Crisis Of War

By shiaraxo

1.1M 23.4K 78.4K


{ I }
{ II }
{ III }
{ IV }
{ V }
{ VI }
{ VII }
{ IX }
{ X }
{ XI }
{ XII }
{ XIII }
{ XIV }
{ XV }
{ XVI }
{ XVII }
{ XIX }
{ XX }
{ XXI }
{ XXII }
{ XXIV }
{ XXV }
{ XXVI }
{ XXIX }
{ XXX }
{ XXXI }
{ XXXV }
{ XL }
{ XLI }
{ XLII }
{ XLIV }
{ XLV }
{ XLVI }
{ XLIX }
{ L }
{ LI }
{ LII }
{ LIII }
{ LIV }
{ LV }
{ LVI }
{ LVII }
{ LIX }
{ LX }
{ LXI }
{ LXII }
{ LXIV }
{ LXV }
{ LXVI }
{ LXIX }
{ LXX }
{ LXXI }
{ LXXV }
{ LXXX }
{ Bonus Chapter 1 }
{ Bonus Chapter 2 }

{ VIII }

18.3K 334 471
By shiaraxo

I roll around in bed and look at Brandon, who's sleeping on the other bed in the room. He looks so peaceful. So innocent. 

And it's finally quiet. It has been the entire night. 


No whispers of sorrow, no hugs, no telling me it's going to be okay. 

Just silence. 

Complete and utter silence. 

And to think that this is what I wanted.

I wanted silence. I wanted Brandon and Marco to finally leave me alone, I wanted to hide somewhere so they couldn't cuddle me and remind me.

But now that I'm sitting in silence, in complete darkness, my skin crawls. 

Because every corner in this room is too dark. Too shadowy. Too secretive.

As if someone will crawl from the shadows and haunt me again. A certain someone that haunts my dreams. 

But Brandon's here. He's laying in the other bed. He's here, so there's no way that someone is lurking in the shadows. 

There's no way. 

But my mind is playing tricks with me. 

Every time the wind blows against the curtains, I think someone is standing behind them, waiting for the right moment to come out. 

But when the wind blows hard enough to show me that there's nothing behind the curtains, and I see a glimmer of light shine through, I roll onto my back and take a deep breath. 

No one is here. 

Just Brandon. Just Brandon. 

I sit up straight and look around the room. noticing that some parts are still dark. 

Darker than they should be. No. 

Slowly and quietly, I get out of bed and walk towards the windows. I need light. 

I need to see the corners, so I need light. At least a little so that I can see that there are no shadows. That there's no one lurking in the corner of the room. 

I need proof. 

So I pull the curtain a little, letting the light enter the room. 

I can tell the sun's not out yet, but it's light out. 

'Veah? What are you-' Brandon yawns as he rubs his eyes, 'Go back to bed.' 

I stay by the window and close the curtains again, giving Brandon more time to sleep. 

I know I won't be able to anymore. 

'Neveah?' He asks, almost laughing at me. I smile and look outside, taking a deep breath as I notice the sun slowly shining through. 

'What are you doing?' Brandon asks, moving around the room. 'I can't sleep.' I admit. Keeping it from him will only make him more worried than he already is. 

'You should sleep. Your body needs rest, especially from the shock of the news.'

The News. 

That's what they call it. Time and time again. The News. 

'Come on, let's get you back into bed.' Brandon, who is now slowly pulling me away from the window, says. 'Brandon, I don't want to sleep.' 

'You need to rest, Neveah.' He pushes me onto the bed and waits for me to lay down. 'You don't understand, I can't sleep.' 'Have you tried?' 

No. Because the darkness keeps lurking. Because the wind sometimes sounds like breathing. Because the shadows feel real. 

'Not really.' I admit. 'Try.' 

He moves to his own bed and looks at me. 

I lay on my back on close my eyes, feeling exhaustion in every muscle of my body. 

But as soon as I hear Brandon climb onto his own bed, as soon as he tries to fall back asleep, I can hear the wind again. I can hear the breathing again. 


It's just Brandon. It's just Brandon. 

I open my eyes again and roll onto my back, staring at the ceiling. 

