Eternal Love Sings

By HookedGirl2015

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Demetri Volturi x OC mate fanfic. Sophia has never known her family, they never bothered to even drop her of... More



819 15 2
By HookedGirl2015

Sophia's POV

The brilliant light overhead was still blinding-bright and yet I could plainly see the glowing strands of the filaments inside the bulb...I could see each color of the rainbow in the white light and at the very edge of the spectrum an eighth color I had no name for.

Behind the light, I could distinguish the individual grains in the dark wood ceiling front of it I could see the dust motes in the air the sides the light touched and the dark sides distinct and separate.

They spun like little planets moving around each other in a celestial dance, the dust was so beautiful that I inhaled in shock...the air whistled down my throat, swirling the motes into a vortex but the action felt wrong and realized the problem was that there was no relief tied to the action...I didn't need the air, my lungs weren't waiting for it and reacted indifferently to the influx because I did not need the air but I liked it.

In it, I could taste the room around me...taste the lovely dust motes, the mix of the stagnant air mingling with the flow of slightly cooler air from the open door...taste a lush whiff of silk...taste a faint hint of something warm and desirable, something that should be moist, but wasn't...that smell made my throat burn dryly...a faint echo of the venom burn, though the scent was tainted by the bite of chlorine and ammonia and most of all, I could taste an almost rose-spice-mix scent that was the strongest thing, the closest thing to me.

I heard someone shift their weight on the first floor as well as two faint, thudding rhythms along with upbeat and musical was mystified for a moment and then the sound faded away like a car passing by with the windows rolled down and with a start, I realized that this could be exactly right...could I hear all the way to the freeway?

My mind quickly moved on with the realization that someone was holding my hand when whoever it was squeezed it lightly, my body locked down again in surprise as this was not a touch I expected...the skin was perfectly smooth but it was the wrong temperature...not cold.

After that first frozen second of shock, my body responded to the unfamiliar touch in a way that shocked me even more, air hissed up my throat spitting through my clenched teeth with a low and menacing sound like a swarm of bees before the sound was out and my muscles bunched and arched, twisting away from the unknown.

I disappeared from my spot so fast it should have turned the room into an incomprehensible blur but it did not and I saw every dust mote, every splinter in the wood-paneled walls, every loose thread in microscopic detail as my eyes whirled past them so by the time I found myself crouched against the wall defensively it was only about a sixteenth of a second later I had already understood what had startled me and that it was overreaction as I remembered the smells I had sampled upon awaking, the knowledge of who had been beside me while I was burning...Demetri and he wouldn't feel cold to me anymore...we're the same temperature now.

I held my pose for an eighth of a second longer, adjusting to the scene before me...Demetri was standing on the opposite side of the operating table that had been my pyre, his hand reached out toward me, his expression anxious and his face was the most important thing but my peripheral vision catalogued everything else just in case as some instinct to defend had been triggered and I automatically searched for any sign of danger but the room was empty...just me and him although I knew that the others were close...five of them...I could sense them just in the other room like there was danger.

My nostrils flared, searching for the threat but I could smell nothing out of place except that faint scent of something delicious but marred by harsh chemicals which tickled my throat again, setting it to aching and burning however all this was a sideline as the greater part of my senses and my mind were still focused on Demetri.

I had never seen it before this many times had I stared at him and marveled over his beauty...I thought I'd known his face better than my own but I may as well have been blind because for the first time, with the dimming shadows and limiting weakness of humanity taken off my eyes, I saw his face and I gasped and then struggled with my vocabulary, unable to find the right words because I needed better words.

At this point, the other part of my attention had ascertained that there was no danger here besides myself and I head already automatically straightened out of my crouch which seemed to have been almost a whole second which had passed since I'd been on the table...I was momentarily preoccupied by the way my body moved...the instant I'd considered standing erect I was already straight...the change was instantaneous, almost as if there was no movement at all.

While I processed all this I continued to stare at Demetri's face, motionless again as he moved slowly around the table with each step taking nearly half a second, each step flowing sinuously like river water weaving over smooth stones as his hand was still outstretched while I watched the grace of his advance, absorbing it with my new eyes.

