The Last Dragon Ninja/Ronin


74 0 11

A ancient ninja clan thought to be extinct long ago but one member survived many things are to come for this... Еще

Chapter 1: The Elemental Dragon Clan
Chapter 1 page 2: the kingdoms
Chapter 1 page 3: Mana
Chapter 1 page 4: Vessels
C1 Page 5: The Fresh Start part 1
C1 Page 6: The fresh start part 2
C1 page 7: First day of school
C1 page 8: Developing feelings
C1 Page 9: First mission/The Confession part 1
C1 Page 10: First mission/The confession part 2
C1 Page 11: First date
C1 page 12: Newcomers part 1
C1 Page 13: newcomers part 2
C1 Page 14: End of the shadow Clan part 1
C1 Page 15: EOTSC Part 2
Chapter 2: The Styx Clan
C2 Page 2: Frost vs Char
C2 Page 3: The battle of the Styx and lilacs
C2 Page 4: Frost's past part 1
C2 Page 5: Frost's past p2
C2 Page 6: Aiding a village
C2 page 7: The dream part 1
C2 page 8: The dream part 2
C2 page 10: end of spring break


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In this world the earth has been protected by the cosmic guardians a group of guardians who were given power from the universe of cosmic spirit animals a.k.a. Constellations each one is passed for one worthy person to another from generation to the next but as time passed new spirit animals have formed and so did people soon enough the world had evolved and people gained super powers, and many special abilities including elemental powers soon enough clans emerged. but of course not everyone wanted to use their abilities for good and so crimes and mobs and evil organizations rose up and soon enough chaos has been brought up to the world, but where there is darkness of evil there is a light of hope as people fought to stop evil and protect the innocent and travel around to help others in need. soon enough as years passed many other people join to defend these people were named "travelling adventurers" and systems in different kingdoms, and villages were made to better help out the world and bring peace and order so people can enjoy their lives. As the system was built academies and guilds were created for the next generation of travelling adventurers who want to do the same as the previous before them, as a symbol of status a ranking system was made to show the identity of a persons level of power and skill with the highest being the S platinum ranks. With some much evolutions the "halfling" species were born people who are born half human and animal shown to be quiet skilled out there in the world which brought the rise even more clans.

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