After what feels like hours, I sit up straight again and look at Brandon. He sighs and looks at me. 'Neveah-' 'I'm going for a walk around the block.' I decide.

Maybe moving around will exhaust me so much that I'll get at least a few hours of sleep in?

'It's not even six in the morning.' He grunts, rolling over to the other side before he props himself up a little. 'I'll be quick.' 

'Do you want me to come with you?' I shake my head and smile at him as I climb out of bed. 'I'll be quick.' I repeat, putting on my flip-flops and grabbing the velvet robe I used last night as well.

It's the softest thing I've ever worn and I know for certain that I'm taking it with me when we leave. 

I'm sure Marcello won't mind. 

'Be back in ten minutes, or I'm going to drag you back to bed!' Brandon grunts before I close the door. I walk down the empty hall, towards the front door.

Everyone is still asleep and I try to move as silently as possible. But the house is old and the floor creaks with every step I take. 

But I manage to get out, into the crisp morning air with the sun rising in the distance. 

I walk down the driveway and wrap the robe around me tightly. 

Air. Light. Open. 

No one. All alone in a different silence. A silence that's not filled with fear. 

It's filled with nature and joy and life. 

Birds chirp in the nearby trees and I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh morning air. 

I take a walk around the block, just as I told Brandon I would, and make my way back to the front gate. 

'Kitty?' I freeze when I hear a deep voice rumble behind me. The deep voice I thought I wouldn't hear. Ever again. 

'Is that you?' I want to continue walking, I want to get back inside, but he's quicker. Drew is quicker and steps in front of me. 

'Not so fast, Kitty. What are you doing here?' I look up into his eyes and step back, taking him all in. 

I honestly thought Hunter killed him after our stupid little promise, but he didn't. He kept his promise. 

'Why do you want to know?' I ask, covering my chest a bit more. 'Because the last time I checked, you were locked up with the Steels.' He says with a tone that I've barely heard coming from his mouth before. 


The only time he would sound concerned is when he would convince me to stay. Somehow.

'How did you get yourself in that mess, Kitty?' Kitty... He keeps calling me Kitty. 'I should be asking you.' 

He nods and looks around, before looking at me again. 'Okay, so how about we go out for coffee. I'll tell you everything.' Coffee

I bet that's just another way of him trying to manipulate me again.

'Or you tell me now and we both go on with our lives.' He tuts and smiles at me. 'What fun would that be, Kitty?' 'Stop calling me that.' 

He takes a step forward, making me flinch a little. 'Why? You seemed to enjoy it a few years ago.' 

Years ago. 'Just tell me what you know.' I say, desperate for him to give me some information. 

'Coffee. Then we'll talk.' He chimes, walking past me and shoving something into my hand, 'Call me when you're free!' Asshole...

I don't want to call him, ever again. But if he has something, if he knows anything about Hunter's location or plan, I have to. 

But first... First I have to tell Rio about this. 

If I ever want him to somewhat trust me in this, I'll have to. 

As soon as I close the front door, I can hear Marco and Rio talking in Italian. Whatever it is they're talking about must be serious, because Rio doesn't sound pleased at all.

'Why are you up?' Marco asks when he notices me. Rio glances over his shoulder and takes another sip of his mug. 'I couldn't sleep.' 

'We leave for your aunt in three hours.' Rio states as I walk to the fridge to grab something to eat.

Nothing in the fridge seems appealing right now. So I close it again.  

'How come you couldn't sleep?' Marco asks, which obviously annoys Rio. 'A bunch of things,' I say, before turning to Rio, 'My ex wants to go for coffee with me. He might ha-' 'You are not wasting time on dates, North.'

Marco sighs and looks at his friend as well. 'What about him?' Rio will kill Marco if he continues to talk to me when it's obvious he wants me out of here. 

'He might have some information on Hunter.' Marco's eyes widen, but Rio does not seem fazed at all. 'Might.' He mumbles, before looking at me again. 

'So it might be a waste of time as well.' Maybe. 

'It's worth a try, right?' He shakes his head and looks at Marco. 'Dille di andare.' 

'Forse dovresti ascoltare?' Rio shakes his head again, before emptying whatever it is he's drinking. 'Troppo rischioso.' 

