The King's Departure to the F...

By Zakhaev_Maidwell

218K 2.9K 2.8K

The King's Journey continues on in Another World (Book) For you shall see only but a dream... a dream one wou... More

Bio Of The King
Chapter I - New Beginnings
Chapter II - Knowing our home
Chapter III - The Past in the Future
Chapter IV - Knight's Gambit
Chapter V - Encounter of Kings
Chapter VI - Idiocy At Its Finest
Chapter VII - Family Time... and the KFC Reject
Chapter VIII - The 10-day Training Period and Rating Game
Chapter IX - The Family Vacation and An Unknown Arrives
Chapter X - The Presence of the Fake Excalibur and meeting The Assassin
Chapter XI - The Knights vs A Mage and Assassin
Chapter XII - The Mage's Association
Chapter XIV-I - Excalibur
Chapter XV-II - Excalibur
Chapter XVI-III - Excalibur
Chapter XVII - For the Once and Future
It is decided.
It is Published!

Chapter XIII - Doubts, Fallen Angels Attack, The Fake Excalibur

9.9K 163 84
By Zakhaev_Maidwell

I did it again... I forgot this is DxD fic... Not a Fate fic... I had to rewrite the entire chapter and next one because the stuff i put in it contrasts the lore of the dxdverse... So yeah


3rd Person POV

Still in the middle of the night

We currently see Igraine, Artoria and Lance going home after that dump of information regarding the Mage's Association thrown into them... Though... They still couldn't take the words Medea told them earlier...

Artoria: A Sealing Designation huh...

Igraine: Even in this time and age... Mages and the rest of the supernatural will always be greedy for power

Lance: We will have to warn the King, about the Association... Our powers are gonna be a hot topic for the supernatural if they ever find out about us

Artoria: And also add the fact that we're from the past as well... They will want to know on how we did it... And how were all alive right now... Because in history... We're all dead...

Igraine:... When we get home, Artoria call the others into the living room, while Lance, make sure there is no one to hear what we're about to talk about later... You two got that?

Artoria/Lance: Of course mother/my Queen

Igraine: Good, let's hurry up and-!!!

Igraine suddenly dashes backwards while holding the back of Lance and Artoria's shirt, then an explosion happens on the place where the three we're earlier, with the three landing a few meters away from the area and sees the explosion.

Igraine: 'So... They finally showed themselves' Look alive you two... We have some... Unwanted people here

Igraine immediately summoned her Excalibur, Artoria summons Clarent, while Lance takes off a metal pole from the ground using it as a pole-arm, as redlines spread through the pole after the smoke cleared we see a large group of fallen angels in front of us

Artoria: That's a lot of them... *smirks* These crows will be fun to kill!

Lance: Heh... You got that right... No one attacks without leaving unscathed!

Igraine: Tone down your bloodlust you two

Igraine then moves her head to the left, just as a light spear just whizzes past her head


Igraine: You know what? You two can go ham... Just hurry it up

Artoria/Lance: *smirks* With pleasure!

Artoria and Lance immediately take off and starts hacking away at the Fallen Angels

Igraine:... Jeez... I feel a little bad for them now... Only a little though...

Igraine then thrust her sword backwards, stabbing a fallen angel trying to sneak up on her on the stomach

Fallen 1: H-how?...

Igraine:... You should never underestimate someone you don't know

Igraine then pulls her sword out of the Fallens stomach, letting the Fallens body fall on the floor dead, and Igraine turns around to face a group of Fallen that appeared behind the trio

Igraine:... It was your mistake to attack us... And you will pay for it with your lives

Igraine dashes towards the Fallen Angels, she swings her sword sideways and thanks to the sword's sheath, 'Invisible Air', the poor Fallen Angels in front of her never saw her sword coming at them killing them instantly.

With the Fallen not knowing who the three was, nor what they are... It was their defeat.

With Lance and Artoria




Artoria:... Ok is it just me or are these Fallen weak?

Lance: You aren't the only one... I wonder what the others are doing right now?

In the Maxwell Household

Glenn: *snoring*

Ban: *sleeping quietly*

Tristan: *on the roof of the house playing songs with Failnaught*

Angra: *wide awake just being silent in his room while secretly enjoying Tristan's music*

Uther: *quietly sleeping thanks to Tristan's music*

Back to the Trio

As Lance and Artoria were talking, a Fallen decided to use this apparent chance to attack them while they were talking... But... As the Fallen charged at them... The Fallen was immediately bashed on the side of the head by the pole-arm Lance was using, killing the Fallen and sending the body flying...


