By lostgoddess

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Meet Stacie a normal junior high school student who's passion is acting and have been deeply in love with her... More

AUTHOR'S NOTE! (urgentttt!!!)


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By lostgoddess


         I had almost everything I want in mylife. Being a popular girl, the brightest, beautiful and adoring. I had a supportive family, friends and relatives. Mylife was stable, perfect and happy till this guy came and ruins everything. He enrolled at Woodsville High School here in Haverhill,New Hampshire.

        Well, the first time he got on Woodsville, the air goes different since then. Thinking he would turn out being a good friend of mine. But that's was my big mistake, he's actually a spoiled brat. He's boastful, arrogant, foolish,a great bully, and a big headed guy...All negative words could actually describe him.

        Just like a general leading his army ( group of bullies at school) to launch a great mess with us. With his intense blue eyes, short black hair, caucasian skin and his evil smile. Girls everywhere were freaking out when he walks. Hypnotized I might say, others just say "OH MY GOSH! THE HOTTIE IS HERE!" That's Paul Brenner.

        Yeah, he's cute and hot, but he gives me a headache for being a tyrant. Do you think I'll fall for him? No and never. I always keep my distance from his group.

       Before anything else, my name is Stacie Avellan, 17 years of age.

"Hey! Stacie, wait up!"  Mia's voice called at the back. She was my best friend since kindergarten.

      I turned back and smiled at her. Her long blonde hair was dancing while she ran towards me.

" Yeah, so how are you? There's a lot to talk about." I muttered along the way.

" Its awesome!  I LOVE PARIS! I wish you could visit it soon.Hey, how about you? Where did you spend your summer?" she asked. With her hazel eyes and glittering full of excitement.

“I spent my summer skiing in Aspen.”

“Wow, that’s awesome! I wish we went to Aspen too.”

“OK. Let’s go in. Miss this school very much” she said.

“Yeah you’re right.”

“Wait a second, do you think the duck is here?” she asked, laughing. Looking around,. “duck” word refers to Paul.

“So it means, another year to pulverize him, eh?” I laugh.

            We both enter the school campus. While walking down the hallway, I keep on glancing to the students from here to there. No trace of him and his ducklings. I thought. Seeing him not around makes me happy. We turn to our right. The second room from the corner would be our classroom. Mia and I keep on walking, I was about to tell her that my day is complete not seeing Paul and his gang.

“Geez..Hi miss famous. So, how’s your summer? By the way did I complete your day? Huh?” he said this as he blocks our way in.

“Completing my day? In your dreams!” I yelled. “ my day was goin’ fine till I saw your ugly face around. Tsk.. tsk.. So please don’t block our way, and let us in. Get it?” I gritted my teeth as I said those lines.

            He just smirked and lean towards me, his face were three inches away from mine. I heard his friends chuckle and said “Oh..”..Then he turns to face me.

“I’ll always admire your beauty when you got angry.” He placed a small smile.

“That’s because of you.” This time my voice was firm and cold.

“This will be the last time to piss me off. I’ll give you a chance; forget that you’ve done this thing. Don’t mess with me the next time we’ll meet.  Watch your mouth wise girl. And if ever---.”

“And if ever? What will you do to me? Huh?...oh please—Paul don’t you dare threaten me. Before you make any stunts..I’ll make you ran down that hallway crying for your mama’s name. Understood?” before he could speak, I kicked his thigh.

            Paul growls in pain. We got inside the room leaving him and his ‘ducklings’ outside. Paul’s gang helped him to the clinic. I could still hear his voice outside cursing my name. First day in school, First day in clinic. WOW! That’s totally good.

“You okay?” Mia’s concern voice.

“With a duck around? No way. What a bad day to start.” I muttered.

“Chill. Did you know that what just you’ve done was absolutely scary. Giving him a deadly steely eyes. That makes him a little bit nervous. And the kicking way, I love that.” She said.

            My anger was compared to a boiling lava inside the erupting volcano. The door cracked open, a man in his middle- age came. He was wearing a black pants, brown long sleeves with neck tie, and an eyeglasses. He looks a business man somehow but more of professor, due to the three strand of small hair on his shinny head. We greeted him “good morning” and he gestured us to sit down. He introduce himself as Mr. Cortez (pronounce it as cortex), opened his attendance sheet and start calling us by our family names. If he happens to mispronounce our name he would just raise an eyebrow.

            At the back Paul’s ducklings are busy on laughing our poor professor. I wish they wouldn’t piss our teacher. Mr. Cortez will be our biology teacher for the whole semester. He start picking our lab partners randomly. Just as then, Paul enter the room, dragging his left foot to his seat.