'Let's just meet him for a few minutes. Then we could-' 'I said no. We are not meeting with your ex so he can waste our time or snitch us with whoever it is he's working with. You are not going to meet up with him. Understood?' I stare at Rio as he returns my gaze with fury. 

Anger. He's angry.

But why? Drew might be our only hope so far.

I know Cataleya won't be at my aunt's house. She would rather stay on the streets, she's not there. 

But she might've gone by... Maybe... 

But Rio's right. Who says that Drew will give us any useful information? Maybe he works for Hunter? Maybe he just wants to waste our time so Hunter has more time to run? Maybe... 

So instead of angering him more, instead of going against him, I nod and head back to the hall.

It's obvious they were talking about something I wasn't supposed to hear before I got here, so I'll just head back to bed and try to get some more sleep. 

Brandon is sleeping peacefully again, probably sleeping so deeply that he didn't notice that the ten minutes already passed. 

I climb into bed and take a few deep breaths, ignoring the whispers and fake breathing, trying to focus on Brandon in the other bed. 

He's here. I'm here. 

And finally, after being up the whole night, I'm finally able to close my eyes without freaking out.

Thinking about the information Drew might have. 

After two hours, Brandon wakes me up. He's already dressed for the day and smiles at me. 'You should get ready.' I rub my eyes and climb out of bed. 'Are you coming as well?' I ask as I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. 

I watch as Brandon heads to my bags on my side of the room and see him rumble through my clothes. 'No, just Marco, Rio, and you- Who packed your bags?' Tiago. 

'These are all- Leon packed your shit didn't he?' I clean my face one more time, before walking back into the bedroom. 'Yeah, why?' 'Most of this is his clothes.' Oh. 

 I didn't even realize. Maybe because I opened the bag twice, just to grab a shirt. 

'I'll buy you some stuff while you're out, okay?' I shrug and walk back to the bed, wanting to sleep again. 'Why is Marco coming?' I ask while Brandon tries to find something decent for me to wear. 

As if I can't do that myself. 

'Rio needs him close, something is going on in Italy and everything goes through Marco.' So that's what they were talking about earlier? 

'And what about you?' I ask as he hands me a simple black shirt with denim jeans. 'I'm forced to babysit Kai. But I'll drag him to go shopping with me I guess.' 

'You truly don't have to go shopping, I'm fine with wearing Tiago's clothes.' Brandon smirks at me and basically pushes me into the bathroom to change before shutting the door. 'I bet you don't.' 

'It's not like that! I just don't want you to go shopping if we have clothes.' When I walk back into the bedroom, Brandon looks me up and down. 'You're not going to be walking around in Leon's clothes all the time and I have nothing better to do anyway. Kai can carry all my bags.' 

I roll my eyes but laugh a little. Brandon loves shopping. So Kai will certainly have a hard time keeping up. 

'Come on, before Rio will kill us for being late.' I pull him with me, into the hallway, and when we almost get to the front door, I notice Kai sitting in the kitchen. 

All alone. 

'You're coming with me.' Brandon chimes at him. He looks at us with a calculating look on his face and slowly gets up from his chair. 'Where are we going?' 'Shopping.' 

Brandon pulls me with him as he heads for the front door, where Rio and Marco are already waiting. 

'Just in time.' Marco chimes, smiling at me. He does that a lot lately. Smiling. 

'What is he doing here?' Rio asks, tilting his head towards Kai a little. 'He's going shopping with me.' Brandon says, folding his arms in front of his chest. 

Marco, not Rio, but Marco wants to go against his little brother, but Rio stops him. 'Fine. If he tries something sketchy, shoot him,' Oh my... Celine won't like that for her child, 'And you better be back before we are.' 

Kai looks at Brandon who nods and smiles at me. 'Call me if you need anything.' 

'I will.' I say as I follow Marco and Rio towards one of the cars outside. I climb in the back and look at Brandon and Kai, who are headed towards another car. 

The boys did their research, they know exactly where to go and it doesn't bother me that they do. 

We get to the familiar street and all hop out in front of the apartment building I hate more than anything in this world. 

'So you're kind of rich?' Marco chimes from my right. I look up and roll my eyes, before turning to face him. 'They are. I'm not.' 

