to trip on.

"You look..." Jiwoo wiped a fake tear. "Wow,"

"That bad?"

Jiwoo slapped her shoulder. "No! I gotta admit, I'm a little envious of General Jinsoul right now,"

Jungeun softened. "You're sweet, Wooming. Thank you for this. I have a present for you too, you know,"

Jiwoo's eyes were wide. "Really?"

Jungeun pointed to a dress that had been draped over her chair, and Jiwoo gasped.

"This is for me?" Jiwoo looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Let's hurry and get it one you before the ball starts, shall we?" Jungeun nodded, smiling when Jiwoo began excitedly expecting the dress with new eyes.

Yes, Jungeun had it made especially for Jiwoo, because she deserved the best even if she wasn't royalty.

By the time they were done, Jiwoo honestly could've been mistaken for a Princess too. She wore a dress of light pink, which had no sleeves and was Jiwoo's favorite style. It had flower details and once they finished put her hair into a low braid, Jungeun hugged her tightly and made sure to tell Jiwoo she was beautiful. Because she really was. Anyone who wasn't looking at Jungeun would be looking at Jiwoo. And Jungeun was happy about that.

She hoped Jinsoul only looked at her though.


"You know I almost feel bad, they'll be a hundred beautiful women at the ball and you can't pay any of them attention," Sooyoung laughed as they got dressed for the ball. They still shared a room, as the castle didn't have time to prepare separate rooms but that was fine with them, since they had been literally changing in the wilderness for longer than Jinsoul cared to remember.

Jinsoul was busy buttoning her shirt, and decided to ignore Sooyoung's comments.

"Then again, there's no doubt that the Princess will be breathtaking, is there?"

Jinsoul shot Sooyoung a scowl.

"Geez, for someone who's spent years fighting in her honor, you don't seem very excited to see her again,"

"I'm a little tired of you mentioning it by now," Jinsoul said pointedly.

"That excuse worked a few months ago, but there's nothing else to talk about now. Our general is getting her woman~" Sooyoung poked Jinsoul's shoulder and the younger pushed her off, thankful that she didn't blush easily.

"Nothing is confirmed," Jinsoul hummed.

"It's been confirmed since the moment King Son was slain," Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "Years ago, if you remember,"

Jinsoul bit her cheek and fitted the belt around her waist. Her outfit was the dark blue she liked, with a black belt to match the details of her suit and boots. The money it took to buy this outfit could probably feed a small army, so Jinsoul was extra careful with it. She inspected her face in the mirror, pushing her hair back off of her shoulders and touching up her skin.

"You're just not going to respond?" Sooyoung crossed her arms, already dressed in a similar look with more black than blue.

"What do you want me to say?" Jinsoul asked.

"Well, is Jungeun what you want? Not because she's a Princess, not because she's rich-"

"Yes. Yes, of course I..." Jinsoul swallowed thickly. "I want her. Things are complicated though,"

"Hmm," Sooyoung snorted. "By that you mean, you're a wimp. I bet I could seduce her before you even work up the courage to talk to her,"

Jinsoul raised a brow, and Sooyoung shrank away when Jinsoul stepped forward.

"Don't you dare, Sooyoung," Jinsoul warned.

Sooyoung smirked. "I may not be able to resist. You know how women are with me-"

Jinsoul punched her gut and Sooyoung groaned, clutching her stomach.

"Uncalled for!"

"If I see you try to speak to her I will be personally breaking your kneecaps for you," Jinsoul smiled, patting her best friend's shoulder.

"Okay, jealous much?" Sooyoung muttered. "We all know who is the womanizer between the two of us,"

"But I'm the one marrying a Princess," Jinsoul said smugly.

"I thought you said you weren't sure?" Sooyoung raised a brow, opening the door for them.

"Well I have to spite you somehow, don't I?" Jinsoul joked, doing one more once over in the mirror before standing up straight and heading towards the door.

Sooyoung laughed. "Seems a bit extravagant,"

"Well," Jinsoul cleared her throat as Sooyoung shut the door behind them, suddenly feeling awfully nervous. "It's not the only reason,"

"You know," Sooyoung said slowly. "It's not like she's a stranger, she's our friend. I'm sure she's missed you,"

"But both of us must be different than we were all those years ago," Jinsoul replied. "I don't think I can say I know her anymore. Not in a meaningful way,"

Sooyoung shook her head. "You overthink it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder,"

Jinsoul chewed her lip. "She could've...she could've found someone else to love. I was gone for so long,"


"I don't want to feel like I'm taking her choices away from her," Jinsoul stopped and turned to her best friend. "I still think back to the day I left. I never asked her "hey, would you wanna marry me?" I just told her I'd be back for her hand. Not caring for her response,"

"We were just kids,"

"And now we're adults," Jinsoul sighed, looking down the long hallway towards the ballroom. "Now things are different. I can't blame her if we want different things,"

Sooyoung was silent for a moment. "But you haven't considered that she might want you to be her wife. You won't yourself consider that, which is unfair to Princess Jungeun," Sooyoung smiled. "Why is it impossible that she wants to be yours?"

Jinsoul swallowed thickly. "Sooyoung you saw her, she's..." Jinsoul looked away when she saw a group of people passing by, shooting her very unsubtle looks. "She's breathtaking. Every suitor in the Kingdom wants her hand. I can't even give her children. It's not like I'm the most auspicious choice,"

Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "When has reason ever stopped true love?"

Jinsoul stopped. "I never said anything about love-"

"Oh no, Jinsoul. You're in loveeeeee," Sooyoung teased.


"Come on, don't wanna be late meeting your future wife, and my mistress," Sooyoung grabbed her arm and winked.

"I will murder you in your sleep if you make that joke one more time," Jinsoul glared at her.

Sooyoung shrugged. "Shouldn't be hard," She grinned. "I'll already be in your wife's bed,"

Sooyoung fell flat onto her face when Jinsoul put her foot out and tripped her. It was pretty embarrassing to even watch, so Jinsoul continued to walk down the hallway to the ball, ignoring the calls of an angry Sooyoung behind her.


"Hey, calm down. You look beautiful," Jiwoo squeezed her hand, smiling somewhat stiffly. Jungeun nodded in response, trying to take her words to heart. Jungeun was seated in her throne next to her mother and father, with Jiwoo standing at her side and her younger brother to her right. Jungeun could feel all the eyes on her and while she didn't show it, it made her skin crawl. She didn't like the lords who eyed her like meat, or the ladies who scrutinized every thread of
fabric and inch of skin. Jiwoo was here though, so it wasn't so bad. Her maid's childish excitement relaxed Jungeun somewhat. It was nice to see her friend so happy, no matter what happened to the Princess, she'd always have Jiwoo.

Jiwoo stepped back as they head the doors of the great hall open and there was the rustling sounds of the sea of people parting for the newcomers.

"Ahem, may I introduce; General Jinsoul and the victorious army of Lunaria!"

Jinsoul was surrounded by at least 3 dozen soldiers, Sooyoung and Hyunjin by her side and Yerim standing a little way's off. Jungeun swallowed thickly, letting her eyes follow every movement as the soldiers approached the throne. Jinsoul's hair was pushed back off her face, providing Jungeun with a more detailed view of her face. She looked much older and more mature, with a hard glint to her eyes. Jungeun suddenly felt a little childish.

What had she been doing while Jinsoul was off fighting to keep the Kingdom safe? Learning how to cross stitch and brush her hair? She'd spent the last few years waiting around for Jinsoul to return instead of living. Jinsoul would take one look at her and realize that Princess Jungeun was nothing more than a pretty hollow face.

She couldn't meet Jinsoul's eyes when they flitted towards her, suddenly feeling very ashamed.


Jinsoul felt so overwhelmed. The last time she had been around this many strange people she'd been fighting for her life. The ooo's and aaa's of the court were not missed by her or any of her soldiers. She could see the way Hyunjin's eyes were shaking and Yerim fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Only Sooyoung seemed to be in element, her shoulders back confidently and her gaze scanning the crowd with a clear intention. Jinsoul internally rolled her eyes, Sooyoung and her whores.

Then she saw Sooyoung's face get a little red and she nearly laughed, not used to seeing Sooyoung even slightly flustered. She followed her lieutenant's gaze and saw a short woman standing near the throne, her face youthful and cute and her dress a pretty shade of pink.

"Sooyoung? You see something you like?" Jinsoul nudged her discreetly, smirking.

"You've got your own troubles, General. Anyone who isn't looking at that angel is certainly looking at the Princess," Sooyoung said through gritted teeth.

A shade of blue caught Jinsoul's eye and she looked up to the King and Queen, both of whom were watching the soldiers with friendly gazes, and then beside them...Princess Jungeun.

She was actually going to give Jinsoul a cardiac arrest. Jungeun looked like she was almost otherworldly, her blue dress making her the most eye catching thing in the room. Even the silhouette of Jungeun's gown had Jinsoul feeling hot under the collar, and she had to look away or she swore she might drool. Then she looked up to the Princess's face, swallowing hard and trying to keep a steady gaze.

Jungeun looked away before their eyes could meet, and Jinsoul noticed how pink her face was.

Something hit Jinsoul in that moment. The Princess was wearing blue. Jinsoul's color. That's why she liked so eye catching and out of place in the ballroom, wearing something that contrasted the usual red and golds of Lunaria.

Jinsoul's heart fluttered when she realized what it meant. Jungeun was wearing her color. She matched the hue of Jinsoul's suit, and surely she wouldn't wear the gown if her intention was to reject Jinsoul.

The King stood up from his throne when Jinsoul was close enough, and stepped forward to shake her hand.

"General, what a great pleasure it is to see you again," The King grinned as he shook Jinsoul's hand. "We can't thank you enough for your victory over Edentia,"

Jinsoul genuinely smiled back. "I wasn't alone. My soldiers proved brave and loyal in battle,"

"I am so happy to hear it," The King agreed. "Lunaria warriors are always brave and courageous. I trust you've arrived in good health?"

"Never better, your majesty," Jinsoul assured him with what she hoped was another charming smile. "My battalion is happy to be home,"

"Ah and we're happy to have our courageous men and women back at the castle. We all mourned you deeply in your absence,"

"I assure you, no one is more happy to be back then I," Jinsoul replied.

The King was a kind man, if Jinsoul had ever met one. He was an honest and fair person, Jinsoul would never describe him as scheming or the like. However, he had the equivalent of a smirk on his face now and Jinsoul's stomach flipped when he opened his mouth.

"My daughter has been anxiously awaiting your arrival," He said matter of factly. "The Princess has talked of nothing else for days,"

Jinsoul stole a glance at the blonde in question, who refused to look in their direction and instead chose to pick at her fingernails, embarrassment sending blood to her ears and cheeks.

Jinsoul cleared her throat awkwardly - it didn't go unnoticed by the King - and nodded tensely. "I, um. I felt her absence as well,"

She hoped she didn't imagine the way Jungeun perked up at that.

"Ah, young love," The King mused, and Jinsoul choked on her spit.

"Father," Jungeun said pointedly. Jinsoul's insides felt weird hearing her talk after so long.

"I was abrasive, I apologize," Said the King, not looking the least bit sorry. "Why don't you two dance, say? The court could you some merriment and nothing sparks joy like the sight of our young fiancés,"

Jinsoul coughed. Tactful.

"I um," Jinsoul shifted her weight from foot to foot, trying to remember her manners. "I'd be delighted to dance with you, my lady, if you'd do me the honor,"

She bowed her head, praying desperately that this wasn't the part when Jungeun laughed in her face and rejected her.


Oh, Jungeun could just hear the way Jiwoo would be fan girling later. She almost couldn't believe that this was real, she was pretty she'd had dreams that went something like this. Next Jinsoul would be dipping her as the music swelled, then the scene would change and Jinsoul's lips would feel so soft against her own-

The expectant look of her father and the way Jinsoul seemed to stiffen as more time passed told her it was very much real life. Jinsoul stayed bent over in a bow as she waited for an answer, and Jungeun felt like her brain was still catching up to her body when she stood up. Her dress rustled as she came to stand beside her father.

"I'll dance with you," She said softly, and Jinsoul shot up, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Lovely," The King clapped his hands together. "You two look positively wonderful,"

Jungeun couldn't help but notice that Jinsoul's eyes were carefully trained on the floor.

"Well go on! Don't stand there waiting around for me to die," He laughed and sat down on his throne. "Let's be merry!" He called, and the court cheered.

Jinsoul held out her arm, and with a trained hand Jungeun took it, letting the woman pull her onto the floor.

I could still be dreaming, is it possible for someone to look this handsome?

Jinsoul's hands hesitated for a moment but eventually landed on Jungeun's waist, her grip so light Jungeun could've been imagining it - she had a lot of practice doing that - and Jungeun put hers on Jinsoul's shoulders.

When the song started, Jinsoul stumbled a bit. Jungeun led the pair, helping Jinsoul when she tripped over her feet because of the dance moves, while Jinsoul tried to steady her nerves.

"Cut me some slack," She joked quietly, finally meeting Jungeun's eyes. "It's been a while,"

It's been 4 years and 278 days. Jungeun thought, because she definitely would not say it out loud.

"You look nice," Jungeun blurted right before their hands met and Jinsoul spun the Princess, their bodies pushing and pulling.

When the spin was over, Jinsoul smiled. "That's my line,"

Jungeun scoffed a little. Maybe Jinsoul hadn't changed that much.

