Bad Boy, Bad Girl

By Mimi_Miga

182K 2.5K 4K

"I hate you." "You really mean that, Princess?" "Just shut up and kiss me." ... More

I | Gentleman.
II | Hangout
III | Party
Quick Announcement
V | The Mayor.
VI | Countdown.
VII | Can and Can'ts.
VIII | Girlfriend.
IX | Cheating?
X | Aftermath & Camping Trip.
XI | Kidnapped.
XII | The Jealousy Game?
XIV | Birthday
XV | Kristen's Back
XVI | Feelings, Drama, and Frustration
XVIII | Breakup & Issues
XIX | Spring Dance But with A Special Guest, Heartbreak.
XX | Love?
XXI | Enemies... Go On Dates?
XXII | Presents
XXIII | Dinner
XXV | Safety
XXVI | Safety P2
XXVII | Blackmail
XXVIII | Casino Night
XXX | Seven Words
XXXI | Friends?
XXXII | Again?
XXXIII | Prom, Part One
Prom, Part Two

XVII | Baby Daddy

5.1K 66 293
By Mimi_Miga

XVII | Baby Daddy



"And? I don't see what the problem is." I shrugged.

"Dominique, I think I was the last person she slept with."


nonononononono, this HAS to be a joke.


"Dominique, I don't need you to be my mother right now."

"Alex– don't you DARE say SHIT to me." I pushed pass him and reached for the door.

"Please, you have to help me. Kristen can't know." He begged. He looked like he was about to cry.

oh, but fuck it.

"You caused this shit, you fix it. Last time I checked, I'm not the one who has a fucking girlfriend while having another bitch pregnant. You caused this shit. Get the fuck off me." I sneered.

welcome to hell everyone, we've just reached our destination.


"Teresa, is it my child!?" I asked pacing back and forth.

im VERY sure i pulled out. 100% sure.

"What do you think, Alex!?" She yelled back.

"You need to take a DNA test." I looked at her.

"Alex, I already told you it's YOURS! There's no reason to take a DNA test!"

"Teresa, I don't give a fuck. I need to see the DNA test. Schedule one tomorrow, I mean it."

"I don't want to!"


"You know what, fine! Since it bothers you soo much!"

"It does. Now get out." I pointed to the door. She scoffed and stormed out my apartment.

"Fuck!" I yelled, smashing my hand into a wall.

im so screwed.

I grabbed a bottle of Hennessy and sat on the couch.

i know calling her is probably my best option.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"Alex, I don't have time for your shit." She sighed.

"I really just need someone to talk to..."

"Isn't that what girlfriends are for!?"

"Dominique, I don't think I can face her right now. I'm in deep shit."

"Alex, that was your fault you couldn't keep your dick in your pants. Now you gave someone a child."

"Dominique, I'm scared. I don't know what to do." I heard her take a long sigh.

"Alex, what was going through your head at the time? Like, seriously. A day before your birthday? Alex you could've done better. I can't believe you slept with that bitch, now you're paying the price for it, hm? You just turned nineteen! Yeah, you're making an income but I don't think you know how to take care a baby right now."

"That's why I have you." I sighed.

"Alex, stop picking and choosing. You fucking picked her and you need to live with that. I'm not saying you shouldn't love anyone, but you need to pick someone that you know will stay with you and someone who can help you clean your shit. You still love, Kristal, right?"

honestly, I don't know. my mind is torn right now.

"I can't give you an answer to that now, princess."

"When I asked you before, what did you say? You said you do. You've been constantly kissing and flirting with each other in the halls, showing each other affection. You do love her, Alex."

"Dominique, I don't think I do. And you pay attention to me that much in school?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Alex." She bluntly spoke, causing me to let out a chuckle.

"Fine, sorry. Continue."

"What do you mean you don't love her? It seems like you do."

"Dominique, I don't know if I love her. My mind is torn between two people. Her and you."

"The fuck do you mean?"

"Nevermind. I just can't tell someone I really love Kristen. I like her, but not love."

"Alex, is it that you're convincing yourself that you love her when you really don't?"

could i be forcing myself to believe that i love Kristen?


reason why? dont know.

maybe im in love with someone else?


shes just a cheater which makes it normal not to love her. it can't mean im in love with someone else.

who would the 'someone else' even be?

it's not like i love dominique


"Alex, are you there?" I heard her ask.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Like I was saying, if she is pregnant and the baby is yours, I'll always be open to try and help."