'Come on.' Rio says as he walks towards the front door. 

Number 18...

I press the bell and wait for the red dot to appear before letting go. 

'You don't have a key?' Marco asks, making Rio sigh deeply. 'Of course not.  She's too-' 'Hello?' A voice sounds from over the intercom. 'Who is it?' 

'It's me.' I mumble, almost brushing my lips against the bell. I knew my throat would give in, so I was prepared. 'Neveah?' The disgust is clear in my aunt's voice and I ball my fists. 'Can I come in?' 

Silence. No response for at least another ten seconds, before a buzz. I push against the door and step inside, followed by Rio and Marco.

Everything in the lobby still looks the same. Clean and precise. 

We walk towards the elevator and silently get in. The only sound is the elevator music, as we wait to get to the second floor. 

I keep my eyes on the floor the entire time, trying to muster up the courage for the conversation we're about to have. 

But I don't have enough time, because the doors open and we all step out and head towards number 18.

I almost knock on the door, but I step back when I hear the door unlock and wait for it to open. 

'What do you want?' Is the first thing my aunt asks, looking at me before realizing I'm not alone.

Her brown eyes scan the two giants behind me, before turning back to me. 'Who are they and why did you bring them to my house?' 

'Where's Eric?' I have to talk to him if I want to survive this. 'At work, and it's uncle Eric for you.' She sneers, stepping back a little. 

I slip inside and walk into the living room, where my uncle is sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal and watching some tv. 

'Neveah, is that you?' He places the bowl onto the little table in front of him, before looking at me. 'Hello, Eric. Is Cataleya here or have you seen her in the past twenty-four hours?'

He stares at me, shocked that I'm here. That I'm standing in his apartment. 

I could always get along better with him than with my own aunt, but even Eric started disliking my presence after a year or two. 

'You have some nerve barging in here like that.' My aunt sneers as she grabs my arm to drag me back to the front door. 

Marco and Rio also step inside, closing the door behind them. 'Have you?' I ask Eric again, trying to get out of my aunt's grip. 

'No, why? What's going on?' He asks, jumping to his feet. 'She got herself into more trouble, look what she brought with her!' My aunt shouts, pointing at Marco and Rio who are just standing there.


'Who are those guys?' Eric asks in a calm tone, while my aunt is freaking out entirely. Rio steps forward and smiles at Eric. 

'This is Marco Barsetti,' He says, tilting his head towards Marco, 'and I'm Rafael Curzio.' No. 

My aunt stops whining about us needing to get out of her house and slowly turns to me. So does Eric. 

'What?' I blink once and nod, shifting my gaze between my aunt and her husband. 'You brought- Oh my lord!' She starts pacing around before stopping right in front of me. 'I-' She hits me across the face and shoves me away, before pulling me back again. 

'Natalie!' Eric sneers, but he doesn't do anything to stop her. No one does. 

'You brought him here!? The monster that killed my brother!?' She shouts, ready to hit me again. I grab her wrist and try to step away from her without hurting her, but she stays close, trying to hit me again. 'You worthless-' 'Natalie, don't.' 

Eric steps in front of her, some kind of wall between us two, and looks at his wife.

Who has every right to be angry with me. 

Because she doesn't know about everything that happened. According to her, my family died because of a Curzio, because of Tiago's love for me, because of me. 

'She brought him in here?! The guy that murdered my brother!?' She cries, trying to run past Eric to get to me. I run to the other side of the room and try calming myself down. 

'Miss Hastings,' Rio certainly did his research, 'I don't know what you know, but we had nothing to do with your brother's death.' 

I wish he would just shut up. I wish he would just let me handle it because right now he's only throwing fuel onto the fire. 

'So it wasn't you who fell in love with her.' She points at me as if I'm a piece of trash, before looking at Rio again. 'He's not the Curzio.'

She looks at me and chuckles, stepping back from Eric to take me all in. 'So you're sleeping with all the Curzio's now?' What? 

'And him,' She points at Marco, before looking back at me, 'did you fuck him too?' 

'I didn't-' 'You're just a useless whore who fucks around and parties and gets people killed because you're selfish!' She shouts, stepping around Eric to get closer to me. 

