Amidst Our Hearts

By escritoraa__

69K 7.1K 517

Sakeena Ibrahim Abdulmaleek; Fierce, bold, challenging and brave. Never thought her life will turn out that w... More

Author's note/copyright
Cast | Aesthetics
Twenty one.
Twenty two.
Twenty three.
Twenty four.
Twenty five.
Twenty six.
Twenty seven.
Twenty eight.
Twenty nine.
Thirty one.
Thirty two.
Thirty three.
Thirty four.
Thirty five.
Thirty six.
Thirty seven.
Thirty eight.
Thirty nine.
Forty one.
Forty two.
Forty three.
Forty four.
Forty five.
Forty six.
Forty seven.
Forty eight.
Forty nine.
Fifty one.
Fifty two.
Fifty three.
Fifty four.
Fifty five.
Fifty six.
Fifty seven.
Fifty eight.
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.
Sixty three.
Sixty four (Part I)
Sixty four (Part II)
Sixty five.
Author's note (Must read)
50k Reads💃 | New Book?


942 89 0
By escritoraa__

Federal capital territory,


To say I was shocked when I was told the news of the marriage by my mother will be an understatement.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that something like this will ever happen to me, not in a million years to come. It all happened when I was sitting peacefully in the living room with everyone when Amma broke the news to me.

I'm getting married at the age of eighteen and by Allah I'm not prepared for the this. The fact that the person I'm getting married to is way younger than me only made the situation more complicated. Even though Abba promised to provide everything for us, I'm still not ready. Ya Allah guide me and see me through this.

My parents have done much for me in this life and this one time that they asked something from me I really can't say no. And so I'm getting married only for their sake.

Three months, just three months and if we feel that we can't pull this through then we'll separate. Ya Allah make this easy on both of us.

"You seem so lost" my brother Fadeel said shaking me by the shoulders. He has serious problems.

"I'm not lost, just thinking about which shoe I'm going to wear" I said putting on my cufflinks and sitting on the bed.

"Just calm down and chill bro, everything will turn out just fine In Shaa Allah" he said patting me on the bed while I nodded.

"Amma is waiting for you, you should leave now" he said passing me my zanna bukar cap. I put on my shoes and grabbed my cap placing it on my head.

"Aren't you coming with us?" I asked him when I reached the door.

"No, I'm going to just chill around the house, also gotta babysit our baby brother. I got many thing planned for our mini brothers hangout " he said falling flat on the bed. He is such a lazy person.

"Best of luck bro" I heard him shout as I exited the room.

I reached the living room downstairs and met Abba and Amma there waiting for me. Amma was adjusting Abba's cap and they look so happy together.

I said my salam and entered the living room making them look at me.

"Let's go, shall we?" Abba said passing me the car keys which means I'm driving.

"Khalifa, I want you to know that we are doing this for your own good and you know that we won't decide anything that is bad for you. And we would also want to Hank you for doing this for us" Abba said as we were on the road.

"You really don't need to thank me Abba. You provided me with everything that I needed in this life so this is the least I could do" I said focusing on the road.

"Allah ya maka albarka" Amma said from the back placing a hand on my right shoulder while I replied with ameen.

After a short while, we got to the house and went in to exchange pleasantries with her parents and siblings. I was led to the backyard by one of the maids there and sat down on one of the chairs provided there under the gazebo waiting for my so called fiancee.

I mumbled a thank you to the maid who brought a tray filled with snacks and refreshments.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I heard someone say making me raise my head from my phone. And there she is dressed in black, the person I'm getting married to.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam" I said acknowledging her presence.

"How are you doing?" I said trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Alhamdulillah, how are you doing?" She asked fiddling with her ring.

"Same as well" I asked and we fell into awkward silence.

"How was your exams?" I asked trying to cut the tension. It is so thick that it can be cut through with a knife.

"Fine alhamdulillah" she said giving me a small smile. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Best of luck" I said sipping some water because my throat suddenly felt dry.

"Thank you" she said while I mumbled your welcome loud enough for her to hear. Once again we fell into awkward silence.

"You do know that we can't let this marriage get into the way of our friendship right?" I said noticing how tensed she was.

"Who ever said I was your friend in the first place?" she asked looking at me dead in the eye.

"Maybe we are, maybe we are not but still we should just take this as fate and do this at least for our parent. I mean they have been through ups and downs just to make sure we live a comfortable life" I said making sure I don't sound like I really want this.

"You're right, may Allah choose what's best for us all and see us through" she said adjusting her veil as it kept sliding back down.

"It's starting to get dark, Khalifa you're parents sent me to get you" her elder sister  said as she reached where we were sitted.

"We should get going then" Sakeena said standing up, adjusting her dress that is perfectly straight.

"Yes, let's go, I'll send someone to clean this up" her elder sister said leading the way to the front door.

We met Amma and Abba there waiting for us "see you soon Naisa dear" Amma said giving her a motherly hug.

"Bye aunty" she said with a smile on her face. She got most of her features from her mother, from her round face, to her brown doe eyes which changes color because she wears contacts sometimes, a small button nose and luscious lips.

"Let's go" Abba said after we finished saying our goodbyes and we hit the road for home.


