Y/N's Ghoul.

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Type- Bikaku.

Description- It takes the form of a wolf-like tail at my lower back, stemming off of my tailbone. The tail doesn't normally have a physical form, instead it's blue colored and has a flame-like appearance; though still in the shape of that of a wolf tail.

How does it work? I can turn the tail into a physical form and use it in hand to hand combat for blocking purposes as well as attacking. I can use the physical form as leverage to jump higher as well. If I keep it in its fire-like state, then I can enlarge it and use it to burn my opponent(s). When in its fire-like state, I am able to shoot off shards of glass-like material that can cut and burn through any material. Some shards also explode upon contact with a surface, depending on how hard the material is.

Regeneration- Depending on the area of my body and the damage that I've sustained, it can take between five seconds to an hour to regenerate lost body parts.

Eyes: Due to bring a half-breed, only my right eye becomes Ghoul-like when I activate it. My left eye remains human-like.

Name: Hunter.

Mask: It's a plastic mask that is in the shape of a wolf head. It's tied around Y/N's head using two thin strings that tie behind their head to keep it still. The mask only covers the top half of their face so that their mouth is still visible and the snout of the mask is in line with Y/N's nose. The mask is black with blue markings beneath the eyes and along the snout. It also has gold markings on the ears. The eyes have a sheer black mesh-like material where the eyes are. It doesn't obstruct Y/N's vision, but nobody can see Y/N's eyes aside from the glowing red from her Ghoul eye.

 It doesn't obstruct Y/N's vision, but nobody can see Y/N's eyes aside from the glowing red from her Ghoul eye

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(Replace the red markings with blue ones. I know this mask is more similar to a fox, but it's the closest I could find- fight me.)

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