The Boy // Tokyo Ghoul // K...

Od _orphan_tears_

52 0 0

Y/N was born a half-breed; the product of a love between their Mother, a Ghoul, and their Father, a human. Wh... Vรญce

Y/N's Ghoul.
Shift. // Chapter One.
A Best Friend. // Chapter Three.

Ghoulish. // Chapter Two.

11 0 0
Od _orphan_tears_

"Hey, Y/N." I heard Touka say. Her voice was distant, it seemed as though she were underwater. Or maybe I was the one underwater?

I sighed a bit and looked at the purple-haired girl, arching my brow a bit. "Yeah, T?"

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out lately." My eyes widened a bit.

It had been two days since I got the text from Kaneki saying he was going out with Rize, and I was nervous. He was going out with her today, and I feared for him.

It was after hours at the shop, so Touka and I were just sitting in the Cafe and drinking coffee with each other in silence, or, well, it was silent.

"I'm..." I hesitated for a moment before shaking my head and going back to making a cup of coffee for myself. "I'm fine." I gave her a weak smile.

"This about you're friend?" She tilted her head and took a sip of the coffee I'd made for her. "I see right through you, you know. You're unreadable for everyone but me."

I huffed a bit and shook my head, taking a sip of coffee.

"Okay. And if it is?" I whispered. "He's with Rize of all people, and I just- I can't help but be worried."

Touka sighed a bit and nodded slowly. "I'm sure he'll be fine. He doesn't seem the type to be naive and go along with her whims."

I laughed a bit. "I don't know. Ken is kind of..." I trailed off, trying to find my words. "He helps those in need if he can, and I have a feeling Rize is going to try and use that against him." I shrugged a little.

"N/N. Listen. I'm sure he'll be just fine." She tried to reassure me.

"If he gets eaten, I swear I'll kill her." I huffed and looked away.

"Sure, sure." Touka laughed at me.

The next morning, I woke up and got dressed into something fairly simple. It was a Monday morning and I wasn't all that fond of having to go to school at this time, but at least I'd see Kai and the others.

I sat at the counter on a barstool with Touka beside me. The two of us drank a cup of coffee that Koma made for each of us. This was a daily routine for the mornings that I had school.

Once it hit seven in the morning, Touka and I grabbed our bags and left Anteiku to head for school.

The two of us spent our walk in silence, thankfully, and soon enough we broke off from each other and headed our own ways.

I'd texted Kaneki before I went to sleep last night, but I never got a response. I knew that it wasn't a good sign, but I didn't want to bother him too much in case he was just tired.

When I got to Kamii, Kai and Hideyoshi were waiting for me at the gates, but there was no sign of Kaneki.

'Where the hell is he?' I thought. I looked at Kai and Hide with furrowed brows, silently questioning them.

"He hasn't shown." Kai said. Hide gave me a shy smile before patting my head and shaking it off.

"He's probably just late. Relax." He laughed a bit.

I sighed and nodded slowly. The three of us walked in and went to our buildings.

I sat through class after class, lecture after lecture, only for Kaneki to never show up.

I'd texted Touka and Irimi about it, but they both told me to just relax and wait. On my walk back to Anteiku after classes, I got a text from Hide.

I saw the notification and read it there before opening the message fully. 'Y/N. It's Kaneki.'

I gasped and quickly fumbled to open my messages, typing back in a hurry.

=Y/N's Phone: 4:13 PM=

Y/N. It's Kaneki.

What? What happened???

He's in the hospital.
I don't know much but apparently
on his date yesterday, he was walking
home and got into an accident and
had to have surgery.

You've got to be joking.
Hide... Look.
You need to call me, please.

What? Why?

Just do it!

Fine 🙄

*Incoming Call: Yoshi~😌*

I quickly picked up and put the device to my ear, my breathing heavy as I ran.

"Listen, Hide. Do you know what kind of accident it was?" I asked him.

"No? I just know that it was an accident and the girl that he was with was in it too. She died though, and they did a transplant surgery to help Kanek-" I cut him off.

"Fuck!" I yelled, rubbing my eyes roughly. "I would kill her if she wasn't dead already." I grumbled.

"Y/N, you sound crazy right now. Look, I know you're a Ghoul and everything but you don't need to talk like one." He joked a bit.

