Pirate Hero, Deku!

By IzukuDMidoriya8

99.5K 1.2K 848

After UA completed their licensing exam to become hero's, they decided to get rest. But after a fight broke d... More

A Hero's Return
A Class Get Together
Disappearance Explained
Preparing for Training
The First Obstacle
Deku vs Heroes
The Quirkless vs the #1!The new hope for the world!
Powers and Abilities Explain
One For All!Straw Hat Bounty!
Singing Deku! Press Conference!
Deku vs Bakugou: Part 3
Indoor Music Show!
Raid Meeting!
An Interview! Ideal of Freedom!
Important Announcement!!

The Aftermath! Deku vs Hero Course!

4.3K 68 93
By IzukuDMidoriya8

Deku, Aizawa and Nezu has leaved the press to a car with All might driving them. He didn't want to be part of the press because he want Midoriya to do it all on his own. But he was at concern to Midoriya after that. The four of them got in the car and drove to the dorms and get some rest from what happen today. The two U.A. staff have witness one of the students tantrum today. They always expected Bakugou to have one but not Midoriya. So they decided to ask the green haired kid about it.

Aizawa: Midoriya, what was all that about?

Izuku calm: What do you mean?

Nezu: The moment where you yelled. You said that you were bullied for 10 years. Is that true?

Izuku: *sigh* Yeah, it's true.

All Might: Why didn't you tell any adult about this.

Izuku: Well when you are quirkless, people believe that you aren't worth living in the society that your put in. When I tell the teachers about the bulling, they just ignored it and let the students do what ever they want to me.

Nezu: Not even your mother.

Izuku: No as far as she knows me and bakugou are having a bad relationship.

Aizawa disbelief: I thought he was a part of it. I knew he was a reckless, loud kid but to do something like this.

Nezu: Why wasn't their any record about any of this?

Izuku: The teachers didn't want their star pupil to have his dreams ruin. Like I said they didn't want to bother doing anything for a quirkless.

Nezu: Well that won't be left unnoticed.

All Might: Right, I'll ask Tsukauchi to bring an investigation about this.

Izuku: Thanks, tho I want you guys to leave Bakugou be.

Aizawa: What, Why?!

Izuku: Because even tho he is a dick to everyone, even tho he bullied me for years, ... He was my friend regardless of all the struggles he put me through. That is, what the old me would want.

All Might: What do you mean?

Izuku: Through out both of our lives, I have been the one with him the most. And yet even with all the good things I did, he still pushes me away. Zoro and Sanji told me that even tho their at each others necks, they do appreciate their company and being a member of the crew, without saying it in front of them. So I do want us to be friends, but until he begs for sorry, I won't be able to help him with anything.

Nezu: And what do you mean by 'help' him?

Izuku: Well, do you guys want me to teach the class what I know?

Aizawa: That would be very grateful, yes.

Izuku: Than that's what I'll won't do for Bakugou. I'll won't teach him anything until he says sorry.

All Might: But that would put him behind of everyone else.

Izuku: True, but he still wouldn't go far by how he's acting. As a hero, even with all the training you did at school, you would still make mistakes. And to redeem your mistakes, you should say sorry and admit your mistakes, at least.

Nezu: Alright, we'll leave him in your hands for a while. But we would want him to go to hound dog's consoling to take care of his anger.

Izuku: Thats fine.

After a few minutes the four of them got to the entrance of Dorms for 1A. The principal bids them farewell since he has work to do. Aizawa also left to also get things ready for training tomorrow. So All Might and Midoriya went inside the dorms to see their reactions.

Class A: Midoriya/Deku!

Midoriya sheepishly smile at them.

Izuku: Hey guys!

Kaminari: Don't 'Hey guys' to us! What happen back there!

Izuku nervously sweat.

Izuku: Come on guys, I just got a bit angry is all.

Iida: Midoriya, don't say it like that! You admittedly say that you were tortured as a child didn't you?!

Uraraka: And the childhood friend who told you top kill yourself... was it Bakugou?

Izuku sighed: Yes.

Everyone was shocked that Bakugou would go to such lengths for his pride. They know his ego is troubling but this is a new level.

Izuku looks around and doesn't see Bakugou

Izuku: Speaking of which, where is he?

Sero: He probably ran to his room after watching the news.

Izuku: Well, I say we should let him. He's probably blowing up his room being furious that he might be expelled.

Kirishima worried: W-well is he?

All Might: We could, but it depends on the victim to allows it and Midoriya doesn't.

Ojiro: Wait, are you sure Midoriya?

Midoriya: Everyone I understand you want Bakugou to be punished and he is. I made a agreement with Nezu and help you guys learn the skills I know except for Bakugou.

Kaminari: But wouldn't make him more angry?

