Games Of Insanity

By akiradachi65

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Following a newbie into a secret and secure corporation is how this story goes, watching his life go all over... More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Gpart 22

part 6

7 0 0
By akiradachi65

"wake up maggots we ain't got all day!" A worker yells, opening the door and walking around, hitting everyone except Ryu with a baton, making them curse and get up. Sukuna just mumbles to himself whilst sakura pushes the worker away, helping Delta who remains semi dazed. Alpha just gets up, and brushes himself down as Ryu stands there, watching the worker as Daniel remains already awake, knowing a routine like this already existed. "Looks like your mutt is already trained, be thankful omega." The worker mocks, pushing sukuna aside as he walks out, waiting with several guards, all fully geared out.

"A bit overkill isn't it? Aw thanks though we must be that special." Ryu taunts, laughing at the group outside. "Just because your security sucks you have to bring the big guns!" She adds, laughing even more whilst nobody else even reacts to the taunts. Sakura glances at sukuna who remains waiting, his face void of emotion, or well, what is seeable, because of his blindfold. It is your fucking fault for this. Sakura mentally curses, knowing damn well the increase in security is because of sukunas breakout.

"What's the schedule today then?" Alpha mutters, crossing his arms in boredom, as the worker looks at a clipboard and reads it. "Probably another physical test." Alpha adds, scratching his face as sukuna takes the underlying message, aware his actions have repercussions that everyone has to deal with.

"As a matter of fact no. We've booked you lot in for a mental test, a interesting one at that." The worker replies, spiking alphas hidden anxiety, as he keeps a straight face, knowing neither are allowed to show weakness. Delta walks forwards, glancing at Daniel for a second before waiting outside, whilst sakura and alpha follow suit, with sukuna a moment later. Daniel jogs over, unsure of why he hasn't been told to stay, looking at Ryu who just sarcastically salutes, and disappears through the wall, flipping the guard off before disappearing completely.

"Follow us. Any unauthorized route or speaking is a instant termination. " The worker orders, making them all hesitate, seeming as the termination is a new rule. This can't be just because of sukunas breakout? Reports say he's done it before yet no new harsher rules ever got set into place. Daniel ponders, following just behind Delta and sukuna, as alpha and sakura remain behind him, both making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

This is bullshit. Now my life is on the line even more. I swear if that rat speaks I'll personally kill him myself. Delta curses mentally, not liking how Daniel is behind him. Side glancing sukuna he finds him still stern faced unlike yesterday. Keep the act up go on, everyone knows your scared. Delta hides his smirk before pausing, then again I don't blame him. Whatever, I don't know or care which stuck up asshole enforced this but hey, at least we're actually outside now. Delta sighs, and keeps walking.

Keep hating Delta, jeez you really don't know how to shut up. besides, I'm surprised that Daniel has lived this long. Sakura shared her blood, most usually die within hours. Then again, they didn't match her blood type, he does. And the regeneration, it came so quickly, I need to do more tests on his DNA, see if there's any chance he may have genetically engineered the traits from her to be his own. Alpha orders himself, Glancing as he spots no ideally easy side effects. Daniel looks at alpha in confusion, feeling as though he was being watched. Alpha just looks away, hiding his insult as a response knowing nobody can speak.

The group make their ways down the hallways, Daniel taking the most exhaustion, whilst everyone else seems perfectly fine, asides from the rising tension between the killers and guards. Sukuna sighs, and grabs Daniels arm, yanking him up and over his back, making sakura roll her eyes in disgust. Delta smirks quietly, whilst alpha suppresses a laugh. Daniel looks at sukuna with confusion, but doesn't hesitate, guessing he was close to collapsing himself. We'd usually stay in our own sector, I ain't used to this. Daniel just stays quiet, knowing the rule is still in place.

After even more walking, the worker stops and opens a door, gesturing the group to walk in; which neither hesitate, because of the gun barrels aimed at them. "Just wait in there, the test will come shortly, you may speak now." The worker orders, closing the door behind them as Daniel clambers down off of sukunas back.

"Aw did little pet get tired?" Ryu laughs, as Daniel jumps out of his skin for a second, not realsing she was there. Delta mutters to himself, looking away as Ryu stands up and walks over, more looking at sukuna with a sick curiosity. She grins, making sukuna pause, his anxiety simmering, as Ryu kicks him down, stepping against his throat, as the others don't move. "Why do you act so protective over this one?" She asks, leaning down, Letting Daniel suggest a great flexibility, but thinks nothing of it. Sukuna just grabs ryus leg, and yanks her off.