'Right. Hide found out I was a Ghoul a month after we met.' I thought, shaking my head a bit.

I rolled my eyes at the statement. "So Ken is okay?" I asked, my voice in a softer tone now.

"As far as I know. I just left the hospital. He didn't want visitors, but the doctor did tell me that he hasn't been eating since he got out of surgery." He said.

I gulped and closed my eyes. "Alright. Okay. Okay." I sighed quietly and looked up at the sky.

"I know what happened last night. You're not stupid, so I'm sure you'll find out what happened and what it means soon. I can't tell you myself, so just..." I trailed off. "When is he discharged?"

"Thursday night, I think." He said, his voice now a little shaky as my words sunk in. "Hey, what do you mean you know what happened?" He practically yelled into the mic.

"I told you, Hide. I can't say. But, like I said, you're not stupid. I believe in you, Kid. See you tomorrow at school." I said.

"... See ya." Hide sighed before ending the call.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked into Anteiku, smiling at Irimi as she stood behind the counter.

"Welcome back, Y/N." She said with a smile.

"Thanks. Uhm... Do you think that I could skip my shift today? I'll work extra this weekend, I just... I need some time." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

She sighed a bit and nodded. "Touka and I will cover for you. Go ahead and go upstairs." She combed her fingers through my hair, her nails gently scraping against my head in a soothing way.

I nodded and turned away to go to the stairs. "Oh, hey. Can you bring me a coffee when Touka gets here?" I asked her with a shy smile.

She nodded and I walked through the staff door, walking up the stairs until I reached my room. I opened the door and closed it behind me, kicking my shoes off and letting my back drop on the floor beside the door.

I walked over to the small kitchenette that wasn't far away from the entrance and took a seat at one of the two barstools that were placed beside the two-counter-wide island that was on the edge of the kitchenette and the living room area.

I placed my arms on the counter and crossed them, slamming my head down onto my arms with a loud groan.

"Ken, you really got yourself into some shit." I whispered quietly, closing my eyes as I tried to force the thoughts from my head.

I combed my fingers through my hair and lightly gripped into the roots, my head tilting up just slightly as I looked up and stared at the wall in front of me.

"I didn't see Nishiki today either." I realized, my brows furrowing a bit at the thought. "Oh well, he's not my priority right now." I simply rolled my eyes.

I got off of the stool and walked towards the large beanbag that I placed in the corner of the room, grabbing my backpack and the remote for the television on my way. I plopped into the beanbag and turned the television on for some quiet background noise, my knees bending as I curled up slightly and grabbed my notebook from my bag.

I went through my notes for a bit and read them over until something on the television caught my attention.

"Last night in the Twentieth Ward, there was an accident involving a young man and woman." I perked my head up and reached for the remote to turn it up. "The woman, unnamed, died in the accident as steal bars were dropped on top of her from above. The young man was admitted to a hospital where he was given an organ transplant in order to survive his own injuries."

I covered my mouth and closed my eyes tightly.

"The man, Ken Kaneki, is currently stable after the surgery. The transplant was performed without permission from Mr. Kaneki nor any family members-" I tuned out the noise after that, turning the television off and setting my study material aside.

I grabbed a large, plush blanket from beside me and covered myself with it as I curled in on myself more.

'I know he's okay, and if the transplant went well then... Theoretically he would turn Ghoulish and have healing abilities.' I thought to myself. 'But that's only if he's eaten flesh. If he hasn't, then the healing ability won't work.'

I grumbled. "Maybe I can try and see him tomorrow after school with Hide?"

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" I heard Touka's muffled voice.

"Come in." I said weakly and turned to face the door as it opened and the girl walked in.

"Hey." She said and walked over, setting the coffee I'd asked for on the table beside me. "How are you feeling? Anything from him yet?" She asked.

I laughed bitterly and shook my head. "Not from him directly, no." I sighed and buried my face into the blanket. "He's in the hospital." I grit my teeth. "Rize attacked him last night, but apparently somebody out there wanted the girl dead because she died in an 'accident.'" I used my fingers and did air quotes around the word.

"The accident is on the news. In order to keep Ken alive, they did a transplant and used Rize's organs." I winced at the thought. "Hide went to visit earlier. Ken isn't accepting visitors apparently. I just- if she wasn't fucking dead already, I'd have killed her my damn self. I swear it."

