Skater Cinderella (First Edit...


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We all know the story of Cinderella. Her father marries a wicked woman, she has brats for daughters, her dad... More

Authors Note
Introduction-Skater Cinderella
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: The Competiton (Part 1)
Chapter 21: The Competition (Part 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 - END
Cover #1
Cover #2

Chapter 4

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"Honey! I'm home!" I exclaim loudly, my voice sounding through my empty house.

I let out a slow and deep sigh. "Ah... Alone at last..." I say happily, sauntering over to the kitchen and opening up the freezer.

Frozen peas... Frozen corn... Frozen bread... Aha!

I grin as I whip out my hidden pint of mint chocolate chip icecream. Unfortunately, my grin turns into a frown as I feel the lightness of the bucket. Audibly gulping, I open the bucket, only to fall to my knees dramatically.

"Nooooooooo!" I exclaim, letting the empty pint fall from my hands. I pout as I hear someone banging on my front door.

"Tessa!" A muffled voice yells through the door. I hop up and sprint to the front door, whipping it open to find a frantic Will. "Tessa!" He exclaims, relief evident in his voice. Before I can process what is happening, large and strong arms wrap around my body, pulling me into a warm embrace. "Are you okay?" He asks me worriedly, pulling away to study my face.

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Um... Yea. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him confused.

He let's me go and runs a hand through his messy dark hair. "I was on your porch when I heard you yell, and I thought that something was wrong." He tells me. Before I can speak, he cups my cheeks with his hands and examines my face. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little thinner than last week. Are those bags under your eyes? Did you get enough sleep last night? Why did you yell? Are you hur--"

"Will!" I exclaim, wrapping my hands around his wrists. His hands still cup my cheeks as he stop talking, leaving his mouth slightly parted. "I'm fine." I say, causing him to relax a little bit. "I just made a discovery that made me... Less than pleased." I say, pouting when I think about my lack of icecream.

His eyes flicker to my lips before meeting my gaze once more. I clear my throat at the sudden tension and take a step back, causing his hands to slide from my face.

"So uh..." He clears his voice when it comes out sounding very raspy. "So why were you yelling?" He asks me.

I let out a deep sigh as I pout and trudge back into the kitchen, Will on my tail.

"Did you close the front door?" I ask him when he sits down on the table.

He gives me am 'are-you-serious' look. "No, I left it open so that any random stranger can just come in and pet your cat." He deadpans at me.

I giggle, causing his face to light up. "We don't have a cat, you fudge bucket." I reply humerously.

He smirks at me. "Do you ever cuss?"

I shake my head. "Nope." I reply, popping the 'P'.

He chuckles and looks at me as I drop the empty ice cream container into the garbage can. "Interesting." He says, his eyes studying me.

I grow uncomfortable under his gaze and clap my hands, startling him. "So! What has brought you to Casa de Tessa?" I ask, plopping down in the seat across from him.

He rolls his eyes as he pats the backpack on the floor next to his seat. "I'm your tutor, remember? And you never told me why you were yelling."

I blush and laugh nervously. "Oh yea..." I say sheepishly. "And I was yelling... Because we are out of ice cream..." I admit, rubbing the back of my neck.

He shake his head and looks away with a smile before locking gazes with me, a glamorous grin on his lips.

Wow he has a nice smile.

"You should smile more, it looks nice on you." I blurt out, slapping a hand over my mouth and blushing.

Smooth, Tessa. Way to sound creepy there. Just tell him you watch him while he sleeps while your at it too, won't you?

But instead of making a comment, he tilts his head and smiles more, causing a stray hair to fall in his face. My hand twitched, and it took a lot of self control to not put it back in it's place. "You really think so?" He asks me, amusement clear in his voice.

I swallow and nod my head sheepishly. "Uh... Yep."

He smiles once again, transforming his face into something that could very well be similar to an angel.

"So," he says, obviously noticing my sudden shyness, "ready to study?" He asks me, bending down and unzipping his black and grey backpack.

Just as I am about to speak, my stomach makes a noise that resembles that of a whales mating call. I sigh and look down at my stomach.

I know, baby. I wanted ice cream too.

Will laughs and I look up to see him tearing up and clutching his stomach. I look at him confused until he speaks.

"Y-you ju-ust talked t-to your s-stoma-ach!" He exclaims, falling into another fit of laughter.

I groan and bang my head on the table, ignoring the fact that his laugh is unnaturally velvety.

Just talk to your stomach, Tessa. Way to make him think you're insane.