"Aren't I putting my baby at risk by leaving it with my enemy?"

"Oh, shut up." She spoke, causing me to let out a chuckle. I can picture her rolling her eyes.

"You trust me, dumbass. Right?"


"So, you're going to listen to what I said. Be a man, Alex. Don't let the childish side of you come out. If it's your child, deal with it. Okay?"

i feel like im having a heart to heart convo w my mom, which is super odd because im actually talking to my enemy.

enemy.. hm..

"Alright. Thanks, princess."

"Goodnight, Alex."

"Can you come over and sleep with me? I can't fall asleep with the amount of pressure on me right now."

"Alex, just close your eyes and you'll wake up in the morning."


She took a long deep breath before responding, "Okay, I'll be there in a few."

"Alright. See you soon." I spoke before hanging up.

I took a chug of Hennessy before closing it and putting it back on the shelf. I wanted to continue drinking so badly, but Dominique would be pissed off. Not that I really care.

i guess

A few minutes passed, I hear keys jingling. She gets in and closes the door.

"You're here." I stood up and walked to her.

"No, I'm in space." She sarcastically responded, rolling her eyes. I looked at what she was wearing and she was wearing on of the shirts I gave her that didn't even pass her mid thighs.

"Why are you wearing that in public?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Because I can." She responded, pushing me out the way and walking to the shelf with alcohol in it.

"No." I quickly stood in front of the shelf with my back against the drinks, blocking her.

"Move. I need a drink." She tried to move me but it was no use.

"I need the sober Dominique. Not the drunk Dominique." I spoke. She scoffed and her eyes trailed to my abs. It was covered by the black plain shirt I was wearing.

"Princess, my eyes are here." I stood up straight as she looked up, into my eyes. I took her arms and placed them each around my neck.

"Huh?" I plant a light kiss on her cheek, placing my arms around her waist, locking eye contact.

it's just so different.

like w Kristen it's just basic making out but w dom idek what to say. it's a confusing feeling.

I removed one arm from around her waist and slipped my hand under her dress, only to feel her bare ass.

"Are you wearing any underwear right now?" I pulled back and she looks down, biting her lip. I start leaving small kisses against her cheek then down her jawline.

"Alex." Her breath hitched.

"Are you or are you not wearing underwear right now?" I began kissing her neck, a moan following.


"And why is that?" I sucked on her neck only for her to let out a slightly loud moan.

"B-Because I ca– mm..."

"Dominique, answer me." I sucked on her neck even harder causing her to push my neck closer to her, letting out a moan.

"Alex, w-we can't be doing this..."

"You're right." I straightened myself up and let go of her. She took a long deep breath before speaking;

"I'm exhausted." She yawned, walking to my bedroom.

god i want to fuck her so badly rn

"You're sleeping on the floor." She commanded, laying in my bed then covering herself with the covers, closing her eyes.

I simply chuckled and grabbed some blankets and pillows, setting them on the floor.

"Goodnight, princess." I spoke, making myself comfy on the floor with a blanket on top of me.

"Goodnight, Alex."


I woke up, about to get up from the floor when I feel someone's arms wrapped around my waist.


she sleeps like an Angel.

I ignored my thoughts and slightly moved out of her grasp so I could get up.

I managed to get off of the floor and out of her grasp without waking her up. I grabbed my duffel bag, and headed to the boxing place.

I entered the basement and the coach was already waiting for me.

"Glad you're on time today. There's an old champion that wants to take you on."

"Oh, sure. Can't say no to a challenge." I shrugged, placing my stuff down, taking off my shirt then wear my boxing gloves.

"Alright, step onto the ring." I stepped onto the ring where my opponent stood and I instantly recognized him.

"Champion winner Alex and previous champion winner Lucas go head to head for this morning's match! Three... two... one... fight!"

this is gonna be fun


"A suspension till school is over!? Are you kidding!?" I yelled at the principal.

"You're lucky I'm not fully expelling you."

"Well, it's basically expelling because I won't come back to the school again!"

"Now you're understanding."

