Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky...

By missmatched123

13.4K 550 290

Zathe is convince that he has to avenged Seto's death. By doing that he will kill Sky and Midnight. But he ha... More

A Surprise Visit
Mind Games
Makeshift Poison
Author's Note- Update on some things
Author's Note- Sequel- Writer's Block
Talk Zytan
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
Author's Note- MUST READ!
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
The Best of them
Debt Paided
Author's Note- NEXT BOOK


585 27 4
By missmatched123

Song is Watercolour by Pendulum.

Seto's P.O.V

Are you ready? Ready for what? Zathe's new plan. You are going back. I am not going back. What is his new plan? I'm not telling you. Ghost comes in.

"Sky, Ty, and Jason went out for a bit just to let you know." Ghost said.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know. But how is your memory?" Ghost asks.

"I have most of it. But there are still some gaps I'm sure only Sky's knows cause I'm not listening to Zathe."

"Good." Ghost said. Wait they went out.

"Wait they went out and it's turing dark?"

"Yeah I said they did." Ghost said. I stand up. Zathe's plan.

"They are playing right into Zathe's hand. Zathe would want to take out the biggest threat and that's-"

"Skybrine." Ghost said.

"He's going to rip them apart."

"How bad is that?" Ghost asks.

"Skybrine and Sky are the same. He will rip their souls apart which could kill Sky or put him in a perment coma."

"What about Enderlox and WitherMu?" Ghost asks.

"Enderlox and Ty are the same. So the same thing will happen to him. Jason's was a curse. But they could take it."

"Why are we standing here, tell the others and let;s go find them?" Ghost asks as she walks past me. I stop her.

"Ghost Zathe could do the same thing to you. You stay here." Ghost pushes my hand off of her arm.

"I am not staying here!" Ghost yelled.

"We don't need Zathe takeing Insane from you. that would also go for Midnight, Kitty, Alikai, Jerome and Quentin. Any hybrid, or magic being can't go near Zathe."

"Why hybrid?" Ghost asks.

"He can rip that hybrid from you and turn it evil. He can do anything to any hybrid or magic being to make it turn."

"Wait what about you? Your a sorcerer." Ghost said.

"I'll be fine. Ian, Tay, Mitch, and Jess are coming with me." I walk outside. I have to talk to Zytan right now.

"Seto we are not staying here." Ghost said. I turn around. She stops. I glare at her.

"Yes you are." She looks scare. She backs up.

"I'm coming with you." Ghost said. She walks towards me.

"Your staying here."

"I am not staying behind. Not when Ty, Sky, and Jason are in danger." Ghost said.

"And what will you do when Zathe grabs a hold of you. When he rips you to shreds and then kill us all? He can change any good heart Ghost. He will be able to change you." Ghost looks scare.

"Fine. But you better bring them back." Ghost said. I head towards the dungeons. I walk down the steps. I run down to Zytan's cell. He's gone.

"He disappear." Oliver said. The jail cell is melted.

"Did you need him?" Charlie asks.


"You just missed him." Jen said. Mitch comes running next to me.

"What happen to nevermind. What about Sky, Jason, and Ty?" Mitch asks.

"We need to find them and fast."

"Where are they?" Mitch asks.

"I have no idea. Let's just go with Ian, Tay, and Jess."

"What about Ghost, M-"

"They are hybrids or magic beings. Zathe could easliy rips their magic or hybrid from them and turn them evil."

"Is that what he is going to do to Sky, Ty, and Jason?" Mitch asks.

"Yes but rip it from them they could die or be put in a perment coma."

"Let's go." Mitch said.

Sky's P.O.v

It feels like someone is following us. I stop. I look around. Ty and Jason stop.

"What is it?" Ty asks.

"It feels like someone is following us."

"Yeah it does." Jason said. My eyes glow white. I scan aorund me. I don't see anyone. Wait I do. Someone jumps down in front of me. The yank my amulet off and throw it. I scream. They put their hand on my chest. Sky. What? We are in very big trouble. What? I scream. It feels like they are ripping me apart. Bye! Bye? I grab their wrist. Jason grabs me. Ty grab the person. They pull him away from me. But he took someone else with them. I scream. Jason and I fall on the ground. Everything goes black.

Ty's P.O.v

I see something I don't want to see. Skybrine. He looks at me. but he's out of Sky. How is that possible? This is bad. Chains suddenly grab Jason and I. What the heck?! I suddenly go into my ender form. I struggle. The chains go tighter around me. Zathe shows up.

"Very good." Zathe said. He has Sky's amulet!

"That's not yours!" Zathe looks at me. He walks towards me.

