Fever Blood

By Halcyon15

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When Laidu, a half-human, half-dragon Ranger, rescues a mysterious girl from slavers, he doesn't know it but... More

Chapter 1: Kyra
Chapter 2: Day Specters
Chapter 3: Three Pines
Chapter 4: Bandits
Chapter 5: Departure From Three Pines
Chapter 6: Salt Dragon
Chapter 7: The Night is Not Empty
Chapter 8: Karik'ar's Secret
Chapter 9: Magnus
Chapter 10: Of Nightmares and Warriors
Chapter 11: To Earn Respect
Chapter 13: The Price of Immortality
Chapter 14: Drawing Down the Storm
Chapter 15: of Ripped Pants and Farm Hicks
Chapter 16: The Pantry Demon
Chapter 17: The King of Joy
Chapter 18: A Taste For Blood
Chapter 19: The Fallen City
Chapter 20: el'Thaen'im
Chapter 21: The Appetite of a Dragon
Chapter 22: Paradox
Chapter 23: News From Caeldar
Chapter 24: Iron Scars
Chapter 25: Sticking Stones, Unbreaking Bones, and Too Many Words.
Chapter 26: The Vault Under the Mountain
Chapter 27: The Ultimatum
First Interlude: Trials
Chapter 28: Skinstealer
Chapter 29: Snake Fangs and Thuggery
Chapter 30: Deadly Blood and Burning Wrath
Chapter 31: Savage Diplomacy
Chapter 32: Panacea
Chapter 33: Sidhe Bones
Chapter 34: Footsteps in the Dark
Chapter 35: War Paint
Chapter 36: The Isle of Torment
Chapter 37: Torvan
Chapter 38: Mind Games
Chapter 39: The Hunters
Chapter 40: Training
Chapter 41: First Night Away
Chapter 42: Revulsion
Chapter 43: Breakfasts and Bones
Chapter 44: The Tomb of Kings
Chapter 45: Interrogations
Chapter 46: Rivalry
Chapter 47: A Welcome Reunion
Chapter 48: A Message From Skinstealer
Chapter 49: The Assassin
Chapter 50: Sapharama
Chapter 51: A New Friend
Chapter 52: Scaly Babies
Chapter 53: Bullies
Chapter 54: Vestments of Skin
Chapter 55: Soul and Blood
Chapter 56: A Monster's Night
Chapter 57: He Waits
Second Interlude: Requiems
Chapter 58: Blasphemous Blade
Chapter 59: The Body of Science
Chapter 60: Burning Brine
Chapter 61: Inheritance
Chapter 62: of Dreams and Madness
Chapter 63: Questionable Advice
Chapter 64: Screamchasm
Chapter 65: Reflections of Caeldar
Chapter 66: Brothers
Chapter 67: The Acolyte Path
Chapter 68: The Path and the Walker
Chapter 69: City of Cold
Chapter 70: Amidst The Ruins
Chapter 71: The Tribunal
Chapter 72: Gaelhal
Chapter 73: Another Face
Chapter 74: A Few Wagers
Chapter 75: Confession
Chapter 76: A Fitting Discipline
Chapter 77: Homecoming
Third Interlude: Fates
Chapter 78: The Avaricious Eye
Chapter 79: The Abyss Stares Back
Chapter 80: Rewards
Chapter 81: The Blade Law
Chapter 82: The Library
Chapter 83: Meeting Mirsari
Chapter 84: Teaching the Art of Death
Chapter 85: Security Reviews
Chapter 86: The Power of the Blood
Chapter 87: The Touch of Her Hand
Chapter 88: A Rival of the Blood
Chapter 89: A Hot Bath
Chapter 90: Cast Out
Chapter 91: The Final Test
Chapter 92: An Act of Worship
Chapter 93: Anatomy of the Soul
Chapter 94: Cydari
Chapter 95: Duel of Sorceries
Chapter 96: A Stand of Conscience
Chapter 97: Healing
Chapter 98: A Peculiar Madness
Chapter 99: The Fall of the Corpus Veritorum
Chapter 100: Reclaim The Sky
Chapter 101: The Cave of Names
Chapter 102: The Transfiguration of Aoife Corvain
Chapter 103: Foul Machinations
Chapter 104: The Courier's Duty
Chapter 105: Rendevous
Chapter 106: The First Step of a Journey
Chapter 107: Manhunt
Fourth Interlude: Candidates
Chapter 108: Shattered Memories
Chapter 109: Fire Regained
Chapter 110: Hunger Blood
Chapter 111: That Night
Chapter 112: The Name of the King
Chapter 113: All Hail Rhaedrashah
Chapter 114: The Warriors of Red Claw
Chapter 115: The Bearer of the Soul
Chapter 116: The Change
Chapter 117: The Terror of the Night
Chapter 118: Fever Blood Ascendant
Chapter 119: The Scholar's Quest
Chapter 120: The Death of an Immortal
Chapter 121: Imprisoned
Chapter 122: Awakening
Chapter 123: The Solstael Ball
Chapter 124: To Take Off the Mask
Chapter 125: The Question
Chapter 126: The Last Mission
Chapter 127: Endings and Beginnings
Epilogue: Sojourns
Author's Note
Author's Note - Addendum