"Dude" I heard a voice saying pulling me out of my tank of thoughts. "Why do you keep zoning out, look at it, I won this round" he said waving his gaming pad in the air pointing at the television with his right index finger.

"Sorry bro, I'm just thinking about my upcoming waec exams, that's it" I said keeping my control pad on the centre table, half lying.

"Don't worry it'll be fine, we'll pass In Shaa Allah" he said patting me on the shoulder.

"I'm hungry, you know you're supposed to offer snacks to guests when they come to your house right?" Ahmad said keeping his gaming pad on the centre table.

"Firstly, you're not a guest. Second, you know your way around the house, it's like a second house to you so go get yourself something to eat" I said scrolling through my phone.

"Will be back soon bro" he said exiting our gaming room located in the main house. We do have a boy's quarters but if we live in the bq then who will live in the main house?

"Your pasta's the best aunty" I heard Ahmad saying as I entered the kitchen downstairs. He is like a fifth brother to us.

"Thank you. Eat up" Amma said adding more to his plate. He never gets tired of eating and is always lazy to work out.

"Khalifa, come and join me" he said as I reached the kitchen island and dragged a stool to sit down.

"I'm good" I said stretching my hands on the kitchen island clasping them together. I just hope Amma doesn't bring the issue of me not eating well because I'll never hear the end of it.

"Your friend over here doesn't eat healthy, only junk. But I'm certain there's a special someone who will come and change his life for the best" Amma said grinning. We all know how she wants a female child not that she's not grateful that we all came as boys.

"Really, who's the special someone?" Ahmad asked stuffing his mouth with pasta. I just hope Amma won't say anything about my marriage.

"You'll get to know the someone when the someone's here. And also when you're done with the food, drop the plate on the sink" Amma said wiping her hands with the towel available in the kitchen.

"Is your cousin coming? Ahmad asked when Amma walked out of the kitchen facing me with an interrogating look on his face.

"I also don't know" I said shrugging.

"Okay, can you please hand me a bottle of water from the fridge?" He asked putting a fork full of pasta in his mouth.

"Sure, here" I said  handing him over the bottle of water and made my way to my room leaving him in the kitchen.

"Salam Alaykum" I heard Amma's voice said as she comes into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Wa'alaikis Salam" I answered adjusting my position on the bed for her to sit on. With the look in her face she's here to talk about the topic I've been avoiding all day.

"How are you feeling?" She asked reading me like an open book, knowing what is going on in my head.

"I'm feeling fine alhamdulillah" I said giving her a small smile even though she can tell what is bothering me.

"I know this marriage thing has been bugging you a lot but you can't change what Allah has planned for you even before we knew we were going to have you" she said taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Yesterday when we went to visit Sakeena and her family, we discussed and set the date for your wedding, it'll take place in two weeks. Sakeena is a very nice and responsible girl and I'm sure she'll take really good care of you, maybe not now but in the future. She may look young and childish to you but I know she's mature enough to handle you"

"Please Khalifa, I want you to take really good care of her and cherish. Your marriage will not be out of love but please, I want you to give this relationship a chance"

"I know you'll be wondering why we are doing this but we only have the best interest at heart for you. And also I promise you'll know the reason behind all this when the time is right" she said pulling me in for a hug. The only thing I needed right now.

"I know you'll never decide what's bad for me so I promise you that I'll take really good care of her, for you" I said laying my head in her lap while she massage my head.

"That's my boy" she said pecking me on my left cheek. "You need to trim this hair of yours, it has overgrown" she said taking her fingers through my curly soft hair. Amma is half Eygptian and I got most of my features from her.

"I will get a trim Amma, don't you worry" I said giving her a reassuring smile this time. What will I be in this world without my Amma?

"Now get up and pray Asr and come down for some food" she said standing up from my bed and made her way out.

I went to the bathroom and performed wudhu, the prayed to Allah; the greatest and Almighty to make this part of our lives easy for all of us, to grant us the patience to go through, to guide us and show us the right path.

"Good Evening Abba" I said as I reached the living room downstairs and met everyone there.

"Evening Khalifa, how was your day?" He asked sitting on the three sitter.

"It was fine alhamdulillah" I answered sitting on the carpeted floor with my head hanging low.

"Food is served, let's go to the dining room" Amma said as she walked into the living room.

We all proceeded to the living room and some delicious sayadiyah fish and kofta and kebab. Amma makes the best Eygptian delicacies.

Fadeel and I tidied the table and took the dishes to the kitchen where the maid will wash them

"Ahmad left an hour ago because his mum called him to run some errands for her, so he had to leave" Fadeel said as he sat down beside me in the living room upstairs.

"Okay" I replied curtly.

"Ya Fadeel I want ice cream" Ammar said as he came into the living room with his iPad in his hand.

"We just ate and the weather is a bit chilly so we'll get some other time, okay?" he said grinning at him.

"Okay" he said giving us a toothy grin and ran out the living room.

"Aren't you supposed to go back to school anytime soon?" I asked my brother whose attention was on his phone.

"I am but now till after your wedding" he said typing away on his phone.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur with us binge watching peaky blinders and talking about random things which made the wedding least of my worries for the mean time.



It's been a while with my laziness going to a whole new level because of the school holiday and all!😹


Don't forget to;





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