BEDEVIL | jenlisa

By chanelwaffle

356K 13.9K 2.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Abducted. Tormented. Owned. Jennie never knew hell existed before she met such an evil person w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [M]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [M]
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [M]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 3

11.3K 495 87
By chanelwaffle


I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight hitting my face. I tried to move my hands but well, it's still tied up. What did I even expect?

My neck hurts, with this position, I feel like jesus christ nailed into a cross and my head was laying on the side all night. These pillows are useless at this point, I was sitting up when I slept.

I look around and luckily, I don't feel anyone's presence here. I jolt up and scanned the room if I can use anything here to get out of this hellhole. There's a bookshelf on my right but nothing useful for my plan.

Like a key.

The bedside table is empty, of course, and there is nothing else here. Crap. I tried to think of ways, like biting off until it loosens. Well, it's not going to work. Why? She tied me with a leather wrapped around my wrist, connected to a chain. A metal.

Guess I'm stuck here.

I leaned my back against the headboard as I feel my arms hurting. It's been hanging in the air for hours, I don't even feel like I have arms anymore. I smell like a prisoner, my stomach is empty and I don't have any strength left.

This feels like torture and I've only been here for less than 12 hours.

I just want to go back home.

If only Miss Bitch didn't take me here, I would've been in my own room, sleeping comfortably on the soft pillow and warm blankets. Not like a cult sacrifice getting crucified.

The door suddenly opened, revealing the one and only, the living devil on Earth.

She wears a black silk sleeping wear with a robe on while playing with the keys around her finger. There's this annoying grin on her face as she walked in, probably overjoyed to see me like this.

I just don't have any energy left to argue with her.

"Is my little slave ready?" She asked and stood by the end of the bed.

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to answer her. She can talk all day for all I care, she'll talk to a wall.

She shakes her head, "I'll take that as a yes," she went to unlock my cuffs and grabbed my wrist after. As much as I want to get her grip off me, I just can't. My head wanted to but my body fails to do so. I need to drink some water or I'll pass out.

We head outside and took me to her large backyard. It's an open area, just green and it seems like she uses this as a playground for sports or whatever business she does in her stupid life.

She took me in the middle of the field and signals her finger to someone. A guy with a firm expression came and puts down a bucket next to her foot.

When I analyzed what's inside, my eyes widen in horror. I'm having a bad idea with this. She then took long white zip ties from her pocket and tied my hands together, making sure it won't break. My heart is already beating like crazy, nervous about what's going to happen next.

I watched her picked up the bucket and she looks at me, "Remember what I said last night?" She spoke before pouring the disgusting liquid into my head.

I coughed at the smell hitting my nose and I wiped off my eyes with my fingers. She kept her distance from me, avoiding any drop to touch her skin.

The bucket was full of blood.

I have no idea if this is from a person or an animal but this is fucking disgusting. It smells rotten like she was preserving this for months or even years.

She threw the bucket away and slowly takes some small steps back, "You have five seconds to run," she puts her hands into her pocket.

I watched her in confusion and I spot two men standing by a steel cage from 20 feet away. They unlocked the door and my eyes grew wide as I start running off in a panic.

My feet sprinted, I don't even know which way should I go. I just need to get away from them, at least, that's what she wanted me to do. This is her plan and she's succeeding.

Fuck her.

I heard some loud barks from behind me and I tried to run faster, the problem is, I'm not a fucking runner. I hate running and this situation isn't helping me at all. It's even harder to balance with my hands tied in front of me.

Have I ever imagined running for my life from hungry wolves? No.

At this point, I'd rather be eaten.

There is some uneven part of the field, that I kept tripping on my feet. My speed decreased everytime and these wolves are already 10 feet away from devouring me alive. I'm already running out of breath but I need to try.

If she'll let me die, atleast I didn't die fast.

I look behind as I run for my life with a hammering heart against my chest. Their eyes are very determined to chase me and rip every flesh off my body. I can see her standing from afar, watching me like I'm competing for the Olympics. Monsters create monsters, that I can say.

When I was about to take a step, my toe hits a rock, making me fall to the ground, face flat. The rough patch scraped my left cheekbone and earned me bleeding lips. I ignored the pain and tried to stand up but I couldn't. My hands were too stiff to get me to my feet and I let out a groan when I heard the wolves' barks coming slowly.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, ready for them to tear me off with those sharp teeth.

My ears rang when I heard a loud whistle, I peeked with one eye and saw her running in my direction. The wolves didn't move from where they are and she instructed her men to get them back to their cages.