Chapter 12: Indra on the Offensive

1.3K 116 3
By Halcyon15

We took Alchemy, and instead of curing diseases, instead of making the leper clean, we used it to kill. We poisoned our enemies with wild abandon. How many died because of our murderous deeds? How many men did we kill? How many women? Children? Will we ever be able to wash the blood off of our hands?


Laidu followed behind Indra, Plow very observant of the reins. The horse was a good helper. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about Indra. She grumbled, squirming in the saddle. It was obviously clear that she was not one who belonged outside of a university. Indra probably was talented, but her talents were useless.

She can probably prove herself some other way, the voice said in Laidu's head. But it was different. It seemed...happier. Cheerful, even. Not the morose, self-guilting, and depressed voice before.

Of course I'm not depressed! Why would I be depressed? the voice asked. It's a wonderful day! The autumn air is just perfect! And oh, it looks like there are some new people over there! We should make friends! Laidu looked up.

There was another party, up ahead. Immediately, the training Laidu received began to kick in.

First, assess the situation.

The six other travelers were armed to the teeth. Four of them had swords, the ones at the front. Two held crossbows at the back of their little posse. The swords were unsheathed. The crossbows were nocked. All of them wore armor dented and scarred with dozens of nicks and scratches.

Second, extrapolate and infer.

They were obviously waiting for a fight. Bandits, maybe. But why here? Why now? Were they lying in wait for Laidu and Kyra? No one knew they were here. So, maybe it was just bad luck.

Third, form a plan.

Flick the reins, send Plow forward. Ignore Skaria and Karik'ar, they could handle themselves. Indra wasn't suited, Kyra was to be protected at all costs. He would negotiate. Keep Kyra and Indra behind him, make sure that, if those crossbowmen let loose their bolts they'd...Indra, what were you doing?

It does appear as if she's going to attempt diplomacy, the voice said. But I doubt we'd need it. I mean, all we have to do is be their friends!

Doing that will get you killed. Some people don't want friends, they just want you dead. Laidu watched her. She rode up to the front of the group. "What do you want?" Indra asked.

"Nothing much," the lead bandit, a man with close-cropped dark hair, said. "We need all your valuables." Thieves. Great. But, at least they were thieves.

"And that girl," the man said, pointing to Kyra. "Her too. And then, we might let you live."

Indra fumed. "Do you have any idea of who you're dealing with?" she asked. "You really don't do you?"

She's bluffing them, Laidu realized. I hope it works! the voice said. Tell her I hope the plan works, alright? Wish her good luck from me!

Laidu closed his eyes. This was ridiculous. She was never going to manage this. The two bandits in the back -a man and a woman- tensed up, their hands reaching for the crossbows.

"I don't care. Just hand over the girl and the valuables." The leader brandished his sword. "And we might just let you live."

"Fine," Indra said. "You want something valuable?" She grabbed something out of her pack. "Here!" She threw a vial in the face of the leader.

He screamed, the sword falling from his hand, clutching his face. Laidu growled and leaped off the horse, drawing his sword. "Indra!" he snarled. Karik'ar and Skaria instinctively drew their weapons, Karik'ar a sword, Skaria drawing a crossbow.

"Skaria! In the back!" Karik'ar said. Skaria nodded, raised the crossbow to her shoulder, took aim, and fired. A quarrel slammed into one of the crossbow-bearing bandits' throat.

"Crossbow, wind up!" Laidu heard Skaria say. He saw the other bandit's crossbow slacken, and another quarrel slammed into her throat. Her eyes widened, and she slumped over, dead.

Laidu flicked the reins, sending Plow towards the enemy. At the very least, Plow was brave. Laidu drew his sword, preparing to do battle. Another crossbow bold struck down a fourth bandit. But the one that faced Laidu did something that Laidu didn't expect. He ran.

His horse tripped over a large root, toppling to the ground with a scream. Laidu hated that sound. The bandit flew from his saddle, rolled twice, and kept running. Terror. Pure, unaduterated terror.