All she knew was that it felt different when Jinsoul's hand gripped her waist firmly and the other held her hand like it was precious. The way Jinsoul was looking at her - it made Jungeun forget herself.

"I was gone a long time," Jinsoul said quietly, and Jungeun was thankful there were so many other people in the room because otherwise she wouldn't have a good excuse for not being able to look Jinsoul in the eye.

"You were," Jungeun echoed.

"I hope you know I thought of you often," Jinsoul seemed shy, suddenly her gaze was trained at a point on the wall instead of the Princess.

Jungeun really didn't know what to say. Did she admit just how much Jinsoul meant to her? That was embarrassing. Jungeun wasn't even sure Jinsoul thought of her romantically anymore. She knew the tales, she heard how soldiers would have passionate affairs with ladies of the night while their wives remained at home. Perhaps Jinsoul had found a lover, in 4 years and her physique, it was practically impossible to avoid lust.

Jungeun had been trying really hard, but just enough of Jinsoul's neck was exposed and with their height difference, it was at Jungeun's eye level. She felt her cheeks burning.

"As did I," Jungeun told her sheepishly. "I prayed for your safety,",

Jinsoul nodded vaguely. "It must've worked, I arrived in one piece,"

Jungeun hummed. "And we're attributing that to me?"

Jinsoul smiled crookedly. "Who else?"

"I'm sure Yerim was the one who kept you out of trouble," Jungeun returned the look, laughing when Jinsoul rolled her eyes.

"Yes, my squire was very valiant on the field of battle," Jinsoul's face got very close to Jungeun's as she dipped the Princess. "The thought of returning is what kept me going most days,"

Returning to me?

Jungeun chewed her lip, feeling a little self conscious. Jinsoul had been waiting literal years to see her again, and what if she realized that Jungeun really wasn't worth it?

"Princess?" Jinsoul's brow furrowed. "Are you feeling alright?"

Jungeun nodded. "Yeah, I stomach feels a little uneasy,"

Jinsoul gracefully pulled them off the dance floor and into the crow which made room for them, letting go of Jungeun's waist and smiling politely.

"Here, I'll set you free," Jinsoul told her, and Jungeun froze, unsure how to respond. She didn't want Jinsoul to leave.

"Princess Jungeun!" Called a familiar voice, and both Jinsoul and Jungeun looked up to see Sooyoung making her way through the crowd with a smile.

"Sooyoung," Jungeun dipped her head, returning the smile. She had known Sooyoung a while back too, although they weren't as good of friends. It didn't feel awkward though, at least not to Jungeun. Jungeun held out her hand in the formal way and Sooyoung bowed at kissed it in a gentlemanly manner.

Jungeun did not notice the death glare that Jinsoul was sending Sooyoung's way.

"You look lovely tonight," Sooyoung her once she stood upright again. "I can't believe how long it's been. Almost 5 years now,"

"You two both look much different then the last time I saw you," Jungeun agreed.

"I hope it's an improvement?" Sooyoung asked playfully.

"Of course!" Jungeun laughed, swatting Sooyoung's arm.

Jinsoul cleared her throat meaningfully, putting her hand on Jungeun's waist. Jungeun looked up at her in surprise, intrigued when she saw how angry Jinsoul looked.

Was she...jealous?


Jungeun shook her head. "Jungeun will do just fine,"

"-I was wondering if I may ask you something," Sooyoung said, for the first time looking a little nervous.

Jinsoul shifted from foot to foot, eyes cold. "Sooyoung, watch your tongue,"

Sooyoung snorted. "Oh please Jinsoul, I'm not trying to steal her away,"

Jungeun blinked in surprise when Jinsoul seemed to deflate at that and go back to looking her usual self, if not for the slight red in her cheeks.

"I was wondering if um, the girl with the pink dress, if you could introduce me to her," Sooyoung scratched the back of her head. "I have to admit that my etiquette skills are a bit rusty and I have no idea her social standing-"

"Jiwoo is my maid," Jungeun cut her off. "Has she caught your eye?"

Sooyoung laughed nervously. "I meant no ill intent,"

"She would be delighted to meet you," Jungeun did a once over of Sooyoung. "You're exactly her type,"

Sooyoung's eyes lit up and she bounced on the balls of her feet like she was about to explode. "May I-"

"Yes. You have my permission to pursue her," Jungeun nodded with a smile, finding it funny how Sooyoung immediately bided her a goodbye and began scouting the crowd for Jiwoo.

"She doesn't usually fall that fast," Jinsoul murmured to Jungeun once the girl was out of earshot. "I'm surprised,"

"You can't help but fall in love with Jiwoo," Jungeun shrugged. "I get requests like that all the time. I'll make a special allowance for Sooyoung, since she's an old friend,"

Jinsoul nodded distractedly, unsure what to say. Jungeun knew they were both politely skating around the most pressing topic at hand. The topic being them. Jinsoul had been promised Jungeun's hand years ago, and clearly the King hadn't forgotten. Jungeun just wanted to know if Jinsoul actually wanted to marry her.

With Jinsoul's newfound status, she and her family were one of the richest in the Kingdom. Jinsoul could marry whoever she wanted, and Princess Jungeun actually wasn't the most auspicious choice. Most of their money wouldn't be accessible to Jinsoul for years to come, not until the King was dead. Jinsoul could have more wealth and more power if she married a duchess or a baroness. It also meant she'd face less backlash from the courts because there would be no worry about providing an heir. If Jinsoul married Jungeun, they'd be forced to find the next most closely related heir or - to Jungeun's disgust - make one of Jinsoul's brothers the surrogate father. It meant that a lot of people, despite the King's promise, would fight their marriage.

Despite all of this being true, Jinsoul could never reject her outright. It would be offensive to the crown and the King who had offered his daughter's hand. Jinsoul could just be appeasing the King, an idea that sent an uncomfortable tightness to Jungeun's chest.

Jungeun just couldn't ever be sure. Jinsoul had so much reason to lie and as much as Jungeun wanted to marry the girl, it scared her. She'd been a pawn her whole life, and she had grown accustomed to that. But truthfully, she hadn't expected Jinsoul to truly be able to slay the enemy king. She didn't know she'd become a piece on Jinsoul's game board. Jinsoul, with whom her last memory of was kissing her till their lips were sore and whispering sweet nothings until Jinsoul was dragged away to battle.

Jungeun was only 16 then, Jinsoul 18. They were older now, more aware of everything at stake. Jungeun needed to marry soon. She was 21 and soon people would begin to question why no one had been asking for her hand. It would be assumed that there was something wrong with her, and Jungeun's future would become dark.

Jungeun hated that being with Jinsoul in this moment, when the woman's hand still hadn't left her waist, made her feel so young. She could see it clearly in her mind, the two of them running away together and settling down in the forest. She had a better picture of it now, seeing Jinsoul's face after so long. She wondered if Jinsoul had dreamed those same dreams.

"Did you keep it?" Jungeun found herself asking, making Jinsoul blink in surprise.

"Keep what, Princess?"

"The ring," Jungeun said softly.

Jungeun had gotten her a promise ring, so that when Jinsoul was off at war she wouldn't forget how much the Princess loved her. It had been a small silver band, not meant to stand out. On the inside it had Jungeun and Jinsoul's names carved in, and held a small blue sapphire. It wasn't particularly valuable objectively but Jinsoul had looked at it like it was sent from Heaven when Jungeun had given it to her.

Jungeun felt her heart drop to her stomach when Jinsoul's face turned guilty.

"I lost it," She said quietly.

"Oh," Jungeun swallowed. "I'm sorry to hear it,"

"I don't regret much," Jinsoul grabbed her hand. "But I regret that,"

Jungeun felt a bit better, since Jinsoul was holding her hand.

"Let's dance," She said with a thick voice. Jinsoul nodded solemnly.

It felt much less nerve wracking and more awkward as the happy music played around them and people cheered. Jungeun kept a small smile on her face, happy to know that people were at ease now. She had danced like this so many times she could space out, mindlessly twirling and letting Jinsoul dip her. Jinsoul's proximity was what kept her focused, feeling a silent sense of giddiness when Jinsoul lifted her up or when their faces were close enough to see the scar on Jinsoul's left eyebrow. It had been there since they were kids, and when they were older Jungeun found it kind of hot. Jinsoul probably has a dozen other cuts just like them, and Jungeun wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers along them, feeling Jinsoul's body twitch under hands.

Jungeun stifled a cough when she let her thoughts wander too far and refocused her attention onto more appropriate things.

"Yerim missed you," Jinsoul breathed out in the silence when the song switched, making Jungeun blink in surprise.

"I'm not scary enough that she was afraid to come up to me, right?" Jungeun asked in surprise.

"I mean, I kind of was," Jinsoul joked, laughing at Jungeun's shock.

"That's..." Jungeun blushed. "That's different though,"

"Hmm. I doubt Yerim is scared of anything. She's one of the bravest people I've ever met," Jinsoul pointed out. "We once camped out in this cave to hide from the Edentian armies, and they happened to be chalk full of these huge bats. Everyone else was afraid, but Yerim wasn't. She shot a few down and we ate better then we had in weeks,"

While Jungeun wasn't a huge fan of this story, she loved the way Jinsoul's eyes were shining when she talked about Yerim.

"Yerim found a baby one and she really tried to convince me that we needed a pet bat," Jinsoul rolled her eyes at the memory.

"Please tell me you haven't brought a bat into the castle," Jungeun said flatly.

"What? No no no. I convinced her to nurse it back to health and set it free," Jinsoul laughed.

"Well, I don't love that you let her eat bats," Jungeun grumbled.

"What else are we supposed to eat, Princess? It's not like they've got any Farmers markets on the way to the battlefield. There's a whole lot of whore houses and Edentian pubs. Neither of which I'm taking Yerim in,"

Whore houses. Jungeun chewed her lip.

"I mean, not that I went in them either," Jinsoul said softly. "The whore houses. Or the pubs! You know I can't handle more than one drink,"

"Yeah," Jungeun took a deep breath. "I know,"

"Those were more Sooyoung and Siyeon's things," Jinsoul told her quietly. "And even if I wanted to, Yerim wouldn't have let me go with a clear conscience,"

"Can anyone really have a clear conscience in a war?" Jungeun asked.

"I do," Jinsoul said immediately. "I did what I had to do. For Yerim, for my Kingdom. For you,"

Jungeun was at a loss for words, but Jungeun didn't seem to need her to respond. The music was slower now, probably her father's doing, and Jungeun's heart skipped a beat when Jinsoul pulled her closer and allowed the Princess to rest her head on Jinsoul's shoulder. It was easier to think when she wasn't distracted by Jinsoul's beauty.

"I chose blue for you, you know," Jinsoul said after a while. "When I lost the ring, it was also around the time when we realized we needed new colors. I used to look at that sapphire before I went to sleep. Choosing blue would give me hope whenever I saw it. I think you really did help me win,"

Jungeun's heart fluttered, and she adjusted her head on Jinsoul's shoulder to hide her face more. "I chose it because it was your favorite color,"

"It still is," Jinsoul's voice vibrated through her chest. "You look beautiful in it,"

"Jiwoo had it made for tonight," Jungeun murmured. "I had no idea we'd match like this,"

Jinsoul's hands slipped around her waist and they were no longer really dancing, just swaying to the music. "And here I was feeling special,"

"It's um," Jungeun swallowed thickly when she looked up at the General. "It's more forward then I would've chosen,"

"Did Jiwoo just make a lucky guess then?" Jinsoul asked.

"No, her favorite color is peach. She heard about your symbol and..." Jungeun breathed out. "I may have mentioned it once or twice,"

"Now I do feel special," Jinsoul joked, but her voice was deeper than usual and it sent a chill down Jungeun's spine. "You might have made your way into my conversation a few times too, Princess,"

Jungeun's hands were clasped around her neck and she dug her fingernails into her palms. "G-General-"

"Jinsoul," The taller woman quietly corrected. "Just Jinsoul," She stared deep into Jungeun's eyes. "I'm surprised you remember something so little about me,"

"W-well," Jungeun stuttered. "How could I not?"

"Your favorite color is red, isn't it?" Jinsoul's eyes flickered down to her lips.

"You made fun of me and said it was basic to choose the Royal colors," Jungeun smiled at the memory.

"I shouldn't have done that," Jinsoul's mouth was right by her ear. "You looked absolutely stunning in red,"

Jungeun's brain malfunctioned. She could not. Jinsoul only said those kind of things in her fantasies, how could it be possible for her to feel the same way after the time that had passed?

Jungeun wanted to kiss her like they used to. She wanted to pull Jinsoul into her room and make out with her until she needed air. She could see it so clearly, Jinsoul's hands in her hair, their bodies close enough to feel each other's warmth. Jinsoul used to be bony and all elbows but the Jinsoul now could make anyone's heart beat faster.

They were adults now, she remembered for the umpteenth time. Kissing Jinsoul meant something now, kissing Jinsoul would lead to more, she just knew it. Jungeun didn't know if she'd be able resist.

Jungeun pulled away abruptly, reeling from their conversation. "I um...I want to see Yerim,"

Jinsoul dipped her head. "Princess...I,"

Jungeun turned head away, and Jinsoul's voice trailed off into a whisper.

Jinsoul didn't reach out to touch her again. "Okay," She said quietly. "I'll find her," And then she was hurrying off in a random direction.

Jungeun took a deep breath. She needed to get her composure back.

"Jungeunie!" Whisper shouted the only person who dared call her that; Jiwoo. "Oh my god!"