She gave me a look before she slowly approaches me. Before she can take another step, I kicked her leg, making her yelp in pain. She fell down to her butt while touching the part that I hit.

I used my elbow to sit up and I crawled on top of her, gripping her collar. "You could've just killed me, you could've just put a fucking gun to my head! Did you like that? Watching me like it's the most entertaining show you ever witnessed?! Did you fucking enjoy that you fucking psycho?!" I yelled at her, as I keep hitting her chest, her shoulders, her face.

I keep smearing blood all over her clothes, her face, everywhere. I don't care.

All my thoughts were clogged, I couldn't breathe as I imagined my life flashing right before my eyes. A tear left my eye, I'm not okay with this. Why is she treating me like I deserve this? What did I even do to her?

I know she saw the fear in my eyes. My hands are shaking and I don't know how will I react if I ever hear those damn wolves again.

A pair of hands scooped me under my arms and removed me from her. I don't even care anymore, I just wanted to cry and cry. In anger, in fear. There's nothing else I can do right now but cry.

"Tell Saem to give her a bath, new clothes, and something to eat." I heard her tell her men before I watch her walk away, getting back inside the house.

The same guy from earlier stood by my side, "I'll take you to Ms. Saem, come with me." He pulled me up to my feet and escorted me back inside. He led me to a huge luxury bathroom and inside, I saw a middle aged woman, nearly her 50's, brushing the toilet with green rubber gloves on.

She gave me a concerned look before she took off her gloves and walks to me. He spoke to her, telling her what their boss wanted her to do before leaving us alone.

I didn't dare to speak to her, I just can't trust anyone in this house.

"I'll help you with that," she opened a drawer from a cabinet near the sink and took a pair of scissors, cutting the zip off.

My hands feel free again, I wonder how long will this last.

She clears her throat, "I'm Saem, Ms. Lisa's houseperson." She gave me a warm smile, maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

Lisa? Is that her name?

"Her name doesn't fit her," I deadpanned.

I only heard her chuckle, "Too innocent?" And I nod my head, "Well, I understand if you hate her. What she did to you earlier was something else,"

I was tempted to ask more, "Does she kidnaps more people other than me?" She led me to the tub, "Like, is there someone else in the spot as me before?"

Saem just shakes her head, "You're the first,"

"Can you...tell me why?"

"Have she told you the reason why she brought you here?" She handed me a bottle of shampoo and conditioners, soap, and scrub to wash the blood off.

I shake my head, "She only said this debt, saying I need to pay for it." I unknowingly chuckled, "I thought she was talking about money, I was wrong."

She sighs, "If she doesn't tell you anything, I don't think I have the rights to tell you about that." She only gave me an apologetic smile, "I'll get you some fresh clothes, you can take your bath."

I just let her leave and removed this dress, the same dress that I was wearing since I was taken here. My whole body is covered in blood, my underwear, my bra. Everything is disgusting. I turned the faucet on and let the water fill the tub as I undress one by one.

I can feel some sting on my knees, I assume I scraped them as well. My knuckles hurt and so is my feet. Running around like that barefoot was never an easy task.

When the water is enough, I hopped on my foot first and the water immediately turns to red as the blood mixed with it. I left the tab open underneath so the water would drain and be replaced with a clear one.

I let my headrest on the edge of the tub, it felt like years since I had a bath when it's only been less than a day. I can't even imagine what more she'll do in the future, clearly, I'll stay here for a long time unless Miss Bitch suddenly had a change of heart and finally decided to release me.

Hell, a dead person coming back alive is much more possible than that.

I jumped when I hear a faint knock on the door, then a voice came after. "This is Saem, can I come in so I can put your clothes inside?" Her voice was muffled.

"Y-Yeah, sure." I dipped my body into the tub, hiding my breasts off her sight.

The door opened and she came in with folded clothes in her hands along with a clean white towel. "I'll be preparing your meal and take it to your room, is that okay?"

I just nod.

Before she can leave, I called her again. She turned around and faced me with a curious expression.

"Uh...I was just wondering if-if I can trust you?" I asked with hesitation. Honestly, I shouldn't but she seems like a nice person.

Saem only smiled, "You can't make a person trust you with only just words, you know. Trust can also be given by act or time can do that for you," that was all she said before walking towards the door.

I was left stunned by her choice of words.

She was definitely trying to tell me something but didn't want it to be direct.

I wonder.

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