
By eyyyyy43

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Jotaro loves Kakyoin. Even though Kakyoin is with DIO, he can't stop pining over him. Jotaro loves Kakyoin so... More

Authors Note :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Cheater 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Cheater 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Last Chapter)
After Note I Guess

Chapter 31

76 1 5
By eyyyyy43

Caesers alarm on his phone woke him up. He didn't know what to do today. His life in Morioh for the month was mostly uneventful. Caeser felt just as empty as he did with Joseph. Caeser never really had any friends so he didn't have anyone in Morioh. Except for Josuke.

Josuke was always at school, and while he did see Caeser often. It was more or less around an hour. Caeser didn't want to stay in Morioh any longer. However, he didn't want to go home. He had no idea what to do.

Then Caeser realized he still didn't get up. He didn't want to get up but he knew he should. He wondered what Joseph was doing and how he was doing. Caeser hadn't talked to Joseph since he left. Eventually, Caeser got up and went on with his day.

During his walk he thought about where he could go. There were many beautiful places in the world. He just didn't know where to go. While walking Caeser passed by an ice-cream place. It reminded him of when he was a kid in Italy.


Caeser realized he could go to Italy. It had been around twenty years since he was last there. He still spoke the language and he missed his home country. Before he moved all over the world to be with Joseph.

Speaking of Joseph, he wasn't doing well. After countless of voice-mails, Joseph officially gave up. He had bought a ticket for Morioh for Monday. He didn't want to live like this anymore. Joseph thought about what Caeser could possibly be doing.

Caeser had bought a ticket for Italy. He didn't know how to tell Josuke that he was leaving. Caeser wanted to bring Josuke along and thought about taking him. Then completely discarded the idea as he thought about what Josukes mother would say. He knew she wouldn't agree to the idea. There was also Josukes school to think about.

Not knowing where to go, Caeser went back to his hotel room. He wondered to himself what he would even do in Italy. He looked at his clock and realized it was time to meet Josuke.

Caeser waited in the street for Josuke to come. He didn't know how to tell Josuke exactly how he was leaving. He also didn't know how to say he's leaving tomorrow. Josuke eventually came and greeted his father.

"Hey Caeser!"

"Hey Josuke where do you wanna go?"

"Anywheres fine with me!"

Josuke noticed the nervous expression on Caesers face and asked.

"Is anything wrong?"

"I'm leaving for Italy tomorrow."

Neither of them knew what to say. Josuke wasn't expecting this and tried to say something. He had a million questions going through his mind, but the only thing he could ask was.


Caeser cleared his throat and put his hands in coat. This was harder than he thought it would be, part of him wanted to cancel the trip altogether. Caeser answered Josuke.

"I love you kid, but I don't love Morioh. I don't want to leave you but I have to be alone. I can't keep relying on other people for my happiness."

"So this place makes you miserable is that it? Then why did you stay here for so long?"

"Because I didn't want to leave you. I still don't! I wish I could take you with me to Italy. But, your mom probably wouldn't like that plus you shouldn't miss any school-"

"I don't care about any of that! I just don't want you to go! I'll go with you if I have to just..... I.... Love you too. I knew you were eventually going to leave. I just finally have a dad and.... It's selfish of me to think you were going to stay I know that, but can you blame me for being hopeful?"

"I'm sorry Josuke."

"It's ok dad. Just promise me you'll call me and tell me what's Italy like. I've always wanted to go to Milan. The fashion there is amazing."

They walked in silence to nowhere in particular. Just around the warm summer day. The school year was almost over and the school children were excited. Josuke watched them happily playing with each other in the playground.

Josuke saw one girl playing with her father. He always wondered what that was like. He never had a father figure growing up. Kira even said he never wanted to have kids. That wasn't Kiras fault, Josuke was scared to have kids as well.