"Y/N..." Touka looked at me with wide eyes. She wrapped her arms around me for a hug and pat the back of my head. "If that's true, then he should be just fine." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded a bit. "His RC count should have risen to our level because of the transplant, meaning that he should be starting to turn Ghoulish." I laughed a bit. "He'll have regenerative abilities if he eats, but it just... What if Rize hadn't been killed?" I looked up at Touka. "What if she'd eaten Kaneki?" I gulped, not wanting to think of the possibility of that.

Touka smiled sadly at me and caressed my cheek with her thumb. "It'll be okay. Try and see him tomorrow, and if he doesn't let you then just keep trying until he does. He can't shut you out forever." She reassured me.

I nodded a bit and she stood up.

"If you want, you can come down and read in the Cafe for a little. Not many customers are here right now, and I know you love doing that in your free time." She smiled at me a bit more genuinely.

I looked at her for a moment. "Sure. I'm bringing the blanket though." I said while standing, grabbing the coffee cup that was sitting their and gulping down the liquid inside.

I then wrapped the blanket around my body and went to my bookshelf, grabbing a book that I enjoyed and walking towards the door. Touka walked out before me with the dirty cup.

I followed her down the stairs, taking my seat at a table near the entrance and leaning my head against the window as I'd begun to read.

"Irimi?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, Hun?"

"Can I have another cup? With one of those sugar cubes that Yoshimura has?" I asked shyly while looking at her from over my book.

She chuckled a bit and nodded. "Sure thing, N/N." She then got to work on the coffee as Touka walked around and bussed tables while taking orders.

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly and soon I was back at Kamii University with Kai and Hide at my sides.

Hide and I agreed to go to the hospital after school to see Kaneki, if he'd let us. So the moment that the last bell rang and we were all dismissed, I said goodbye to Kai and rushed out of the building and towards the Department of International Studies building.

Once I arrived, I stood outside of the door and waited on Hide to come out. I waited for a solid two minutes before he made an appearance, apologizing for taking so long.

I shrugged him off and the both of us began to make our way to the hospital that Kaneki was in.

"His accident was on the news." I suddenly said.

Hide looked at me and furrowed his brows a bit. "I know. Steel bars?" He questioned. "He's lucky that the girl got most of the damage."

I sighed a bit and nodded. "Agreed. I don't know what I would've done had Kaneki died."

Hide looked at me with a smirk. "Now why might that be? You've been a bit protective over him since he showed us that Rize girl on Friday."

I narrowed my eyes at him, huffing at what he'd insinuated. "I'm just worried about him is all. He's my best friend."

Hide then developed a hurt look, placing his hand over his heart. "Harsh. I thought I was your best friend." He sniffled and wiped away a fake stray tear.

"Shut it. We're here." I said and looked up at the large building in front of us. "Come on." I walked in, Hide trailing behind.

I walked up to the front desk and smiled at the woman that sat behind the computer.

"Hi. How can I help you?" She asked.

"Hi. I'm Y/N and this is Hideyoshi. We're here to see someone? Ken Kaneki." I responded.

The woman typed for a moment before letting out a small sigh and closing her eyes as she shook her head.

"He's requested that we don't allow his visitors to go in. I'm not sure why." She said sadly.

I nodded and smiled at her sadly. "That's alright. Could I speak to his nurse then? Just for a moment. I have a message for him."

The woman nodded and stood up, walking off down the hallway to, I assume, grab Kaneki's nurse.

Hide and I stepped away from the counter just a bit as we waited. Soon, a woman with brown hair walked over to us.

"Hi, Y/N, was it?" She asked as she stopped in front of me. I nodded and smiled a bit.

"Yeah, that's me. Uhm, I was just hoping you could do me a favor?" I asked and picked at my thumb nails as I looked at her.

"Sure. What is it?" She tilted her head to the side a bit.

"Tell him I've missed him at school." I sighed a bit. "And tell him that I said to visit me at Anteiku when he's better." I bowed my head a bit.

"I can do that." She smiled at me as I stood back up straight.

"Thank you, Miss. Have a nice day." I waved as I turned around and left the hospital with Hide.