"I'm not. I'm being decent." Sukuna spits back, whilst the rest watch. Ryu staggers backwards slightly but catches herself, still somehow grinning. "He's a human after all? Wouldn't you want to be treated like one?" Sukuna adds, finding there was no point in even asking it.

"Me? Human? Nah. We aren't human anymore. We're lab rats, so treat him like a pet. He'll treat you like a rat." Ryu warns, snickering, "remember last time? How they almost killed sakura? Because you acted to nice." Ryu gestures, making sakura step back, not liking how she gets involved. Alpha and Delta don't move, still waiting for the test, alpha asking himself why it's taking so long. Sukuna just clenches his hands together, whilst Daniel steps back.

"He was a asshole. Knew it from the beginning. Yet you know we can't purposely harm our 'pet' so I couldn't do anything." Sukuna repiles, remaining calm. "It's none of your business what I do, I can chose if I want to be like the faculty's perfect solider or me." Sukuna adds, glancing at a blacked out mirror, knowing it's a one sided window. Ryu laughs, and sarcastically claps her hands, before tackling sukuna down again, this time kicking his face and almost breaking his jaw.

Sakura winces at the hit, as Delta and alpha remain used to it. Daniel remains in shock however, as Ryu keeps punching sukunas face in, getting no response from him. "Why isn't he fighting back?" Daniel asks, Hoping for a answer, as he watches the rest, his worry and fear going haywire.

"Because he doesn't want to." Delta points out, catching Daniel off guard. Looking at him, Delta shows more pain than hate, leaving Daniel confused. "Sukuna always resorts to fighting last. Not that he would be one who thinks talking solves it. He just takes the attacks, until the others are safe." Delta sighs, rubbing his eyes whilst taking his goggles off.

His eyes. Their so bloodshot!? How is he not blind? Daniel tries to not look at Delta, who's eyes remain bloodied and sickly, his usual black pupil remains clouded over by what looks like cataracts at first. "A fatal flaw he has." Alpha mutters, "each of us have one." He adds, whilst Delta winces in pain and puts his goggles back on. "As you can see, deltas injury caused him to be extremely sensitive to light. Sukuna can't fight unless he wants to, unlike the rest of us." Alpha shrugs.

"Which is why it baffles me to how he's still alive." Sakura sighs, rubbing her temples, before sighing, softly she mutters something to herself before glancing away in guilt. Daniel watches, in curiosity. Didn't think killers had this much emotion, then again, they are merely humans with ablities. Daniel crosses his arms, not phased by ryus constant attacks as sukuna remains stable.

Ryu pauses and stands up abruptly, looking at her hands in disgust, wiping sukunas blood off of her gloves. Sukuna just lays there, his face almost unrecognisable besides from the marks and blindfold. The others wait, before Ryu glances over and shrugs. "What, I was bored." She mutters, before sakura tenses up, running to Ryu to try and land a attack. Sakura stumbles however, her swing missing, before Ryu appears behind her, punching straight into her spine, jabbing Inbetween her vertebrae, causing a lower body paralysis. Daniel and alpha step back, in shock, as Delta freezes in shock, and rams into Ryu, slamming her down, as sukuna pulls himself up.

Ryu just remains unchanged, as Delta keeps her down, not sure if he's doing the right thing, before alpha glances at the mirror again. "stop, this is the test." Alpha blurts, causing Delta and Daniel to glance over. "They must have noticed the unease, so used it to see how we break so easily." Alpha adds. Delta pauses and gets back up, walking over to sakura, and dragging her to lean against the wall, kneeling down worried.

"It's fine. Jeez you think I don't know what I'm doing? It's a temporary paralysis, bitch can regenerate herself from a fucking brain cell, you think that's gonna effect her?" Ryu spits, standing up. "I know their weak points, how much you can all handle, otherwise I'm pretty sure you'd be dead." Ryu adds, opening the door and leaving.

"Wait, why does she have access to free roaming?" Daniel asks, as alpha shrugs, spotting sukuna standing up as if nothing happened. "Your a scientist, she's a leader it doesn't make sense." He adds, before alpha shrugs again, and looks at him.

"Dunno. You think I know? We get told nothin. Always ryus interest to keep shit hidden." Alpha adds. Like everything, even who she is. Then again, dont blame her with that tradition. Alpha mentally adds.

"Please she probably just likes being that mysterious edgy bitch. She isn't anything special. Just a level 5." Sakura mocks, "she isn't apart of the higher ups, doesn't have a family line like mine or deltas." Sakura adds, whilst sukuna sits there, waiting to leave. "Probably they got bored of her constant breaches, I mean she can walk through anything with ease." Sakura mutters, losing her humour for a second, as Daniel takes the chance and asks a question.