This time he doesn't stop her. 

He never did when it came to this topic, afraid to get on her wrong side or something. 

'It's all your fault! And you have the nerve to bring your fuck toys into my house?!' I should've come alone. Maybe then things would've gone differently, 'My brother is gone because of his shit and you're just fucking him like it's nothing.' 

It's not Rio I'm fucking, but I get the point. 

She's right, isn't she? 

Tiago and Rio have been at war with the Steels for years, even before we met. My family just got caught up and now they're gone. Because of my connection with the Curzio's... 

'We put a roof over your head, we made sure you had food and clothes, we gave you a home and this is how you repay us?' 

She gave me a roof, she gave me food and clothes. But never a home. 

Because it always went like this. Her resentment towards me has always been clear in her eyes, her tone, her body language. 

But I do thank her for all she gave me. I truly do. 

Especially after all the shit I put her through. 

'I'm sorry.' I say, trying to get over the lump in my throat. She looks at me, her mascara leaking from her eyes, and chuckles unamused. 'You're sorry?

'We thought Leya would be here and we need to get her back, so I wanted-' She throws the bowl of cereal my way, but misses, and it splatters all onto the floor. Breaking into a hundred pieces. 

Marco flinches and wants to walk over to me, to get me the fuck out of here, but he has to wait for Rio's orders, for his approval. 

'I would never let Leya stay here, and you know why!' The fight... 

I thought she was over that already. Apparently not... 

'And I won't let you either. So take your monsters and get out.' I step forward, wanting to ask her a few more questions, but she won't answer them. I know she won't. 

'Get out of my house you whore!' She throws a pillow at me, this time hitting me right in my stomach, and reaches for another one, 'Get out!' 

Eric wraps his arms around her and shakes his head at me. 'You need to go.' 

I swallow my questions and nod, before turning to the others. Rio is angrier than before, but I know that it's not because of what just happened. It's because of what my aunt said. 

"I would never let Leya stay here-" He wants to rip my aunt to shreds and if she deserved it I would, but she doesn't. 

Because she's mourning in her own way. She has been for years. 

'Let's go.' I mumble, pulling on Marco's arm to get him moving. Rio's eyes are glued to my aunt and I wish he would just stop. 'Rio.' 

He takes another deep breath and pulls himself together, before walking after us. 

The whole way to the car is completely silent and feels longer than necessary. 

But as soon as we get to the car, Marco looks at me. 'Are you okay?' I nod and keep my eyes on Rio. 

He's the one we should be worried about because he looks like he could burn down an entire town with his anger. 

That's probably also why Marco is driving us back to the house. 

'You're going to stay in the house, while we handle some stuff.' Rio says when we drive up the street. What? 'Where are you going?' 

The car stops, and Marco looks at me. 'None of your concern,' Rio says, 'now get out.' 

He doesn't trust me. He said so himself. And I get that. So I won't anger him more. 

I get out of the car and walk back inside. Brandon's not here and neither is Kai, leaving me all alone with my thoughts. 

Leya is somewhere. She's somewhere with Hunter, but where the fuck is he taking her? 

I need to know. We need to know. 

And there's someone who might know something, anything really. But- No. 

Rio told me to stay here. I don't want him to be mad at me again. Or madder than he already is. 

I'm just going to stay in here and... Find something to eat? Yes. 

I walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge to find something to eat. Nothing. 

Stay here. I just have to stay here and... God. 

But what if Drew has useful information? What if he knows something we don't, about Leya's location? 

I run into the bedroom and walk over to my nightstand, to stare at the card Drew gave me. His number is on it. 


Rio told me not to. He told me not to go anywhere, he told me to stay here. 

So why am I dialing Drew's number? Why am I telling him to meet me at a cafe? Why am I heading to the front door? 

Why am I not listening?!

Because I'm ready to take the risk. I'm ready to get at least some information out of this. 

I text Brandon about the details and pray to God that he doesn't freak out. 

When I get to the cafe, I notice Drew already sitting at the table in the back. He smiles and watches as I step closer. 

If Rio finds out about this, I'm fucked. No. I'm fucked either way.

'I knew you would text me.' I take a seat across from him and look around. 

There are enough people in here for him not to cause a scene. 

