bitter basil, (hozier)

By strwbrygrl

6.4K 248 89

the way he said basil made me laugh. so i took him on a road trip across the country. More

july 31st, 1969 - morning
august 1st, 1969 - early morning
august 1st, 1969 - late morning
august 1st, 1969 - afternoon
august 1st, 1969 - evening
august 2nd, 1969 - morning
august 5th, 1969 - afternoon
august 15, 1969 - mid day
august 15, 1969 - evening
august 18, 1969 - morning
august 18, 1969 - night
september 23, 1969 - evening
october 30, 1969 - midday
october 31, 1969 - afternoon

october 12, 1969 - morning

232 11 7
By strwbrygrl

property of andrew hozier-byrne
the way she tells me i'm hers and she's mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine

(TW: mentions of abuse)
(you saw the cherry wine lyrics you know exactly where this chapter is going)

andy usually wakes up before judy even stirs. sometimes it's boring, waiting for her to come to.

but most of the time, he gets to watch as the sun graces her face from her eyelashes to her lips, covering her in a gentle light. he gets to watch her eyes move around behind her eyelids, her dreams slowly coming to a close. and, like the prince did for his sleeping beauty, andy gets to kiss her awake.

and he wouldn't trade that for the world.

this morning was no different. andy leaned over and pressed a slow, gentle kiss to judy's jawline, making her lips curl into a sleepy smile. "hey," he whispered.

stretching out her legs, judy let out a small groan. "mornin'," she replied, her eyes slowly opening to andy's face. her smile widened. "got anything planned for today?"

andy moved so that he was hovering over judy. "well," he started, "it's sunday, so we don't have to deal with the store," he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "i don't have a gig today," he kissed her neck, "and you have nowhere to be as far as i'm concerned," he said, kissing her cheek.

"so i'm trapped here? is that what i'm hearing?"

"would you like to be?"

judy looked around, pretending to ponder the decision heavily. "i wouldn't be opposed," she said as andy leaned in for a kiss. their lips met and fit together like puzzle pieces.

andy's hand found its place in judy's hair as the kiss deepened. before it could go any further, the phone rang. andy groaned, burrowing his head in the crook of judy's neck.

"i picked it up last time," said judy.

andy let out another spiteful groan before getting up to answer the phone. "hello?"

"andrew? it's mack from the grizzly."

"oh, hey, mack. what can i do for you?"

"listen, we had a band who was gonna do a set tonight but they bailed last minute. do you think you could come in around 7?"

andy looked over towards the open bedroom door, where judy lay. "i don't know, man, it's kind of my day off," he said skeptically.

"i'll match your tip."

now that was hard to bail out on.

he let out a deep sigh. "alright, er, i'll see you at 7?"

"7. thanks so much, man, i owe you."

"not a problem, mack. i'll see you tonight."

andy's mind began to race as soon as he hung up the phone. will judy be mad? how can i tell her that i'm working tonight without her getting mad? what can i do to keep her from getting mad?

"andy?" suddenly, judy was next to him, looking up at him with concerned eyes. "what's on your mind, baby?"

andy sighed again, feeling her hand on his arm. "i'm afraid i'm gonna have to cut our day off short. mack wants me to play a last-minute gig at the grizzly," he said, trying to rip the band-aid off as quickly as possible. inwardly, he braced himself for the backlash.

judy, however, was seemingly unfazed. "well, that's a shame isn't it?" she asked with a small pout. andy nodded silently. "doesn't matter. we have all the sunday's in the world." she reached up and kissed andy's cheek. "i'm gonna go smoke on the fire escape," she then said.

when she was gone, andy leaned against the wall, trying to process what just happened. he then picked the phone back up, dialing another number.

after a few rings, he heard a click. "this is eddie."

"eddie, hi, it's andy. i, er, need your advice on something?"

"what's the problem?" eddie asked.

"that's just it... there's no problem," andy said worriedly.

"... i'm confused."

"well, today's sunday so i was gonna spend the day with judy but then i got a call from this venue that i play at. they wanted me to come in today. last minute. but when i told judy about it, she was like... okay? with it?" andy twirled his finger around the telephone cord.

"and that's an issue because...?"