Jungeun was nearly tackled by Jiwoo who had the biggest smile on her face, and when she looked behind her maid she saw Sooyoung standing a little ways off, looking like a lost lovesick puppy.

"Ah, so you met Sooyoung?" Jungeun asked her with a smirk.

"You know her?" Jiwoo's eyes were round. "Yes! She came up to me and asked me to dance, and normally I wouldn't say yes but she's just so beautiful and...god her smile..." Jiwoo's eyes glazed over. "I think I'm in love," She gasped. "Speaking of which!-"

Jungeun blushed. "Not here, Jiwoo-"

"Jungeun Unnie!"


Jinsoul could almost laugh at Jungeun's expression when the Princess saw Yerim. She looked shocked but that quickly melted into joy, and she was quick to open her arms and wrap Yerim in a tight hug.

"Yerimie!" She exclaimed happily, inspecting the girl like a mother. "How have you been? You look so good! You're so beautiful, oh my goodness. Have you been eating well?-"

Yerim burst into tears, and Jinsoul almost reached out to comfort her but Jungeun was quicker.


"I missed you so much," The youngest said through sobs. "I love you,"

Jungeun's eyes pricked with tears. "Aw, Yerim..." She kissed the girls forehead - Jinsoul briefly envied Yerim - and smiled. "You've grown up so much. You're so pretty now,"

"Like you," Yerim said easily. "You look like a Princess now,"

Jungeun scoffed in faux offense. "Did I not look like one before?"

"You just looked like Jungeun. Now you look like Princess Jungeun," Yerim sighed. "Now we're all back together,"

Sooyoung had come to stand next to Jinsoul, and being the ever so helpful person she was, pushed Jinsoul forward until she knocked into Yerim and both Jinsoul and Jungeun grabbed the youngest for support.

"Aw, like a family!" Jiwoo gushed. "Jungeun has told me all about the two of you,"

Jungeun briefly met Jinsoul's eyes and then she was pulling away, blushing like mad. "Silence Jiwoo,"

Jiwoo shook her head cheekily. "Nope! I've never seen you blush this much. It's funny,"

"I like your dress, Princess," Yerim prodded her gown.

Jungeun smiled at her. "I'll have one made for you,"

Yerim's eyes got huge. "What? No. Really? Can it be purple?"

"Yerim likes purple a lot," Sooyoung explained. "She was really pushing for it to be our symbolic color,"

"Well, it would have a nice meaning!" Yerim argued. "Purple is a mix of blue and red, just like Jinsoul and Jungeun!"

"Wha?-" Jinsoul sputtered. The color of Jungeun's face was enough of a response.

"Princess Jungeun and General Jinsoul used to date, you know," Yerim told Jiwoo, her arms still wrapped around the Royal girl. "It was really fun because they took me on picnics,"

"I love that Yerim approves of the relationship only because she got food," Sooyoung snorted.

Yerim glared playfully at her. "Royal food! And no, that's not the only reason. Jungeun's like a nagging mother, but I love her very much,"

Jiwoo giggled. "And what's Jinsoul?"

"The fun mother, but also the one who gets me out of trouble,"

Jiwoo and Yerim were clearly hitting it off, and Sooyoung, despite sending a few knowing looks at her friend every now and then, was adding to the conversation. Yerim launched into a story about how Sooyoung had once saved them from a pack of wolves - a story that was very intriguing to Jiwoo who practically gawked every time Sooyoung moved.

Jinsoul stood at Sooyoung's side, and Jungeun on her own. Jinsoul replayed the previous statements in her head, mulling them over.

"Jinsoul and Jungeun used to date," Jinsoul chewed her lip. She wished it wasn't past tense, but it was foolish for her to think that things could just immediately go back to the way they were. In Jinsoul's mind, the palace was exactly the way it was 4 years ago, but Jungeun had been here the whole time and things had changed. Jungeun had changed. Maybe the feelings she once had were a thing of the past.

Jinsoul had been overstepping with what she said about Jungeun's beauty. She wasn't flirting, she wasn't trying to be charming, she was just being honest. Jungeun didn't have to be a Princess to be the most beautiful girl Jinsoul had ever seen. God, she'd probably been looking for too long now, but Jungeun's dress was hit by the light just right and Jinsoul could admire the gentle silhouette of her body. Her shoulders were wide, and the neckline made Jinsoul go red in the face.

Jungeun shot her a look, and Jinsoul stopped her leering.

"Jinsoul?" Yerim was looking at her expectantly.


"You don't remember?"

"Sorry...remember what?"

"I was telling Jiwoo about how you slayed the Edentian King," Yerim explained. "I think it was so romantic,"

"Didn't she like, behead the guy?" Jiwoo asked, her nose crinkled in disgust.

"No, that was a rumor. She stabbed him. And it was pretty romantic," Sooyoung nudged her. "Right Jinsoul?"

"In what way?" Jinsoul grumbled, her question rhetorical.

"If someone went off and killed a King for me, I'd marry them right away," Jiwoo gave Jungeun a weird look. "I'd stop being such a wimp about my feelings,"

Jungeun glared at her.

"Yeah!" Yerim agreed, oblivious to the tension. "Everyone's is acting so weird, shouldn't you be happy?" Yerim turned to Jinsoul. "First you wouldn't shut up about Princess Jungeun and now you aren't talking at all,"

Jungeun took a deep breath. "Excuse me," She muttered, pushing past Jiwoo and heading back to the party.

Jiwoo shrugged and turned back to the rest of them, but Jinsoul didn't want to stay either. She wished their friends could just not mention it. It made everything so weird.

"I'm um, going to turn in early," Jinsoul said quietly to Sooyoung. "Send my well wishes to the King,"

"Oh come on, you can't leave now- wait," Sooyoung's voice got softer and her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay?"

"I'll tell you later," Jinsoul promised. "I swear. Just right now..." She shook her head. "I don't want to have to see her,"

"Okay," Sooyoung nodded. "I got you,"

Jinsoul nodded politely to the King, who was watching her with a curious expression, and silently made her way out of the great hall, ignoring every look sent her way. Only when she was safely behind the doors of her chamber did she allow the polite smile to drop from her face.

"Fuck this," She muttered, letting herself flop onto the bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.


Jinsoul had assumed - prematurely, apparently - that her arrival would mean that Princess Jungeun's suitors would make themselves scarce for a while before their marriage was confirmed. She'd figured that they'd think it was the respectful thing to do, both for the Princess and Jinsoul herself. It seemed like common sense, but apparently they did not share that sentiment.

Jinsoul had woken up surprisingly well rested, feeling good since it was the first real bed she had slept in in quite a while. She had put on a simple pair of trousers and a shirt, then headed out to sort out the days work. That mostly included working with the court to discuss the battle and the King to discuss the marriage proposal. Jinsoul was trying not to let her nerves affect her.

She envied Sooyoung, who had left a note saying she was meeting Jiwoo in the royals gardens after the girl was done with Jungeun's hair. She'd kill to go and relax in the gardens right about now, especially with the girl she liked.

She spotted Princess Jungeun on her way down to the throne room. The girl was sitting at a table by herself, a book on her lap and her hair done in a frayed braid that left locks framing her face. She looked cute, Jinsoul thought. Her dress was mix of purple and brown today, nothing flashy. She didn't even seem to be aware she was being watched, and Jinsoul smiled to herself when she watched Jungeun bit her lip in concentration.

But like all good things, it was ruined by a man. Jinsoul's view of the Princess was obstructed by a taller man, with dark hair and greasy smile.

"Milady," He greeted with a clumsy bow.

Jungeun looked up with narrowed eyes. "It's Your Majesty," Jinsoul would be amused by her annoyance if she herself wasn't pissed off at this guy.

"You looked awfully lonely by yourself," He grinned. "That soldier girl isn't keeping you company?"

Jungeun scoffed. "That doesn't seem like any of your concern,"

"She's right. It isn't," Jinsoul said loudly, making the man jump in surprise. Jinsoul could tell by his breath that he'd been drinking, so she wasn't quite so mad. He clearly wasn't in his right mind.

"Ah, apologies," He bowed gracelessly and walked off in a crooked line.

Jungeun and Jinsoul watched him leave with bated breath, until he was out of earshot.

"I didn't think they'd be so bold," Jinsoul said truthfully. "Do they forget I exist?"

"I think they pretend you don't," Jungeun shrugged. "If your lieutenant hadn't stolen my maid, I could've pretended to be busy. They get skittish when I'm with people,"

"Geez, it's like you're being hunted," Jinsoul joked, watching Jungeun close the book and put it on the table.

Jungeun met her eyes. "I am. The wolves just happen to wear suits and bring flowers,"

Jinsoul was unsure what to say, but Jungeun wasn't asking her to leave or trying to do it herself, so she sat down across from the Princess. She picked at her cuticles, mulling Jungeun's words over in her mind. That's what Jungeun was to these men; prey, a prize, something to be won. Maybe that's what it seemed like Jungeun was to Jinsoul, considering what she had done was win the Princess's hand, but that wasn't true. Did Jungeun know that?

"They haven't been so bad today," Jungeun observed. "It's rare that I can catch a break,"

"When did..." Jinsoul didn't really know what she was asking. Sure, people had always showed interest in the Princess, she was a Princess, but the times Jinsoul remembered Jungeun was so caught up in their love that it didn't really matter.

"I've had offers of marriage when I was younger, I'm sure you remember how outrageous some could be," Jungeun grimaced. "It's different now. The day I turned 18, well, it felt like I was pounced on by every man within a 100 mile radius,"

Jinsoul's jaw was tight. She couldn't even lie to herself and pretend the feeling she felt wasn't possessiveness. It wasn't even a need for validation that she felt, it was a need to keep Jungeun safe. They both knew that there were plenty of suitors who were just waiting for the day she turned 18 to try and seduce her into a marriage. Jinsoul hated that they'd try to take advantage of her like that.

Maybe one could say that Jinsoul had no right to be mad, when she had loved Jungeun when she was 18 and the Princess was 16. But it was different, Jinsoul had been hopelessly in love with her, and wouldn't dare to hurt her. The same couldn't be said for these men.

"They won't bother you anymore," Jinsoul said quietly.

Jungeun laughed. "As if you could control-"

"If they do," Jinsoul clenched her fist. "I'll take care of it,"

Jungeun blinked. "You don't have to do that,"

Jinsoul bit her cheek. "We're engaged to be married, Princess. I'm not going to let people treat you however they want,"

Jungeun tensed in her chair and looked away from the older girl. Jinsoul's heart sunk when saw how nervous Jungeun looked.

" don't have to do it if you don't want to," Jungeun said softly. "Marry me, I mean,"

"Is that what you want? Freedom?" Jinsoul asked cautiously.

Jungeun chewed her lip. "I didn't say that,"

"Well you've not made it clear what it is you want," Jinsoul told her. "It does matter to me, you know, that you're happy. It wasn't fair for me to expect things to be the same they were 4 and a half years ago,"

"What did you expect?" Jungeun questioned.

For the sake of Jinsoul's dignity, she couldn't answer that. Was it stupid that she wanted Jungeun to run into her arms and kiss her? That she wanted to feel like no time had passed and they were still meant for each other? God, Jinsoul had missed kissing her. She wondered if Jungeun still thought about that.

"...I don't know,"

"Well," Jungeun laughed bitterly. "I'm sorry that it didn't live up to your expectations,"

"No," Jinsoul shook her head. "Jungeun, I didn't mean it like that,"

The Princess's head shot up and Jinsoul realized with a pang that it was the first time she called Jungeun by her first name. Something she wasn't technically allowed to do anymore. They weren't that close. But...Jungeun had said it was fine for Sooyoung, and of course Yerim was able to, but why not Jinsoul?

"S-sorry," Jinsoul mumbled weakly, looking down.

Jungeun's hand reached across the table and held Jinsoul's lightly. "Don't. It's fine,"

Jinsoul looked at their hands, heart beating faster. "I didn't mean that you weren't enough. Because you are enough. You're more than enough," She shot the Princess a nervous glance. "I'm the fool, expecting things of you that just aren't fair,"

Jungeun looked shocked. "General..."

Jinsoul stood up, as if her body rejected the sound. Jungeun didn't call her by her first name anymore, and it felt like a slap in the face.

"We have a meeting with the King," Jinsoul told her, trying to keep her voice firm and her face nonchalant. "I'll see you there,"


She felt a hand grab onto her arm when she turned away, and looked down to see the Princess clutching her arm, face down turned. She was slightly shocked, but a pleasurable tingle went up her spine at their proximity.

"Walk me there?" Jungeun asked softly, and Jinsoul's heart fluttered.

"Of course," Jinsoul murmured, and they made their way towards the throne room in a comfortable silence, arms intertwined.


Jungeun wished for the life of her that she could decipher the look on Jinsoul's face when they parted ways and Jungeun went to sit atop her throne next to her father. The King looked pleased to see the pair getting along so well after the way things were left the night before. Jinsoul wasn't tense, per say, but she stood up straighter and the familiar look in her eyes was gone.

"I know young people like you can get carried away with their choices these days, I'm aware that there are other wedding opportunities for you that might appear more fruitful than the one in front of you,"

Jungeun's body was now a damning shade of red. Her father had been droning on about the fact that Jungeun was not the most auspicious choice, and it was the definition of embarrassing. Surely Jinsoul knew this already, that marrying a Princess wouldn't serve her best interest.