Laidu didn't notice the other bandit before a fist on his head knocked him down. Blood and thorns! That hurt! Laidu slammed into the ground. That hurt too! Blood and thorns!

Laidu pushed off the ground, spitting out some blood, trying to suck in a gulp of air. Gah! He bit the inside of his cheek on the way down. Another glob of blood stained the dirt. Then, he felt a boot down on his back. He tried to breathe, but the foot crushed his chest. He was strong, but he was useless without air. Well, we can learn from this! the voice said cheerfully.

"So, you half-blooded whoreson," the bandit said. "I hope you made peace with your gods," she whispered. He felt the cold steel of a blade on the back of his neck. Someone better help. Laidu gasped. That blow had knocked the wind from his lungs.

There was the sound of a sword drawn from a scabbard. "Hey!" the bandit said, moving the blade. Laidu turned, backing away on all fours, barely able to breathe. His chest and lungs felt like they were in a vise, being squeezed tighter and tighter.

Kyra held the thin saber out from her body. "Don't touch him!" she snarled. Wow. She had some fight in her! That was something Laidu had never seen before."

"Well aren't you adorable?" the bandit said. Laidu sat up, clutching his side. He could already see the large, mottled bruise beginning to form. Bloody thorns! That hurt. "Aw, you're going to try to hurt me," the bandit said, smiling. Her close-cropped hair didn't move as she swung her own blade. "And using my sword, nonetheless. Such irony." With that, the bandit swung her sword.

The sound of blade on blade, of steel clashing steel, echoed. Kyra had assumed a stance, her right foot forward, her right hand holding the sword out, above her head, pushing the sword off. Kyra flicked her wrist, and the sword danced, shining in the light. Kyra leaned to the side, and a flick of her sword disarmed the bandit. Wow, she has some skill, the voice remarked.

The bandit stopped, before grabbing something out of her boot. A knife. She charged Kyra, Kyra backed up, and then it was over. Oh, that was quick! At least we didn't have that much suspense!

The woman looked down at the length of steel jutting out of her stomach. Kyra stared She stared in horror as the bandit crumpled down, taking the sword with her, as a puddle of scarlet leaked out. The bandit's eyes were glazed over with death.

"Oh...God above," Kyra said, eyes wide, looking like she was sick. "Forgive me," she said, hollow and shocked.

Laidu slowly got up. "Bloody..." he began, before seeing the terrified look that Kyra had held. "Kyra!" He limped over to Kyra, who had sunk to her knees, eyes wide and shocked. Oh no, this wans't good. "Kyra, look at me," he said, grabbing her shoulders. "Look at me."

Her eyes met his. They were hollow, empty, frightened. "There's so much..." Kyra said. "You don't expect to see that much, do you?" she asked, babbling. "So much blood," she said.

Laidu pulled her close. "Kyra, try to come back," he said, whispering into her ear. "Try to stay with me." Kyra nodded, ever so slightly, holding onto Laidu, as if holding on for dear life. "Kyra, we need you to be lucid. Try to be here and now. Stay with us, alright?" Laidu asked, gentle, but forceful.

Kyra nodded. "Okay, okay, I think I can do that." She held onto him, hands digging into the scars on his back.

She'll be fine, the voice said. She always would be, I know it! She's a wonderful person! You should kiss her! Laidu frowned. He really didn't need an insane and cheerful voice giving him advice on his love life.

"I'm going after the runaway," Laidu said.

"What? Why?" Kyra asked, alarmed.

"They were after you," Laidu said. "They knew who you are, whoever that is." Kyra still hadn't told him, or anyone else, who exactly she was. Skaria and Karik'ar were tight-lipped about it. "They' knew where we are." He looked towards the path where the horse stood. "He also took a route towards the Day Specter territories. No one would run that way, except for one reason."

"They knew where they were going." Karik'ar nodded. "Go. We'll take care of Kyra."

Laidu nodded. The bruise was not as bad, now, and he could breathe. He rose. "Take care," he said to Kyra. "I'm going to get some answers." He walked past the body Indra attacked and looked down, and then crouched down and vomited.

"Indra, what did you do to him?" Laidu asked in horror. The face had collapsed, looking like a deflated waterskin.

"De-ossifying solution." Indra didn't look at it. "It destroys calcium structures, leaving flesh untouched." She paused. "It dissolves bone." There wasn't any skull left, just a viscous, milky white liquid. "Bury that body," he said. He didn't want anyone finding that.

And with that, he ran after the man. It was time to finally make headway. It was time to get some answers.

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