harry attacks

By asiyakone

907 19 3

Sequel to harry gets into trouble. harry has enough of Hermione and Ginny lecturing him and end up snapping a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 8

57 2 0
By asiyakone

Harry is finally going back to school today and he is panicking even though his dad had reassured him that everything would be fine. He is getting ready, packing his trunk when he hears his dad shout from downstairs."I'm coming dad!" shout Harry as he grabs his trunk and runs downstairs."Are you ready to go now? Do you have your medication?""Yes, can we go now?"Harry and Severus apparate to Hogsmeade and then walk up to the Hogwarts gates. They walk through the gates and up to the school and go to Harry's new Head of House as he requested to be moved he is now in Slyerthin. Severus knocks on the door when he hears 'enter' he goes in with his son."Hello, have a seat" Westbourne says to them.They both sit down and wait to be spoken to. Harry sits there thinking he really doesn't want to be there and he really wants a cigarette."ok Harry in Slyerthin the rules are slightly different we all stick together, I do not allow any bullying, and all arguments are to be kept inside the common room if you can't deal with it yourself you bring it to me you do not take it outside the common room. Now I understand you are on medication you can take that whenever you need to if you need a break at any time in a class just ask ok?""Yes ma'am I understand but can we hurry this up I need a cigarette and I need one now" replies Harry with a hint of attitude."Harry watch your attitude or do we need to step outside" Severus warns his son."Sorry" says Harry slouching in his chair."Ok on that note I am going to end this meeting and show you to the common room, you will start classes tomorrow" says professor Westbourne.They walk to the common room and go in Harry is shown his dorm room and then he is left to it. He takes his medication and then lights up a cigarette feeling at peace straight away he thinks what will tomorrow bring.The next day.Harry sits at his house table eating his breakfast after which he takes his medication, when Draco shouts down the table 'is that you whacky meds' getting up from where he is sitting he walks down the table pulls Draco up slams him into the floor and start beating the living day lights out of him.Westbourne gets up from where she is sitting and runs over to the fight and pulls Harry off Draco and takes him to her office."Sit, what the hell where you thinking did I not just say yesterday that arguments are to stay in the common room.""Yes ma'am but you didn't hear what he said""Oh do enlighten me what could he have said that course you to give him one broken arm, a split lip and a black eye""When I took my medication he said is that your whacky meds""that is no reason to attack him like that you could have brought it to my attention so for your behavior you have earnt a detention tonight at eight and a letter home, dismissed." Replies Westbourne.Meanwhile Severus has just got home from a busy shift at work where he had to heal a number of injuries from an accident on an auror mission he sits down with a cup of coffee when he hears a tapping on the window not bothering to get up he spells the window open. When the owl flies over to him and holds his leg out he thinks what now taking the letter he reads it fuming the more he reads after he finishes reading he throws it down get up and floo's to the school and goes to the potions classroom where he knows his son should be now."I am sorry to interrupt Professor Westbourne but may I borrow my son for ten minutes"After he has his son outside the classroom he takes him to the empty one down the hall and wards it before lecturing his son."What the bloody hell where you thinking getting into a fight on your second day back? Did you think you wouldn't be punished for it because you have only just recovered from your illness and are still on medication? Well my so you are sorely mistaken, come here now"Harry walks over to his dad where he is pulled over his dad's knee and given twenty rapid swats before he is pulled into a hug."Harry I don't mind a little bit of mischief after all you have been through but if it is enough to warrant a letter home you can bet your backside you are getting a visit from me now get back to class and I better not get another letter home about your behavior now go I love you"Harry then goes back to class and is on his best behavior for the rest of the week when he thinks of a brilliant plan to get Draco into trouble.

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