"However, I am still prepared to give you my blessing for the marriage of my daughter should you want it," The King continued. "You've worked hard, General Jinsoul, and I'll forever be indebted to you for your sacrifices,"

Jungeun winced as she remembered the look on Jinsoul's face when she called her "General".

"Thank you, your majesty. I appreciate your gratitude," Jinsoul bowed deeply, and Jungeun tried to focus on keeping her breathing steady. She was mentally preparing herself for the worst.

"I would like to know your plans, what your intention is," The King explained. "While I would like to give you more time, Princess Jungeun isn't getting any younger,"

"I'm 21," Jungeun murmured. "I'm not on the brink of death,"

The corners of Jinsoul's mouth twitched.

"Jungeun," The King shot her a stern look. "It's not your place to speak,"

Jinsoul's smile quickly dissolved and she cleared her throat, capturing the King's attention.

"Your understanding is admirable, and I promise I will not keep you in suspense any longer," Jinsoul locked eyes with the Princess. "Regarding my marriage prospects, I've made a decision,"

"Wonderful! What shall it be?"

Jinsoul took a visibly deep breath and focused her attention on the King.

"I would like to marry Princess Jungeun,"

The King was overjoyed, jumping to his feet. "Why, what amazing news!-"

"But only if she accepts me," Jinsoul bowed her head in Jungeun's direction.

Jungeun was shocked. Not only did Jinsoul want to marry her, she was giving Jungeun a choice. 4 years of fighting...and yet she'd give up all the work if Jungeun wished it so. Jungeun felt her heart beating too fast. Jinsoul was the best human being she'd ever met.

"The Princess accepts-"

"With all due respect, my King," Jinsoul held her shoulders high and proud. "If Jungeun is to be my wife, I want to know that she is a willing participant in this marriage. I won't have her forced into a marriage she doesn't want," Jinsoul cast a nervous glance in her direction. "If your grace says no, I will return to my land with no grudges and no ill will,"

Jungeun looked at her father, who seemed flabbergasted at the prospect of letting Jungeun choose. Then she looked to Jinsoul, who now seemed very interested in the floor, as if all of her courage was gone.

Jungeun stood up and walked forward, stopping right in front of Jinsoul. She could feel Jinsoul's anxiety, and it almost made this endearing. Jinsoul cared about what she wanted.

"I'll marry you," Jungeun told her gently. "My answer is still yes,"

Still, because Jungeun could remember the nights when she'd sneak out with Jinsoul and they'd talk of the future, spending the rest of their lives together.

She put her hand on Jinsoul's shoulder and stood on her tip toes to kiss the woman's cheek, letting her lips linger a second longer than appropriate.

When she pulled away, Jinsoul's eyes flitted to her lips and Jungeun could tell she was resisting the urge to kiss the Princess. It gave Jungeun a thrill, seeing the way her eyes darkened for a moment and then met Jungeun's.

"Thank you," She said softly.

"Let the preparations begin!"


"So...are we gonna talk about it?"

Jungeun shot Jiwoo a glare over the top of her wine glass.

"...I'm taking that as a no,"

"There's nothing to talk about," Jungeun grumbled.

"You've been engaged for like, 2 and a half weeks and you've yet to have a full conversation with she who must not be named,"

"Leave it alone, Wooming,"

"Jungeun," Jiwoo took the wine glass from a pouty Jungeun. "I've been letting you sit by yourself all sullen for too long now,"

Jungeun examined herself in the mirror of her dressing room, her mind wandering. She let her fingers flit over her neck and imagined Jinsoul kissing her there, lips moving lower and lower-

"Ow! Why are you pulling my hair so much, you're not even putting it up!"

"That one was out of spite," Jiwoo told her.

Jungeun pouted. "Look, I don't know what's going on with us, okay? I haven't seen her almost at all since the engagement was announced,"

Jungeun felt like she should've been the one with the upper hand in this arrangement, but Jinsoul possessed it. She had the ability to make herself scarce when Jungeun wanted to find her, often heading out on hunts and horseback rides before they could really talk. Despite what Jinsoul had promised her, she did not stay to ward off the suitors, who got bolder everyday.

Worse than that, Jungeun could not get Jinsoul off her mind. Sure, in the past 4 and half years Jinsoul was a frequent visitor of her dreams, but it was worse now. Everything she did reminded herself of Jinsoul. Even worse than that, she dreamed of the dark haired woman almost every night. Some dreams were comforting and warm, and some left her gasping for breath in the middle of the night. They jolted her awake and she felt in embarrassment how hot her face was, and an intense ache between her legs. Her body craved something it had never even had; Jinsoul's touch.

Jungeun deflated when she remembered how she probably wouldn't be Jinsoul's first.

"Sooyoungie says they've been spending a lot of time together-"

"Please don't say that again,"

"-what? Sooyoungie?"

Jungeun crinkled her nose. "I think I liked Sooyoung more when you two weren't together,"

"Hmmph. Anyway, they've been going out to the forest a lot. Sooyoung says that Jinsoul just needs to clear her head. Maybe that's just her way of making sure she's at her best for you!"

Jungeun looked down at her lap. "But...can't she stay here and do that?"

"Jungie look," Jiwoo put her hands over the Princess's. "Jinsoul cares about you, but she needs to make sure she's ready for marriage. Wouldn't you want her to be completely ready to marry you before she does it?"

"Yeah...but I just wanted to talk to her," Jungeun murmured.

"I think something else is bothering you," Jiwoo observed.

Jungeun was silent for a moment. " do you feel about, you know, Sooyoung having lovers before you?"

Jiwoo didn't flinch. "I think that it's her business, and it's not fair for me to be jealous of things in the past,"

"But..." Jungeun swallowed. "Jinsoul and I, we've been promised to each other for a long time. I hate myself for doubting her but, what if there's a woman I don't know about?"

Jiwoo smiled sadly. "You don't believe she'd give up some prostitute for you?"

"I don't want her to have had any," Jungeun muttered. "Is that selfish?"

"Yes," Jiwoo rubbed her palm. "But love is selfish,"

Jungeun took a deep breath. "I've been hers since I was a kid. It's not fair that she can someone else so carelessly when she's away,"

"Sooyoung says she didn't, you know," Jiwoo offered. "That General Jinsoul refused to set foot in a whorehouse. I think she may of thought it was funny but..." Jiwoo shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "I think it's romantic,"

"Or does she know that's what I want to hear," Jungeun sighed.

"You're so negative," Jiwoo rolled her eyes. "If you want to get her attention, just don't pay attention to her,"

"That seems counterintuitive," Jungeun mused.

"Stop using big words you know I don't understand them," Jiwoo grumbled. "Point is, show her how it feels. You're a Princess for god's sakes, make her see that you can have anyone you want,"

"I want Jinsoul," Jungeun grumbled under her breath, and Jiwoo sighed, knowing that there was nothing to deter Jungeun when she was like this.


Jinsoul took a deep breath as the calm breeze blew through her hair. She had missed this when she had been stuck in the castle; the feeling of nature. It kept her at peace, feeling like she was just a tiny part of a huge world.

Her horse was trudging along the riverbank of a stream that she and Sooyoung had been following for the past half an hour or so. It was mostly silent, their journey, with the occasional whiny of their horses or Sooyoung humming a tune.

They didn't talk much recently, but Sooyoung understood. Jinsoul had a lot on her mind, and this was her time to get away from it all. Jinsoul felt more stressed lately, from all the wedding planning to Jungeun's father riding her about preparations for becoming the next consort of Lunaria. He seemed to trust Jinsoul more than Jungeun, since Jinsoul had been a soldier and just had a more dominant presence. Jinsoul didn't mind that as long as it kept Jungeun out of harm.

It was just a lot to deal with, all the pressure on top of the environment change. Jinsoul tried to get out of the castle as much as possible, she needed to breathe.

But Sooyoung also knew she needed to vent.

"I think I know why you're nervous," Sooyoung said with a teasing lilt to her voice. Jinsoul ignored her.

"Your virgin ass is going to be scared shitless during the consummation," Sooyoung laughed. "Ah, poor Princess Jungeun,"

Jinsoul didn't laugh. In fact, she gave no sign that she even heard Sooyoung.

"I told you should've come with us to the pubs a couple of times. The girls there were..." Sooyoung closed her eyes and hummed. "Something else,"


"Of course, nothing compares to Jiwoo. Kinda funny, I'll be like your...sister in law, in a way," Sooyoung shrugged. "If I get that far. You're the only one who can really say for certain that you're getting the girl,"

Jinsoul watched the water with a vacant gaze.

"Come on, Jinsoul, what will it take to get you to talk? You have an engagement date hanging over your head, not an execution,"

"What do you want me to say?" Jinsoul cast a cold look over her shoulder.

Sooyoung sighed. "Anything, Jinsoul. You aren't acting like yourself,"

Jinsoul stiffened but didn't respond, and Sooyoung gave up on trying to start conversation. They both listened to the stream in silence, and Jinsoul breathed a long sigh before speaking again.

"You know, I wasn't even thinking about the consummation," The brunette said slowly. "I suppose it can be added to my long list of worries,"

"It shouldn't be. Jungeun's probably a virgin too, you can be lame little virgins together," Sooyoung added helpfully. She would've made a joke about stealing Jinsoul's wife but Jinsoul's willingness to participate in the conversation was already low.

"It feels so wrong," Jinsoul observed, her tone flat like she had thought about it a lot. "Like we're just royals creating an alliance. And yeah, we are, but..."

Sooyoung grimaced as she caught the look of pain on Jinsoul's face.

"We were in love. I used to sneak out and meet her in the gardens in the morning. We used to chase each other through the hedges and make out when there was no one to watch. We used to spend days lounging on the grass together, just me and her. Sometimes Yerim too, then it was like we had our own little family," Jinsoul put her fingers on her temples. "It was so perfect. God, I was so in love with her,"

Sooyoung opened her mouth to speak, but Jinsoul beat her too it.

"I love her," The younger admitted quietly. "I used to think I couldn't quite be sure, we were just teenagers before, but...I've barely had more than 5 conversations with her, and I know it's true,"

"That's good, Jinsoul," Sooyoung offered softly. "How could it be wrong?"

"She doesn't love me back," Jinsoul whispered. "I mean, how could she? She's a Princess, for gods sakes. I'm nothing, not when every suitor in the Kingdom is offering his hand,"

"Soul, let me tell you something," Sooyoung shook her head fondly. "I remember the Princess when she was younger. Maybe even better, since I'm so much older and wiser-"


Sooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Watch it,"

"Watch yourself, lieutenant," Jinsoul shot back with a grin.

"I envied the two of you," Sooyoung continued. "The Princess and the Peasant, what's more romantic then that?"

"I wasn't a peasant, I come from a rich family-"

"Can you let me finish please?" Sooyoung huffed. "Anyone with a brain could see that you two were absolutely obsessed with the other. I'll admit, I thought Jungeun might be a bit to proud to show her feelings in our return. But she likes you, Jinsoul, she really likes you. Even if I didn't hear it from Jiwoo, the way she looks at you, it's different,"

Jinsoul winced as she remembered the way Jungeun had pulled away when they were dancing.

"Then why do I feel so out of place here?" Jinsoul questioned timidly.

"You need to stop avoiding her. Talk to Princess Jungeun, and you'll discover you had nothing to worry about,"

Jinsoul really hoped it was that simple.


It's worse before the the day before wedding.

Jinsoul felt like she had to literally pry men of Princess Jungeun. She had gotten back from another ride with her best friend and had gone looking for her fiancé. She was encouraged by Sooyoung's words, and she wanted to use this courage before her proper judgment was restored. She found Jungeun in the Royal library, a place that honestly quite huge. It was hard to see Jungeun herself, where she was sitting near a window with an open book. Suitors were nearly swarming her, and Jinsoul's fists clenched when she saw the various bouquets of flowers and chocolates that the men offered to her. They were smiling at her while Jungeun, through the breaks in the crowd, looked bored and uncomfortable.

Jinsoul cleared her throat loudly as she approached, but all the lords and dukes were too busy attempting to court the Princess. One even tried brushing the hair out of her face, and Jinsoul made a mental note to have his hand cut off when she was Jungeun's consort.

"Princess, you look lovely today,"

"Your beauty is radiant,"

"My Princess, would you care for a ride this morning?" Said a braver one, and then he smirked. Jinsoul was actually getting close to clocking him in the jaw.

"Gentleman," She proclaimed loudly, scaring the crap out of those closest to her. "Is there something you need from the Princess?"

Many of the suitors dispersed like cowards, but Jinsoul raised an eyebrow when a few of them rolled their eyes and stayed put.

"I was just talking of making plans with her," One of them said, a smug smile on his lips. "Is that a problem, General?"

"Jahyeon," Jungeun glared at him. Jinsoul wondered why they were close enough to call each other by first names.

"Someone here said the Princess had a choice in who she marries," Jahyeon moved away to leave the library, not so subtly bumping Jinsoul's shoulder as he did it. "I'm just making sure she makes the right choice,"

Jinsoul felt her nails digging into her palms, willing herself to stay calm. He was a nobody, he didn't matter. Jinsoul watched him leave with cold eyes, wishing very intently that a book would fall from one of the high shelves and fatally hit him.

"The blue knight returns," Said the Princess's voice, with a hint of amusement.

Jinsoul smiled back with a shrug and sat down across from the blonde, feeling a sense of pride when she saw that Jungeun closed her book for her.

"Blue knight?"