"Not even giving us a chance." Hide said as we stepped outside. "I can't believe that kid." He grumbled.

I chuckled a bit and nudged him with my elbow. "He probably just isn't feeling that well after surgery. Plus, he needs plenty of rest. It's hard on him too." I said with a sigh at the end.

"I know, I know. Jeez, what are you? My mother?" He laughed a bit.

"You're damn right I am. Now go to your room and do your homework or your grounded for the next month." I giggled a bit.

He rolled his eyes before the two of us broke off. He waved as he went one direction and I went the other. I waved back before turning around and making my way to Anteiku, walking since I was already late for my shift anyway.

Walking into the Cafe, I smiled at the customers and then waved at Touka as she stood behind the counter. Koma was currently taking the order of someone in the other half of the Cafe.

I waved before heading upstairs and placing my things in the locker room and pulling my work outfit on in place of the outfit I'd worn for school that day.

Walking back down into the Cafe, I started on the dishes and hummed softly to myself. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket a couple of times but ignored it. Koma looked at me as he brewed a bit of coffee.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I looked at him confused for a moment. "Your friend. I heard about him."

I nodded a bit, sighing softly to myself as I remembered what had happened to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sort of..." I looked away and continued to wash the dishes. "I'm just glad he's stable and okay. I can't wait for him to come back to school. It's been boring these last few days."

Koma laughed a bit and nodded. "I could only imagine. Well, I hope he recovers soon." Touka then came up and grabbed the cup of coffee and plate of sandwiches that had been ordered, taking them away with a quiet thank you.

I placed the saucers and cups aside to let them dry before moving around the counter and walking towards a table. I smiled at them and took their order before giving it to Koma and moving on to clear away empty tables.

I'd done that for the rest of my shift. Upon closing, Touka was cleaning tables while Koma finished the remaining dishes and I swept the floors.

I continued to hum a song that had been stuck in my head for a while now, nodding my head along a little bit.

I looked up and stared out of the window and into the sky, staring at the moon as I propped myself up on the broom stick in my hands.

"Jeez, Ken. You've really done it now." I muttered quietly. "Maybe I should bring him food. He's probably hungry since it's new to him." I whispered the last part.

Touka came up to me and pat my back with a laugh. "You good?" She asked. I nodded with a small smile, going back to sweeping up the floors.

After Koma left, it was just Touka and I. We both went and grabbed our things from the locker room before heading to our rooms and going to sleep.

I woke up the next day and did the same thing as I'd done previously.

Coffee, school, hospital, work, sleep. Coffee, school, hospital, work, sleep.

After school on Thursday, I decided only to go to the hospital to drop something off for Kaneki. I had his nurse give him a note from me. I left and went to Anteiku, getting started on work quickly.


Come visit Anteiku when you're better. I know I told your nurse to tell you this, but you listen better when it's in writing, and I doubt you'll check your phone for a bit. I miss you, and I'm sure that you want another cup of my famous coffee.


I'd hoped for Kaneki to show sometime that day before closing, but he never did. It stung a bit, but I managed. I knew he'd just gotten discharged today, so I was sure he'd wanted to be home and rest in his own bed for a while.

After cleaning up, bringing in the signs, locking up, and turning the lights off, I went upstairs to my room and practically collapsed onto my bed.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting up and changing into more comfortable clothes. I climbed back into bed and fell asleep rather quickly, this week having been exhausting especially since I hadn't eaten in a bit of time.

Friday morning, I woke up and groggily got dressed before heading down to the Cafe and sitting at a table near the window instead of at the counter.

I yawned softly and rubbed my eyes a bit, placing my elbow on the table and using my hand to prop up my head as I stared blankly into the streets.

I noticed Touka watching me, but never said anything about it. Instead, I left for school early so that I'd have more time to walk at a slower pace than normal, the weight of this week catching up to me.

'I'll have to go out tonight.' I thought to myself, pulling the hood of my jacket up and stuffing my hands into my pockets with a sigh.

"So sleepy." I whined as I walked through the gates of Kamii.

Hide and Kai both draped their arms over my shoudlers and held me between them as we walked.

They were talking, but I wasn't really listening. I found it simply too exhausting to try and keep up with them today.