"Sophia?" he asked in a low, calming tone but the worry in his voice layered my name with tension and I could not answer immediately, lost as I was in the velvet folds of his was the most perfect symphony, a symphony in one instrument, an instrument more profound than any created by man. "Mi amore, I know it's disorienting but you're all right, everything is fine" mind spun out, spiraling back to my last human hour which already seemed like a dim memory like I was watching through a thick, dark veil because my human eyes had been half blind...everything had been so blurred but one thing remained hands were on my stomach before I'd even thought about doing it finding it flat with no evidence there was ever a large bump there.

"Soph?" my eyes snapped up once again to Demetri's face who was closer to me than before and he reached out tentatively stroking his fingertips across my cheek which felt smooth as satin, soft as a feather and now exactly matched to the temperature of my skin...his touch seemed to sweep beneath the surface of my skin, right through the bones of my face, the feeling was tingly, electric and jolted through my bones, down my spine and trembled in my stomach...I smiled leaning into his hand nuzzling my face against it...perfect...equals, I was a newborn vampire, the dry scorching ache in my throat gave proof to that and I knew what being a newborn entailed...we were finally equals...two species.

His hand curled to the shape of my face like satin-covered steel distracting me once more as desire raced through my dried-out veins, singing from my scalp to my toes and I saw him arch one perfect eyebrow, waiting for me to speak but instead I threw my arms around him as again it was like there was no moment I stood straight and still as a statue, in the same instant he was in my arms...warm or at least that was my perception with the sweet, delicious scent that I'd never been able to really take in with my dull human senses but that was one hundred percent Demetri and I pressed my face into his smooth chest and then he shifted his weight uncomfortably leaning away from my embrace, I pulled back looking up at his face, confused and frightened by the rejection...did he still not want me?

"Ow, Sophia easy" I yanked my arms away, folding them behind my back as soon as I understood...I was too strong...he warned me about that part...he smiled the kind of smile that would have stopped my heart if it were still beating. "Don't worry mi amore" he said, lifting his hand to touch my lips, parted in horror. "You're just a bit stronger than I am for the moment" my eyebrows pushed together as it felt more surreal than any other part of this ultimately surreal moment...because I was stronger than him and had made him say ow.

His hand stroked my cheek again and I all but forgot my distress as another wave of desire rippled through my motionless body...these emotions were so much stronger than I was used to that it was hard to stick to one train of thought despite the extra room in my head, each new sensation overwhelmed me and I remembered Demetri saying once that his kind...our kind, were easily distracted and now I could see why so I made a concerted effort to focus as there was something I needed to say, the most important thing.

Very carefully, so carefully that the movement was actually discernible I brought my right arm out from behind my back and raised my hand to touch his cheek refusing to let myself be sidetracked by the pale color of my hand or by the smooth silk of his skin or by the charge that zinged in my fingertips as I stared into his eyes and heard my own voice for the first time.

"I love you" I finally spoke but it sounded unfamiliar to singing, my voice rang and shimmered like a bell, his answering smile dazzled me more than it ever had when I was human because I could really see it now.

"I love you" he replied back immediately before he took my face between his hands and leaned his face to mine, slow enough to remind me to be careful.

He kissed me, soft as a whisper at first but slowly stronger, fiercer and I tried to remember to be gentle with him but it was hard work to remember anything in the onslaught of sensation, hard to hold on to any coherent thoughts because it was like he'd never kissed me, it felt like this was our first kiss and in truth he'd never kissed me this way before that it almost made me feel guilty over the pain I caused him to kiss me...I felt the burn, I knew what a scorching throat felt like...though I didn't need oxygen my breathing sped, raced as fast as it had when I was burning but this was a different kind of fire...someone cleared his throat...Felix...I recognized the deep sound at once, joking and annoyed at the same time.

"Alright love birds, let me look at her" he bounded into the room and my eyes widened slightly since it felt as if I was looking at him for the first time too... "Mm still gorgeous as ever" he laughed before sweeping me into his arms and spinning me around.

"Felix I'd be careful" Demetri warned him and when Felix put me down I didn't stumble like I used to when he did that, I no longer felt dizzy...everything was still crystal clear.