Jungeun pursed her lips and shrugged as well. "That's what people call you around that castle,"

"Let me guess," Jinsoul chuckled. "You're the red Princess,"

Jungeun smiled and nodded with a blush. "Yep. Corny, isn't it?"

"Very. The originality leaves much to be desired," Jinsoul imitated Jungeun's haughty tone and Jungeun rolled her eyes.

"You don't think it's romantic?" Jungeun raised a brow. "That's a first,"

"Oh, it is. It's just so very un-Jungeun-like,"

"Ouch. I'll have you know I could have any number of those suitors falling hopelessly in love with me before the end of the hour," Jungeun leaned back in her chair, smiling proudly.

Jinsoul didn't really like that joke, it reminded of the way those men were on her like predators. "I'm sure you could," She muttered.

"Did I hit a nerve?" Jungeun sounded amused.

"No," Jinsoul protested lamely. "They just...they don't have to be all up on you the way they are,"

"Ah, but don't they though? It's all about power, and I'm practically the key to it," Jungeun's confidence slowly deteriorated and she pretended to be very interested in her hands.

"Well, logistically, they'd have no real power till your father dies, and some of those men were just as old as him," Jinsoul snorted. "They can't really play the long game,"

"Some of them can," Jungeun said nonchalantly.

"Only if you give them that impression," Jinsoul retorted a little too quickly, feeling frustrated with Jungeun's careless tone.

"Is that what I'm doing, General?" Jungeun raised a brow at her. "Is my sitting here in the library alone with my book an invitation for them? Because I don't feel like this is really akin to spreading my legs the way you make it seem,"

Jinsoul flushed a deep shade of pink. "Princess," She muttered furiously, feeling terribly embarrassed.

Jungeun seemed amused. "You're a deeper shade of pink than my dress,"

"Well you just-" Jinsoul fumbled with her sleeves, suddenly feeling like a child. "You can't say things like that to me,"

"Is that my fiancé's order?"

Jungeun was just being mean and she knew it. Jinsoul hated to admit it, but she kind of liked Jungeun's teasing. This beat Jungeun ignoring or avoiding her, and it made the blonde smile. Jinsoul would play the part of the fool if she got to see Jungeun how she was now.

"I don't give you orders," Jinsoul tried to be firmer, hating when her voice sounded so squeaky.

Jungeun laughed to herself and ran her fingers over the spine of her book. Jinsoul's eyes followed the movement, noticing the title of the book that read The Lady and Her Duchess.

She raised a brow. Jungeun didn't like romance books, certainly not ones so overtly sappy and romantic. Jungeun noticed her look and put the book off to the side.

"Doing some reading?" Jinsoul asked with a smirk.

"Mind your business," Jungeun grumbled. Jinsoul saw her red ears peeking through her hairstyle. "You know, it's your fault they're all pursuing me now,"

"Oh right, what exactly was I supposed to do?" Jinsoul scoffed. "Sure, I'd like to punch every man who so much as smiles at you-"

-Jungeun ignored the butterflies in her stomach.-

"-but I do have some chivalry,"

Jungeun put her elbows on the table, leaning in. "First, you leave for hours everyday, leaving me all alone,"

"You have Jiwoo, don't you,"

Jungeun looked hurt. "And you have Sooyoung. If she wasn't absolutely obsessed with Jiwoo, I'd wonder if you two had something going on,"

Oh Jungeun, you don't even know how much I'd kill for you to look at me the way Jiwoo looks at Sooyoung.

"Ew," Was all Jinsoul said, scrunching you her nose.

"Second, your proposal," Jungeun said plainly. "You gave me a choice-"

"Which means every man with a brain is trying to convince you that you made the wrong one," Jinsoul chewed her lip. "How's that been going so far?"

Jungeun had an odd look in her eyes. "I'm sitting here, aren't I?"

"You could've backed out weeks ago," Jinsoul said.

"But I didn't,"

Jinsoul didn't know how to reply to that. She let it marinate in their silence, which wasn't necessarily awkward but too full of things Jinsoul was scared to say.

Maybe Jungeun didn't hate her. She didn't hate the idea of being married to her. That didn't mean love, it didn't mean anything really. Jinsoul's parents were an arranged marriage, Jungeun's parents definitely were, and they were as close as they could get.

There were some things that Jinsoul needed to ask her about, things that been plaguing her recently, but seeing Jungeun here, she was beginning to doubt she could it.

"We..." Jinsoul chewed her lip, and Jungeun sent her weird look.

"We what?"

"We'll have to consummate the marriage," Jinsoul cleared her throat, looking out the window instead of at the Princess.

Jungeun blinked in surprise. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I'm surprised they find it important considering..." She swallowed. "Our position,"

"Well, it's tradition," Jinsoul said slowly. "I suppose if you're against it I can request that we-"

"No!" Jungeun dug her nails into her palms. "I'm not. Against it I mean,"

Jinsoul finally looked at her, surprised to see how much Jungeun was blushing.

"Okay," Jinsoul said softly. "I'm- I'm not against it either,"

Jungeun nodded quickly. "Then we'll do it-"

"Princess-" Jinsoul caught her wrist when Jungeun tried to stand up. "They don't, um, watch. The priests I mean. That's just a rumor. You don't have to do anything you don't want to," Jinsoul's eyes softened. "I don't want you to feel pressured,"

Jungeun swallowed nervously. "I...don't,"

"You're sure?"

"I'm not a child," Jungeun said quietly. "I understand what you're asking, General-"

"Please, stop calling me that," Jinsoul's voice was thick. "I'm Jinsoul,"

Jungeun looked away. "I know,"

"So stop treating me like a stranger," Jinsoul wanted to glare but she knew she'd just look pathetic.

Jungeun bit her cheek. "Aren't we strangers to each other now? You've been gone for so long,"

"How exactly is that my fault?" Jinsoul stood up, looking her square in the eye. "I did what I did to come home to you and-"

Blood was rushing through Jungeun's ears and she didn't catch the rest of Jinsoul's sentence.

"To come home to you,"

"Princess?" Jinsoul knew she looked pathetic, the Princess wasn't even paying her any attention now.

"Jinsoul," Jungeun's eyes abruptly refocused. Jinsoul swallowed thickly when the Princess's hands suddenly landed on her hips and the blonde pushed them against the table, stepping between Jinsoul's legs.

Jinsoul was reminded of just how hot Jungeun was when riled up. Jungeun was all bark and no bite but the way she was looking at Jinsoul now, Jinsoul got butterflies in her stomach.

"I want you," She said softly, her eyes lidded. "I want you to make love to me,"

Crap, Jinsoul felt like a teenager, her palms sweaty and throat dry as she tried to formulate a response.

"Once-" Jungeun stepped away. "You stop acting like a prick,"

Jungeun took her book and exited the library, leaving a very red and very horny Jinsoul in her wake.


The party was definitely the last thing on Jinsoul's mind that night. The following hours were spent by Jinsoul replaying Jungeun's words over and over in her head, getting a chill each time. Oh, Jungeun promised heaven, but the thoughts running through Jinsoul's mind were definitely sending her to hell.

"So, for the record, I was joking about the whole virgin thing," Sooyoung was splayed out on her couch, waiting for the General to get ready. Jinsoul's new maid, Haseul, patiently attended her, though Jinsoul's mind was clearly elsewhere.

"I didn't mind. It's not like it isn't true," Jinsoul shrugged, letting Haseul adjust her cufflinks.

"No, but that's what surprises me. I thought you were being modest about the whole thing. You guys really never-" Sooyoung proceeded to make an assortment of lewd hand gestures, which made Haseul stifle a laugh by pretending to cough and Jinsoul huff in annoyance.

"Really? Even when you were teenagers you never like...screwed around,"

Jinsoul shrugged. "The age difference made me kind of worried about taking advantage of her, plus Jungeun's kinda..." Jinsoul gave a hesitant smile. "Uptight,"

Sooyoung choked on her spit. "You're calling her uptight? I haven't heard you say one negative thing about her in...well I don't think I ever have,"

Jinsoul shuffled nervously. "I didn't mind, I mean... I do want it to be special for her,"

Sooyoung pretended to gag right as Haseul let out a small 'awww.'

"Oh," Sooyoung smirked. "Does Haseul here have an opinion?"

Haseul, who was supposed to remain impartial as a servant, quickly bowed her head in apology and went back to Jinsoul's cufflinks.

"What do you think?" Jinsoul asked seriously, turning to the shorter woman. "Am I being stupid? Maybe I shouldn't worry so much but I just want her to like me-"

Haseul couldn't cover her giggle that time and Jinsoul perked up at the sound. "What? Did I say something funny?"

"The Princess," Haseul said softly because if she spoke louder she might laugh again. "She likes you, everyone knows it,"

"Everyone meaning..." Sooyoung raised a brow.

"The servants. Jungeun would talk of nothing but her General for hours on end, I don't know how Jiwoo dealt with it," Haseul's eyes widened. "I mean, not that you aren't-"

"No no, I understand," Jinsoul felt a smile growing on her face.

"She'd gush about you, we spent weeks getting everything ready for you on the Princess's orders. When you were out riding she'd sometimes mope around in her room and then at night..." Haseul laughed nervously. "I've said to much, my lady,"

"And do you think that her affection is well founded?" Sooyoung asked with humor. "I mean, if you had to pick between me or that fool, who would you choose?"

Haseul hesitated, and Jinsoul smiled comfortingly. "It's alright, Sooyoung is just messing around. I have no doubt a girl like you have already been the eye of many men-"

"I um," Haseul chewed her lip. "I'm like you. I share a...appreciation for women,"

"Ah," Sooyoung nodded with a smirk. "That's where I know you from. I knew your name was familiar,"

Haseul looked shocked. "Pardon?"

"I happen to be friends with the duchess, and I hear she's got her eye on someone special," Sooyoung wiggled her eyebrows.

Haseul sputtered. "What? Kahei and I are-" She winced. "I mean...Duchess Wong-"

Both Sooyoung and Jinsoul burst out into laughter, and Haseul's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.

"Don't worry Haseul, your secret is safe with us," Sooyoung winked.

Haseul smiled sheepishly and kept her head down, finishing Jinsoul's clothing and doing a final check.

"Okay, you're good. Lady Ha?"

Sooyoung waved her off. "I've been ready for a while, this is just Jinsoul's way of stalling,"

Jinsoul glared at her and fidgeted uncomfortably. "Maybe we should wait a few minutes, make an entrance-"

"No, we're already like 15 minutes late. You're gonna be fine," Sooyoung got up from the couch and locked her arm with Jinsoul's. "Come on, let's enjoy your final night as a bachelor,"

Jinsoul hesitantly let Sooyoung pull her out of her room and towards the party, ignoring the pounding of her heart in her chest.


Princess Jungeun stared down at the drink in her hand, watching the bubbles in her champagne dissipate until it went flat. She hardly payed any attention to the countless lords and ladies who came up to greet her. None of them wore that eye catching blue, so she didn't often bother to even look up.

Jungeun herself wore a red dress that made her look like a goddess, the fabric so vibrant that it made it impossible not to stare. Jungeun's blonde hair was curled to perfection, flowing over her shoulders that were on display. She could feel the lingering eyes but didn't care about them.

She was only really paying attention to the slow stream of people entering the ballroom. She was just waiting to see Jinsoul's black hair and her familiar eyes, and admittedly she was feeling antsy that Jinsoul wasn't here.

"Your grace," A deep voice called from behind her, and Jungeun bristled.

"Jahyeon," She said flatly, seeing him approaching her with his signature smirk.

Jahyeon was the son of one of the richest lords in the Kingdom, and apparently he thought that that gave him so kind of in with the royal family. He was by far the most confident of her suitors, the one who would by her the most expensive gifts, and the one who would relentlessly flirt with her.

"I see your fiancé isn't here," Jahyeon walked beside her as they floated around the room.

"Yet," Jungeun corrected him.

"Hm. Only a matter of time before she runs off with that Ha girl," He chuckled. Jungeun bit her cheek.

"Is there something you want from me?" She asked point blank, annoyed with him already.

"Just your time," He put his hand on her shoulder, and Jungeun didn't really pay attention to the fact that he was leading her to a more secluded part of the party.

"That's never all you want," She replied with an eye roll.

"Well I think that if you really spent time with me, you'd realize that I can be everything that girl can't,"

"Her name is General Jeong, she's not a girl. You owe her more respect then that. She'll be your queen, you should remember,"

Jahyeon laughed it off and Jungeun sucked in a breath when his hand moved to her waist and he pulled their bodies together.

"C'mon Princess," He said huskily. "She doesn't have what I have,"

By the way he was pressing his hips against hers, Jungeun knew exactly what he was talking about. She felt disgusted, and promptly tried to push him off. To her annoyance, he didn't budge, and that's when he pushed her against the wall, their position hidden enough from the rest of the party.

Jungeun felt a slight panic, but it wasn't because of Jahyeon. She could push him off if she really tried, and she had no problem doing so. Their position looked a lot more scandalous then it really was, but Jungeun wasn't scared of him, not really.

No, it was Jinsoul, who was watching them with clenched fists and pure hatred in her eyes. Jungeun turned her head and met her eyes, and Jahyeon did too.

Before Jungeun even had the chance to blink, Jinsoul was socking Jahyeon in the face.


Jinsoul knew she had a good punch, and a with a flimsy frail Lord's son who had probably never fought in his life, it wasn't a surprise that he fell to the ground almost instantly.