Classes went by even slower than usual, but I somehow managed.

I texted Kaneki during lunch to ask how he was doing but never got a response. Hide had texted him about some book signing that was happening, and I figured that if anything were to get Kaneki back out into the world, it would be that; a book signing with one of his favorite authors.

As promised, I worked Friday evening even though I wasn't scheduled to. I was out of it the majority of my shift, though I somehow managed through it without any casualties.

After closing, I sighed and plopped down onto a barstool at the counter. Yoshimura was standing behind it and Touka was beside me, rubbing my back up and down in a soothing motion.

Yoshimura was making me a cup of coffee, one that I knew I would enjoy since it was being made by him; a practical god at coffee brewing.

"Hungry..." I grumbled a bit before taking a sip of the steaming drink that was placed in front of me.

Touka looked up at Yoshimura for a moment before sighing softly.

"I can go out for you, if you want. You're too exhausted to even leave Anteiku let alone actually kill someone."

I nodded a bit and stayed in my seat for the majority of the time after Yoshimura and Touka had left. After around twenty minutes of waiting, I gathered the will to go to my room and change.

I pulled on a blue hoodie that was two sizes to big for me and a pair of black shorts with a drawstring that barely went to the middle of my thighs. I also had on a pair of fuzzy socks, propping my feet up on the small bar attached to the stand of the stool I was sat on.

My arms crossed over the counter and I leaned my head down, resting it against my arms with a yawn. I closed my eyes for a while until a familiar scent came close.

I jumped up as I heard the bell attached to the door ring. I saw Touka walk in, Yoshimura following behind. I furrowed my brows, mostly because I couldn't see the source of the familiar scent. But also because Touka had come in empty handed.

I grumbled a bit and began to turn away before hearing a familiar voice.

"Y/N?" It said.

My head snapped towards the source, Yoshimura now out of the way and standing behind the counter as he began to brew a bit more coffee. I jumped off of the stool and dove for the source of the voice, my arms squeezing tightly around him and my legs latched around his waist, hanging from him similarly to a koala.

I felt as his arms wrapped around my waist and he struggled to stabilize himself where he stood due to my extra weight.

"Jesus Christ, Ken, I missed you." I muttered into his shoulder as I simply held him for a moment.

As I got down, I delivered a slap to his face. "You shit! You had me worried sick over you, and you wouldn't even allow visitors when you were in the hospital!" I practically shrieked, my eyes closed tightly and my hands balled into fists.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He whispered.

Touka grabbed my hands and began to pull me away from Kaneki. She sat me down and had me calm down while Kaneki took a seat at the counter and watched as Yoshimura made the coffee.

"I'm fine." I whispered to Touka, turning around in my seat for a moment.

I sniffed the air a bit and looked at Kaneki before glancing at Touka. She nodded a bit. I huffed and puffed my cheeks out.

"Dammit." I whispered. "I knew this would happen."

"Sorry that took a while. Here you go, Son." Yoshimura said while placing a cup of coffee in front of Kaneki.

Kaneki stared at it as though he'd burn if he touched it. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What's the matter? You don't like coffee?" Yoshimura asked as he watched Kaneki.

"I do. It's just..." Kaneki trailed off and I sighed a bit.

"Kaneki, take a good look at the cup in front of you." Yoshimura said. Kaneki did as he was told and looked down into the dark liquid. "Does it look strange?"

"No sir. It looks delicious." He responded.

"Then why don't you give it a try?"

He hesitated a moment before grabbing the cup with both hands and bringing it to his lips for a sip. He then gulped down a few more large swallows before bringing the cup down and looking at Yoshimura.

"Oh wow! It is delicious!" He then winced a bit and placed the cup on the saucer. "But every time I try to eat something, it tastes horrible." His shoulders began to shake a bit as he sniffled.

"Through the ages, coffee is the only thing that Ghouls have been able to enjoy the way humans do." Yoshimura said as he stood to the side.

I watched as Kaneki teared up.

"However, drinking coffee is not enough to satisfy our hunger." He continued.

I turned away from the conversation and looked at Touka, whom sat in a chair near the corner of the room.

"I found him about to be killed by Nishiki." She whispered at me.

I grit my teeth and narrowed my eyes. "Seriously? That bastard. I'll kill him I swear it."