"Sophia" my eyes snapped up once more to see Carlisle come into the room followed by Jasper who looked at me and when my eyes followed past Carlisle towards him my eyes widened at all the scars that I had seen with my human eyes but now could see so much clearer that I actually felt fear...he looked as dangerous as ever with the silvery scars that covered just about every inch of his arms, throat and face. "How do you feel?" Carlisle asked and I considered that for a sixty-fourth of a second.

"'s a lot to take in..." I trailed off, listening to the bell-tone of my voice again.

"Yes, it can be quite confusing" I nodded one fast, jerky bob.

"But I feel like me...sort of" I muttered although it came out clear and musical as ever watching as they all turned to Jasper confusing me until I remembered that his ability was able to feel and manipulate emotions and he was no doubt responsible for making sure I was calm and in control which I seemed to be except for the burning in my throat...parched...the thirst actually wasn't unmanageable.

There was so much room in my head, a separate part of my brain was keeping tabs on the burn in my throat, almost like a reflex, the way my old brain had handled breathing and blinking but thinking about it brought the burn to the forefront of my mind and suddenly the dry ache was all I could think about and the more I thought about it, the more it hand flew up to cup my throat, like I could smother the flames from the outside, the skin of my neck was strange beneath my fingers so smooth it was somehow soft though it was hard as stone, too.

"Soph" Demetri called to get my attention and my focus snapped away from my parched throat as he took my hands, tugging gently with a small smirk on his lips. "Let's hunt" my eyes opened wider and the pain of the thirst receded, shock taking its him...he clearly read the alarm in my expression and smiled encouragingly. "It's quite easy mi amore...instinctual don't worry, I'll show you" when I didn't move, he grinned his crooked smile and raised his eyebrows. "Trust me" he smirked and I smiled remembering a cloudy human memory of those words coming from his lips.

"If I die, I'm going to find a way to kill you Demetri" I smirked back hearing everyone share a small laugh around us.

"You actually can now little tigress" I turned towards Felix.

"You changed my nickname?" I asked him with a small smile.

"Because you arent a kitten anymore, now go...hunt, have fun" he told me and I smiled really wanting to hug him right now but I refrained since I didn't want to hurt anyone else.

"Demetri...remember to take her far out of Forks" Carlisle reminded him and my face fell at the sudden reminder on what I was going to hunt...could I do that.

"Demetri wait...I don't...I don't want to hurt anyone" all eyes widened in the room.

"How are you thinking like that?" Jasper asked me seemingly the most surprised and I turned to him confused.

" need to feed" Demetri argued with me and at the mention of feeding bought the burning back to my throat but I shook my head.

"I can't kill anyone...I don't want to hurt anyone" I felt a wave of calm wash over me and I turned towards Jasper...

"She's serious, she's fighting against the hunger" Edward informed them no doubt reading my mind...could he still read my mind?... "Yes I can still read your mind" damn I didn't have Bella's shield...that's such a cool power...I clearly didn't have one. "It's still early" he replied making me frown confused as everyone looked at him. "She's wondering if she has a gift"

"Seriously how is she doing it, she's almost just like Bella that it's just getting frustrating now" Jasper spoke up and I was growing even deeper confused on what I was doing wrong.

"Your not doing anything wrong" Edward answered my thoughts. "Jaspers always had trouble controlling his thirst but you almost keep to keep forgetting it and even denying it when it does appear" great you had to mention it again, I touched my throat.

"I still have some O+ left over" Carlisle said and left the room.

"I'm clearly doing something wrong" Jasper sighed.

"Your not doing anything wrong Jazz" Alice suddenly appeared encouraging him but what drew my attention was the floor length mirror she was effortlessly carrying and Edward rolled his eyes.

"She wants to show you your transformation" he told me when I questioned his eye roll with my own eyes as Alice put the mirror down in front of me and I turned towards it...

My first reaction was an unthinking pleasure, the person in the glass was indisputably beautiful, every bit as beautiful as Chelsea or even Heidi...she was fluid even in stillness and her flawless face was pale as the moon against the frame of her dark, heavy hair...the limbs were smooth and strong, skin glistening subtly, luminous as a first glance, I couldn't find my face anywhere in the smooth, perfect planes of her features and the eyes!

Though I'd known to expect them, the eyes still sent a thrill of terror through me because they weren't the usual ones I'd come to know and see every day...had come to love when framed by Demetri's god-like features...all the while I studied and reacted, her face was perfectly composed, a carving of a goddess...and standing next to me was my god...Demetri was looking at me, looking at this person and when his arm wrapped around her and I felt it I realized it was me...

