Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

By k-stilinski-

394K 9.5K 1.4K

"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 29

5.4K 164 14
By k-stilinski-

Sage wondered around the party pushing past people, yep people. Not even 10 minutes after everyone threw out texts, people have been walking into Lydia's house readying to party. The vampire was beaming that her best friend was now happy to see that her party was now undergoing, but Sage hated that people were in her way.

"Why should I apologise?" Sage turned her head to see the duo having a conversation, the blonde tilted her head in confusion until her eyes fell upon her brunette friend standing alone in a sea of people, she didn't really understand why Scott should apologise because she didn't know what had happened between the two but he was the guy after all.

"Because you're the guy! It's, like, what we do." Stiles said making Sage chuckle, "But I didn't do anything wrong." Scott said making Stiles scoff. "Then you should definitely apologize. See, any time a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong." Sage smiled as she made her way over to the two.

"He's not wrong wolf boy." Sage mused as she took Stiles' hand in hers, the human smiled at his vampire before nodding his head back at his best friend.

"I'm not apologising." Scott said bluntly causing the vampire's eyebrows to raise in surprise, "I'm guessing that's the full moon talking because normal Scott McCall would have already been on his knees for his girlfriend." Sage said almost taunting the werewolf to disagree with her but of course he didn't agree nor disagree with the vampire but Stiles and her both knew the boy was in denial.

"Why do you guys care, anyway?" He asked once again bluntly, the vampire almost launched herself at him, having enough of his attitude- full moon or not.

"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right, here, I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying, I got my dad fired, you're gonna be held back in school, Sage's powers are all over the place for whatever reason. And if I have to watch you lose Allison to a stalker-like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face." Stiles ranted hysterically causing before he took a gulp of the drink in his hand.

"Don't stab yourself in the face."

"Why not?"

"Because your face is pretty—"

"—Wait, what?!—"

"—Because Jackson's here."

Stiles quickly brushed aside what Sage had just said for a second as he whipped his head to the entrance of the garden. And just as Scott had said, there was Jackson, standing in the middle of the party assessing the crowd before he accepted a drink from Lydia. He looked like Jackson, but the three knew better.

"Okay, call us if he kills anyone, Stiles and I are going to at least try and have fun. So we're going to dance."

"Wait we are?"

"Yup, Scott go apologies to your girlfriend. Don't wait up."


Stiles couldn't help but watch the blonde vampire as she conversed with her brunette haired best friend, after they had danced for a while Stiles told the girl that he needed a break. The human couldn't keep up with her moves, the way her waist swayed to the beat of the music kept the boy in a trance and there was nothing he could do about it- well not like he wanted to do anything about it anyway.

Stiles didn't know exactly where they stood, he knew that they were soulmates and that there was no one else out there for him. Yeah, they've kissed a few times and he's let the word 'babe' or 'baby' slip here and there but Stiles wanted an actual label. He wanted to yell out to the whole of Beacon Hills that Sage was his girlfriend, and he didn't want to wait any longer.

Quickly downing the rest of his drink he went in search of his best friend for some last-minute advice.

Sage furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as Allison's demeanour suddenly changed, "Ali, you okay?" The brown-haired huntress looked at her friend with a fake smile that Sage saw right through, the blonde vampire glanced over to where Allison was previously looking only to catch sight of Matt. The vampire knew there was something off about him, she had been feeling it since she met him but she couldn't shake it.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just gonna go splash some water on my face okay?" Allison didn't even wait for a response before she was rushing upstairs into the Martin house, Matt was quick to follow the girl and Sage was about to go in after them but something stopped her in her tracks.


The voice sang her name but it wasn't the sound of her name being sung that caused her to freeze, no, it was the voice of the person singing her name. She knew that voice, but it shouldn't have been possible.


The blonde quickly rushed through the crowd, ignoring the partygoers around her. She soon found herself in the hallway of the Martin house, her body was tense as she searched for her. Her ears pricked up when she heard a faint sound, she hadn't heard the sound of her name being called this time but it was the sound of heels clicking against the floorboards of the house.

She followed the sound and it led her to the living room and there she stood, looking down at the fireplace. "You know, I never would have imagined you would try and settle down in a town like this." Her accent wasn't as thick as Sage remembered but it was very much still there—reminding her of the female that stood before her.

Sage's body was tense after hearing it, she didn't know if she was high on vervain or just flat out drunk, because there was no way she was seeing her. She was dead.