Eventually, Will laughs die down as he looks at me with a crooked smile that would almost make any girl fall at his feet.


I sigh as I look up at him a blush. "I'm sorry..." I let out a nervous laugh. "I'm... Strange..."

He chuckles and stands up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "C'mon." He says, extending a hand out to me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Where are we going?"

He gives me a lopsided smile. "Where do you think? To get ice cream! Are you coming or do you want to stay here all alone?"

I look at him, debating whether or not I should go. "But we have to study..." And I really need to compete in two months.

He keeps his smile and tilts his head. "We can eat ice cream and study. Besides, ice cream helps you think." He reasons with me. I bite my lip in thoughtfulness.

And then his next statement is what wins me over.

"Tessa, please come to ice cream with me."


"You said what!?" I exclaim, falling into a fit of laughter. Will watches me, a smile upon his lips as I clutch my stomach.

"Yea, I told him, 'your hair reminds me of Bob the Tomato. Are you his cousin?'" He says, causing me to laugh again. We were receiving various judgmental stares from surrounding tables and booths, but I really did not care right now.

Currently, we were sitting in the corner booth of a 50's styled diner that has most likely been around as long as the town has. The walls are white, decorated with neon signs, tire hubcaps, old tire rims, and pictures of old biker movies--such as Grease and American Graffiti--that were filmed in this very spot. The floors were a checkered white and black, and in the corner of the diner, there is a large jukebox, outlined with neon colors and such.

"Wow," I say, my laughs finally dying down, "who knew The Will Thatcher still remembered his veggietales."

His eyes widen as I crack up more. "Oh, this is just too good."

He grumbles under his breath. "Yea, okay. Whatever. Let's just get back to studying."

I sighed and pouted my lips. "We haven't eaten any ice cream yet."

He chuckles and looks at me with a lopsided smile. "No, I suppose not." He lifts his hand and signals for a waitress to come get our order.

"Hello kids, my name is Susie, and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you?" A kind looking eldery woman asks us, a warm smile on her lips.

I smiled warmly at her. Her face gave you a comforable smile as her white hair was pulled into a messily styled bun.

"Hi, could we please have two scoops of cookie dough ice cream for me and..." He trails off, giving me a look that says it is my turn to order.

"And two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream." I chirp, getting giddy at the idea of ice cream. I am reveling in delight now, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

Susie nods at us both with a homely smile before walking off to get us our ice cream.

"So..." I say awkwardly, rubbing my hands together in front of me. Will chuckled and pulls out his text book for American History.

"Ready to study?" He quirks an eyebrow. I nod and turn my body to unzip my backpack resting on the booth seat next to me. I whip out my American History book and plop it down in front of me, letting it hit the table loudly as I sigh in an extremely over-dramatic manner.

Will shakes his head with a smile as he chuckles, looking from the book--that I loathe more than yoda loathes darth maul--to me. "You are so dramatic." He humors, a crooked smile that would make any girl's heart flutter--including mine--coming across his lips.

I huff and cross my arms. "Am not!"

"Are to." He teases me.

I do the best come back since the history of mankind.

I stick out my tongue.

Peak of maturity, I know. But not only that, I use an extremely well thought out come back to top it all off.

"Am not, now shut up you stupid head." I snap at him, making him full on laugh out loud.

"Aww, you are so cute!" He coos, reaching across the table and pinching my cheeks. "You're cuter than a baby koala wearing a christmas sweater." He says, a lopsided smiles evident on his lips.

"Shut up you lard." I say, but because of his hands on my cheeks, it comes out sounding like 'shushd uf yoo fward'.

He laughs more and releases my cheeks as I give him my best death glare. Just as this happens, Susie comes up with our ice cream. "Here you kids go! Cookie dough and mint chocolate chip!" She chirps, setting the delicous desserts in front of us. I stuff a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, and Will goes to do the same, before Susie speaks up. "Oh, and I just wanted to say, you two make an adorable couple. You remind me of me and my husband, Earl. Ah, young love."

And with that she leaves, leave me staring after her, my mouth open despite the spooful of ice cream I had shoved into it. I turn my head to look at a thoughtful looking Will before he looks at me and smirks.

"Close your mouth, Princess, you don't want any flies to take all your ice cream." He says.

And with that I shut my mouth, feeling my cheeks burn with a blush that is more red than a freaking rose.



So there is Chapter.... 4? Yea i think four. lol im too lazy to look...

I just looked...

yep its four! so i decided that i wont ramble, so just do what you know is right


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