chapter 6

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" I'm so proud of you son" I said while wiping my imaginary tears away.

After eating I quickly washed the dishes, and thought what I should do, now that I  just got fired.

No one's POV

Lucas pondered whether he should just be a manga artist or not. Cause in his past life he was one, and let me tell you his manga was even on the top 10!!.


"Let's just be a manga artist cause it was after all my old job, also I can work from home as well so it's a win win for me!" he said happily. "What should I do now? I'm boreddd!" he said while looking at the clock.  "It's still 11 o'clock. Should I explore the outside world?................ Nah, never mind I'm too lazy" He said while yawning. "Let's just stay at home, yeah, let's not get in contact with the outside world. It's too dangerous for me" he said as he nods.

As he was heading towards his room he glanced at the full body mirror. "Damn, this face is really gorgeous, I can't believe a 40 year old guy has such a clear, clean and soft face. He doesn't even look like he's ageing at all" he said while touching and admiring his face. As he keeps on admiring at his face he suddenly looks down and pulled up his shirt to see a perfectly lined six pack abs!! "Holy shit, this body is amazing it's nothing like my old body at all!!!" He screamed as he keeps on touching his body.

After all that fiasco, he finally calmed down and is currently sitting down on the couch. He sighed as he touched his short yet silky white hair " I can't believe someone this hot is really alive, what a trouble I'm scared that people will be fawning over this hottie" he said as he posed arrogantly with roses that god knows where on the background.

Time skip to 5 o'clock

"I'm getting bored!!" he said while rolling around the bed. "When is he coming home anyways" he said while opening his phone.

Atlas POV

"Okay that's a wrap everybody thank for you hard work!" " You too" "thank you" The staffs said while all of them cleans up.

My phone suddenly vibrated and as I opened it my dad's message popped up,
' hey son when are you coming home? Have you eaten yet?' He wrote.

'yeah dad I just finished my shooting and no I haven't eaten yet, what's wrong?' I typed as I walked to the van. ' oh nothing's wrong there's just something I need to talk to you about, also I'll make you some omelet rice to eat cause you're probably hungry I'll wait for you at home so be careful kid' he typed. ' okay dad, and you can cook?!' 'of course, I learned how to cook abroad cause obviously can't keep on eating out so I learned how to cook and don't worry it'll taste good I promise, gotta go now kid, and when you get home there'll be an omelet rice waiting for you' 'kay dad, bye' I typed.

"I wonder how dad's food taste like? I bet it's taste good" I said while resting my head on the headrest and closing my eyes.

Lucas POV

As I gave the finishing touches on the food I hear the sound of the door opening.

"I'm home dad" he said while slumping down on the couch." Go change your clothes first you're dirtying the couch!" I screamed as I hit him lightly on the head with my spatula. "Oww dad... That hurts!!" He said while touching his head. "Stop being a crybaby it doesn't even hurt" I said while dragging him away from thw couch "hurry up and change while the omelet rice is still hot, it won't taste as good if you keep on delaying" "fine I'll change" he said grumbling.

"It's time to Eat" he said while digging in.

After dinner

"Son, there's something I need to tell you...."

(A/N: that's it for this chapter guyss stay tuned for the next oneee. Also I was wondering if my story's getting boring or not. If yes then can any of you tell my what (part?) I should improve on?)

(A/N: there's another thing that i need to tell you guys. I won't be making any chapters on sunday, but other than that day I'll keep on updating unless I have something important to do that's it 'Adios Amigos'.)

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