Jinsoul felt anger coursing through her body, remembering of the sight of Jungeun so close to this man. She didn't even look that surprised, and it just made Jinsoul angrier. Jungeun was hers. This boy wouldn't stand a chance, Jinsoul could kill him without even trying. She briefly ignored the Princess and lunged towards the man's figure, ready to deliver more blows, but Jungeun's gentle hands held her back.

"General..." Jungeun's voice was shocked. "Stop. He's harmless,"

Jinsoul felt the sides of her face getting red. First this man -Jahyeon was it?- was putting his hands on Jinsoul's fiancé and now the Princess was acting like it was nothing. Jinsoul saw the way he was looking at her, the way his body had been touching hers. She groaned, wanting to teach him a lesson.

"What's your name?" She asked through gritted teeth, her voice low. Jungeun was breathing loudly next to her, and resisted the urge to make sure she was okay. This man needed to pay for touching things that belonged to Jinsoul.

"J-J-Jahyeon," He whimpered, wiping his bloody nose. "What the fuck is your problem?"

Jinsoul grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to his feet, glaring at Jahyeon. "Let me make this very clear. Princess Jungeun is mine. You will not lay another finger on her. If I see you even utter another word to her!-" Jinsoul shook his body, keeping his attention. "I'll have you strung up on castle wall,"

"Pl-please," Jahyeon was crying now. "Mercy, please,"

"Jinsoul..." Jungeun tugged softly on Jinsoul's sleeve. Hearing Jungeun use her name nearly made Jinsoul go weak in the knees, but she managed to keep her composure. "Don't cause a scene, please,"

Jinsoul shot her a scowl, releasing Jahyeon reluctantly and he took his chance to escape without a second though, scurrying away into more populated areas of the room.

Jinsoul could see Jungeun visibly gulp as she turned around, and forced herself to stay calm.

"What is he to you?" Jinsoul asked quietly. "An acquaintance, a friend, a..." Jinsoul took a deep breath. "A lover?"

"No one," Jungeun said instantly. "He's nothing,"

"Oh, for once, Jungeun, don't treat me like I don't know what's going on," Jinsoul cried in anguish. "If you wanted someone else just say it. Stop..."

"I want you," She said softly, her eyes lidded. "I want you to make love to me,"

"...Stop getting my hopes up,"

Jungeun blinked, hardly believing what she was hearing. "How could I want someone else?"

"Why was there a man pressed against my fiancé the day before we're to be married?"

"Because you left me!" Jungeun's voice broke. "You left me alone! You're supposed to be here and by my side but you leave me and expect everything to be the same!"

Jinsoul took a step forward. "Princess..."

"No!" A tear slipped down Jungeun's face and she wiped it away. "No, Jinsoul. You left. You have to fix it,"

"I was gone for a few hours at a time, I didn't realize the suitors would be so aggressive,"

Jungeun's lip trembled. "You know that's not what I mean,"

Jinsoul scoffed. "Hold on, so suddenly going to war for you is a selfish act on my part? I fought for your hand, killed for it even. I didn't do it to leave you," She sighed. "I did it to come back to you,"

"But look at where we are now," Jungeun whispered. "We're so far apart and I don't know how to fix it,"

"Jungie..." Jinsoul felt a sense of deja vu calling her that. "What did I do that makes you want to push me away like you this?"

Jungeun lip jutted out and she looked down. " promised to love me. Only me,"

"I did," Jinsoul agreed wholeheartedly.

" can I trust that?" Jungeun asked. "We're different now, at least you are. I've been stuck in the same place for years but've been out in the world. You've meet a thousand woman've lived. Really lived. I can't still be what you want. How could I believe that?"

"Can I trust you?" Jinsoul shot back. "When you've got Jahyeon treating you way lovers would treat you," She looked down at her bruised knuckles. "The way you won't let me treat you,"

Jungeun scoffed. "Seriously? You think me and Jahyeon..." She shook her head. "Unbelievable,"

"Why are you the only person who doesn't want me to be in love with you?" Jinsoul asked hopelessly. "Why do you fight it?" She bit her lip. "What? Have you fallen in love with someone else in my absence? Is this your way of letting me down easy?"

"So what if I did?" Jungeun asked angrily. "Do you honestly want me to believe there wasn't a girl who kept you company in the past 4 years?"

"Yes!" Jinsoul exclaimed. "I never looked at anyone else, never touched anyone else-" She moved closer. "Never thought about anyone else,"

The Princess inhaled sharply when Jinsoul's hands met her waist and the older girl pushed her up against the wall, one of her hands moving up to cover Jungeun's exposed back so it didn't hit the cold stonel. Jinsoul felt her anger melting in a desperate need to hear Jungeun tell her she felt the same. Jinsoul felt like she was going crazy.

"God, Jungeun," Jinsoul's breaths were heavy. "Do you even want me?"

Jinsoul shivered as she felt the Princess's hands delicately settle on her back and Jungeun chewed her lip. God, those lips were driving Jinsoul insane, she wanted to kiss them till they were bruised. She wanted Jungeun to be covered in bruises of her doing, she wanted the Princess to be a trembling, writhing mess under her.

"S-soul," Jungeun said softly. "You're all I want,"

Jinsoul bit her tongue, trying not to drive herself insane. "Don't... say it so easily. You need to love me the way I love you, or you need to let me go,"

Jungeun pulled her closer. "No. Stay. Please,"


This time, the body pressed against her sent a flurry of butterflies to her stomach. Jinsoul gave her warmth. Sometimes Jinsoul was comforting and sweet but right now her presence set Jungeun on fire, clouding her mind with want, with need. She needed Jinsoul to stay, to love her, and Jungeun didn't think she could wait till tomorrow to kiss her.

She looked up at Jinsoul and hated the expression on her face. The older girl seemed like she was in so much pain, and Jungeun realized it was her doing. Jungeun pushed her away because she was scared. She made Jinsoul believe that Jungeun didn't want to love her, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

"Princess..." Jinsoul said slowly.

"Jungeun," The blonde reached up and cupped her face with her hand. "Call me Jungeun,"

Jinsoul's eyes softened. "You sure?"

"Like you haven't been calling me that for years," Jungeun laughed breathily, and she didn't miss the hungry look in her fiancé's eyes. She enjoyed feeling wanted when it was Jinsoul.

"It was different then," Jinsoul echoed her.

"Don't let it be," Jungeun frowned. "Please. I just want to be with you without being afraid of the time in between,"

"You really think that I could ever find someone to love other than you?" Jinsoul smiled with so much affection Jungeun wanted to combust. "Darling, you're the reason I got up in the morning. You gave me strength, gave me purpose. Gave me something worth fighting for," Jinsoul took a deep breath. "Because I love you, Jungeun. I love you so much, just like I did all those years ago. It hasn't even faded for a second. My heart chose you and I'm never going to love anyone, anyone, the way I love you,"

Jungeun blushed, smiling like crazy. "Soul..."

Jinsoul smiled back. "I know. You think I'm corny,"

Jungeun laughed sheepishly, looking down. Jinsoul wanted to kiss her so badly.

"You don't um," Jinsoul cleared her throat. "Have to say anything back, not right now," She smiled comfortingly. "I can wait for you,"

"Thank you," Jungeun said softly. "Really,"

Jinsoul's eyes snapped up to her eyes and Jungeun almost giggled when she realized how intently Jinsoul had been staring at her lips.

"You want to kiss me, General Jeong?"

Jinsoul opened and closed her mouth, clearly conflicted about her answer. "Yes," She said eventually, sounding disappointed in her answer.

"Not tonight," Jungeun leaned in and pecked Jinsoul's cheek. "When we kiss..." Jungeun's lips neared Jinsoul's ear. "I don't think I'll wanna stop,"

Jinsoul gulped, her breath shaky.

"You can wait, right?" Jungeun bit her lips. "Then you can do whatever you want with me,"

With her wedding the next day and Jungeun's words constantly replaying in her mind, Jinsoul had a hard time sleeping that night.


"Ugh, I really outdid myself," Jiwoo said dreamily, tightening the corset a little more and making Jungeun suck in a breath.

"Jiwoo. Can't. Breathe." Jungeun managed out. Haseul was busy putting in Jungeun's earrings, and she shot Jungeun an apologetic look.

"Beauty is pain, Jungie!" Jiwoo retorted.

"I don't think the Princess would appreciate passing out during her wedding ceremony," Haseul said gently to the younger maid, taking the corset strings from Jiwoo. She loosened them the tiniest bit. "Better?"

"Yeah," Jungeun agreed softly. "Thanks Seulie,"

"No problem," She rubbed the Princess's shoulder. "Are you feeling alright?"

Jungeun smiled weakly. "Just nerves,"

"You look beautiful, Jinsoul's gonna fall even more in love with you," Jiwoo insisted.


Jungeun turned her head to see Yerim standing in her doorway, her eyes wide.


"Woahhhh," Yerim said in surprise. "You look amazing,"

"I thought you were going to be General Jeong's best girl?" Jiwoo asked with a cocked head, now inspecting Jungeun's hair.

Yerim got a sulky look on her face. "She chose Hyeju, saying I should be your bridesmaid,"

"Well that's good then!" Haseul tried to cheer the younger girl up. "Now you can wear a pretty dress. Come on, Yeojin will help you pick one out,"

The youngest maid, who had been making Jungeun's bed, looked up with pink cheeks. Her eyes landed on Yerim, and she looked awestruck. "Uh...I will?"

"Yes," Haseul ordered. "Come on,"

"Can my gown be purple?" Yerim asked hopefully, her question directed at a very flustered Yeojin. "I love purple,"

Yeojin nodded shyly. "Uh, yeah,"

The older girls snickered as Yeojin was pulled off to the dressing rooms by an oblivious Yerim.

"Young love," Haseul mused quietly, only caught by Jiwoo and Jungeun.

"It'll be nice to see them running around the castle together," Jungeun said.

"Does it make you want your own?" Jiwoo teased.

Jungeun blushed. "No. Jinsoul and I will be just fine by ourselves for a while,"

"Hmm, the last time I talked to Jinsoul, she wanted a nursery full of little Princesses," Haseul wiggled her eyebrows.

"Okay, well Jinsoul doesn't always get what she wants," Jungeun said firmly, although her heart fluttered a little at the thought of having children with the woman of her dreams. Watching them grow up together, seeing Jinsoul be the world's best mom, taking care of them together-

"Aaaand just like that, she's considering it," Jiwoo snickered.

Jungeun rolled her eyes. "Shut up. You both have the night off, why don't we focus on that?"

"Oh right," Haseul smiled knowingly. "Excited?"

"What? No this is about you!" Jungeun protested.

"Come on, Jungeun, aren't you excited?" Jiwoo nudged her. "Now we won't have to come check on you when you have those dreams-"

"Jiwoo!" Jungeun whined.

"What dreams?" Chaewon asked innocently from where she was finishing Yeojin's chores. The three oldest girls all exchanged secretive glances that the blonde maid didn't catch.

"Nothing, nothing," Haseul assured her, all while shooting Jungeun a smirk.

"I'm so envious," Jiwoo gushed.

Jungeun raised a brow. "Of who?"

"No! Just like, getting a whole night with her, no interruptions," She sighed. "Lucky you,"

Jungeun took a deep breath. "Yeah,"

"Hey," Haseul held her face in her hands. "You'll be fine,"

"I know I know-"

"Jinsoul is just as nervous as you," Haseul smiled. "She's probably crying to Sooyoung right about now,"

"Mm, and that is how I'm spending my day off," Jiwoo murmured.


"No, you idiots. With Sooyoung," The younger girl grinned like a child and stepped away, now done with Jungeun's hair.

"Ugh, this again," Jungeun groaned. "Haseul, let's hear how it's going with Duchess Wong~" She playfully wiggled her eyebrows at a very red Haseul, who coughed to cover her face and her very apparent embarrassment.

"Shh, Shh, there's nothing..." Haseul failed to contain a smile. "New, persay,"

"Ugh, now you have to tell us," Jiwoo grabbed her arm, the preparations of Jungeun's gown now long forgotten.

"Well, she saw me as she was leaving the party last night. She came up to me and was very um," Haseul bit her lip. "Forward,"

"Nothing new?" Jiwoo cried in disbelief. "Haseul you're getting the ultimate trophy wife!"

"Shhh! It's not like that,"

"Not yet," Jungeun snickered. Haseul pouted at her.

"I liked it better when we were all teasing Princess Jungeun,"

"Wow," Chaewon came up to the three of them, jaw dropped. "Princess, you look amazing,"

Jungeun smiled bashfully, twirling the fabric in her fingers. "You think so?"

"Well, I did make the dress, so," Jiwoo flipped her hair. "Now I'm pretty sure we have a wedding to attend today. Where's Yerim?"

"Here!" Yerim bounced back into the room, a less nervous but still arguably awestruck Yeojin at her heels.

"Aww, you look all grown up!" Jungeun gushed, wiping a tear when she saw her little bridesmaid. Yerim was dressed in a very purple gown, that kind of clashed with the gold and red theme of the castle but Jungeun didn't care one bit. It had ruffles around the sleeves and fell just above the ankles. It made Yerim look both young and more like an adult, therefore having an emotional impact of Jungeun. She took both of the younger's hands and pulled her into a hug, kissing her temple lovingly.

"I'm so glad you're here, Yerimie," Jungeun told her with a thick voice.

