Angles Curse

By Wild_Wolf_Forever

67.5K 2.4K 895

Izuku Todoroki, son of Endeavor and Rei, twin brother of Shoto. After receiving their quirks, during a trauma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26

1.1K 54 3
By Wild_Wolf_Forever

The whole week my two best friends have been at their summer camp, I've done nothing but worry. The pit in my stomach was churning like the ocean before a tsunami, constantly keeping me up at night and from focusing on my work. Mic and keep in contact, texting each other at least once a day and keeping each other updated on what's going on. Mic is constantly assuring me that the others are perfectly ok, that Shota gives him updates on everything at night via a quick text. But even Mic has his worries, as he's expressed to me sometimes. 

Currently, I was helping Masaru with dinner. Mitsuki was still at work but should be getting home soon. Masaru and I were having a very interesting conversation, well, more like he was recounting all of Katsuki's embarrassing childhood memories.

"And then he proceeded to strip out of all his clothes before running around the house screaming 'freedom!' while Mitsuki chased him." Masaru laughed out. I laughed along, helping him plate the food right as the front door opened.

"I'm back! Something smells good!" Mitsuki called out as she stepped into the house. I could hear the front door close before the sounds of footsteps approached the kitchen and dining area. 

"Hey, sweetie! Dinners just finished." Masaru said gently, pulling his wife into a sweet embrace and gently pecking her on the cheek. Mitsuki blushed slightly before aggressively shoving her husband off, though her smile showed she wasn't actually mad. Masaru just laughed before grabbing two plates to set on the table. 

I grabbed the last plate, saying a quick greeting to the blond before taking a seat at the table myself. Mitsuki joined us, sitting next to her husband and pushing the second plate to sit in front of her. Now seated, everyone dug into the food rather quickly, wanting to eat the delicious food while it was still warm.

About halfway through dinner, Mitsuki's cell phone rang. Seeing as she rarely gave out her personal number, she quickly pulled out her phone and answered it thinking it was a work emergency. She answered quickly before silently listening to the person on the other end of the line. Masaru and I watched as her face slowly shifted from frustrated to shock to pure worry. Tears were gathering up in her eyes as she listened, a hand going up o cover her mouth as a sob broke free.

Masaru was quick to move, reaching over and pulling his clearly distraught wife into his arms as he rubbed a hand up and down her back. Though Mitsuki didn't even seem to notice, too focused on what was being said over the phone.

"N-now?" Mitsuki's broken voice finally spoke. "Ok, we're on our way." She whispered before hanging up and breaking down. Masaru tried his best to comfort his wife but she was too lost in herself to notice her husband's arms around her. 

"Dear? Is everything alright? What's going on? Where are we going?" Masaru asked gently, still trying to comfort his wife. She tried to answer but couldn't get anything past the sobs wreaking her body.

That feeling in my gut suddenly grew, making me feel physically ill. My stomach was churning violently as my mind made up scenario after scenario. I was biting my lip, glancing around the room nervously as Mitsuki continued to sob.

Suddenly, my own phone rang from within my pocket, shocking me out of my thoughts as I quickly ripped my phone free from my pocket. A quick glance at the caller ID had my worry skyrocketing. I don't think I've answered a phone call faster than that before.

"Mic? What's wrong?" I answered immediately, worry knawing at my insides.

"Seems you were right yet again kid. Aizawa just called me. Seems the League of Villians somehow found out the location of the summer camp and attacked." Mic sighed out, the stress heavy in his voice. I could feel my eyes widening as my stomach lurched.

"Is everyone ok?" I whispered out, my gut already telling me all I needed to know even before I asked.

"They got Katsuki. They kidnapped Katsuki kid." Mic sighed out, a hint of a sob breaking through.

"Oh." I whispered, tears filling my eyes as my hands struggled to keep the phone up to my face due to the shaking. "And Shoto? Hitoshi?" I asked scared to hear what the answer was going to be.

"Perfectly fine save for some scratches. Hitoshi got pretty banged up but will live. I'm so sorry kiddo. I'm on my way now to pick you all up, I'm just around the corner. Get ready." With that Mic hung up the phone leaving me to listen to the dial tone. 

"It's Kacchan." I whispered, my voice breaking as I lowered my phone and looked across the table at his parents. Mitsuki had calmed down enough to function now, slowly gathering some dishes to put in the sink.

