Powerpuff Girls and Boy (A Sp...

By CaptainSpeed52

28.2K 487 289

The Professor thought the Powerpuff Girls need some help so he went and made the Powerpuff Boy, Bolt. All cre... More

Powerpuff Bluff
Monkey See, Doggy Do
Mommy Fearest
Boy Toy
Insect Inside
Octi Evil
Fuzzy Logic
Tough Love
Major Competition
Mr. Mojo Uprising

Powerpuff Boy

7.2K 78 82
By CaptainSpeed52

A/N: Hey guys Speed here, I'm here to welcome you to my first ever fanfiction. Today I'm writing if the Powerpuff Girls had a brother. He's gonna have a yellow hoodie, black jeans, and a lightning hair clip. So now to the show.

The girls were just in their room doing some regular stuff. Blossom was reading, Bubbles was playing with her dolls and Buttercup was watching cartoons on her phone.

Blossom: Man it's a good day today.

Bubbles: "Yeah there hasn't been a crime alert in ages" she said pouring tea for her pet octopus.

Buttercup: Nothing can go wrong.

As soon as it said that the toy phone rainged. Buttercup tossed her phone on her bed.

Buttercup: I gotta keep my big mouth shut.

Blossom closed her book and hovers over to the phone

Blossom: Yes mayor.

Mayor: Help Powerpuff girls the city needs you.

Blossom: Were on it mayor *hangs up* come on girls.

Buttercup: Did he have to call us when I was a good part.

Bubbles and Blossom were waiting outside the window.

Bubbles: Come on Buttercup.

Buttercup: Coming Coming.

They all fly out to the crime leaving a green, pink and blue trail behind them.

2 hours later

Professor Untonium was on the couch watching the news when the girls came in the front door all beating up.


Blossom: It was Mojo Jojo

Bubbles: He was trying to destroy a building to use it as his new lair.

PU: That is terrible.

Buttercup: I should say she literally almost destroyed us with her robot.

Blossom: It would be cool if we had a little extra help.

Bubbles and Buttercup agreed and they all went to their room. The professor put a hand on his chin.

PU: Yeah that would help them.

He then got up and went to his lab and got out some ingredients that made the girls. Which were sugar, spice, and everything nice.

PU: Yes, Yes I could just make another who can help out with their mission, brilliant!

He poured in the sugar and spice but when he got to everything nice he hesitated.

PU mind: Another little girl I can do but what if stead I created a little boy… *he clapped his hand together* yes, yes a little boy.

He went to the store to buy all the things little boy's will like. He came back and poured it all and stirred it. He went to a barrel that had the letters chemical X on it. He then got beaker, poured some in and poured it into the pot and getting behind a shield knew very well what's about to happen.

 It then exploded making a huge mess in the lab. He then peeked out from the shield to see a little boy in a yellow hoodie that looked like the girl dressed, he had brown hair that almost resembled Buttercups, he also had a lightning pin in his hair.

The professor walked up to the boy and started at him with a smile.

???: Hello.

PU: Hello.

???: Who are you.

PU: I'm Professor Untonium 

???: Hello professor.

PU: So what's your name.

???: You made me so you can choose my name.

PU: Ah yes I forgot hm… how about Bolt. Yes little Bolt.

Bolt: Ha ha.

PU: Come along Bolt, it 's time to meet your sister's.

Bolt: Sister's?

They started to walk out of the lab.

PU: Yes your sister's.

He goes up to their room and knocks on the door.

PU: Girls I have a surprise for you.

Girls: Coming professor.

Blossom opens the door in her night gown since almost time for bed.

Girls: Yes professor.

PU: Girls I have a very special surprise for you.

Bubbles: What is it professor?

He moves out of the way to introduce Bolt.

PU: This is Bolt.

Bolt: *Shyly* Hi.

The girls stare at him for a little bit.

Buttercup: Who's he.

PU: This is your new brother.

Girls: Brother?

They all stare at Bolt and Bolt stared at them back. 


They all squeezed and tackled Bolt for a hug.

Blossom: I always wanted a brother.

Bubbles: Hi Bolt I'm Bubbles.

Buttercup: I can't wait for the great times we're gonna have.