Izuku: Well it will be a lesson for him. It was his pride and anger that he lost the provisional exam. So if he is going to continue going through a path of negativity, then it would be his own fault of not achieving his goal.

Everyone stopped for a moment, understanding that the Porcupine haired kid needs to know control his emotional personality.

Izuku: Alright, I'll be heading up my room to relax after what happen today. I'll see you guys later.

He was about to head up stairs and remembered something.

Izuku: Oh, and one more thing. Aizawa wanted you guys to prepare for tomorrow, *Smirked* Because you guys and Class B are battling me.

Everyone screamed: WHAT??

-A day later-.

It is now the evening of today. Both classes are now together at one side of a factory city and the other is Midoriya. The Teachers present are Aizawa, All Might, and Vlad, decided to tell them yesterday to give them a plan on how to beat him.

They are doing this training to see the progress and compare between them and Midoriya. So they give warned them ahead of time to give them a plan. Both classes are nervous but after planning all day yesterday they feel a little confident.

Aizawa: Alright, Class A & B, here is how today's training works, to win you can either knock him out or wrap him up by the tape given to you. The same can be given to Midoriya. I know you're facing an opponent that is very strong, but even when you're facing someone like him, don't give up!

Vlad: And with that, let the battle commence!

The siren then goes off to start the match, even though everyone decided to work together, Bakugou blast forward with an angry look.

Kirishima yelled calling out to him

Kirishima: Bakugou what are you doing?!

Bakugou didn't respond.

Setsuna: Is he seriously battling Midoriya alone?!

Tsuyu: Bakugou wasn't even helping us with the plan.

Uraraka: Well when you think about it, he wasn't with us when we are making the plan in the first place.

Ojiro: Well we have to do the plan with out him.

Iida: Ojiro's right! Let's win this everyone!

Everyone: Yeah!

-Midoriya's Pov-

All I did was walk through the city, using Observation Haki to see where everyone would be at. And when I say one aura full of anger 'flying towards me, I know it was Bakugou. A moment later Bakugou was above Midoriya about to unleash a barrage of explosions.

Bakugou: Die!

The explosion teen fired the explosion shots at me but dodge it but using skywalk and 'flown' to the sky. The blond kid tried to get close enough to use his stun grenade to blind him but I got up to him and pulled his hands away from me. Bakugou tried to kick and headbutt his way out of the scenario but I just kneed him in the stomach and headbutt him with Armament Haki. I then released him making him think that he will escape, while I just wanted an opening to wrap him up with the capture tape. Bakugou backed up for distance trying to pull the pin in his grenade hands to create big explosions. However, I quickly pulled out one of my gadgets, which is a small ball looking like its from the future, and threw it at him. The ball turned into a bolas and the device wrapped around Bakugou.

Bakugou: You Fucker!

Me messing with him: Don't say that Bakugou. You were the one who came here by yourself.

Bakugou is trying to get out of his restraints but he couldn't even use his quirk.

Bakugou: What the hell are these things?!

Me: Its a quirk dampening bolas to capture people like you. This way you won't be able to use your quirk.

Bakugou: Don't think your looking down on me!

Me: Since when have I ever thought of that throughout our lives.

Bakugou: Don't question me Deku!

Me: Bakugou, since we were kids, the moment you got your quirk, you were nothing but a piece of shit. When things don't go your way, you throw a tantrum and try to get what you want. But this isn't middle school, this is the hero course.

Bakugou: I Don't throw tantrums, you fuc-

Me: That reminds me why do you want to be a hero, Bakugou.

Bakugou: To be the Strongest, you dumb ass!

When I heard this I frown and said.

Me: That is a weak answer for that question.

This irritated Bakugou, but before he could yelled back at Midoriya an ice attack was launched at the two. Midoriya grabbed Bakugou and use skywalk to dodge in the sky. I then landed on the ground to see where the rest of the class is at. But when I tried to look around I was blinded by a huge amount of light shining at my face.

-No POV-

Midoriya was blinded by constant flashes of light around him, forcing him to close his eyes.

Izuku thinking: They're trying make me unable to see. Smart but I can just use hak-

Before Midoriya can finish his thought process, he was hit by something large he couldn't see from observation haki. He can see the auras of his classmates miles away from where he is, but couldn't find the person who is hitting him. And then he thought of the idea.

Izuku thoughts: I see, the flashing lights are for me to be unable to see where the flying inanimate objects are attacking by Reiko's quirk. And its probably huge is because of Yui's quirk. This is a good move on their part, but I'm just going get those two really quick.

Midoriya, leaving Bakugou where he is at, and heading to where Reiko and Yui is at. He was being bumped to around by the the two's combo but it didn't bother him. What was annoying him was the whole area that he goes to is being covered in flashing lights, making him unable to open his eyes. But he'll just continue to push through and made it to where Yui and Reiko is at. The two were with Shoda, Shishida, and Shoji.

