I Became A WHAT!?!?

By WhoIsDat5

224K 9.9K 1K

I died on my way home. And when I woke up I wasn't in the hospital but in a Plane?! Not only that, I also bec... More

A/N (pleaseee read this first!!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapters 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

8.7K 396 17
By WhoIsDat5

Re-Edited ✅


Meanwhile the guy that got his feet squashed was pissed. "Tch" he said with anger. "He made me late for the meeting" he said still angry. 'hope that I'll never see that person again, he makes my blood boil'.

In front of the house

Atlas POV

"We're here dad" I said while opening the door. "You apartment pretty big son" he said while glancing at me." Of course it is  I worked really hard to get  here and I also want us to live a comfortable life, Anyways let's go inside" I said holding the door open for him "make yourself feel at home dad, while you adjust yourself here I'll go make some food for both of us" I said while heading towards the kitchen.

Lucas POV

'Damn, this place is even bigger than my old apartment!' I said while looking through every single thing. While I was lost in my own imagination, I smelled something amazing from the kitchen, unconsciously my legs started to move on it's own and when I snapped out of it I was already sitting on the chair.

" It's time to eat dad" he said while putting down the foods.

"Thanks son" I said with a smile.

After finishing the food i went straight to my room with the help of Lucas with the directions. When I got in my room I took a shower and change into my pajamas, after I did so, I just flopped on the bed after that I started to lose my conscience and went straight to dreamland.

The next day

I opened my eyes and the bright light stung my eyes, so I quickly closed it "shit I forgot to close the curtains!!" I said while adjusting to the light.

" WAIT!! I don't have curtains in my room!!" I said while quickly sitting up. But all I get is the dizziness in my head, so I quickly lay back down and after a while the headache started to disappear "ughhh I'm never doing that again" I said while touching my head.

'Where am I anyway? Did I just get kidnapped? I mean it's not that I blame them, after all I am ✨ GORGEOUS ✨'


'Wait, never mind I just remembered no one wants me༎ຶ‿༎ຶ, also I'm Lucas now so no more Nicholas' I thought while getting up.

Once I opened the door there was no one there. "Son? Atlas? Are you there?" I said while going to the kitchen, there, all I see is just a food with a note on top of it.
"Dad, I'm going to work so don't get worried if you don't see me when you wake up, also I made you some breakfast ~ Atlas"

" I'm so proud of you son" I said while wiping my imaginary tears away.

After eating I quickly washed the dishes, and thought what I should do, now that I  just got fired.

( A/N: this chapter is also done for today, hope u guys enjoyy, and see you next time baiiii🤗)

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