"Does anyone actually know who she is?" He asks, making the group pause. Neither say anything, before sukuna gestures and shrugs.

"We all had to go through basic information, besides alpha and Ryu. We don't know alphas last name, and deltas last name. However we don't know anything about Ryu. It's common to the leader class to never show their information." Sukuna repiles, not seeing a issue with it. "As for me and sakura, everyone just knows, seemingly as the name saiko is commonplace here." He adds, whilst Daniel nods.

"Unlike fucking mizuki. Assholes have it lucky, scaly pricks." Sakura whispers, annoyed. Sukuna doesn't even react to it, before shrugging. "Then again, they don't even have our hair colour, I swear." Sakura cuts herself off before just remaining quiet.

"When can we leave? Usually their here by now." Delta asks, leaning against the wall, and tossing a small piece of gravel at alpha, hitting him in the head, making delta laugh as alpha flinches and looks at him with disgust. "Come on bro, lighten up for once." Delta laughs, getting a small snicker from sukuna.

Brothers? They don't even share anything similar? The eyes maybe but that's it? Daniel looks at them both, before something hits his mind, making him jump up, and look at Delta mainly. "Uh Delta, I think I know your name." Daniel says making everyone pause.

Alpha grabs Daniels shoulder and tosses him down, aiming a knife into his throat, making Daniel surrender. Sukuna doesn't move as Delta remains shock, and quiet. Sakura tries to move but fails, cursing. "How. Fucking answer me!" Alpha yells, as Daniel shakes in fear. "Fucking tell me or I'm going to tear that face of yours apart. Your a fucking lower class!" Alpha adds, kicking him in the side before glancing away for a second. "His name is fucking classified for a reason!" Alpha yells, lifting Daniel up with strength he doesn't look like he has.

"Alex stop! For fuck sake your forgetting about delta!" Sakura snaps back, making alpha jolt, and glance over, spotting deltas fear written over his face. "You know he doesn't like it when you get angry." Sakura adds. Alpha drops Daniel down, and puts his knife back, sighing. Walking over he leans down and quietly hugs Delta awkwardly, due to the height difference.

Sukuna remains standing there as Daniel stands up, sorting his clothes out before spotting the group. So alphas name is Alex. And Delta is terrified of conflict? How the hell is he a top rated killer if he can't handle fights? Daniel wonders, watching as Delta just hugs alpha back. Sakura glances at Daniel with nothing but hate.

"So, mutt, you wanna spill what you think it is then?" Sakura asks, her voice laced with threat. Daniel hesitates, knowing this isn't going to end well. However he crosses his arms and sighs, still showing sympathy.

"I believe Delta is karma Heisenberg; the son of the head sciencist in the faculties and creator of several ablities, and apart of the 7 higher ups." Daniel repiles, as alpha and Delta stay quiet. Sakura and sukuna on the other hand remains quiet, but moves away from alpha and Delta.

"You two, of everyone don't have the right to fucking hate him, because of a name." Alpha warns, as Delta just shakes. "He hates his name just like you two, so suck it up." Alpha adds. Sakura doesn't react as sukuna leans to Delta, and smiles warmly.

"Names aren't even needed, and easily replaced so I don't care. I'm a saiko, a descendant of the CEO of this place, so yeah I don't really have a say." Sukuna adds, whilst alpha just keeps Delta calm.

Daniel on the other hand remains conflicted. It would make sense to their power. But now knowing their level 7 and a saiko, maybe I shouldn't have joined this group. As for alpha and Ryu, if alphas name is Alex, it won't be hard to find his last name. Especially since Heisenberg are well known, but only two are recorded. Saikos there's reported four siblings, but two have a different name. Jeez why is this group so family orientated. Daniel rubs his temples, getting confused by all the connections.

"Now I feel bad for Ryu, she doesn't have family right?" Daniel asks, as something lingers on the back of his mind. Sukuna looks over, and remains cold faced. He walks over and grabs Daniels jacket.

"Don't speak of her family. Ever, it's strictly forbidden." Sukuna warns. "By everyone. We aren't allowed to talk of them, only me and selected few know about it." Sukuna adds, dropping Daniel as he nods.

Thanks, I needed that information. So her family are classified, won't be hard to find a missing family. Daniel wonders, knowing it'll be hard when he has this group. Although I only want to know for my God damn safety. And how she is so damn unknown. Daniel sighs, and waits with the others to get let out.

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