Two of a kind

By dracomalfoysbbe

21.2K 444 189

You expected your sixth year at Hogwarts to be the same as usual, same friends, same house you don't think yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

1.6K 40 18
By dracomalfoysbbe

"You look like an idiot wearing that, just saying."

"I do not!" Astoria defends while taking a look at herself in the mirror again.

"Hell yes you do! Who wears a pink top combined with purple pants? Don't expect to get asked on a second date by Romilda with that outfit on."

"You can be so rude sometimes! You know that right? But... maybe you are right though, I got to admit it looked way better inside of my head. I look like a clown." She sighs running her hands trough her hair out of frustration.

"Listen, all you got to do is either change the pants or the shirt, or... maybe both. But to be honest the pants would look nice with a white top instead." I walk over to her wardrobe and open both doors, revealing all of her clothing. My eyes search for a white top that would look good combined with her pants and finally fall onto a white cropped blouse. "Perfect!" I squeal. "This one will look so good on you! Put it on!"

"Are you-"

"I am 100% sure! Now put it on!" I exclaim throwing the blouse on her face.

She catches it with both of her hands after the blouse slid off her face and puts it on as quickly as possible since Romilda expects her to be wherever they might've decided to go on a date, in ten minutes.

"Beautiful!" I clap in my hands twice and grab her coat. "Here you-" I throw it right at her. "- go!"

"I think I'm ready to go." She whispers taking a few looks at herself in the mirror again.

"You got no other choice then going there wearing this, unless you'd like to be late of course. Now go!" I say pushing her towards the door.

"Ouch!" She sarcastically rubs her shoulders.

"Go, you idiot!" I chuckle as she walks out of her room. "I've got to go to practice now, but tell me how it went tomorrow. See you around and good luck with your date!"

"Good luck with Malfoy, oh and... keep it PG-13 you two." She winks before running away so that I can't hit her.

"Fuck off!" I chuckle before entering my dorm. Once inside, I run to my wardrobe and grab my Quidditch uniform. I head into the bathroom, wash my face, change clothes and braid my hair into two french braids.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk towards my wardrobe quickly. I fold my sweatpants and sweater so that I can wear them again tonight.


I flinch and shut the doors of my wardrobe, only to find Draco sitting on my bed with his Quidditch uniform and holding both of our brooms.

"Malfoy, what the fuck! I almost had a fucking heart attack! Besides you can't randomly enter my dorm without knocking, without permission. What if I was naked?!" I spit.

"Wouldn't mind seeing that." Draco mumbles with a smirk as he looks at his shoes.

"What was that?"

"I said that I did knock, you just didn't hear it."

"I-" I turn my head back to Draco and take a look at his hair that doesn't look brushed with a whole can of gel anymore, but messy instead. "- your hair looks messy, just the way I told you it looked better. Good boy."

Draco's eyes widen and he almost chokes on air. "Sorry what?"

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask tilting my head a bit to the side.

"N- no, not at all."

"Weirdo. Anyway you look less like an idiot now, you'll finally find a girlfriend in no time now. Oh wait, all you do is play with girls' feelings."


"I don't play with girls' feelings by the way." I defend.

She fake yawns and covers her mouth dramatically. "Lies lies lies."

"I'm not lying, Ella."

"First of all, my name is Eleanore, second of all, yes you are lying, you made a two year younger girl cry. You used her!"

"Did not!"

"Draco I was there-"

I throw the brooms on the ground and get up from her bed. I walk aggressively towards her and push her against the wall, making her stand in between the wall and me, not allowing her to walk away.

"I did not fucking use her okay?!" I yell causing her to flinch and close her eyes while she turns her head to the left in order not to look at me. "I'm sorry for making you flinch, didn't mean to. But all I've got to say is that she begged me to fuck her, I was barely in the mood. I just gave in because, why not? A quick fuck doesn't sound bad does it? But I did not force her, it was all her choice, so don't think I'm the bad guy."

"Get off me!" She insists trying to push me away as she hits me on my chest twice, causing me to smirk and let out a chuckle. "Listen, I don't know why you think this is funny but it's not, and you're supposed to teach me how to play Quidditch again, not to make me stand in between you and a wall, blocking me from walking away. My brother could walk in any second and think we're making out!"