"well... you know, not to compare them, but my ex would just... explode. she would've accused me of not prioritizing our relationship or thrown a shoe at me or something. i don't know, i'm just a little thrown off, i suppose."

the line was silent except for the sound of shuffling from the other end. "andy, it sounds like your ex girlfriend was abusive," said eddie truthfully.

for a moment, eddie's words didn't quite register. andy laughed. "what? no, not at all. she never hit me," he said.

"it doesn't have to be physical to be abuse, andy," eddie said. "man, if i were you, i'd talk to judy about it."

"she won't judge me?" andy asked.

"it's judy, brother. she wouldn't judge you if you had watermelons for hands."

andy laughed dryly. "you're right."

"listen, i gotta go. but you think about what i said, alright? and talk to judy. be honest with her."

"will do," andy said. a click, and then the line went completely silent.

it doesn't have to be physical to be abuse.

andy thought long and hard about what eddie said. it doesn't have to be physical to be abuse.

every time he thought about his ex, it was as if a dark cloud would suddenly descend upon his mind, making everything a little bit darker. that's what she did to him. every word that pierced through his chest like a knife; everything she said had the same purpose: to bring him down lower and lower. she was one of the reasons why he left ireland in the first place. she couldn't get to him here (at least, not without struggle) and that gave him a sense of comfort. it made him feel safe.

and how horrific is it, andy thought, that the only way he could feel safe from that woman was to move across the atlantic? how hurtful can one person be?

andy ran his fingers through his hair, racking his brain for answers he already had. he walked to the bedroom and sat on the edge of their queen-sized bed. on andy's nightstand was a framed photo of him and judy, taken by bea - it must've been somewhere in bethel, though andy can't recall. they were facing each other instead of the camera - it was as if the camera didn't exist.

andy didn't always like keeping photos of himself. there was always a hair out of place, or a facial expression that he deemed to be too awkward. but, as vain as it may sound, he could look at that photo of him and judy forever. it was the happiest andy had ever seen himself.

he never wanted to compare judy to his ex girlfriend, but now he realized that they were completely incomparable.

so he got out his guitar and started writing.


judy didn't come back inside for another 45 minutes. andy had taken a break from his songwriting process when judy returned to the bedroom, smelling of jasmine and marijuana.

"there you are, love," said andy, smiling as she walked through the door. "what took you so long?"

"i heard you writing, and i didn't want to interrupt your creative burst," judy replied. her thoughtfulness made andy's heart melt.

andy let out a sigh of relief as he felt the bed dip next to him, arms coming around his torso. "i think i'm gonna skip the grizzly tonight," he confessed.

a slight pause. "any reason in particular?" judy asked.

eddie's voice came back into andy's head. talk to judy. be honest with her.

but being honest is scary. "no, no reason."

judy's ever-knowing hands came up to his shoulders, turning him around to look at her. she gave him an intense gaze, as if to say i know you're lying. "are you sure?" she pressed. andy's lips parted, but nothing came out. "andy, please. talk to me."

" ex," andy started, his voice hoarse and his eyes welling with tears. "i think she abused me."

the confession made judy's hands tighten around his shoulders. "okay," she said carefully. "would you be able to tell me how you came to that conclusion?"

andy swallowed. "you," he replied. "when i told you about the grizzly, you were barely fazed. that's something she," he shuddered, "would've exploded about." he reached down and began to play with the fabric of judy's shirt. "you just... treat me so much better. i don't know. it made me realize that i didn't deserve what she did to me."

he scanned judy's facial expressions, waiting for something, anything.

she bowed her head down to his shoulder, kissing it gently. she then moved to his neck. his breath hitched as her lips met his skin slowly and carefully. she moved on to his cheek, pressing a loving kiss while holding his other cheek in the palm of her small hand.

"thank you for being honest with me. i know it wasn't easy," she whispered. andy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "and you're right. you didn't deserve her, or what she did to you. i'm glad you know that now," she continued.

"i wouldn't've, had it not been for you."

judy smiled slightly. instead of responding to that, she captured andy's lips in a full, ardent kiss. when he pulled away after what felt like hours, judy was there, smiling and devoted.

and it was all andy could ever ask for.


been a while since i made y'all cry like that😏😏

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