"Katsuki? What's wrong with Katsuki? Is he ok? Did something happen?" Masaru started freaking out, his worry for his baby overwriting his brain and thought process.

"He's been kidnapped, dear. Now hurry up. We need to get down to the station." Mitsuki said, her voice flat as she started grabbing her purse and pulling her shoes back on. Masaru looked heartbroken, tears flowing down his face as he frantically ran over to the front door to throw some shoes on. I quickly followed, pulling on my own shoes as we all piled out the door.

"Mic said he was going to take us to the station, that he was just around the corner." I spoke just as said person rounded the corner down the street before pulling in front of our house. 

None of us wasted another second, hopping into the car before Mic peeled down the road before our seat belts were even buckled. The ride to the station was quiet, save for the sobs and whimpers escaping everyone. No one spoke or tried to comfort each other. We all knew what kidnapping implemented, we all knew the statistics of those who got kidnapped. Chances are if they don't find Katsuki within the next few 24 hours, the most they would find is a dead body. 

Soon enough, we reached the police station. Pros and officers alike were rushing around all around. We quickly rushed out of the car and into the station. The first person I recognized was Aizawa. He looked roughed up, a few bruises and scratches covering him as he talked to someone. 

"Shota!" Mic shouted as he rushed toward his husband. Said black-haired hero turned and caught his husband when he launched himself at him. He quickly buried his face into his husband's chest, gripping the back of his shirt in a tight grip. I hated to break up their touching moment, but until I had my loved one back, I couldn't care less.

"Aizawa, what happened? Wheres Kacchan?" I whispered, trying not to break down all over again. Aizawa quickly pulled away, turning to face me before wincing when he saw Katsuki's parents behind me.

"It seems our location got leaked somehow and the League of Villains attacked. It seems that Bakugo was their target the whole time. For what reason, we still are unsure. But trust me, I'll do everything in my power to make sure I get him back home safely." Aizawa said, rubbing a hand down his face as he sighed out heavily. 

"Do you have any leads on his whereabouts?" Mitsuki asked as she leaned into Masaru's side. He simply wrapped an arm around her, silently comforting her as tears fell from his eyes slowly down his face. 

"Luckily, due to one of your student's quick thinking Eraser, we have a tracker on one of the league members." A cop said, suddenly appearing behind Aizawa and Mic.

"Detective." Aizawa murmured, stifling a yawn.

"What's this about a tracker?" Mic asked for Aizawa seeing as he seemed too busy keeping himself awake.

"We were just informed by one of your students, Momo Yaoyorozu, that she managed to pin a tracking pin that hooks up to a receiver she made. As of right now, we are using that receiver to find the tracking transmitter and see if we can pinpoint its exact location. As of right now, we are encouraging all pros involved to be ready to move out at a moment's notice. Once we get an exact location, we move out." The detective said before swiftly walking away when another cop started waving him over. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo, if you wouldn't mind waiting in that room over there. We know the League of Villians we targeting Katsuki so we want to be cautious and keep you both close in case you two might be their next targets." A cop said, stopping next to Bakugo's parents. The two nodded before following the cop into a room off to the side. The two were lost in their own world, worried about their one and only son.

"Aizawa, I want in on this rescue." I said, speaking up for the first time in a long while. My tone was dark, the threat being left unsaid as I glared at the married pros standing in front of me.

"Kid, you know if we could we would let you. But you aren't even in the hero course, what makes you think I have any authority to allow you to come with me. Just trust me, kid, I promise to get Katsuki back safe and sound, ok?" Aizawa said, rubbing his face again as he sighed out heavily.

"Trust us Izuku, we would let you if we could." Mic said, setting what I think was supposed to be a comforting hand on my shoulder. But I just shrugged it off, taking a step back.

"Whatever. Wheres Shoto and Hitoshi at?" I whispered, looking down at the floor while trying to hide my anger as best I could.

"There at the general hospital three blocked over along with the rest of their class. Hitoshi got pretty banged up and is being forced to stay at the hospital in the meantime." Aizawa spoke, clearly trying to alleviate some of the evident anger I felt by trying to encourage me to visit my friends. 

"Ok. I'll be going then." With that, I quickly spun on my heels and left the police station before either Aizawa or Mic could stop me. They couldn't necessarily leave the precinct at the moment, meaning they couldn't chase me down even if they wanted to. 