“ Mr. Brenner. Right?” Mr. Cortez said.

“Yes sir. Sorry if I’m late. I’ve just went out of the clinic.” He pointed his injured leg.

“Please take a sit.” Mr. Cortez said.

            Mr. Cortez stood in the front.

“OK..Before we could proceed on discussing matters, I want you to have a partners.” He announced.

“What was he talking about” Paul demanded on the back.

“We don’t know.” One of his friends said.

            Mr. Cortez keep on announcing who’ll be our lab partners for the whole school year.

“And the last…Mr. Brenner and Miss Avellan..Any questions?” Mr. Cortez asked.

“But-But sir! He couldn’t be my lab partner!” I complained

“I do agree sir. And besides she doesn’t fit to be one” Paul agreed an

“Why? What’s the matter? You guys need to cooperate with each other. This was just the start of the school year, my dears.” Mr. Cortez said in a calm voice.

“But sir!” I yelled as I stood.

“Miss Avellan, accept it or drop from my subject. You Mr. Brenner. ” Mr. Cortez said.

“We do accept it ,sir. Stacie, wouldn’t mind it. Right?” Paul said as he stood from his chair and he looked at me.

My mouth fell open as he said those lines. I gave him a disgusting look. The bell rang and Mr. Cortez fixed his things.

“Anymore questions?” Mr. Cortez said. When nobody raised their hands. “Ok. Goodbye, class dismissed.”

“This is not good.” Mia said shaking her head.

“I know. It’s the worst of all.” I agreed.

“Hi miss wise.” Paul and his ducklings said.

“Why did you do that? Huh?” I wailed.

“What? Being my lab partner? Is that what you mean.” Paul said.

“Yes. Do you think other reason aside from that?” I said.

“But, both of us know that there’s no other choice. Right?

“You! Urgh!” I yelled.

“Just cooperate if you want to get high grades. And----ahhh.. See this” he pointed his injured foot.

“Of course. I have eyes, duh!” pointing my eyes.  “ Uhh.. just put a cold compress to relief the pain”

“This time, I will revenge! Remember that, wise girl!” he smirked again, then turned his back and join his group outside.

“Duck!” I called. Paul turned back. “Don’t worry I’ll mark your word” I said.

            With that, their gone. Mia put a hand on my shoulder.

“You ok?” Mia asked. I didn’t answered.

“So what are we going to do? Paul’s now your lab partner.” Mia whispered. I sighed.

“Dunno. I hate this thing! I hope, he’ll be my partner for biology only. Not in other subjects.” I wailed.

“Shhh! Calm down, the ducklings might hear us.”Mia whispered.

“I don’t care if they hear me!” I said and stamped my foot. Mia checked her watch.

“Oh. We have an hour before our next subject, Trigometry.” She said.

“Really? That means, one hour to cool down” I said. Were now at the front of our room.

“Hmmm..I think someone could make you feel better.” She said in a soft voice.

“And who’ll it be? Nobody else could comfort me, only you. No one” I repeated.

“You sure? Not even me?” A male’s, sweet velvet voice said.

That voice was coming from the corner of the locker. I stopped and walked towards the locker. There was a guy-It was Matthew, Matthew Dandely, one of the most popular guy in the campus. He was leaning on the wall with his hands on his pockets. He gave me a warm smile.

“Suppose..I am not one of those nobody, I hope?” he said, his voice was so lovely.

“I..I..I..” I stuttered.

“Hi Matt! Uhmm.Can you excuse me for a moment?” Mia cut in.

“Yeah, Sure.” Matthew said, meeting my eyes. With that, Mia left and that leaves us me and Matthew, alone. Just the two of us, “Alone”.

“So what’s the thing that bottered you?” he asked, his amber eyes full of concern.

“Uhh..Its-its nothing. Don’t look at me like that, please” I pleaded.

“Sorry. If that makes feel you better” he said, as he walked to me closer.

“Thanks.” I muttered. “Wait! Have you---have you heard everything?” my eyes narrowed.

“Uhhmmm..No..Not all. Don’t worry it’ll be a secret” he said with a winked.

“OH MY GOSH!” I murmured to myself.

“What did you say?” he asked.

“Nothing..ah.. I mean where’s your classroom?” I asked. Just to change the topic.

“Oh..C’mon, let me show you our classrooms.” He put an arm on my shoulder. I cant hide from blushing. He looked at me.

“You know, you’re pretty” he said along the way.