'Tell me what you know.' He smiles and continues to look at the menu for a few seconds, before looking over it to look at me. 'What a way of greeting me, Kitten.' 

'I told you to stop calling me that.' He nods and looks at the menu again, 'If you're going to waste my time, I'll be leaving again.' I say as I get up from the chair again. 

Just as I'm about to walk past him, just as I'm about to leave again, he grabs my arm and pulls me back, looking to see if anyone noticed, but no one did. 

'Alright. Let's just order something first.' I look at Drew's hand on my wrist and back into his eyes, making him smile again. He lets go of me and grabs a waitress that was just walking by instead. 'Get us a coffee and some mint tea, will you?' 

The poor girl looks at me and blinks, before disappearing into the back again. I take a seat and glare at the guy in front of me. 'Talk.' 

'He didn't tell me anything.' Great. Rio was right. This was a waste of time and I shouldn't have come here. I almost get up from my seat again. 'But, I did hear stuff.' Almost. 

'How do I  know this is not a trap?' He raises a brow at me and chuckles. 'Do you really think that low of me, Kitty?' 

I simply nod and keep my eyes on him while the waitress places his order on the table. 'Really? After everything we've been through?' He asks while pouring some sugar into his coffee. 

He looks at the tea in front of him and back at me, waiting for me to take it. But I won't. I didn't come here for tea. 

I came for answers. 

'You mean after all the shit you did to me, then you showing up with Hunter and then-' He takes a sip and shakes his head. 'Okay. Okay fine. I put you through hell, but you can't tell me that we didn't have any fun times at all.' 

We did. We truly did. But it was the wrong type of fun. The one where he manipulated me into doing things I didn't want, because it would be fun for him. 

But everything we did, the shit that he called fun, ended up in danger and pain and heartbreak.

'Not really.' I say honestly, tilting my head a little. 'Not even that night at the fountain? Or at the beach? Or in the hotels?' 

Memories. Memories of us together, having sex, flash into my head. But that's it. Sex only.

'It was fun, but...' Painful. He nods and takes another sip. 'Look Kitty, I like you. I liked our time together and I think we can get back to those fun times. We could-' 'No. No, we can't and we won't. There were no fun times, only pain and anger and hurt. We used each other to get over someone else, and that broke us.' It broke me. 

'I didn't use you to get over someone else.' He says, before taking another sip. I wonder how he's not burning his tongue right now. 'Yes, yes you did. You used me to get over Beth. I know you did. But that's beside the point.'

'You know about Beth?' He asks, a little shocked that I  brought her up, but I nod. 'Of course, you slept with her multiple times because you couldn't get over her.' 

I can see the sorrow in his eyes and for the first time, I feel like he's genuinely sorry for what he did to me all those years ago. 

'Kitty, I-' 'It's not important what you did or how you feel about it, it's important what you're going to do now.' I say, keeping my eyes directly on him, 'so you better start talking, Drew.'

Drew opens his mouth, but closes it as his gaze moves to something behind me. Or should I say, someone? 

'To think you would listen for just once.' Fuck. I feel his big hand on my shoulder and close my eyes. 

I hear a chair screech across the floor and feel his legs brush against mine. 'What are you doing here, North?' He asks, keeping his voice down but his tone hard with me. 

'I just-' 'You're here with him?' Drew asks, seeming in shock by Rio's presence. 'You're here with Cu-' 'I suggest you keep my name out of your mouth, Andrew. I don't need people looking at us.' 

Drew nods and looks at me with wide eyes. 'You know him?' I ask. 

I have never seen Drew this excited to see someone, it's like he's fangirling over Rio. 

'Who doesn't!' Rio glares at Drew, who apologetically smiles at the guests around us. 

'I told you to stay in the house, didn't I?' Rio asks, turning his gaze towards me. I wish I could disappear into the floor because his stare is killing me. 'I know, but we need information.' 'We're leaving.' 

Without giving me a second to comprehend, he pulls me up by my arm and drags me towards the door. I notice a little kid staring at us, but he's the only one. 

Good. Eyes wouldn't be a good thing right now. 

We get outside and stop in front of the car we used to drive towards my aunt's place. 