"Make out? You want to make out?" I say rubbing her chin with my thumb. "All you gotta do is-"

And then boom, her palm hits my cheek, making me turn my head to the side because of the impact. My hand reaches for my cheek that's probably turning red and rub it softly, until she hits my chest and pushes me away.

I didn't see the push coming so I almost fell over, allowing her to walk away. She picks up her broom and walks out of her dorm.


I run my fingers through my hair while letting out a sigh and punch her wall out of frustration.

I turn around and run outside of her dorm, following her to wherever she might go.

She's a fast runner mate.

We leave the Dungeons, and head upstairs while I follow her. I've got no idea where she's going to.

"Stop following me you idiot, just go back to your dorm or something." She yells as she quickens her pace even more.

God damn she's fast.

She then proceeds to go to the moving staircases and runs up on one of them. And just when I want
to step on the staircases she was running on, it moves to another direction.


Fuck fuck fuck!

I watch her run to another staircase and then she runs towards a ginger.

Definitely a Weasley but can't tell which one all the way from down here.

"Fred! Thank God you're here, you need to let me enter the Gryffindor common room so that I can head to Hermione's dorm." I hear her say to Fred.

"Anything for you, my lady."

"Did George tell you I like being called my lady?" She chuckles leaning to the railing.

"Maybe he did." Fred chuckles. "Anyway, Caput Draconis."

Eleanore tilts her head to the side a bit, confused on what Fred just said until the door slowly opens.

"Thank you!" She exclaims before running inside.

Caput Draconis huh? Gotta remember that one.


I run inside of the halls to head to the Gryffindor common room. I'm not allowed to be here, since I'm a Slytherin, but c'mon, most of my friends are Gryffindors anyway.

I don't get lost here anymore, I used to spend most of my time here instead of my own common room last year, and all the other years before. But Harry didn't want to tell me the Gryffindor's password this year, still don't know why. But thanks to Fred, I now know the password.

Caput Draconis

I'm not the only non-Gryffindor who spends most of her time in their common room, Luna does the same. Most Ravenclaws make fun of her and call her Looney Lovegood, which to this day still pisses me off. Although most people have stopped calling her that in front of her ever since I punched Marietta Edgecombe in the face last year.

I still remember every single thing very well.

Luna and I we're walking in the halls together, I had dropped my books on the floor and started picking them up while Luna proceeded to walk forward since she hadn't heard me.

"Hey Looney!" a girl's voice yelled.

I immediately looked up to find Marietta standing there, leaning against the wall with Cho and another friend who was laughing like an idiot, while Cho remained more silent.

"Looney Lovegood, Looney Lovegood!" They kept yelling.

I immediately stood up and started making my way to them. Cho immediately noticed and began pulling Marietta's sleeve, but she decided to ignore Cho and proceeded mocking Luna and calling her Looney.

I threw my books on the ground, making the three of them flinch and turn their focus on me.

"Eleanore-- uh-- hi! How are you? Your hair looks so g-"

I push her on her chest, making her back crash against the wall while she lets out a groan out of pain. "What were you calling her?"

"Eleanore, it's okay she-"

"Stay out of it, Luna. You're too kind for this world. Now, back to you, what were you calling her?"

Marietta swallowed loudly while staring me in the eyes.

"Answer me when I'm asking you a question!" I yell, making her flinch again.

"Hey hey! What's going on here?" Mattheo yells once he sees me towering over Marietta.

"Tell him, what did you do, Marietta?"

"I- I-- I called her Looney Lovegood multiple times." She stutters with fear in her voice.

"Wasn't so smart of-"

I couldn't help it, but punch her in the face. And again, and again, and again. Until I felt Mattheo's cold hands grab me by my waist and pull me away from her.

"Okay, okay. That's it, we don't want you to get expelled, do we?" Mattheo whispers in my ear.

"Mattheo- let- me- go!" I say kicking with my legs in the air, in attempt to escape from his grip.

"No no no no no, we're not gonna do that, you need to calm down."

"Okay, fine, you win! But listen here Marietta, if I find out you called her Looney again, or that you made fun of her, this will happen again, same goes for you, missy." I threaten Marietta and her other friend which I don't even know the name of.

She's Cho's best friend I know, and Cho's my brother's ex or current girlfriend, I honestly don't know. They're on and off constantly. But that doesn't mean I won't hurt them when they insult one of my friends?

Anyway, up to Hermione now.

Or wait maybe I should go talk to Harry first? He hasn't spoken to me ever since he found out Draco had been assigned to teach me how to play Quidditch again.

