Games Of Insanity

By akiradachi65

149 0 0

Following a newbie into a secret and secure corporation is how this story goes, watching his life go all over... More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Gpart 22

part 5

5 0 0
By akiradachi65

"Delta you owe me." Sakura laughs, as Delta grumbles and flips her off. Sukuna and Daniel walk back into the room, mildly confused, watching Delta sit down, still annoyed and bored. Alpha doesn't look their way, not seeing any point to, as sakura pauses and stands up,  losing her laughing session almost immediately.

"So what do you guys do here?" Daniel asks, rubbing his shoulder, still aching from the protection sukuna had used to save his life. Sakura crosses her arms, noticing the wounds on sukuna which remain healing slower than normal for him, meanwhile Daniel places his belongings down, next to him, unsure of where he's actually allowed to be.

"Nothin' although sukuna." Sakura starts, looking at sukuna, who tenses up, anxious. "Want to explain that little stunt you pulled? Taking how many hits?" Sakura asks, frustrated. "you used your ablities to protect a fucking pet and almost died yourself, how stupid does that sound!?" She snaps, walking over and yanking his collar down. "Do you not understand that our reputation will suffer at this?" She adds, almost muttering the sentence.

Sukuna just remains quiet, as sakura just sighs, throwing him aback before walking away. "He's just a expendable tool, get that into your skull." Delta warns, "before you get us all killed." He adds, turning his back away from sukuna, who remains shocked but at the same time, alone. Daniel glances at him, or tries to, from the sheer height difference, and spots the pain simmering.

Sakura and Delta leave him alone, whilst alpha remains doing his own thing, not even fazed by the situation around him. Daniel on the other hand sighs, and nods quietly, "sukuna, next time, don't protect me, matter of fact just use me as a meat shield if needed." Daniel suggests, before smiling in guilt. "After all, I'm a pet, remember?" He adds, grabbing his belongings and walking to the furthest corner away from everything and sets up a makeshift bed, keeping most of his limited belongings in the boxes, guessing he won't be alive too long to get comfortable.

Sukuna remains standing there, looking at the empty wall, as he just remains shocked. Just because he's a pet, he's still human. Sukuna tries to tell himself, looking at his hands and spotting the years of tattoos on his arm, from past experiments and training. He's still been abused by the faculty, I knew I was safe when they attacked, it wasn't anything lethal because I'm a asset. Sukuna slumps down, and remains cross-legged on the floor, questioning his own actions and reality itself.

If I didn't protect him, they would have used him to get to me, how do they not know this? Or is it because they just don't like strangers. Sukuna looks at the group, mainly sakura and Delta, guessing alpha doesn't care; before thinking of a idea, that would help protect Daniel for a little bit. He jumps up, making delta and Daniel look at him with confusion.

"I have a idea! We have Daniel now correct? And all leveled workers have a access to their vaults right?" Sukuna gestures, as Daniel awkwardly nods. "That means we have access to what they've taken to us!" Sukuna adds, "we can get our shit back finally." He finishes, watching the group as they hesitate, thinking about it. And hopefully you'll tolerate Daniel enough to not kill him. Sukuna hopes, knowing its a dumb move to even have hope in a place like this.

"Even if we get our shit back, what's the catch?" Sakura grins, making sukuna pause, forgetting she's more aware of his actions. "There's a reason why you'd say something like this, is it because you don't want us to hurt little old Daniel?" Sakura adds, making delta tut and look away.

"Probably. Seems like a sukuna thing to do. Bargaining with us, knowing we want our shit back." Delta pipes in, as Daniel remains sitting there, not wanting to get involved. Sukuna still doesn't reply, knowing any kind of reply won't even work, so he just stands there, wishing Ryu would come back, knowing she keeps the place safer by mere presence alone.

Yet again, the room becomes slient, as nobody finds a reason to speak up or even try to start a discussion. Sakura and Delta remain on their beds, whilst alpha pushes his files away and lays against his desk, exhausted mentally. Sukuna leans against the wall, trying to think of a way to keep Daniel as safe as possible, glancing over at him, watching as Daniel opens a box and takes out what he can assume to be a photo.

"What's that?" Sukuna asks, gesturing to the photo, catching Daniel off guard as he jumps slightly and chuckles nervously. Sukuna pauses, but walks over, not spotting Daniels uncomfortable actions.

"Just my family, or was." Daniel repiles, glancing at the photo. "My dad, mother, uncle and little sister. Last time I saw them they waved me goodbye before I came here." He adds, hiding his pain. Sukuna doesn't say anything, looking at the photo and then at Daniel, knowing it's a tough subject.

"Here, let me say this." Sukuna starts, gently grabbing Daniels shoulder and smiling warmly. "You know that this place can ruin your life, and has, but whatever drug they used to remove memories doesn't always work. Even if it suppresses them, your family will remember something is missing even subconsciously. Daniel they won't ever fully forget." He smiles, standing back up as Daniel watches him in dumbstruck awe and gratitude. Sukuna doesn't even acknowledge it, not realising it was something Daniel needed to hear.