"I'm happy you guys can get married," Yerim sounded slightly choked up. "I really wanted you to. I um, I should've given this back to Jinsoul, but it feels silly now," Yerim pulled back from the hug and opened her palm. "I think I should give it to you. Jinsoul's always losing things anyways,"

Jungeun almost did burst into tears. It was the promise ring she had given to Jinsoul before she left for the war. A little less shiny now from its environment, but still holding a bright little sapphire in the middle. Jungeun and Jinsoul's names were still etched into the metal and Jungeun smiled as she felt the letters under her fingers.

"I took it, a long time ago. Jinsoul put it in her bag once while bathing and I stole it. You should've seen her, she was depressed for days when she saw it was gone. I almost gave it back to her it was so hard seeing her like that. I was just know, that when we got back you'd have married someone else, so I wanted to keep some part of you two," Yerim's lip trembled. "I'm sorry,"

"Oh, darling," Jungeun let Yerim cry into her shoulder. She stroked the girl's hair softly, unable to stop smiling. "Don't apologize. Everything will be alright,"

"I-I just," Yerim wiped her nose. "I didn't want you to be mad at Jinsoul. S-she was different during the war a-and-" Yerim hiccuped. "And she's trying now. A lot. I know she was worried that you were like...mad or-"

"Yerim ah," Jungeun scolded playfully. "Me and Jinsoul's business is our own. Trust me," She patted Yerim's head. "We'll be just fine, whether or not our little Yerim decides to meddle in things,"

Yerim smiled up at her, eyes shiny with tears of joy. "You're not mad?"

"I'm not mad," Jungeun chuckled. She silently slipped the ring onto her finger, smiling when she looked at it.

"I am," Jiwoo grumbled. "All this work to make you look perfect and now you're making us late,"

"Oh no!" Yerim gasped, pulling away and grabbing the hands of a flustered Yeojin and bored Chaewon. "We'll go now! Good luck Princess Jungeun!"

"You ready?" Haseul asked softly.

"Mhm," Jungeun agreed. "I've never been more ready,"


"She's probably already regretting not getting married to me," Sooyoung nudged a very tense Jinsoul. "I'm the obvious choice. She hasn't even seen my abs,"

Jinsoul and Sooyoung were at the altar, Sooyoung standing a few feet to the side obvious. There was a good amount of whispering coming from the crowd, and it was only adding to Jinsoul's anxiety.

"Sooyoung, as much as I appreciate your borderline treasonous comments, now is not the time," Jinsoul whispered back. "I'm starting to freak out. It's been like three minutes-"

"Hey. She'll show up. Man up,"

Jinsoul took a deep breath. "Yeah. Okay,"

They waited in more silence as the throne room filled up more. Around them were all sorts of decorations, plenty of flowers and people dressed in their best gowns. Jinsoul herself sported a black suit, much nicer than her usual clothing. She pulled at the stiff collar, suddenly feeling short of breath. A priest stood at the altar, a stoic look on his face. Jinsoul swallowed thickly, what if Jungeun didn't show up?

God, she was spiraling. Jinsoul wished they didn't have to do the ceremony in front of all these people. All she wanted was to hear Jungeun say everything was alright.

She heard the whispers of the court.

"Wow, she looks beautiful,"

"I'm envious of General Jeong,"

"Like an angel on earth,"

When Jinsoul looked up, it felt like she was the only person in the world. The doors of the throne room opened and Jungeun walked through, slowly, with Yerim in front of her throwing rose petals. She couldn't look anywhere but her fiancé, utterly starstruck.

Jungeun in white may have been Jinsoul's favorite sight ever. She looked like she was glowing, an angel on earth all for Jinsoul. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and her sleeveless dress highlighted her curvy hips. Jinsoul felt her mouth watering when she looked up to Jungeun's lips. It was the reddest shade of lipstick that Jinsoul had ever seen, and she couldn't look away.

The best part though, was looking up and seeing Jungeun smiling at her. It filled Jinsoul's heart with an indescribable feeling. Jinsoul was in love with her. She always had been, she always would be. When Jungeun looked like this, Jinsoul knew it was the only thing she could ever be sure of.

Yerim stood beside Jungeun and Jinsoul shot her a small smile, before entirely focusing on her future wife.

Jinsoul held out a hand and Jungeun took it gracefully, coming to stand right in front of Jinsoul with a shy grin. It both calmed Jinsoul and made her nervous.

"Citizens of Lunaria!" Called the King, who sat on his throne a few paces behind the priest. "We are gathered here to witness the wedding of my first born daughter, Princess Jungeun, and our victorious General, Jeong Jinsoul. I wish you the best," He nodded at Jinsoul and the priest. "You may proceed,"

Jinsoul took one of Jungeun's hands and tried to convey her love through her eyes as the priest began muttering prayers.

You look beautiful. Jinsoul mouthed.

Shhhhh. Jungeun replied.

Jinsoul grinned and mindlessly ran her thumb over Jungeun's hand, not expecting to feel steel.

She looked down and to her astonishment, saw the ring that Jungeun had given her all those years ago.

How? She mouthed, eyes full of tears.

Jungeun replied with a slight head tilt to her guilty looking bridesmaid. Jinsoul shook her head good naturedly.

After the prayers, it was finally Jinsoul's turn to speak.

"I, General Jeong Jinsoul of the Blue Army, take thee, Princess Jungeun of Lunaria, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth," Jinsoul said confidently, voice strong and shoulders back. Jungeun's lip trembled as they made eye contact.

"I, Princess Jungeun of Lunaria, take thee, General Jeong Jinsoul of the Blue Army, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth," Jungeun repeated softer than Jinsoul, hands shaking a little but undeniably happy.

"Then I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your bride,"

Jinsoul pulled her closer by her hips and Jungeun's breath hitched, their height difference just big enough to make Jungeun feel small in her arms. Her hands landed on Jinsoul's shoulders.

"May I?" Jinsoul's breath hit Jungeun's lips and Jungeun's brain stuttered. "Jungeun?"

"Yes," Jungeun whispered. "God, yes please-"

Jinsoul finally closed the space between them and connected their lips gently. The crowd cheered like crazy, but neither of them could hear it.

Jungeun's lips tasted sweet, like wine and lipstick and something even better. Jinsoul was addicted to it instantly. She had thought she memorized the taste before she left, but she knew that she'd always crave Jungeun. Her laugh, her smile, her smell, her taste. It was all Jinsoul wanted, to kiss Jungeun like this forever.

Jungeun's hand went up and cupped her cheek while Jinsoul tried very hard to not let this escalate. They kissed softly but passionately, both their eyes squeezed shut as they tried to poor all their emotions into it.

"J-Jinsoul," Jungeun whispered, pulling away slightly. Jinsoul chased her lips, keeping her close with a hand on her back.

"Yeah?" She asked, pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you too,"

In that moment, Jinsoul knew she was the luckiest person alive.


The party after that was filled with an underlying tension that made it impossible for Jinsoul or Jungeun to relax. It started from the moment they broke apart and Sooyoung wiggled her eyebrows at the two of them. Jinsoul scowled at her while Jungeun buried herself more into Jinsoul's chest.

They drank, they ate, they danced, but every time Jungeun looked into her wife's eyes she saw a fire behind them that gave her butterflies. They were pulled apart by lords and ladies who wanted to congratulate them and offer them presents. Jungeun was delighted when there was no longer the presence of men trying to win her hand. She was pretty sure she had seen Jahyeon lurking around the corners of the room, but he was gone as soon as Jinsoul put a hand on Jungeun's waist and pulled her to the dance floor.

The King said a few words in celebration and Jinsoul bowed deeply towards him, smiling bigger than the Princess had ever seen. Then Yerim had come up to them was a look of absolute happiness, trying to apologize for taking the ring but not looking the least bit sorry. Jungeun proposed that she take Yeojin and dance, which she was pretty sure was going to give the little maid a heart attack but it was cute so Jungeun didn't care.

Jinsoul was looking for Sooyoung, hoping for a pep talk before the party was over, but just like Jiwoo, she seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

"How rude," Jungeun huffed. "They can't even wait until the party is over,"

The party began dying down eventually, and Jungeun was itching to leave. She didn't want to look to eager but she always didn't want to seem uninterested.

"We can get out of here when you want," Jinsoul leaned over and said near her ear. "People just need to see us enter the room together,"

Right. They had to spend the night together in the honeymoon suite.

"Now?" Jungeun murmured, smiling sheepishly when Jinsoul's eyes lit up.

"Yeah-" Jinsoul cleared her throat. "Yeah. I'll make our goodbyes,"

She headed off into the crowd and Jungeun watched her with affection.

"You look happy," Haseul's voice sounded behind her. Jungeun looked back to see the knowing look in Haseul's eyes.

"I don't think I've ever been happier," Jungeun admitted softly.

"You deserve it. She does too," Haseul rubbed her shoulder. "How are you feeling about tonight?"

Jungeun chewed her lip. "I mean...I'd be stupid if I wasn't nervous, right?"

"Mhm. Don't worry. You'll be fine," Haseul promised, smirking when she saw Jinsoul heading back towards them. "I think I'll take my leave now,"

Jungeun fidgeted, about to say thank you when Haseul leaned over and whispered. "Sooyoung bet me and Jiwoo 100 pounds that Jinsoul would bottom, so let us know how this goes,"

"Haseul!" Jungeun almost shrieked in disbelief.

"What? What's wrong?" Jinsoul hurried up to them, putting her hands on a very red Jungeun's hips.

"Oh nothing," Haseul smiled innocently.

" Jungeun, we can go now," Jinsoul searched her eyes. "Unless you want to stay a while..."

"It's getting late, I'm tired," Jungeun grumbled, glaring at her friend.

"Okay," Jinsoul smiled at Haseul and gave her a quick nod. "Thanks Seulie,"

Jungeun glowered at her friend while Jinsoul bowed one final time towards the King and the two of them walked out the the great hall, ignoring the hollering that came with their departure.

The walk to their room was slow and silent. Jungeun didn't know what to say, she didn't want to make it awkward but she didn't just want to rush into this.

Jinsoul's hand was intertwined with hers and the older girl squeezed it every few moments, a reminder not to be scared. She was nervous but she wasn't afraid, Jinsoul had never been anything but kind and respectful.

Jungeun looked over at her wife, it felt good to call her that, and noticed how tense she was. Jinsoul's shoulders were stiff and her jaw tight, looking straight ahead.

"Soulie?" She asked gently.

Jinsoul bit her lip. "Um...I can take the couch, or-"

"What?" Jungeun was shocked. "Jinsoul there's a perfectly good bed. Plus...this is kind of the night where we..."

"Consummate the marriage," Jinsoul finished. "Is that still something that you want to do?"

Jungeun looked down at her feet. "Wel you know, it's our duties and everything, tradition...."

Jinsoul raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I do," Jungeun mumbled.

"You told Haseul you wanted to sleep," Jinsoul recalled.

"Well of course I told her that! She has a bet with Sooyoung to see which one of know,"

Jinsoul's brow was furrowed for a moment before realizing what Jungeun was implying. "Ohhhhh. I don't know why expected anything less from Sooyoung,"

"Yeah," Jungeun chewed her lip.

"I just...I want to know that you're comfortable," Jinsoul admitted. "You deserve something special and I just want to make sure you get that,"

Jungeun smiled up at her and linked their arms, resting her head on Jinsoul's shoulder as they walked. "I am comfortable. Maybe nervous, but still comfortable,"

"You'll tell me if I go to far, right?" Jinsoul frowned. "Promise me you will,"

"I promise," Jungeun kissed her cheek.

They stopped right in front of the door, and Jinsoul opened it with shaky hands. Jungeun smiled sheepishly, going in first with Jinsoul following close behind her.

Jungeun jumped slightly as she heard the door shut behind her, and closed her eyes when she felt the comforting warmth of Jinsoul against her back.

"You're so beautiful," Jinsoul's soft voice met her ear, an octave lower than her normal speaking tone and sending heat between her legs. "And now you're all mine,"

Jungeun's breath was heavy as she turned around in Jinsoul's arms, stepping onto her tiptoes to kiss the older girl. Her brain stuttered when Jinsoul tipped her chin up with a finger and slid her tongue along Jungeun's bottom lip.

"Princess?" Jinsoul whispered, her voice concerned. Jungeun realized she was breathing much to hard, and her corset was making it hard to move.

"I'm feeling a bit um...straight laced," Jungeun muttered.

Jinsoul's brow was still furrowed, and Jungeun realized she'd have to say it outright. "My corset. It's too tight,"

"Here," Jinsoul pulled her closer and Jungeun bit her lip as she felt Jinsoul's fingers slowly untying the strings, allowing her to take deeper breaths. Jinsoul only stopped when she felt the Princess bury her face into the older's neck. Jungeun shivered when she felt Jinsoul's warm hands on her skin, rough but pleasurable. Jinsoul paused, and as soon as Jungeun looked up in surprise Jinsoul leaned in and kissed her.

This kiss wasn't like the ones before it. It had an intensity that kept Jungeun frozen and her brain malfunctioning when Jinsoul's tongue explored her mouth. She gasped as Jinsoul's hands went to her hips and Jinsoul pushed her against the wall, their bodies now pressed up against one another.

Jungeun eventually caught up and kissed her back. It gave her a sense of deja vu, but in the best way. Now that they were alone, Jungeun could wrap her arms around Jinsoul's neck and whimper into the kiss.

"Fuck," Jinsoul muttered against her lips. "I want you so bad, you know that?"

"Take me, then," Jungeun kissed the older's jaw.