He was blushing for all the attention he was getting but smiled never ale's. They all pulled him into the room.

Blossom: This is our room which is now your room.

They showed him around the room with Blossom reading to him, Bubbles and him playing with her dolls, and Buttercup let him watch some cartoons with her.

It was finally time for bed and the professor came into the room.

PU: Kids it's time for bed.

All: Awww 

Bubbles: But we were having fun playing with Bolt.

PU: Girls you know it's a school night.

Bolt: School?

Blossom: You're gonna love school.

Bubbles: We get to learn a lot there.

Buttercup: And it's so much fun.

PU: And if you want to let him see it you're gonna have to go to sleep.

The girls immediately got into bed. Bolt was about to hop in when the professor stopped him.

PU: First you have to put these on.

He holds up some pajamas with a lightning bolt on it. Bolt put it on and tried to get on the bed but couldn't reach.

Blossom: Try flying up here.

Bolt then flew into his side of the bed which now had a yellow side, they all said their goodnights and went to and went to sleep.


It was now morning and Bolt was still asleep. Bubbles came into the room to see that he is still asleep. She climbs into bed and shakes him awake.

Bubbles: Bolt it's time to wake up.

Bolt opens his eyes to see Bubbles over him. He sits up and tries to rub the sleep from him.

Blake: Morning Bubbles.

Bubbles: Morning

She then hops off the bed and heads for the door.

Bubbles: Get dressed and meet me down stairs.

Bubbles then left, Bolt then got out of bed, changed into his regular clothes and met up with everyone down stairs.

PU: Ah Bolt come have some breakfast.

Bolt sits down next to Blossom and eats some pancakes and stops moving for a second.

Bubbles: *Worried* What's wrong with him.

Blossom: It's his first time eating pancakes, he must be processing it.

They wait for a few seconds for Bolt to regain his consciousness. He then shook his head and they sighed.

Bolt: Wow what is this stuff.

Bolt takes another out of it.

Bubbles: It's called pancakes.

Bolt: These are good, thanks professor.

PU: You're welcome Bolt, now everyone finishes up for school.

All: Yes professor.

They all finished and flew to the car.

Blossom: I can't wait for everyone to see you.

Bolt: Do you think they'll like me?

Bubbles: Of course people will like you.

Buttercup: If they don't they'll have to deal with me.

They all laughed and they headed to school.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten

They arrived at school and said bye to the professor. When they enter they see kids playing around.

Bolt: Wow.

Bubbles: I know right.

Bubbles takes him by the hand and introduces us to the teacher. 

Bubbles: Ms. Keane this is my brother Bolt.

Ms. Keane: Hello there dear is very nice to meet you 

Bolt: Thank you

Ms. Keane: Everyone settle down. I will like everyone to meet the powerpuff girl's brother Bolt, everyone gives him a warm welcome.

Everyone: Hi Bolt.

Bolt: Hi.

Ms Keane: Ok Bolt you can sit at your sister's table.

He nodded and took a seat next to Buttercup.

Ms. Keane: Let's get started with today's lesson.


The girls took Bolt out for recess.

Bubbles: Bolt you want to play tag.

Bolt: What's a tag?

Blossom: Well one person is it and to not be it you have tag some else, you got that.

Bolt nods.

Bubbles: Ok so your it. 

The girls start to run away from him. Bolt tries to go for Buttercup but she easily gets away from him. Blossom thought smarter than him and flew right past him. Bolt was about to tag Bubbles but she jumped over him. He got up from the ground and laughed a little and went for the chase again.

He saw that the girls were huddled together so he ran for them and the girls ran from him. He then started to catch up to them and they started to get faster. They then got faster and faster until they were blue, pink, green, and yellow blurs.

Buttercup: You can't catch us. 

The girls started to laugh before the notice that he was starting to get even faster. Their friend was going faster but couldn't. He started to get even faster making the girls sweat. All the kids just watched as the sister's ran away from the brother.

The girls were actually getting tired from running and we're slowing down. Bolt then tackled all of them to the ground.

Bolt: Your all it.

The girls took deep breaths.

Buttercup: You *breaths* are really *breaths* fast.