"It''s me?" I questioned reaching out and touched the mirror being mindful to take slow movements to avoid breaking it... "I'm beautiful"

"You always were" Demetri whispered leaning close resting his forehead against the side of my face before Carlisle come back and the moment I smelt what was in his hand I froze and Jasper coiled moving forward but Edward held up his hand stopping him as my thoughts calmed down reminding me to wait...I had to control myself...I can't hurt anyone for blood.

"Amazing, your giving Bella a run for her money" Edward smirked.

"I heard that" I heard Bella's voice from beneath our feet and my eyes turned towards it aware of the fact that we weren't alone especially when the two thudding rhythms and my eyes was here.

"Easy Sophia...focus" Edward warned me.

"My baby...what is it?" I asked turning to Demetri...had he been there...I thought back and remembered him coming in, hearing his voice...he smiled and it surprised me.

"She's amazing Sophia" he told me before frowning and I hated the look on his face. "I'm so sorry for everything that I did" he apologized and I felt confused.

"Sorry to interrupt but I think you'll put Jasper at ease if you drink Sophia" Carlisle cut in and I turned to Jasper seeing the tense look on his face before I looked at Carlisle and saw the silver cup in his hand. "Then we'll see about showing you to your daughter"

"Daughter...I have a daughter" he nodded with a smile and held out the cup towards me, I hesitantly took it before looking down into and my eyes widened at the thick, dark red liquid and in an instant it was on my lips as I drank it down not savoring it as I needed to quench the burn and it lasted about 1 millisecond before it was gone before my eyes lifted seeing everyone watching me. "I want to see my daughter"

Carlisle turned towards Jasper again who stared studying me and I was just growing frustrated now because I wanted to see my daughter...I had to make sure that she was real and that she actually existed because it all seemed like a blurry dream to me.

"She's calm, for the most part" he nodded and then it was Edward's turn to assess my thoughts.

"She needs to see the baby" he nodded agreeing with me, thank you!, he smiled looking out at the door. "Bella" I turned towards the door as well anxiously waiting like a coiled racehorse and felt a pair of hands rest on my shoulders turning briefly to see Demetri and I shared a nervous smile before I heard the movement right outside the door and then Bella came in with a bundled up figure in her arms.

I looked at the baby trying to piece together if it was mine...if it was real and then blue eyes turned towards me and met my eyes before two hands were reaching out towards me but I was frozen staring into those eyes...the hair...she was too big...this wasn't a newborn...they grow much have I missed already.

"You were out just over 2 days" Edward answered one of my questions.

"She's ours Soph" Demetri added walking over to Bella and with a strange smile on his face he took the baby from her and walked towards me. "This is our daughter" she was closer now and I could hear the strange heartbeat coming from her...the smells...vanilla-rose...ours...a mixture of Demetri and hands outstretched and I took her from Demetri cradling her in my arms noticing the two top teeth that she had and fast is she going to grow.

"Quite fast in the early months, Renesmee is four months old technically" Edward replied and my frown deepened...Renesmee looked nine years old, that's 2.25 years a month. "She's calm...let's leave them, we'll be close by" all the Cullen's left and after a nod from Demetri Felix followed them...all this happening in my peripheral vision as I was focused on my baby girl...she had my hair but not my eyes...they were a different shade of blue to what mine had used to be.

"She must have your eyes?" I questioned looking up at Demetri.

"She does but there is flecks of your blue through them, she's a mixture of both our shades of blue" I nodded since I could see tiny flecks of dark blue which was all me, the main part of her eyes though were a light blue.

"She's beautiful" I breathed out.

"Just like her mother" Demetri smiled and came over standing next to me placing his arm around my waist from behind. "I'm glad to didn't listen to me Sophia and I'm so sorry for everything that I said and did during this whole thing, she's amazing...your amazing and I love you both" I turned back to him with a smile knowing that if I could cry I would be bawling my eyes out right now.

"I love you too" I leaned my head back against him closing my eyes as I savored this moment, it was perfect...I had my husband, our daughter and I never had to leave them because I am a finally his equal...a vampire. 

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