The closest thing he ever had to a father was Caeser. Josuke already felt awful that one father left, he didn't want another one to leave. However, he knew Caeser wasn't leaving him, just Morioh. Josuke asked.

"Are you sure you want to leave?"

"I'm leaving Morioh, not you kid."

"I know that but..... I'm really gonna miss you.... Like a lot."

"You know how much I'm going to miss you too?"

"How much?"

Caeser stopped and turned to face Josuke. He opened his arms wide and stretched out his words.

"Thiiissss muuuccchhh!"

Josuke couldn't believe what he was seeing, he laughed and threw himself into Caesers arms. He hugged him tightly and Caeser was almost losing air. Caeser didn't care as he hugged back as tightly as he as well. They didn't want to let go of each other, but had to as they were in public. Josuke asked.

"Can I at least help you pack? Send you off to the airport?"

"Don't you have somewhere to be tonight?"

"You're not going to be here tomorrow and I want to spend more time with you. You're my father and I'm..... Going to have to adjust not having you here."

"I didn't really unpack at all. Just some clothes that I brought with me. So how about we just go get dinner instead?"

They spent the night together before Josuke had to go home. Caeser said goodbye to him at the door. He was about to leave before he felt something tug on his sleeve. He turned around to see Josukes mother. She looked shy as she asked.

"Can I talk to you?"

Caeser nodded and She closed the front door behind her. They were out in the night and Josukes mother smiled as she sad.

"I never got to thank you for being a father for my son. He told me that you were like an emotional pillar for him. You really helped him by being someone to talk to. That means a lot to me and him. I was really scared about him being in anywhere but Morioh. I..... Didn't know he'd become so mature like this. So I just wanted to thank you for taking such good care of him. You're a good father."

Not knowing how to respond, Caeser smiled and chuckled. He responded by nodding before saying.

"I just did what any good dad would do. I'm actually not going to be here anymore so no need to worry about me! Heh.... Thanks...."

"Well I know we're not.... exactly friends but I know Josuke is going to miss you. So..... See you around I guess...."

"Yeah see you around senora."

It was Sunday morning as Caeser got on the plane. The plane ride was nice as Caeser just watched some movies and took a nap. When he arrived he almost cried as the warm air hit him. Caeser realized he overdressed and felt like he was about to die from a heat stroke.

He missed the hot weather and was happy to be back home. He wondered where he could go first and he walked around the streets. They were all dangerous but those were the streets he felt like were home. This was it, Caeser was finally home.

Joseph had sobered up and put on his best looking comfortable clothes. He wanted to put on a tie but he didn't know how to tie one. He remembered the first time Caeser tied his tie for him.

"Joseph! What is that around your neck?"

Joseph couldn't help but smile hearing Caesers Italian accent. He found it incredibly adorable and couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he explained.

"Well this is a tie. I need one for this job interview."

Caeser flicked Joseph across the head and exclaimed.

"I know idiota! But you think to get a job looking like a..... How do you say it? It starts with a... What's (Italian word for hobo) in English?"

"Come on I don't look that bad! Suzie thought I looked classy when I wore this."

"Your girlfriend is as stupid as you. You're perfect for each other. Either way you look very bad! Here is how you do it!"

Pressing his body against Joseph, he undid Josephs sloppy tie and mumbled in Italian. Not noticing how close he was to Joseph, Caeser started complaining in English again.

"How do you not know how to do this! Even a street boy like me knows how to-"

Caeser looked up at Joseph, who was five inches taller than him. He realized how close their faces were and Joseph realized too. Their heartbeats were getting faster and all Joseph could say was.


A slight blush came across Caesers face as he mumbled back.

"You're welcome idiota."

Joseph tried anyways to put on his tie. It looked sloppy but knew Caeser would fix it. He smiled thinking of him as he boarded on the plane. While the first time Caeser tied his tie was nice. The later times were much better. Joseph thought about them as he laid down in his first class chair.