Childish idiot.

Harry's dorm is at the beginning of the hall, Hermione's at the end...

What should I do?

Fuck it, I need to talk to my brother.

I open his door and enter immediately. "Hey, Harry-" I look up to find him laying on top of Cho. "Oh my fucking God, Jesus Christ, what the actual-- I gotta go!" I yell covering my eyesight with my hand while struggling to find the way out of his dorm.

Did I just-- Gross. Please someone just obliviate me, I'm begging you. You know what? Maybe this is a sign to go back to my own common room, less traumatizing I think.

I run out of the halls, all the way to their common room and then to the door to exit the Gryffindor's common room hall whatever it might be.

"Hey, El-"

"Gotta go, Fred!" I yell while running of the changing staircases. I run all the way down to the dungeons, where it's cold as fuck I admit.

And finally, I arrive to the common room, out of breath. My heavy breathing catches everyone's attention, making them stare at me.

"Stare at something else, will you? Fucking idiots." I spit while putting my hair back in place again. I walk over to the cupboard where all books are placed in, and decide to look for one to read... and... hopefully forget about how I caught my own twin brother shag a girl...

Fucking gross oh my fucking God.

As my fingers run against the back of the books, I feel a body being pressed against my back. "Get the fuck off me, thank you."

The body steps away and then, goes stand next to me. It's fucking Benoît.

"So out of breath? Had a rough evening, did you?" He smirks slightly while holding a random book.

"Not everything's about sex, Vaisey. I'm not like you, or Malfoy, or Pucey. To be honest, I wonder in which girl you guys' dick hasn't been in yet?"

"Lots of girls, if I'm honest." He whispers with a extremely raspy voice. Probably trying to turn me on, him being the idiot he is.

"Such as?"

"You... But, we could change that, couldn't we?" He whispers twirling a piece of my hair around his finger.


"Leave her alone, Vaisey. She's not interested, she's never been and never will, get over it." Mattheo yells.

"Thanks, Lopez. Although I tremendously appreciate your help, I'm sure I can handle it myself." I fake smile making him roll his eyes and hold his arms up in defence.


I heard every single word of their conversation. Does she really think I already fucked every girl at Hogwarts?

Just because she wants to stay a virgin, doesn't mean I have to.

But fucking Benoît. Fuck. He's a friend of mine, don't get me wrong but... It annoys the shit out of me seeing him trying to fuck Eleanore, literally anyone to be honest.

Like I get it, she's hot, she's got nice legs, a nice ass, nice breasts-- for fuck's sake Draco stop.

I just don't understand how she still hasn't ever tried to kiss me before, or fuck me, or suck my dick. I mean c'mon, I'm the Draco Malfoy.

But she is the Eleanore Potter. And her stubborn self won't admit that she fancies me, but I'll find a way for her to admit it. She's just trying to get my attention by playing hard to get, and it's working.

But on the other side, I was pretty much mean and rude to her ever since first grade so how could she ever fancy me? Oh c'mon of course she fancies me! Every girl does, I can tell them to go fuck themselves but yet, they'll be begging me to fuck them again the next day.


Anyway, Halloween's coming up. And our house always organizes the best costume parties ever. I swear.

The group and I always dress the same, we decide an outfit and all wear the same. Quite cool if you ask me. And it wins over lots of girls.

Which means...


I love it I swear to Merlin.

Fucking amazing.

"Halloween's coming up, any ideas on what you guys will dress up as?" I ask breaking the awkward silence while everyone stared at how Eleanore rejected Benoît's dumbass again.

"No mate, we've used the best ideas already past years." Blaise says playing with the cap of a beer bottle.

"I got a good idea." I whisper.

"What is it?" Lorenzo whispers back.

I motion to all come closer and they all immediately do. "Vampire. We wear a black suit, with a white shirt under it, which is unbottened at the top of course. We spill fake blood on it, wear fake vampire teeth and put fake blood on our face too, like it's dripping out of or mouths."

"Yo, that's a good one mate." Theodore whispers.

"The girls will go crazy!" Blaise squeals.

"Exactly!" I whisper back.

And that's how we decided our costume for this year. A vampire. I wonder what the girls will be wearing this year.

They wear more and more revealing clothes every year. I swear. They'll go naked next year, I just know it.

Okay maybe that's a little too much, but it'll be as good as, I just know it.

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