“What? Pre—pretty?” I said.

“Yup. I always admire your olive green eyes and your brown hair. You’ll always beautiful in every guys eyes.” He said.

“Er..thanks” I muttered.

            Still we’re walking up stairs, turned right. The first room at the corner was his classroom. Since I’ve been attending here in Woodsville, Haverhill, he’s the one who caught my attention. Over the years here, he showed me other things I need to know, new friends as well. He’s like a brother, friend and best friend to me. I always adore him in many things, but his kindness, down to earth, caring and loving attitude empress me the most. At least with him around, makes me feel better.

“Here’s my classroom. You know where to find me, if you get into trouble.” He said.

“Yeah, and thanks. Uhmm. Can I ask you something?” I said.

“Sure. Go on.” He said.

“Uhhh..Vanessa. Is she..present today?” I asked.

“Nope..I didn’t saw her when our teacher checked our attendance. Her friends said that she’ll be out for a trip with her father. Not going back here till tomorrow. Why do ask?” He said.

“Ohh..nothing..Hey! what’s your next subject?” I asked.

“Hmm..Calculus, I think.” He said glancing at the schedule in his room.

“Uh-oh.. I think, I should go..” I said.

“Sorry if I’d waste your time.” He said apologetically.

“Don’t say that. I will accept it if your going to lead me back.” I pointed the Juniors building.

“If that suits you, why not? Love to walk you back” He said.

The school day just ended. Mia offered me a ride, but I refused to it, because I was planning to go somewhere else before going home. Bedell Bridge Park came to my mind, it was near our home, just a walking distance. I decided to head there first. It was late in the afternoon when I got there. When I was a little girl, my parents used to bring me with them here in this park. After that this place became important to me, whenever I got bored, have some problems, confused, and feeling random, I went here.

            The place is good for viewing sunset, and its beautiful. The flow of water in the river was cool and refreshing in mind. Chirping of birds was pleasant to here, laughter of kids are so cute. Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone rang from my bag, I pulled it out and answered the call.

“Hello?” I said.

“Stacie? Honey, where are you?” It was my mom’s voice.

“Uh-heading home?” I make out words from my mind.

“Have some good news. Your dad, he’s here.” Mom said.

“D-Dad? When?” I’d nearly drop the phone from my hand.

“Yes, and oh, by the way he wants to talk to you. Better hurry up.” She said.

“Mom! Hold on…Tell dad I’ll be home right the way and uhmm.. Love you!” With that I hunged up.

            I took a last view, and then I started running down the streets. Well, my father, George Allevan, his sort of what you may call attorney. Yup, his the best attorney in the whole Haverhill and New Hampshire. Many cases he have won, some are dangerous other are out of the country cases. Most of the time, dad, took all the kinds of cases, and he have many clients.

            Last month, he took an out of town case in New York, and I wished him luck. If he have won the case that’ll be a great surprise for me. I missed him so much, I’m in the front door of our house. I sprang, to my surprised mom was already there, she opened the door for me. I kissed her cheek and proceed inside, dad was taking a sip from his coffee, he smiled when he saw me.

“Hi there little girl!” Dad said.

“ Oh Dad! I missed you so much!”I said giving him a warm hug.

“You too, little girl.” He said patting my shoulder.

“Dad, how many times I told you. I’m not a little girl now, look I’m a teenager.” I muttered.

“Honey, you’ll always be my little girl and you know that.” He smiled.

“Brought me some good news?” I sat beside him.

“Haha. Yup, I won the case!” He chuckles.

“Nice to here that!” I said happily.

“Not only that. I’ve shopped you some things, go check it out.” He said.

“Uhmm..Where?” I asked.

“There in your room.” He said.

“Ok. After dinner, I’ll go and check it.” I sighed. Mom sat beside us and put a hand on dad shoulders.

“Honey, how’s the first day of school?”Mom began.

“Err..It’s fine, new teachers, friends and classmates.” I muttered.

“Nice to hear that. Oh, before I forgot, Mia how is she?” Mom asked.

“She’s fine, we’re still classmates.” I said.

“Dear, is dinner ready?” Dad asked mom.

“Haha..yes, come on, before it gets cold”. She said.

            We all ate dinner, it was good, mom always cooked our favorite food. While eating, my parents kept on talking their business. I was happy to seeing them happy too. When dinner was over, I said them “good night” and sprang to my room. My room was located in 2nd floor of our house. It was well decorated and furniture, the walls were painted sea green and golden silver edging. Got a cool shower, put my shirt and pajamas and worked for my home works, and schedules.