"How do I look Caeser? I've never been so nervous! I've never sold a house before!"

"You'll sell nothing with that sloppy tie. Here let me fix it for you ok? Don't worry about it. You're the most confident man I've ever met and the most charming. You can sell a house."

As Caeser pressed his body against Josephs, Joseph put his hands on Caesers hips. Caeser fixed Josephs tie and smiled as he was satisfied with his work. He almost pulled away before pulling Joseph down by the necktie and kissing him.

The kiss was short, but Joseph leaned in for a second one. The second kiss was longer, until Caeser pulled away and compliained.

"You're not going to make any money by kissing me! Go!"

The plane landed and Joseph rushed outside. He went running around to see where Caeser could possibly be. All the hotels said Caeser wasn't there. Joseph realized he had only one option left.

Tomoko heard a knock at her door. It was eight in the evening and she wasn't expecting guests. She opened the door and her face turned pale. Joseph wasted no time and quickly asked.

"Where's Caeser? Is he staying here?"

"He-hello Joseph. Nuh-no he's not here he..... left a couple days ago."


"We don't know"

Josuke interrupted, he stood by his mother and looked Joseph directly in the eye. Joseph was getting agitated and didn't have a facade to rely on anymore.

"Stop lying to me, yes you do."

"No we really don't. Get off this property right now or I'll make you get off."

"You couldn't even beat Jotaro in a fight. Your threats are pathetic."

Josuke didn't tell his mother about the fight. Tomoko gave Josuke a glare which signified they'd be having a discussion later. Josuke was more scared of his mother than he was of Joseph.

"Doesn't matter right now. I don't know where Caeser is he.... Left without telling me anything-"

Replied Josuke as he tried his best to look convincing. Even though he knew Joseph wouldn't believe him even if he was telling the truth. Joseph rolled his eyes and stated.

"We both know he wouldn't do that. He loves you too much."

"I'm not lying! He didn't tell me anything! Now go! Get out of here!"

Josuke was becoming more aggressive and stepped closer towards Joseph. He didn't want his mother to be around Joseph. He also didn't want Joseph to be around Caeser or himself. Joseph scoffed and rolled his eyes before saying to Tomoko.

"I never should've knocked you up if I knew you were going to raise such a piece of shit."

Tomoko was about to slap Joseph across the face. That was until Josuke put a hand against his mother's chest, signaling her to stop. If looks could kill, Joseph would've died a slow agonizing death. Josuke asked Joseph, his voice trembling.

"You wanna talk about being a piece of shit?"

Josuke lifted up his hand and started counting. Joseph was starting to get annoyed as well.

"You ruined my mothers life, you ruined my life, you ruined Kakyoins life with Jotaros life in the process. Don't forget! You ruined your ex wifes life yeah I know about her. And finally the last one that I know of is Caeser Zeppeli! You ruined Caesers life and  you're telling me I'm a piece of shit? Look at yourself you can't even tie a tie correctly!"

Josuke got closer to Joseph and fixed his tie for him. Not knowing how to respond, Joseph stood still. After finishing Josephs tie, Josuke lightly pushed Joseph away from him. Joseph only stared blankly as he said.

"Stop acting all high and mighty. Like you're perfect. You ruined my life."

Joseph didn't hide the fact that he was angry. He embraced it and did his best not to yell.

"You.... somehow convinced Caeser to leave me and are you happy now?! I'm all alone. You cost me the one good thing I've ever had in my miserable life. God I wish you were aborted! so I wouldn't have to deal with all this bullshit! I never should've slept with Tomoto she wasn't even that good of a lay."

Josuke mumbled something under his breath. Joseph couldn't make out what Josuke was saying and chuckled before saying.

"What? Can't speak? Wow you look stupid right now. Listen I don't care what bullshit you got going on, but I'm looking for my husband. Tell me where he is."


Not being able to make out what Josuke asked.

"Say that again?"

"Get out."