"A ender and a wither. Brines are more valuable. Brines are very rare too. So are enders. Especially ones that belong in the end forever. Take Ty to the end." Zathe said. Wait what?!


"Take Sky to the Nether. I will deal with Jason myself." Zathe said. Five people with glowing eyes walk around me. They must be holding these chains. We would have to go through the North Village. I start moving. The chains get tighter. I grit my teeth. It's holding me so tight. My arm are at my sides and my knees are together. It has my wings wrapped too. It's like they know exactly where to keep me trapped.

"We are coming up on a village. Make a border around Ty so no one has any ideas." One said. Something glows around me. I struggle. The chains get tighter.

"The more you struggle the tighter they get." One said. We walk into the village. People look at us. We walk past Robert. He looks at me.

"Hey what are you doing?!" Robert yelled.

"What Zathe wants." One said. Robert walks towards me. We stop. Robert does too.

"Get any closer Robert. Ty gets it." One said. They point their hands at me. How can this get worse?

"You think I'm going to let you walk off with him just like that?" Robert asks.

"What about now?" One asks as a chain wraps around my neck.

"Stop." Robert said. Guards go behind me. Their Robert's. They point their swords towards the sorcerers. They can't escape. The chain around my neck gets tighter.

"Do it now. We were told not to engage." One whispers to the other. Do what? One comes in front of me.

"Hey get away from him." Robert said. Their eyes are glowing. They put their hands on my chest and shoulder. No. My strength is suddenly gone.

"No!" Robert yells. It feels like someone is ripping me apart. Bye Ty! What? I suddenly hit the ground. Enderlox is chained. They disappear. I can't move. Robert goes on his knees next to me. He grabs me and puts me in his lap. People gather around me.

"Ty talk to me." Robert said. My vision blurs. My hand hits the ground and I close my eyes.

Seto's P.O.V
I see Robert holding someone. People around them. I go through the crowd. Robert has Ty in his lap.

"What happen Seto?" Robert asks. I kneel next to them. I put my hand on Ty's forehead.

"Zathe. They split Ty's soul in half and took his ender side from him."

"What will happen if he doesn't have it?" Robert asks.

"Well Enderlox will be out on a killing spree. But Ty will be in a permanent coma. So will Sky and Jason." Robert looks at me.

"Can't you do anything?" Robert asks.

"I can't. It's over for them. Jason and Sky has already been split."

"So it over. Just like that?" Robert asks.

"It is."

"Can't you merge their souls back together?" Someone asks.

"Maybe. Beside even if I could we would have a limited time for each of them. As time goes on they get weaker and weaker till they die." Someone grabs my shoulders.

"Do it. Come on do it." They said.

"Seto they have a chance. Where are Sky and Jason? How long do they have?" Robert asks.

"Sky seems to be missing his amulet." Robert's eyes widen.

"No. It spread." Robert said.

"Yes it did. But it's more affective since Skybrine is no with him. Sky has shorter time then the others."

"What are we going to do then?" Robert asks.

"I don't know. Three evil immortals are out of their good halves. Sky's, Jason's, and Ty's good hearts kept them under control. Now that they are out and nothing can stop them they will kill anything or anyone in their path."

"So underground?" Robert asks.

"Yes and can you keep Ty with you?"

"Of course. Why?" Robert asks.

"We have to split all three of them up. Farer away from each other is better for them."

"So who's where?" Robert asks.

"Sky is at the base and Jason is at the South Village."

Enderlox's P.O.V
So they are keeping Ty. What they don't know is that when Ty dies my full power will come out. So I have to kill Ty myself. Then Sky for making me trap inside of him all these years. These chains can't hold me. My eyes glow. The chains start melting.

"Hold him." One said i laugh. The chains disappear. I land on my feet. I look at them.

"Did you really think those pathetic chains could hold me?!" My arm turns into a obsidian sword. They look at me. I smirk.

"Try to hold him." One said. Their eyes glow. Contain me? Come on. Do they know who they are dealing with?! Chains come at me. I grab one of them and yank it. The person comes towards me. I stab them in the chest. They fall on the ground.

"Who's next?"

Skybrine's P.O.V
It's about time that I was finally release. I have to find Sky. I need to kill him. After him Ty.

WitherMu's P.O.V
Finally no one to hold me back. But Jason is still alive. He is first to die and then Sky. Sky split me from Jason. He deserves to die. I smirk.

Zathe's P.O.V
Enderlox killed my sorcerers. Perfect. He is strong. Skybrine, WitherMu, and Enderlox are out. If they cross paths there will be a battle. Try hate each other. They will try to kill each other. With that it would destroy the world. I smirk. Everything is going according to plan. All I have to do is sit back and enjoy the world being teared apart. This was to easy.

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