Bolt: Thanks.

Blossom: Now I know why your name is Bolt.

They all started to laugh then the teacher called them in for them to leave. The professor was outside waiting for the kids.

All: Hi professor.

PU: Ah kids how was school.

Bolt flew up to the professor.

Bolt: It was awesome, I made so many new friends and I even go to learn this new game called tag.

The professor's eyes widened when Bolt said tag.

PU: You stayed in the playground, right?

Bolt landed on the ground.

Bolt: Yeah why?

PU: The last time the girls played that game they almost wrecked the city.

Buttercup: We agreed to never speak of that again.

Blossom: and that was an accident.

The girls were a little irritated that the professor told him that but he just shrugged it off. They all hopped into the car and headed home.

When they got home the girls brought Bolt to the living room to watch some TV. After like two to three shows the toy phone rang in their room. The kids zipped into the room with Bolt a little confused.

Blossom picked up the phone.

Blossom: Yes mayor.

Mayor: Girls there is a robbery at the bank.

Blossom: Right mayor *she hangs up* Come on girls, let's go.

Bubbles: What about Bolt.

Buttercup: Oh yeah it's his first mission.

Bolt: Mission?

Buttercup: Yeah, we get a call from the mayor when there's trouble and we get to help people.

Bolt: Sounds cool.

Buttercup: It is cool.

Blossom: Come on guys the town needs us.

The girls flew out their respected window with Bolt flying out of Buttercups.

Everyone looked in the air to see the regular pink, blue, and green streams of the girls but they also saw a yellow stream with them.

When they get to the bank everyone sees that there is a new member.

Blossom: Ok Bubbles you handle crowd control. Buttercup you make sure no one gets hurt while me and Bolt fight.

Bubbles and Buttercup: Right

They both flew off and left Bolt and Blossom. Blossom grabs Bolt's hand and they both go into the bank.

The bank robbers Blossom and Bolt got confused when they saw Bolt though.

Robber 1: Who's the boy.

Blossom: This is my new brother and we are gonna take you down.

Robber 2: Well your gonna have beat us to take us in.

The robber tried to punch Blossom but she dodged all his punches and punched him straight into the jaw. She then turns to Bolt.

Blossom: You know what to do?

He nods and goes for the second robber and punches into the chess sending him into a wall. The first robber got back on his feet and saw what Bolt did to his partner. He then got behind Bolt, grabbed his hood and threw him into the floor. Blossom gasped when she saw this and went to go help but got intercepted by a third robber.

The first robber grabbed Bolt by the collar and slams him on his back before kicking him into a wall. Bubbles finally got everyone away when she saw this. She had fire in her eyes and punched the criminal hard into the wall. Blossom also got the third robber onto the ground and tied him up. They then saw the second robber going up to Bolt when he was trying to get before Buttercup slugged him in the back.


The girls then tied the unconscious criminal up and took their beaten up brother home.


The professor was patching up Bolt's bruised up body and the girls were in their room.

Blossom: Did you see what they did to Bolt back there.

Buttercup: Yeah, beat our brother up, now he has to go through that pain.

Bubbles: I feel so bad we could have stopped them.

Bubbles started to cry that made Blossom and Buttercup cry. 

Blossom: I can't see him get hurt. It hurts my heart too much.

Buttercup: Yeah he went through so much pain.

Bubbles: We can't let this happen again.

They all nodded and got dressed for bed. The professor brought a sleeping Bolt into the room in his pajamas.

PU: He's gonna be ok girls he just needs time to heal.

Girl: *sadly* Night professor.

PU: Good night kids.

He then left the room after turning off the light. The girls then looked at their sleeping.

Girls: This will never happen again. 

They all went to sleep after hugging him.


Bolt eyes started to flutter open and he yawns, and smacks his lips before fully opening his eyes and seeing the girls staring at him with wide smiles. He jumped when he saw them but winced in pain when he did. The girls got worried.

Blossom: Hey don't move too much, you're still healing.

Bolt: Ok.

Bolt slowly got out of bed and changed and went to change into his normal clothes. The girls immediately stopped him.

Buttercup: Let's help you put on your clothes.