Not expecting Josuke to yell, Joseph took a few steps back. Tomoko looked in shock as Josuke yelled.


"I'm not leaving until I know where he is!"


"Then why did he leave!?"

Josuke took a deep breath and he tried not to yell, he failed horribly.


Joseph felt it getting harder to breathe and loosened his tie. Josuke was getting angrier as Joseph was ruining the tie he just fixed.

"Then explain to me why he's never done this before?! Explain why he decided to leave me now! Why he decided to leave with you?!"


Lowering his voice and stepping back inside his house, Josuke demanded.

"Leave my mother alone, leave Kakyoin alone he told me about what you said that's messed up man, leave Jotaro alone because I know you must've screwed something up with him, leave me alone and leave Caeser alone he doesn't want to be with you! How are you this stupid!?"

Josuke grabbed the door and held it tightly. He gave up on trying to keep his voice lowered. He hated Joseph with as much hatred as he could muster. He couldn't believe such a horrible man existed. It was incomprehensible to Josuke that Joseph could hurt one of the kindest man they've ever met.

Josuke didn't care what would happen to him anymore. He shouted at the top of his lungs. He'd never yelled so loud in his life but if that what it took for Joseph to understand. He'd scream louder.


The tears started swelling up in Josukes eyes as he looked at Josephs indifferent expression. Josukes voice wavered and got quieter as he trembled.

"Just leave us the fuck alone."

An audible slam could be heard from across the country. Josuke slammed the door with such force there was a visible crack. Tomoko was speechless as the entire world fell silent. Until a soft knocking could be heard from the cracked door.

Nobody opened the door as Josuke locked it. No one answered Josephs knocks. Tomoko covered her mouth trying not to make any sound. Breathing heavily, Josuke was about to curse Joseph out again. That was until the knocking seemed to have stopped. There was that brief moment of silence that lasted centuries, which was interrupted by Josephs crying voice.

"Please.... I can barely function without him I'm a mess Josuke. I know you hate me and that's fine. If I knew you existed I would've been there for you I swear, I know you think I'm lying and I get that I really do. But... Please I'm begging you Josuke.... I need him back."

Tomoko started crying slightly and smiled slightly. Her smile dropped at Josukes unreadable expression, he didn't look like he felt anything. Josuke got close to the door and sternly stated.

"He doesn't need you."

Josephs tears could be heard on the other side of the door. Josuke felt himself getting angrier and tried not to yell as Joseph cried.

"I know he's too kind for his own good.... I just can't live without him and I know you know where he is. I'm pathetic I know but I'm desperate! Please help me it's the least you could do after making him leave right? I just want to make things right with everyone. That includes you and your mother I know I've made some mistakes and I'll do anything to fix it. Just help me start..."

There was no sympathy in Josukes words as he spoke through clenched teeth.

"You don't deserve to cry. You don't deserve my pity and you won't get it. I hope you die miserably in a pit looking for him. You know your husband so well? You can find him easily then. It's not so hard. My mother raised a piece of shit remember? I'll live up to that if you don't get off my property right now-"

"I'll give you $100,00 if you tell me where he is."

"I said"

The crack in the door got larger as Josuke punched his fist against it. Joseph didn't want to leave and he was willing to pay or do whatever he could to know where Caeser was. He desperately needed to see Caeser again.

So Joseph left to a hotel and spent the night staring at the ceiling wondering where Caeser could be. At three in the morning he got a phone call. It was Caeser. Joseph had never been happier as he picked up the phone. He didn't even get to say anything as Caeser only said one line, giving Joseph no time to respond.

"Leave my son alone you sack of shit."

The phone call wasn't traceable and Joseph sat on his bed. He didn't know what to do anymore and went home the next day. He didn't do anything anymore besides work, drink, sleep, eat.

That phone call was the last he heard of Caeser for five years. The next and last time he ever saw him was at Jotaros wedding.

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