Touka laughed quietly. "You don't need to. He ran off after I scratched him. But I may or may not have beat Kaneki up a little bit after forcing a piece of flesh down his throat." She mumbled.

I huffed and narrowed my eyes at her, aggravated. "Seriously, Touka? You know what he looks like! You shouldn't have done that." I turned away and rolled my eyes a bit.

Touka only giggled at my frustrated state.

I heard Kaneki gulp as Yoshimura placed a brown package in front of Kaneki. I sighed softly to myself. "It's fine, Ken. It'll help." I muttered a bit as I stood up.

"And since you, Ms. Touka Kirishima, didn't bring me back food, I have to go find it myself." I glared at her.

Yoshimura place a hand in my shoulder and shook his head. "Go get one of those. You don't need to be going out as weak at you are."

I huffed and looked away before nodding.

"Ken! Don't leave until I come back. I'll walk you back home." I smiled at him and he nodded.

I then ran off to find one of the packages. Finding one of them, I opened it and sat on the floor as I ate it, smiling as did so.

I didn't enjoy going out and killing humans, but I needed their flesh to survive. The small packages that Yoshimura gives out to Ghouls who can't hunt themselves just wouldn't be enough to hold me over for more than a week.

I finished eating and threw the packaging away before walking back down grabbing a glass of water, gulping it down quickly.

"That's better." I smiled to myself. "Come on, Ken. Let's go." I slipped on a pair of slippers before making my way out of Anteiku, waving at Touka and Yoshimura. "I'll be back soon."

Kaneki and I walked in silence most of the way before he spoke.

"So, you're one too?" He whispered. I looked at him for a moment before letting out a small laugh.

"Sure am. Well, kind of." I leaned in to sniff him a bit before leaning back. "You probably noticed that we have a similar scent, hm? I'm a half-breed, like you. Though, not in the same way you were created." I said, staring up at the sky.

"Then how?"

"Ken. Imagine a Ghoul and a Human fell in love. Now, what would happen if they had sex? They'd make a baby. What would that baby be?" I looked at him with a smirk.

"A... Cross-breed..." He answered.

"Bingo~." I smiled. "My mom was a Ghoul and my father was human. They fell in love, and they had me." I giggled at the thought.

I then sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I should've known Rize would pull something like that." I looked at him shyly. "I'm just so glad you made it through. And now, you're like me~." I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Yeah." He replied, sounding zoned out.

We arrived at his apartment and I looked at him as he unlocked the door.

"Can I come in? I want to ask something." I said.

He looked at me confused before nodding a bit. We both walked in and I sighed immediately.

"You went crazy didn't you?" I laughed at the sight of his kitchen.

"Ack-! Sorry." He quickly said and rushed to clean it up.

I sighed and helped him stand back up before motioning him towards his room.

"So, let me see your eyes." I said with a smile.

He furrowed his brows in confusion for a moment before sighing softly.

"Your Ghoul eyes, I mean." I reiterated.

He nodded a bit before looking up at me. His left eye began to change, the pupil and iris turning red while the whites of his eyes turned black. Red veins formed in the black part.

"Ou~! Cool!" I said with a bright smile, excitedly bouncing in place.

I then showed him mine, my right eye doing the same as his left as I looked at him. "Just like me. Well, sort of. Different sides." I giggled.

I then turned my eye back to normal as did he.

"Cool..." He whispered a bit.

"Anyways. You go to sleep. I'll clean the kitchen up." I pushed him towards his bed and narrowed my eyes at him.

Not wanting to fight, he obeyed and changed into different clothes before laying down as I cleaned up the kitchen.

My eyes landed on the two pieces of kitchen knife on the floor and a laugh left me. "Wow. What would you have done if the knife actually went through? You must've thrusted it pretty hard for it to have snapped like this."

I picked it up and threw it in the trash along with the majority of the food that had been dumped onto the floor.

"Shut up." Kaneki groaned and I couldn't help but smile.

I finished cleaning as Kaneki slept, leaving the house and using one of his spare keys to lock the door behind me.

'I'll give it back tomorrow at school.' I thought and left, making my way back to Anteiku.

When I arrived, I told Touka and Yoshimura goodnight before going to my room and curling up into bed, falling asleep soon after.

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