"Y-your supposed to be dead." Sage hated how fragile she sounded, but the other blonde loved it.

"Yeah funny how death works right? Like we cheat death all the time but only one thing can actually kill the cursed vampires of France, come on little sister, have some faith." Sage's ocean blues met her emerald greens, the last time Sage looked into the eyes of her sister they were so full of life, now they looked so vacant and dull. But she wasn't really here, she had died fifty years ago, there's no way she could be alive right now.

"What are you doing here, Céleste?" She spat out, watching the blonde with wary eyes.

She chuckled. "Is that really any way to talk to your sister?" She retorted, taking a few steps towards her as she watched the blue-eyed vampire with amusement. "You know I'm surprised that you haven't killed any of these humans yet. Especially seeing as thirty years ago you left body's piling up as you left cities."

"How would you even know about that Céleste? Your dead." Sage tried not to flinch after hearing her sister recite to her what she had done over the past years, yes it was true. Sage had a bit of a fender bender a couple years back but she had no idea how her sister- how her dead sister found out about that.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you think that you can be with a human. I mean I can see why you have taken a liking to him. He looks so... delicious." Sage didn't even think twice about it, she grabbed her sister by the neck, shoving her into the wally behind her.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" She growled at the girl, but all Céleste did was laugh at her and all that did was anger the ocean-eyed vampire.

"This isn't surprising really, you killed me before and now your gonna do it again. But what is surprising was that you killed them." Sage's eyebrows furrowed in confusion from her sister's words but as she followed Céleste's gaze a sharp gasp left her lips.

She felt sick to her stomach as her eyes wandered over the bodies that laid beneath her. Tears pricked her eyes as her stomach twisted when her eyes landed on the first body. Lydia was laying in a puddle of her own blood, her throat was torn out and her once jaded coloured eyes were now dull and lifeless.

Her breath quickened as she recognized the other bodies, among them were Derek, Allison, Scott and they finally landed on Stiles who had his heart ripped out.

She didn't realise that she was hyperventilating at this point, she had fallen to her knees, trying to close the gaping hole in Stiles' chest. Her cries were so loud she didn't understand how no one else could hear her. All she could do was stare at her soulmate, her best friends. She had killed them all.

There was a faint voice that was calling out her name but she couldn't hear it through her own sobs.


The blonde coughed after her face was drenched in water.

"What the hell Stiles?!" She looked around to find no dead bodies and more importantly, no Céleste. It wasn't real, of course it wasn't real. Her sister was dead, and there was no way she would have killed them.

"Lydia, we think she put something in our drinks. We all had our own hallucinations, when I couldn't find you I suspected you might be having one so I looked for you." Sage listened intently to what the human was saying to her, Lydia had poisoned them—how could she had not known something was off with her best friend? Sage quickly tried to search through their bond but she was coming up empty, it was like the night she went missing. Their bond was empty.

"Come on we need to find her." Stiles stared at his soulmate in concern, he didn't know what she saw but whatever it was, it really scared her and he hated seeing her like that. The two had made their way back into the party to notice people were going crazy.

"Have you guys seen Lydia?" Scott asked the couple as he ran up to them they both shook their head as they watched people start jumping or throwing each other into the pool.

"No! Stop! I can't swim!"

They all turned to look at two guys holding Matt who was yelling before they tossed him into the pool. Matt struggled to keep himself above but he was too busy panicking.

The majority of the party was still hallucinating, but everyone still watched Matt struggle in the water, Sage watched with interest and a little shock as Jackson pulled him out of the pool.

Matt stood there as the party started to die down, his heart racing as he was soaked to the bone. His eyes hardened as he stared back at all the people who had watched him nearly drown.

"What are you looking at?" He snapped before pushing past people to leave. He paused in his steps as his eyes landed on them and after a second passed, he continued on his way.

"The cops are here!"


Everybody began shoving past each other to get out before they could get arrested for underage drinking.

"Get out of here, I'm gonna go find Lydia," Stiles shouted for the girl to wait for him but she had already sped off into the night in search of her strawberry blonde friend once again.


So this season is coming to an end guys, I don't know if I should continue all the seasons in this book or make more than one book. For example if this was more than one book, this book would be from season 1 - 3A, the second book would be from 3B-5A and the last book would be from 5B-6B. Or I would do this book from season 1-3B and the last book from 4-6B or just have it all in one book, let me know what you guys think. Don't be shy drop a vote and a comment x

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