            Months passed, school was fine but Paul Brenner and I were getting sick of each other. One in our biology class, Mr. Cortex held an experiment which deals with dissection of frogs. Paul in the other hand, blown up everything, the frog escaped before we could kill it. Chemicals splashed across the room, worst the frog went jumping on everyones head. The laboratory was such a mess after that, students were screaming, running in all directions.

            The other time, it was our physical education class, we’re given a preliminary instructions on how to play volleyball. It was his turn to serve, guess what, it landed on our janitors head which stands on a ladder painting the wall. The janitor fell from it and sent to the nearest hospital. Luckily not much injured. The worst part was this, he loads my locker full of garbage. I was hands-up on this, and I can’t take another one.

            Halloween is near, and the campus wants to have a party they decided to decorate the school.

“Good day, Juniors. As you all know, the school will be holding a party for the Halloween. Therefore, we need to polish everything, so that no delay will occur. So, this class will be in-charge in our auditorium.” Mrs. Lao said, she’s our drama teacher.

“Ma’am, can I ask?” Annie Smith raised her hand.

“What’s it Miss Smith?” Mrs. Lao said.

“I’m just asking, when will be  the auditions for the clubs will officially open?” Annie went on.

“Do you mean disco clubs, Annie? Hahaha.. Every night it’s open” Jack Reeves cut in.

“Jack, you’re nuts!” Annie said.

“Silence, you fools! Mr. Reeves shut your mouth. Miss Smith, Wednesday to be exact. For now, I’ll group you into halves. Each group shall have two supervisors.” Mrs. Lao said.

“Uhmmm.. Ma’am, could you excuse me? I’m having allergy on cleaning.” Riza Laise said.

“Well, you need to take down all the activities and schedules. Go!” soon as Mrs. Lao said that, Riza scrambled and leaved the room.

“Back to the topic, where am I—ah. Miss Allevan pair up with Mr. Brenner, Miss Leit with Mr. Timberlake. Any question before I leave?” Mrs. Lao asked.

“Ma’am when will?” Paul asked.

            My head slammed to my desk. Again? With him? I’m tired!

“Uh-oh. Best look, he didn’t even complained this time. He just asked.” Mia whispered to my ear.

“Yeah. You’re right, what I’m going to do now?” I whispered back.

“Be cool. Never mind him.” She said and I nodded.

“Today at this point. Go!” Mrs. Lao ordered.

We all made our way to the auditorium. We cleaned, repaired, painted and made decorations out of indigenous materials as part of our school campaign. I list all the things needed to buy and handed it to Kenneth Lee, one of my classmates.

“This is all?” Kenneth asked.

“Yep.” I said.

“If you don’t mind, want somebody to company me” he said and I nodded.

“Come on, Mike!” then they’re off.

“Hey, you!” I pointed Paul’s face. He mouthed the words  “me?”

“Whom do you think? You’re the only one that doesn’t clean anything.” I muttered.

“What?” He said in disgust.

“Go, borrow a ladder. We need it, I’ll be the one to put this on the ceiling.” I said

“Why me? You can order it to others or do it yourself.” He then closed his eyes, folded his hands and lay on the floor.

“We have lots of errands to do, plus you’re the one not HELPING!” I yelled.

“Hey! Miss wise, don’t shout and besides my role here is to supervised and not to clean.” He chided.

“Listen PAUL BRENNER! You’re not a prince here, ok? Just do your job and I’ll do mine. I don’t want a fight” I rolled my eyes.

“Haha- sorry, but not in the mood of helping people. Moreover, my body wants to rest. So good day.” He said closing his eyes.

“Urgh! You’re really not going to help?!” I asked and he just smiled.

            I pulled out some confeties and showered it to him. He scrambled to his feet.

“What the hell were you thinking?” He muttered.

“Fix that yourself.” I said.

“You’re so annoying! Supervised this by yourself!” with that he stormed out.

“Shit! Paul Brenner curse you!” I murmured, stamping my foot.

            30 minutes passed and Paul doesn’t came back. I decided to keep on working so that we would finish in no time.

“Check this out. We’ve borrowed a ladder.” Mike said.

“Thanks. Can you place it there?” I gestured to the center of the stage.

“I’ll carry this one, Stanley you go placing this up.” Lissa said.

“Me? I’m afraid of heights” Stanley said shyly.

“Don’t worry I’ll be doing that.” I smiled.

Together we’ve done it, I was near to finished when my foot lost its balance. I try to hold on the ladder but it was too late. I closed my eyes and screamed ahh! Someone catched me?