Jinsoul lifted the Princess like she was nothing and walked towards the bed, pushing Jungeun onto her back with ease. Jungeun watched in awe as the older girl stood over her, smirking while unbuckling her belt and throwing it across the room. Jungeun squeezed her legs together as she watched Jinsoul slowly unbutton her shirt, the tanned skin underneath making her mouth feel dry. When Jinsoul took off her suit Jungeun knew that her underwear were absolutely ruined, it was unfair how hot Jinsoul looked. To her disappointment, Jinsoul did not strip further, instead climbing on top of Jungeun's helpless body.

"Pretty," Jinsoul commented, a sly smile on her face. "Darling, you're drooling. It's ruining your pretty makeup,"

Jungeun swallowed thickly. "Most of its on you now," She replied. It was true, Jinsoul's mouth had a good amount of red now painted around it, which Jinsoul wiped away with the back of her hand.

"I want you out of this dress," Jinsoul murmured. "Fuck, I want what I've fantasied about for so long," She leaned forward and kissed Jungeun's ear. "I want to taste you on my tongue,"

Both Jinsoul and Jungeun had waited years for this moment. The night when neither of them had to hold back what they felt, what they wanted to do to each other. Jungeun felt so incredibly safe, even with Jinsoul's words sending a frenzy of nerves through her body. This was the girl she'd been in love with since they were kids. This was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Therefore, being ashamed of what she wanted now seemed pointless.

"J-Jinsoul," Jungeun whispered shakily, making Jinsoul blink in surprise. The older opened her mouth, about to ask if Jungeun was okay, but the Princess beat her to it.

"I want you inside me,"

Jinsoul's breath hitched and her eyes darkened. Her hands pulled Jungeun up and practically tore off Jungeun's dress, fingers adeptly pulling free the corset and pushing her dress down, uncovering Jungeun's bare, flushed skin. The Princess almost whimpered when Jinsoul held her close and pulled her dress all the way off, her muscles a foreign sensation against Jungeun's skin.

"You're so fucking perfect," Jinsoul breathed out, standing up and once again towering over Jungeun. The younger girl followed her and wrapped her arms around Jinsoul's neck, kissing her passionately.

The air in the suite felt thick and heady, both of them gasping for air as the sounds of their mouths clashing resounded around the room. Jinsoul kissed her like she was starving, and Jungeun wanted to take in all the love Jinsoul was showing her. Jungeun ran her hands through Jinsoul's dark locks while Jinsoul's hands traveled to less innocent places, like Jungeun's exposed tits. Jungeun bit her tongue, tilting her neck for better access when Jinsoul's tongue licked a stipe up her neck.

"Oh~" Jungeun clutched Jinsoul's hair harder, forcing her position. "Fuck, Jinsoul, you make me feel so good..."

"Hmm," Jinsoul's voice was raspy. "I thought my favorite part of you was your mouth, but-" Her lips traveled down to Jungeun's chest. "I like this as well,"

Jungeun cried out in surprise when Jinsoul's lips wrapped around her breast and her tongue swirled around the tip. Jinsoul looked up in concern, worried it was hurting the Princess. When Jungeun saw Jinsoul looking at her like that, all innocent and lips covered in drool, her left hand couldn't help but go between her legs. She needed to get some relief from this unbearable tension.

Jinsoul noticed, and pulled Jungeun's hand away immediately.

"You don't have to do that. I'm right here," Jinsoul licked her lips, and Jungeun felt a wave of butterflies as Jinsoul picked her up and climbed into the middle of the bed, blankets long forgotten.

"Soul..." Jungeun said quietly. "Please take everything off, I don't want to be naked by myself,"

Jungeun was more aware of her current state now, with Jinsoul between her spread legs and their bodies only inches from touching.

"As you wish, Princess," Jinsoul said with a teasing lilt to her voice. She sat up and unbuttoned her pants, pulling them off with ease and then followed her bra, tits spilling out of it and making Jungeun lick her lips. Fuck, she was so lucky.

"Would you do something for me?" Jinsoul leaned over and kissed her earlobe.

"O-of course," Jungeun was finding it hard to focus with one of Jinsoul's hands drawing circles in the dip of her hips.

"I want to see you touch yourself," Jinsoul practically purred. Her lips grazed Jungeun's neck but stayed just by her ear, licking the lobe slowly. "I want you stuffed full of your own fingers while you say my name,"

Jungeun turned red with shame. "Oh..."

Jinsoul watched with a hungry look in her eyes as one of Jungeun's hands traveled down between her legs, rubbing her now stiff and wet clit and making herself jolt. Jinsoul admired Jungeun with her closed eyes and clenched jaw, as if she was slipping into a second nature.

"What do you think of?" Jinsoul teased. "When you want to cum?"

"I think of you," Jungeun replied quickly. "I think of your touch..."

"Be specific, Princess," Jinsoul told her. "How do I fuck you that makes you cum?"

"Your fingers," Jungeun whispered. "You bend me over on my stomach and you finger me until I cry,"

Jinsoul's eyebrows raised, that was certainly different than what she was expecting.

"That's what you want?" Jinsoul chuckled. "For me to fuck you until you cry?"

Jungeun whimpered and nodded shamefully, her teeth dug into her lips and face pink with embarrassment. She seemed to be hurrying the rhythm of her fingers, and Jinsoul just wouldn't allow that. Jinsoul brought her hand to Jungeun's wrist and paused her movements.

"My love," Jinsoul cooed. "Can I touch you?"

Jungeun groaned. "Jinsoul you don't have to ask, please-"

The grip Jinsoul hand on her hips suddenly got mean. "I want to hear you say it, because once I start I won't be able to stop," She kissed Jungeun once. "Tell me you want me. Me, and only me,"

"Just you," Jungeun repeated in a near whisper. "Only you. Always,"

She almost yelped as Jinsoul pulled Jungeun's hand away and replaced it with her own, her fingers dipping into the wetness with ease and rubbing small circles into her clit. Jungeun shut her eyes and held on. How was Jinsoul already so good at this? She thought her own fingers felt good...this was on a whole other level.

"J-Jinsoul," Jungeun muttered. "Deeper, please,"

Jinsoul pressed herself between the Princess's legs and did as she was told, two fingers slipping inside Jungeun and thrusting gently. It made Jungeun's insides throb and her legs wrap around the older's waist.

"Woah," Jinsoul uttered.

"F-fuck," Jungeun bit her lip. "Ah~ Soul they're bigger than mine, gentle,"

"You're so beautiful, Jungie," Jinsoul repeated for the hundredth time. "God, I could stare at you forever,"

Jungeun's hand went to her cheek, shaking slightly. "I love you,"

Jinsoul's eyes softened and she smiled. "I love you too, darling. Now," She kissed the underside of Jungeun's jaw. "You said I could do anything to you,"

Jungeun whimpered as Jinsoul added a third finger and held her legs apart, licking her lips.

"You're going to show me just how much you love me, Princess," Jinsoul chuckled. "We have all night, and I intend to use you every way I know how,"

It felt like the time passed in mere moments but at the same time, it felt never ending. As soon as those words were off Jinsoul's lips the night was a blur of her fingers and mouth on her wife's body, giving her sensations no one else could replicate. It felt like the most perfect thing in the world, being right there with the girl she loved. Jungeun laid back and took it, Jinsoul's tongue, her relentless and merciless fingers, and the downright sinful things whispered into her ears. She knew there was nothing else to light this kind of fire in her heart. It was always Jinsoul, only Jinsoul.

Jungeun had known Jinsoul wanted to touch her beforehand. What she had not expected was for Jinsoul to guide their bodies together and roll her hips into Jungeun's, moaning softly at the friction. Jungeun immediately caught onto what she was doing and moved to flip her over but instead Jinsoul sat up, till they were almost chest to chest with their legs fitted together.

"You alright love?" Jinsoul asked breathlessly, voice hoarse from the way she had been using her voice a few moments prior.

"Does it feel good?" Was how Jungeun chose to respond. Jinsoul seemed tense.

"Hm, yeah," Jinsoul said breathily. "You?"

Jungeun smiled at her and nodded shyly. "You always make me feel good,"

Jinsoul looked like she wanted to respond but a shaky moan was what escaped her lips. Jungeun felt Jinsoul's thighs clamp around her hips and her hips unsubtly chasing a rhythm.

"Soul..." Jungeun started breathily. The grinding that Jinsoul was doing was starting to make a coil tighten in Jungeun's stomach. "I wanna make you cum,"

"Oh~" Jinsoul tipped her head back, her hand finding it's way to Jungeun's waist and holding them together. "Fuck...I wish so badly I could cum inside you,"

Jungeun's face flushed at the thought and she felt a rush of heat being sent between her legs at the thought. She gasped, Jinsoul's rhythm making her clit throb. Then Jinsoul adjusted her hips just slightly, and Jungeun cried out. This way, Jinsoul was grinding her warm body directly into Jungeun's clit and it drove the Princess absolutely insane.

"J-Jungeun," Jinsoul gasped. "Cum with me, please,"

From the way her lover was shaking, Jungeun knew she was about to tip over the edge. She watched in near awe as Jinsoul's sweaty forehead furrowed in concentration and she thrusted their bodies together, too fast for Jungeun to keep up. Jungeun wasn't complaint though. She loved this more than she should, a weak and whiny Jinsoul desperately chasing after an orgasm she definitely deserved.


Jungeun leaned forward and kissed her as their orgasms ripped through both of them. Jinsoul's back arched and she whimpered into the kiss, while Jungeun actually saw stars dancing around the edges of her vision.

Jungeun's body crumpled on top of her wife, completely exhausted from the countless highs she'd had. She didn't want to ever stop feeling Jinsoul's hands tracing the lines of her body, her soft lips whispering comforts and then abusing her skin like they were made to be in this position. Jungeun would believe that she was made for Jinsoul, there wasn't another explanation for how Jinsoul was able to control her heart like this.

Jinsoul, slightly less weak due to her less orgasms under her belt, chuckled fondly. "Hi Princess,"

"Hmm," Jungeun mumbled.

"I hope I made up for lost time," Jinsoul kissed her forehead. "Also...I think we might have broken the bed,"

Jungeun's eyes fluttered closed. "Mhm,"

"One more thing,"

"Shhh," Jungeun protested, snuggling into the still hot skin of her wife.

"I love you,"

Jungeun smiled sheepishly into her neck. "I know,"

"Thank you for loving me too," Jinsoul adjusted slightly, till she could lay down with Jungeun tucked into her arm. She played with her lover's hair, watching Jungeun slowly fall asleep.

"What choice do I have?" Jungeun murmured, yawning without opening her eyes. "I'll love you till the day I die," She placed a kiss on Jinsoul's shoulder. "Sleep now,"

While Jungeun drifted off into sleep quickly, Jinsoul lied awake, the biggest smile on her face even in the dark. She could rest now, she had the girl she loved. Nothing could've held her back, not a thousand soldiers, not a hundred other suitors, Jinsoul knew this was how it was supposed to be. From now on, she'd wake up to her favorite person, be able to kiss her, love her, call Jungeun hers. General Jinsoul and Princess Jungeun; how it was always meant to be.


Jinsoul stirred under the covers, the bright sunshine hurting her eyelids and making her turn away from the window, burying her face deeper in the blonde locks of her wife.

"Ow!" Jungeun protested. "You're pulling my hair,"

"Hmm, I'm sorry," Jinsoul mumbled, her hands going to Jungeun's hips and pulling the Princess on top of her, so her weight landed on Jinsoul's stomach. "Better?"

"No," Jungeun huffed, cheeks red. "Watch your hands, Jinsoul,"

Jinsoul squeezed her ass. "You mean like this?"

Jungeun shrieked in protest and pushed herself off the older girl, burying her face in the pillow. Jinsoul smiled at her antics, not hesitating to follow the Princess and wrap her arms around Jungeun's waist.

"Morning, Princess," Jinsoul said huskily. "Feeing good?"

Jungeun squeaked out an "I'm fine,", and Jinsoul chuckled softly.

"I'm glad," Jinsoul kissed the top of her head. "Come on, Jungeun, look at me,"

Jungeun begrudgingly looked up from the pillow to see Jinsoul smiling down at her, and blushed.

"There's that pretty face I missed so much," Jinsoul leaned in and kissed her jawline. "You know I'm confining you to our bed today, right?"

Jungeun's eyebrows furrowed, until something clicked in her brain and she smiled sheepishly. "Oh..."

"I want," Jinsoul pulled the covers over their heads. "All your attention," She smirked. "And maybe I'll give you some attention," She lowered herself between Jungeun's legs. "Right here..."

The door swung open and both girls scrambled to right themselves as Haseul strolled into the room, a cheeky grin painting her face.

"So?" Called another voice. Ha Fucking Sooyoung.

"I WANT MY 100 POUNDS!" Haseul yelled towards the doorway.

"What?" Sooyoung peeked her head in, seeing a very red Jinsoul and Jungeun. Jinsoul looked annoyed while Jungeun actually wanted to die. "No! Come on, Jinsoul?"

Jinsoul said "Have some faith in me!" Right as Jungeun whined "It's none of your business!" And both looked dumbfounded at the other's answer.

"Ha!" Haseul stuck her tongue out at Jinsoul's lieutenant.

"Oh my god," Jiwoo said out of nowhere, and Jungeun spotted her behind Sooyoung. "Did y'all seriously break the bed?"


thank you for waiting/reading/voting/commenting/ supporting me!!

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