Bubbles grabbed his usual clothes while Buttercup and Blossom changed him out of his pajamas leaving him in his underwear. They then put on his pants and hoodie. Blossom put on his shoes tying them up and Bubbles put his lightning pin in.

Bolt was a little weirded out with the girl's change for him even though they know he can change himself. He looked at them and they had their hand behind their back smiling.

Bolt: T-thanks.

Girls: Your welcome!

The kids just made their way to the kitchen where the professor had made breakfast for them.

PU: Here you go kids bacon and eggs.

Kids: Thanks professor.

The girls look over to Bolt who was about to eat before taking it away.

Bolt: Hey I was going to eat that.

Blossom put the food in the blender, started it up, poured it into a cup, and handed it to Bolt.

Blossom: We do want you to choke.

Bolt looked at it in disgust and pushed it away.

Bolt: I'm not hungry anymore I'm gonna go watch tv. Bolt flew over to the couch and turned on the TV. The girls sat with him Bubbles on the right and Buttercup and Blossom on the left. The professor came downstairs with his keys.

PU: Kids I got to go somewhere, stay out of trouble.

Kids: Yes professor.

The professor left and they heard him drive off. After two hours of watching tv Bolt got on board and went upstairs. Blossom got in front of him.

Blossom: Where are you going?

Bolt: Upstairs so I can play, why?

Buttercup: Let us come with you.

Bubbles grabbed his hand and they went to their room. Bolt went to grab a book but Blossom took it from.

Bolt: Hey give that back!

Blossom: Sorry this can cause paper cuts. I can read it for you. He sighs and nods after about 10 minutes of Blossom reading to him he went to Bubbles who was playing with her dolls.

Bolt: Can I play? 

Bubbles: Sure.

He went to grab a toy from the toy box but Bubbles stopped him.

Bubbles: Let me get a toy for you.

Bolt: But I can get it myself.

Bubbles: You might fall in and hurt yourself.

Bolt crossed his arms while Bubbles looked for a toy. She finds his toy sloth and gives it to him.

Bubbles: Here's Poke.

Bolt takes Poke and hugs him.

Bolt: Thanks.

Bolt plays with Bubbles for a while. She kept on doing stuff for him he could do for himself which irritated him a little. He then put Poke on his side of the bed and went to Buttercup who was playing with her ball.

Bolt: Can I play with you?

Buttercup: Yeah sure, I want to play catch.

He nods his head and goes across the room.

Buttercup: Can you come closer?

Bolt comes closer.

Butter: Closer.

Bolt walks closer.

Buttercup: A little more closer.

He comes up to Buttercup where he's only a few feets away.

Buttercup: How about a little closer?

He walked closer to the point he was standing in front of her. 

Buttercup: Perfect!

Butter just hands him the ball and he takes it. He stares at Buttercup for a second before tossing it behind him. The ball bounced off the wall and hit him in the back of his head. The girls gasped and huddled over him.

Bubbles: Are you ok?

Blossom: Where does it hurt?

Buttercup: I'm so sorry I shouldn't have let you play.

The girls started bombarding him with questions when the toy phone rang. Blossom takes the phone.

Blossom: Hello.

Mojo: Ha ha powerpuff girls I mojo jojo have captured your mayor and if you want to see him alive you will come here to face me.

Mojo then hung up the phone.

Blossom: Mojo Jojo has captured the mayor.

Bubbles: Oh no!

Blossom: Let's go!

The kids then flew out their window with Bolt again flying out of Buttercups before they all pushed him back in.

Bolt: Hey!

Blossom: Sorry but you can't come with us.

Bolt: Why?!

Bubbles: We don't want you to get hurt.

Buttercup: Sorry dude.

Blossom: From this day on you can't ever fight crime ever again.

The girls then flew out the room leaving Bolt alone looking out the window. 

Mojo Jojo's Lair

Mojo: Ha ha the powerful girls are on their way.

The camera cut to the Mair hanging over a bucket of lava.

Mayor: You won't get away with this Mojo.

Mojo: Ah I already have.

That's when the girls burst into the room.

Blossom: Stop right there Mojo.

Mojo: The PowerPuff girls right on time.