 “Ow!” I  cried.

“Oh my gosh! Stacie!” I heard Mia’s voice shouting somewhere.

 Someone’s embracing me with his hands. I couldn’t move, I could feel my body stiffed. My classmates were dashing towards us, I couldn’t even speak a word.

“Guys! Are you ok?” Lissa’s voice trembling.

“What do you think Liz? Someone call Mrs. Lao! Hurry!” Mike yelled.

            I tried to loosen the boys embrace and staggered to get up. A hand is forcing me to stay still. Everyone was surrounding us by now, checking if were ok.

“Ouch!” I cried.

“Don’t move. You might have injuries and it’s not safe.” Matt said.

“OW! OW! Don’t touch me, still hurts!” a familiar voice moaned. Paul Brenner?

“Matt, you save my life.” I said in a weak voice.

“No—I’m not, your friend does.” He pointed the one lying on the floor.

“Paul! Paul! Gosh!” panic on Lissa’s voice rising, he doesn’t move.

“Stacie! What happened? Are you ok? Did you got injuries?” Mia’s voice sounds alarming. She keeps on asking but I didn’t respond to it. I’m still shocked.

“He..he..he saved me..” I stuttered, my hands were cold and trembling.

“Shh..Let me take you out of here.” He wrapped his hands across my shoulders and guided me out.

“I..I..never thought he’ll do that. He’s not m friend and…and..he’s my number one enemy here..”

“Everything will be fine. Mrs. Lao will take care of things. I’ll bring you to the clinic.” he said.

            As we head there, Dr. Vashcov, viewed if I have injuries and gave me pills and I fall asleep.

Two days later, the Halloween Party is fast approaching. The committee decided to launch the audition for school clubs. There were Drama, Science, Mathematics, English, Sports, Theatrical (singing & dancing), and etc.. After that accident, my mind is keep on thinking it all over again.

“Yo, Stacie! What club will you join?” David asked. (One of our Seniors in school).

“Uh- Drama Club? I dunno.. Where’s Matt? Have you seen him?” I asked.

“Ehemmm.. Matt? As in Mattew Dandely? My best buddy?” He responded.

“Yep.. as in him.. where’s he?” I asked.

“He’s in the..Swimming pool with Mr.White. Hmmm.. why do asked? Are you and Matt-“before he could cease up his sentence, I walked out.    

            Ever since, Matt always joins sports club. He’s in the swimming team, and the co-captain of the team. I found him talking to coach Dave, he didn’t seemed to notice my presence so I move towards them.

“Good morning, coach Dave.” I greeted coach.

“Good morning too, miss Allevan.” Coach greeted me back.

“Want to join the team?” He asked.

“Haha. If I only knew how. But thanks.” I said.

“Hi Stacie, what brought you here?” Matt asked.

“Hmm..are you busy?” I asked.

“Not so, could I take you a walk?” He said.

“Sure why not.” I said to Matt, I turned and face coach Dave. “Coach, can I borrow your lead swimmer? Kinda important.”

“Of course. Er..Matt, be back after lunch.” With that coach turned to entertain other students.

            There’s an awkward silence between us while strolling the hallway. I didn’t made the first move to speak, he did it for me.

“Which club you’re in?” He began.

“Until now, I don’t know. Suggestions please?” I pleaded.

“Any Club suits you, you’re smart, talented, athletic.” He said.

“I’m thinking, Drama club, besides English and Mathematics.” I said.

“Whoa.. Drama club? Ahh.. Singing and dancing.” He mumbled.

“Singing and dancing is in theatrical club remember?” I stated.

“Wait-Whoa-aaccting?? As in acting?” he said in surprised.

“I.. just want to try, acting this time.” I said shyly.

“I bet, you’re be good in acting.” He said.

“You’re kidding me.” I said, blushing.

“Hey… Want to see our audition?” he asked.

“Let me think..” we are now in the front of our main buiding.

            Paul Brenner and his gang was chatting with the girls. It seemed that his fine and far from his injury. I wish I could talk to him in a nice way. Thank him for saving my life and possible ask him why he have done that. Stacie! What the heck were you thinking?! Do you care about him? He was just playing and toying you!

“Stacie, are you fine?” Matt  asked.

“Why? Yeah. Going to watch it. Right.” I muttered.

“How’s your arm?” He asked. My arm was the one badly hurt from the accident.

“Er.. It doesn’t hurt now. It healed faster than I think. Credit to Dr. Vashcov.” Save

We both laughed.

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