Fallen 2: Tch! Don't get cocky human!


Lance dashes towards the Fallen Angel group

Artoria:... They're dead

Fallen Angels: *Scared Fallen Angel noises*

Artoria finally kills the last Fallen Angel in her group and then turns around and see a carnage of Fallen Angels on Lance's side

Artoria:... There were even more on Lance's side?

Lance then brutally kills the last Fallen Angel on his side and turns around to see Artoria looking at him

Lance: Huh... She must've finished already

And as if they were communicating mentally, both Lance and Artoria look at where Igraine was and see the dead bodies of Fallen Angels and her walking towards a crippled Fallen Angel, she then reaches the Fallen and picks him up by the neck

Igraine: Now answer me this... Who sent you

Igraine coldly interrogated the Fallen

Fallen 3: I... Won't... Tell... You... Anything... Human...

Igraine: Trying to play hard huh... Fine then

Igraine then stabs her sword on the Fallens stomach area, making sure it didn't hit any vital organs to make sure the Fallen doesn't die

Fallen 3: ARGHHHH!!!

Igraine: Now talk

Fallen 3: Ne-never...

Igraine angered by this crushes his neck, killing him, then she dropped the body and turns around to see both Artoria and Lance looking at her, she starts looking around and see so many bodies of dead Fallen Angels

Igraine: Burn the bodies... Make sure nothing is left behind

Artoria: Sure thing

Lance: Yes, my Queen

While Artoria and Lance burn the bodies, Igraine is remembering something Medea told them about

The Sealing Designation...


Medea: Sealing Designations are edicts handed down by the Mage's Association to maintain and protect special thaumaturgical abilities which cannot be acquired through study. Said to be a title of the "greatest honour", those marked are deemed "precious", causing the Association to mobilize the greatest effort to secure their flesh and blood, their body's potential. Among magi, few know how Sealing Designated Magi are preserved: the brain and nerves are extracted and pickled in preservation fluid. Depending on if there are any remaining appendages, the jar function as the body, or the exoskeleton.

Those designated are to be incarcerated, becoming samples preserved in their present conditions and levels of ability. It is an outrage to those who are designated not because of it being the equivalent of a death sentence, but rather because it is an affront to their status as prominent magi. They who have spent their lives devoted to their research will automatically reject a situation in which they will be unable to continue.

You three are powerful, I can already tell just by that brief fight we had... If the Clock Tower ever learns of your power... They will come for you... And if they learn that you have power they can't replicate... The worse they can do is slap you with a Sealing Designation

Flashback over

Igraine: If the Association ever learns of who we really are... They will no doubt try and capture us... To study on our power... To try and replicate our power... But Uther and I will make sure nothing will happen to any of you *to the knights and Artoria*

Igraine gets out of her thoughts and sees that all the bodies are nearly burned

Igraine:... *looks over the city* even now... There are just some things that don't change...

(Ryuudou Temple is located on a mountainside so that's why Igraine can look over the city ... And also I'm just gonna point out but... Why the f#ck is Kuoh called a town? When it is clearly a city...)


Uther's POV

A new day has begun... I start looking around the room and see Igraine right next to me sleeping...

Me: Huh... Wonder what time they came home...

... Last night I had some doubts whether this was all real... But hearing Merlins voice again has cleared up my mind... But... Now new doubts come to the surface in my head...

Me:... Now that I think about it... Who are the current Pendragons a descendant of?... As far as I know... I only had one child which is Artoria... Morgan had 4 children... Who we're not able to create families of their own... I'm gonna have to discuss this with the knights... And get a clue on what happened to the Excalibur I left behind...

I then tidy myself up and leave the room quietly to make sure Igraine doesn't wake up, then I reach the living room and see Tristan, Angra and Glenn sitting on the couch watching the news

Me: Hmm? Wheres Ban?

Glenn: He's cooking right now

I then sit on the couch and listen in to the news as well

News Reporter: -dead bodies have been found on alleyways, and judging by their clothes they are either priests or exorcists of the Catholic Church-

Angra: 'Guess somebody's been playing DOOM too much...'

The News then changes to another Reporter

News Reporter 2: -A warehouse near Kuoh Academy had exploded last night and forensic scientists have been lead to believe the cause of the explosion was a gas leak-

Glenn:??? A gas leak?