"Mr. Peters, I think you forgot something. I can show that video to the school board and get your ass fired, you know that, right? So you will keep me in this school whether you like it or not.

The question you should ask yourself is do you want to get paid or you want to get fired? I thought so, too." I threatened, walking out of his office leaving him speechless.

I walked past Roxanne giggling with Kristen and her goons.

i cant believe she moved on so quick.

I stormed into the girls bathroom and locked the door, slamming my fist into the wall. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to think of ways to self-control.

yeah, fuck self control.

I opened the bathroom door and ran towards there group and lunged at Kristen's, causing her to let out a scream. I was getting ready to throw another punch but was picked up by a pair of muscular arms and thrown over the shoulder.

"Put me the fuck down!" I yelled, hitting his back. He finally placed me down once we entered the bathroom and he locked the door. He put both arms on either side of me as I crossed my arms angrily.

"I didn't ask you to do shit!" I pushed him. "Go handle your bitch!"

"Dominique, watch it."

"No, go handle your fucking BITCH! You picked her, huh!?" I yelled.

"Watch your tone with me." He threatened dangerously, sending a few shivers up my spine.

"Or what!? Are we just gonna fuck then you go see your cheating bitch!? Isn't that what you always do, asshole!?"

"Dominique, I'm warning you."

"I don't give a FUCK! Let me leave!" I tried to unpin myself from the wall but he blocked me with his arms. He put both of his arms on either side of me once again as I let out a frustrated huff.

"Dominique, shut the fuck up."

"No! Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do!?"

He took one hand and cupped my neck firmly, "Dominique, I've warned you."

His cold rings made me shiver lightly.

"Go. Handle. Your. Bitch." He threw me on the floor behind me, causing me to hit my head on the floor.

fuck that hurts

I quickly got up and found an empty trashcan and lunged it at his head, causing him to let out a groan.

"Fuck you!" I yelled. He angrily stomped towards me and threw a punch at my jaw.

"Fuck!" I cursed. I ignored the terrible pain I was feeling and threw a punch at his nose, causing him to stumble backwards. He caught himself and pushed me against the wall harshly, pinning me against it.

"Be careful with your words, princess." He threatened in a dark tone, before storming out the bathroom, slamming the door after.

what the hell just happened?


"Why should I even listen to you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because I'm your girl, Dom. You know I'd never betray you." Roxanne responded. "Here's the proof, but you're gonna need to hurry."

She handed me one of Stacy's goons' phone and I watched the video of Roxanne and the principal fucking while I was standing in the room.

i KNEW one of them had framed me.

"Wait so how'd you get her password?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I told them I was gonna record us talking so you could spill all your secrets and she'd post it on her secret account." She whispered.

"This is the proof we need." I spoke, taking my phone out my pocket and taking screenshots of the phone images and videos.

"You might be a bad, evil bitch, but I knew you weren't lying, which is why I had to pretend to be friends with those bitches to get to you."

"Okay, I've got everything, let's g–"

"What are you two doing?" Kristen angrily asked as she opened the janitors room, revealing me with one of her goons' phone and Roxanne looking like she knew exactly what was about to go down.

karma's a cold-hearted bitch


"Would you stop pacing everywhere and wait till she comes in with the results!?" Teresa complained as she laid on the hospital bed waiting for the doctor to come back with the DNA results.

I was too stressed out right now waiting for these fucking results because I don't know if it's my child or not.

what am I gonna do if it's mine?

im gonna be a dad now?

what the fuck does baby food even look like!?

okay Alex, breathe. remember what Dominique said.

"It's lovely seeing you again, Ms. Parks." The doctor entered the room with a yellow envelope in his hand.

"You too, doctor. I'm assuming you have the results?"

"Yes I do. Here you go." He handed the results to Teresa and I watched as she slowly opened it. I felt beads of sweat drop down from my head and everything started to go in slow motion to the point where my heart beating was the only thing I could hear.


im very close to passing out and going into a deep coma

"You're not the father."


"WOOOOOOOO!" I cheered.

wait then, who is the father?

"Wait, Teresa, who's the father then?" I stopped dancing and looked at her seriously.

"I think Christian's the father."

Originally published? : August 7, 2021.

Last Updated: November 25, 2022.

I love you all,

and like always, have a great day/night,



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