'Neveah wait!' We look at the cafe and see Drew running after us, shoving his wallet into his jacket. 'Get in the car.' Rio sneers, folding his arms as he turns to Drew.

I open the door and get in, looking at the guy that had my heart at some point in my life. The guy that broke me when I was already broken, but broke me beyond repair. Or so I thought. 

'I know something!' I keep the door open and look at him. 'Hunter said something about buying an island.' An island? 

Rio looks at him, before looking at me and nodding. 'Where?' I ask, stepping out of the car again. 'I don't know. I only know that he wanted it to be secluded, away from everything else. And warm. Very warm.' An island... 

Hunter is taking her to an island... 

'Thank you for the information. North, get in.' I climb in the front seat this time, since Marco isn't there, and look at the dashboard. 

I am speechless. We know something. 

It's not much, but it's something. 

Rio stays outside a few minutes, probably telling Drew to keep our meeting to himself, before getting in the car and racing back to the house. 

'What the fuck was that?' He asks as he parks the car on the driveway. 'We know something, right?' 

He gets out of the car and looks at me. 'I told you to stay in the house.' He doesn't sound angry this time, just annoyed. 'I know, and I'm sorry. But we know something!' 

I follow him inside and bump into his back when he suddenly stops walking. 

'You should've stayed in the house, North.' He repeats, making me sigh deeply. 'I was bored and I need- We needed information. My aunt was right, some of it is my fault and she would never let Leya stay there longer than an hour so I needed something else, anything else to know where she could be and now-'

'Don't let anyone get comfortable disrespecting you, North.' What? The sudden change in his tone is scaring me because he somehow managed to go from anger to calmness within seconds.

'I'm not.' He turns around to face me and folds his arms in front of his chest. 'You're aunt called you a whore, and you let it slide.' 

'What did you want me to do? Hit her? Yell at her?' He shrugs and points at me. 'You yell at me when I tell you to do certain things, you even hit me if you don't get shit your way, so why not with her?'

It's different. But he wouldn't understand. 

'Oh, but when I talk back you get all angry and annoyed!'

Rio rolls his eyes and grabs me by my arm before he drags me towards the only room I haven't been in so far.

Well, this one and the basement, but I don't want to go there.

'Let go of me you creep!' He ignores me and walks over to a light switch. When he flips the switch, a lot of bright lights turn on, allowing me to look around.

The entire room is filled with workout equipment, treadmills, boxing bags, weights, benches, and a lot of other shit are all spread out in the room.

'Get over here.' He grunts, moving to one of the boxing bags in the corner of the room. 'Why should I-' 'North.'

I sigh deeply and follow him, keeping my distance so he won't be able to reach for me. Not straight away at least.

'What are we doing here?'

He hands me a set of gloves and waits for me to put them on. 'I'm not going-'

I go silent at the look in his eyes. He's not playing around today.

'What do you want?'

He points at the bag and turns back to me. 'Hit it.'

'I'm not hitting that bag, we have to get back to work and this is a-' 'Hit the bag North.' He groans, standing at the other side to keep it in place.

'Why?' I ask, not understanding how any of this is going to help with our problem.

We have no idea where Leya is, besides that she might be on an island. And he wants me to hit a bag?

'You seem to have a lot of buildup anger, so hit the bag.' He sighs, waiting for me to move.

'I don't think-' 'Hit the bag.' He repeats, making me roll my eyes at him.

I ball my fist, just like Roman taught me.

He taught me how to defend myself without a weapon. When he was alive. God...

'This is a waste of time.' I groan, seeing him open his mouth again, and shove my fist against the bag. He smirks at me and waits for me to hit it again.

'We should be searching for Cataleya.' I grunt, hitting the bag again. He nods and lets go of the bag, allowing it to swing back a little.

'Not when you're angry. You're annoying when you're angry. '

'Shut the fuck up before I hit you instead.' I punch again and again and again and slowly feel the anger that I didn't know I had, flow out of me.  


A/N: They seem to be somewhat bonding... I guess?

I was thinking about posting some TikTok's from Rio's pov from book 1? Should I?

Also, don't forget to comment and vote if you liked this chapter! 

I hope you have a nice day and I'll see you in the next chapter! 

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