Can You See Me?[]BkDk[]

By Heartless_Yama

284K 8.3K 6.3K

⚠️KEEP IN MIND!! THIS WAS MY FIRST STORY!! IT'S BAD, AND CRINGE!!⚠️ ⚠ I am working on remaking this book, I w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- Epilogue

Chapter 19

6.1K 191 131
By Heartless_Yama

Bakugo's POV

It was now Wednesday and I sat in the corner of My homeroom class. Shota was teaching a lesson and since I already knew it I couldn't care less.

"Today we have a new student. He is transferring over from class 1-B. I'm sure you've noticed that Mineta has not attended the class. He was expelled yesterday, he was caught digging in one of the girl's closet yesterday. Not too many of you know him. You may recognize him from the sports festival. Shinso come in." He told the class.

This immediately caught my attention and I looked up too see Shinso walk in looking the exact same he did Sunday.

"Toshi! Over here, come sit over here!" Kami said excitedly from next to me. Shinso looked over and smiled slightly at us.

"Hello darling." He said as he walked over. Kami flushed and looked down at his lap. I heard Kiri and Sero snicker from ahead of us.

Some of the class seemed surprised that this random guy had just walked in and claimed 4 students attention.

"Now our hangouts will be easier!" Kiri said.

"Shinso, your dorm will be next too Kaminari's." Shota said smirking and crossing his arms. I smirked as well.

"I would advice you 2 to stay quiet. Or you could get caught." I said smirking at them.

"K-kat! Shut up!" Kami said smacking my arm. I only laughed.

"Oh, and Ka-Bakugo? I'll need to see you after class. I found someone." Shota told me, peeking my interest. He found someone? I'll have to wait until after class.


I waited until the class was empty to approach Shota.

"Okay I lied a little. It's more like he found you. Somehow he found out we were looking for someone too take care of you and he volunteered to adopt you." He told me as he grabbed the coffee off of his desk. So it was a he? If he volunteered then that must be good right?

"Come on he's waiting in Nezu's office." He told me as he walked out the door. I grabbed my backpack and followed him. He took a sip of his coffee as my shoes hit the floor and echoed throughout the empty hallways. Everyone would be in class right now.

"You won't have too worry about whether they will take care of you or not. He is trusted and you got really lucky for him too take you. I trust him with you." He told me. If he trusted him then I can trust him to. We turned a corner and he stopped to drop his, now empty, coffee cup in the trash can.

"Who is it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You'll see." He said amused. I huffed and continued too follow him down hallways leading too Nezu's office. A couple of minutes later we had arrived at his office.

"You wait out here an I'll tell you when too come in." He told me. I nodded as he walked in and shut the door. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"When did my 'parents' even sign the papers to give me up?" I muttered. Meh, whatever.

Aizawas's POV

I shut the door and looked back too the young man that was going too be taking care of Kat.

"I'm trusting that you will protect him and take care of him. He's been going through a lot. More then a 16 year old should. I need to know that you will love him, like his mother never could." I said seriously.

"I will take care of him with my life." He said. It was strange too see him so serious. He's kinda like Kami. Happy and chirpy. How ironic.

"Thank you. I would of taken him but I can't right now. I can take him later if I have too though." I told him.

"No. I want too take him. Show him what it's like to be loved and have a family. Even if it's just us...2." he seemed too hesitate.

"It's gonna be a small family, but y'all are gonna depend on each other. He will probably get attached to you quickly. Since he's been losing everyone he's practically clinging on too whatever he's got left, so don't worry about him not liking you." I told him sadly. He nodded.

"Okay I'm going to let him in. It's gonna be a bit of a shock that your taking him in. So you'll have to give him a minute." I told him as I walked too the door. I slowly opened it. "Come on in Kat." I told him. He stood up straight and followed behind me. He walked in. "He will be taking you in." I said as I pointed to the young male.

Kat stared, his eyes flown wide and his jaw hanging open.

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