Buttercup: Listen here Mojo you either let the mayor go or we're gonna lay it on ya.

Mojo then pressed a button which had a giant robot coming out from the ceiling.

Buttercup: Second option than.

The robot sends three homing missiles at the girls. The girls split off which the missiles split off to all three of the girls. Buttercup was flying all over the place and once she got to the robot went over it sending the missile into it. Bubbles was bouncing around her missile making it confused where to go and when Bubbles trapped in it and it turned around to attack her it actually hit the robot. Blossom was going through another room to get away when she got back to the original. She took a turn so the missile could piece through it making the robot explode.

The girls looked towards Mojo but saw him running. They got in front of to stop him.

Mojo: Ok you caught me but can I have one last request.

Bubbles: What?

Mojo then proceeds to press a button which makes a chanse come out capturing the girls. It then brought the girls to the lava pit where the mayor is.

Mojo: Ha ha I have captured you now I, Mojo Jojo, will destroy you.


Powerpuff House

This caught the attention of Bolt who was laying on the bed. 

Bolt: The girls are in trouble.

He then leaves through Buttercup's window but comes right back.

Bolt: But they said that I couldn't fight crime.

He then pondered on what to do. Should he level or not? 

Bolt: No there my sister's and I'm gonna do what I have to do to save them.

He then left to go save his sister's.

Mojo Jojo's Lair

Mojo was giving a long evil monologue about how he dispides the girls and how much he's gonna take over. That when the door to the room burst open to reveal Bolt. The girls gasped when they saw him.

Mojo: Who are you!?

Bolt: My name is Bolt and you are gonna let go of my sister's.

Mojo again pressed a button and the same exact robot the girls destroyed came out. The robot aimed a laser at Bolt which he dodged and sent a flurry of punches denting it little. 

The robot sent a punch to Bolt knocking him back. He was trying to get up but the robot came up to him and brought his foot up and stomped on him making everyone gasp except Mojo who was laughing.

Blossom: We lost him.

Bubbles: He's gone.

Buttercup started to cry which made the other cry but they started to feel heat coming to their back. They turn to see Bolt using his laser vision on the chains.


This made the robot turn around and stomp over to Bolt. Bolt quickly tried to burn the chains faster but the robot hit him and sent him to the ground. He just got right back up.

Mojo: How are you still alive? 

Bolt: Well before I almost got crushed I got on my feet and moved a half a second later. 

The robot again stomped over to him before Bolt started running around him making it spin faster and faster before jumping in the air and punched right through It's head. It wobbled a little bit before falling down, exploding. Bolt then glares at Mojo who immediately tries to run away but Bolt gets in front of him and punches him unconscious. He gives out a frown before turning into a smile hovering over Mojo's unconscious body.

Bolt: Ha ha I did it I did it I won!

Blossom: Great job Bolt we're proud of you now can you get us down.

Bolt: Oh sorry.

He then uses his laser vision to cut them down and they all give him a hug.

Buttercup: You were awesome, we are so sorry for leaving you.

Bubbles: Yeah can you ever forgive us?

Bolt course I forgive you guys your my sister's.

They all left for home after sending Mojo to jail.

Powerpuff Home

The professor came home and asked how the kids' days were. They just said it was eventful and they had Bolt wait in the living room till they did it in their room.

After about 25 minutes Bubble brung bolt to see that there was now a yellow ad to their room, there was his very own window next to Buttercup and there was now a A and B in front of the PPG.

Blossom: It's official you're our honorary Powerpuff Boy.


He hugs his sister when they get a call from the phone.

Blossom: Hello?

Mayor Secetery: Powerpuff Girls!

Blossom: It's actually Powerpuff Girls and Boy.

Mayor Secetery: Well there is trouble in the city.

Blossom: On it! *Hangs up* let's go girls and Bolt.

The kids flew out their respected windows.

The End

Narrator: And the day is saved thanks to the PowerPuff Girls and Boy.

Cut to the mayor still hanging over lava.

Mayor: Help.

Speed: Well that the first chapter of the PowerPuff Girls and Boy. Leave a review of you want me to do something with or about Bolt. 

Later Speedsters!

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