"Where's Ryu? She usually won't take this long?" Delta asks, looking at the group, or mainly Daniel, who remains looking through his belongings not even spotting deltas attention. "What happened back there? Ryu won't have taken this long." Delta adds, getting snappy, as sukuna pauses, knowing sakura is wondering the same thing, meanwhile alpha remains asleep on his desk, exhausted.

"A group attacked us, one using smaller guns whilst the second group used the more powerful weapons. Ryu just appeared and killed them." Sukuna repiles, seeing no point in lying. Delta doesn't respond, seemingly not satisfied with what was said, however sakura just stands up and slams alphas desk, making him fall over falling off of his chair.

"Hey stickbug, wanna tell us the location of Ryu?" Sakura taunts, watching as alpha just pushes her away, and picking his chair up, sitting back down. Sakura waits as Delta keeps an eye on sukuna, who remains as is.

"Firstly coulda asked nicely, second I don't know, can't trace a bitch like that." Alpha gestures, shrugging, "oh maybe use your magical ability to track sukuna down, to find that bitch, and leave me alone, I'm tired." Alpha adds, laying back against his desk. Sakura rolls her eyes and walks away, knowing it's a lost cause.

"Because I make sure I can't be tracked. Do it for once." Ryu sighs, leaning against the wall, as the rest don't react at all, used to her sudden appearances. Sakura laughs and walks over to the beds, glancing at a watch on her wrist.

"Whatever, it's night. Better get to bed before the patrol knock us back into solitary confinement." Sakura warns, grabbing deltas shoulder as he quietly walks to his bed, clambering into it as sakura helps him sort it out, catching Daniels attention.

"Shut up, unlike your privileged shit, we have to make do with what we have, and well, Delta isn't gonna be right in the head with the bullshit you've done." Ryu spits, as Daniel blinks in confusion. I wasn't even going to say anything... Daniel ponders but says nothing, going back to making some kind of bedding. Sakura pauses, and mutters to herself, walking away from Delta before pausing.

"Delta sees me as a mother fuckface, unlike your magical family he lacked it, so don't even fucking dare make fun of it." Sakura warns, walking to Daniel as sukuna stops her suddenly. Sakura looks at him, as he remains stern.

"Enough. We have bigger problems than that." Sukuna repiles, pushing sakura aback, making her just look at him disgusted, but walks away nevertheless. She clambers into her own bed as sukuna pauses and does the same, not looking at Daniels curiosity.

Ryu tuts, and walks over, pausing before grabbing Daniel and knocking him out.


Daniel jolts awake, finding the room in almost pitch black, but a small source of light lets him barely see what's in front of him.

"Man I thought you died. Shame." Ryu sighs, making Daniel stop breathing for a second. He tries to look for the source of her voice but it remains too dark still. "Huh here's a idea. Now we're actually alone you can ask me anything you want." Ryu suggests, as Daniel doesn't like the sudden freedom to ask anything. Ryu snickers and hits something, Letting the room become slightly brighter. Daniel spots Ryu sitting there, with alpha curled on her lap, making Daniel just ignore it. Probably that mother thing Delta and sakura have I guess. Daniel yells himself, whilst Ryu takes her glasses off for a second.

"Don't talk much do you? That's a new one." Ryu mutters, wiping the glasses before putting them back on. "Anyways, this is probably your only chance, so go on." She gestures, making Daniel hesitate, anxious. She knows I don't know how she works. This isn't good on my side either way. Daniel wonders, watching Ryu, with full attention, unsure about how much of a disadvantage he is in.

"What's your names then? Don't the ones you use merely nicknames?" Daniel asks, hoping it was a good starting question, although ryus displeasure and anger makes him think otherwise.

"Sakura and sukuna refuse to use nicknames, otherwise you'd refer them to as omega and zeta. Delta and alpha doesn't concern you. If they say their names be my guest. As for my name? You'd be dead before I even uttered the first letter." Ryu spits, offended. "We chose to keep our names like this for our sake. Keep your mouth shut. Your lucky sakura and sukuna let you know them." Ryu adds, making Daniel slowly nod, understanding.

"Ok, if names are out of the question. Why is alpha and Delta so uh.. like that?" Daniel gestures, pointing at alpha who remains laying there. Ryu tuts, and slams her head against the wall, bored of this already.

"Because they can. Doesn't concern a stranger. All that matters is they see me and sakura as higher ups. In a sense... Whatever, don't fucking get the wrong idea about Delta, he isn't interested or even capable of loving someone, I don't care about me or alpha let your mind go haywire, but dare even suggest sakura and Delta I'll kill you before they do." Ryu snaps back. "Fuck this, go back to sleep I'm not gonna answer anything else today." Ryu mutters.

Daniel doesn't even try to say anything, laying back down and awkwardly getting in some sort of comfort. These guys are crazy protective, I don't care about their lives like that, heck, I'm still trying to make sense of everything. Daniel sighs, guessing Ryu doesn't ever sleep or barely does, so just lays there, unable to fall asleep himself.

How can I sleep after everything that's happened? One minute I'm doing my job, next I'm here, getting kept by five killers, all highly dangerous and I'm meant to sleep? Are they really this stupid? Daniel sighs again, grabbing his small, think blanket, and trying to get back to sleep.

Either way, this is gonna get even more chaotic isn't it?

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