Tristan: I believe that is just a cover-up for the supernatural since I sensed magic at that warehouse last night

Glenn: Huh...

After a few more minutes the food is ready and Ban has joined us in the living room waiting for the others to wake up... Then I hear multiple footsteps behind me, I turn around and see Igraine, Lance and Artoria coming into the living room, though... I can see that Artoria was abruptly woken up if the eyebags were of some help to notice it

Me: Great you're all here

Igraine: Hmm? Did you need us?

Me: Yes yes now come every one to the dining table

A few minutes later, we are all seated at the dining table

Igraine: So... What did you want to talk about

Me: I called you all here to discuss something that has been making me doubt their existence...

Angra: Doubt 'their' existence?

Me: I'm talking about the Pendragon Family of the current era

Lance: What is it that's making you doubt their very existence, my King?

Me:... I wanna know if they're really my descendants...

Igraine: What?

The Knights and Artoria who have finally woken up are confused by my words

Me: Think about it... Where would they come from? Who did they descend from? As far as I know, Artoria is the only child who was born with my genes and Morgan has or had 4 children namely Gawain, Gaheris, Gareth and Agravain... All of whom never formed any families nor children... So... The question is... Are they really my descendants?

The Knights and Igraine, of course, couldn't answer this because... How could you, when you don't know how one thing is possible to exist when its very progenitor in which it originated from never even existed in the first place?

Me: But... That's not all... What's more, is about the Excalibur I left behind... If I remember correctly, that fake replica of Excalibur broke into seven pieces since it couldn't handle the power of Excalibur... Could the person who has it have figured out how to reforge the pieces back as one sword without it breaking? My answer to that is a definitive no because the energy residue of the False sword that was left behind in Kuoh Academy was weak... Too weak if I say so myself... So I don't think it was reforged... But merely turned into seven swords...

Lance: Oh yeah... Now that I remember it... The mana residue left behind was too weak as we couldn't even sense it except for you, my King... So it is possible that the pieces were instead turned into seven swords... But the question is... Why? Why turn something that was named Excalibur even though it's a fake into seven swords?

Angra: I think it's because whoever it is that took it thought that instead of having one strong sword... They thought that having seven more of the same sword will multiply its power output...

Me: Which is something impossible as the power of Excalibur divided itself to fit into each separate piece... Only 10% (yes I'm changing it) of the original Excaliburs power was able to fit the fake replica without it completely breaking into dust...

Everyone, including me, are just put into thought because of my statement

Me: With our limited information... We will need to collect info about the Pendragon Family and the whereabouts of the Fake Excalibur... Angra I am tasking you with this

Angra: Yes, my King

Me: Tristan, I want you to go out and scout the wielder of the Fake Excalibur here in Kuoh... And if possible... Don't get caught by anyone... Not even the devils here...

Tristan: Yes, my King

Igraine: I also have something to tell you all and it also may affect Uther's plan

Everyone and including me is now focused on Igraine

Igraine: Last night when we went to investigate the mana fluctuation on Ryuudou Temple... We found out that there is a mage here and we managed to talk with her and she told us things about the Mage's Association, which I will tell you all later as the important part is the next one because as we were walking home, we were attacked by a large group of Fallen Angels... We easily dispatched of them... I questioned one of them but they wouldn't talk so i just killed them...

Glenn: You were attacked? But... What does this have to do with the Kings Plan?

Igraine: The problem is... They knew we were a danger to them...

Everyone minus Artoria and Lance was shocked

Me: That shouldn't be possible... We always wear the Concealment Rings

Igraine: That's it... We wore our rings yet they knew were a threat to them so they sent a large group at us... The only answer I can come up with, with how they knew about this is they were spying on us... The possible time was when the devils came here and when the Knights trained the devils...

Then I get a flashback of a conversation I had before all of this started


Supreme Deity: Watch out Arthur... Beware of the dangers that lurk in the dark...

Flashback over

Me:... Something is amiss here...

They all look back at me

Me:... The Fake Excaliburs presence here and the Fallen Angel attack... Do you think they're connected? Both aren't a threat to us... But something is off... Why here? What is so important here that they are here? In Kuoh Town, a place governed by the devils...

Igraine: Unless... Someone knows who we really are and is trying to make us show ourselves to the entire world...


Yes... Something big is coming...

Hope the thriller ending part actually works...

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