Izuku: That's a good move, but only gets you so far!

Midoriya punched Shoji and Shishida with a hakified punch, launching them to a wall. He then got in front of Shoda and kicked him to the ground. Just before Midoriya would get the two girls, Reiko use her quirk and leaves the area with Yui.

Little did Midoriya know, this was also their plan as vines began to wrap around him, encasing him in a ball of vines. He then use fire dragon style and burned the vines open, breaking him free. But then he was attacked but another wave of ice which Midoriya just punched right through. He continued to grind the barrage of ice that keeps striking at him, then he dropped to the ground as if it was liquid.

It was Honenuki, who transformed the area of the ground so that he would lose balance. He then revert the ground back to solid, trapping Midoriya to the ground. Then Ibara vines came back and wrap him tight so Rin, Pony, Aoyama, and Mina attack at a long distance, along with Reiko and Yui's combo.

Midoriya is taking the damage, but busted through the trap, which the rubble manage to destroy drones that was cause all the flashes. When he can see better, he attack Aoyama and Rin first, by using the 'advance' Conquers haki, knocking them out. He then grab some vines that are in good condition and speedly wrapped around the Pony, Yui, Reiko, and Mina.

Izuku: That's good, I see your all corroborating together. But you still got a lot to learn.

Rin: Then you should pay close attention.

Izuku didn't understand that until Sero's tape came out of no where. Midoriya tried to grab it and get Sero but was pushed back but the two 'Bro'-thers, Tetsutetsu and Kirishima. The two continue to punch the green kid until Sero manage to get everyone there out of the area.

Izuku then punched the two with Ryou Haki making them drop to the ground.

Izuku: Its a nice self sacrifice, but don't think that'll stop me.

Tetsutetsu smirk: That's just half of it.

Izuku then saw something from future sight and looked up. He is seeing tons of rubble that could crush a part of a city. The two guys then harden up as the rubble started to fall towards them. However, Midoriya combine Haki with his Fire Dragon Style to create a huge beam of fire to create a hole to escape from.

He then grabbed the 'twins' and flown through the hole with skywalk. He looked down at the sky to see the damage the classes have done to parts of the city. He now sees where everyone is at and flies to them. They landed to the ground in front of them which startles them.

Izuku: You guys have gotten smarter than I last remember. But like I said,...

He then got up and then give them a sick red glare.

Izuku: You still have much to learn.

Kamakiri: Oh Come on! How much does it take to finish you!

Izuku brushed off some dust on his shoulders while snickering.

Izuku: You know it takes a lot. But know I'll just wrap it up right now.

Midoriya did a weird move and took off the swea shirt that he was wearing.

Izuku: Do you guys remember how people personality can be given to other people?

Both classes were confused but to try and think of a plan to attack him.

Izuku: Its a simple yet weird procedure. When organs are being transplanted from one person to another, the person gains their personalities. Same can be given to quirks, when we given our quirk, it represents how we act and what we like. And I think that when All For One use his quirk, he can hear voice from the people he stole quirks from.

Kodai: What are you implying mean?

Izuku: Well, let's just say that...

Midoriya pauses then black tendrils and smoke are coming out of him.

Izuku: There are pieces of souls inside me.

He then release the smoke at full force making Class A & B unable to see anything. They are freaking out on how he can do this then the black tendrils wrapped around the girls of the classes first. And when they couldn't move he quickly wrapped them up with the capture tape. When he moved to where the boys are, they attacked even though its one sided lost in the end. But at least they would go down trying, right.

However, Midoriya just simply release black tendrils from the girls and attacks the boys. It didn't took long to for the guys to be defeated.

Izuku: Sorry but when it comes to skill and techniques, I'm just better than all of you.

Sero grunting: W-what was that you just used?

Izuku: Well, lets just say... One For All can go even further.

It took a moment til Momo exclaimed the answer.

Momo: You have the predecessors quirks?!

Izuku grinned: Exactly!

Everyone is surprised that Midoriya has now more quirks than the one he is given.

Rin: Then if all the users besides All Might and the original have quirks, then that means-

Izuku: Yep, I have 6 new quirks in my disposal.

Pony replied the answer in a not friendly manner in english.

Izuku: Come on Pony, don't say that.

Kaminari: Alright, you won.

Izuku: Its not over yet.

Everyone: What?

Iida: But you captured everyone.

Izuku: Not everyone.

-Scene change-

Bakugou made it out of the bolas and then decided to deal with things with Midoriya for good. But when he was about to he sees Midoriya walking through the shadows.

Izuku coldly: Hey, Bakugou.

Bakugou: What the hell are you doing here nerd?!

Izuku: Finish our silly rivalry. 

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