Sighing angrily, I marched my way toward the hospital. I knew, without a doubt, that some of class 1-A were already planning on going on their own rescue mission. If I can catch them in time, I could go with them. I have no doubt that Yaoyorozu and Hitoshi were going to be involved. Momo because she can use the tracker she made and Hitoshi because everyone knew that as much as the two fight, Hitoshi and Katsuki are extremely close, practically brothers.

Eventually, I reached the hospital, quickly walking through the doors and to the front desk where I was able to find out what room Hitoshi was in. Walking quickly, I went down several hallways before coming to a stop outside Hitoshi's room. I could hear his classmates all arguing, some saying they wanted to go on the rescue mission while others said it was a bad idea and it should be left to the pros. Deciding that this would be the best moment to walk in, I pushed the doors open rather roughly, scaring everyone inside the room.

Walking past all the shocked faces and tense bodies, I reached Hitoshi's bedside. He didn't look too shocked to see me, rather he was expecting me. Before anyone could react, I slammed my fist into the side of his face. Shocked gasps ran throughout the room as everyone lurched forward to steady Hitoshi and pull me back.

"It's ok, let him go. I deserved that." Hitoshi said, rubbing the side of his jaw while sitting back up properly in his bed. Shoto came up beside me, wrapping me up in a hug before I could punch him too. Slowly I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him as tears leaked out of my eyes.

"You promised. You all promised me." I whimpered, moving to clutch the back of Shoto's shirt. He just continued to rub my back and whisper soothing words in my ear, too quiet for anyone but me to pick up.

"Zuku, we're sorry." Hitoshi spoke, sounding genuinely guilty.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have predicted what would happen." I whispered, moving my head so that the side of my face resting against my twin's chest while I looked over at my purple-haired best friend.

"I was so close. I almost had Bakugo but then he just disappeared. I'm so sorry Zuzu." Shoto whispered, this time loud enough for almost everyone in the quiet room to hear.

"Hold the phone, I know this is supposed to be a touching moment and all, but why are you two hugging like you're a couple or something. I thought you were dating Bakugo?" Mina interrupted, confusion written all over her face. The rest of her classmates all nodded along, all just as confused. Well, all except for Hitoshi who knew why.

"Gross, I would never date Sho even if he was the last male alive on earth." I said, quickly pulling away from my twin who looked as disgusted as me.

"Ditto." Shoto said, his face scrunched up in disgust. This only caused more confusion to ripple across everyone's face.

"All will be revealed with time. Right now the only thing that matters is finding Kacchan, who by the way, I'm not dating." I said, crossing my arms and trying to get back into a serious mode.

"Yet." Hitoshi just had to go and whisper under his breath, not that anyone in the room had trouble hearing anyways.

"Yet. Now, what was this I heard about some rescue mission?" I asked changing the subject and willing my face to turn to its normal color and not red.

As if a switch had been flipped, suddenly everyone in the room was serious again. It was instantly clear who was along for the plan and who was against it.

"We don't have our provisional licenses nor do we have permission to engage in any activity. We can lose our spots in the hero course if we go along with your ridiculous rescue mission. Kero." Asui said. Immediately shouting broke out in the small room.

"It's not ridiculous! Since when is wanting to rescue our friend ridiculous!" Kirishima shouted, clearly in favor of saving his best bro. Though his statement was soon lost in the sea of shouting.

"All right! All of you shut the fuck up and listen!" I shouted causing everyone in the room to fall quiet. They all looked over at me, waiting to hear what I had to say.

"If you're against this plan, then leave. If you leave then you won't have anything to do with what's going to happen. If your willing to risk your position in the hero course, then stay." I said, walking over the side of the room and opening the door. Slowly, most of the class slumped out of the room, sending looks to everyone who stayed in the room. 

Soon enough, only Kirishima, Hitoshi, Shoto, Yaoyorozu, and surprisingly Iida stayed behind.

"So what's the plan?" I asked, turning to face everyone left in the room after closing the door.


After we managed to sneak Hitoshi out of the hospital, we stopped at some random clothing store and grabbed some disguises. Though tactful, I think they are highly unnecessary. All local heroes will be too busy with the rescue op to notice a couple of UA hero course students wandering the streets. 

"According to the GSP signal, the base they are keeping Bakugo in should be right around this corner." Momo whispered, slowing down as she looked up from the device in her hand.

The rest of us slowed down too, coming to a complete stop before peering around the corner to gaze at a random warehouse. It looked abandoned, with no lights or sounds escaping from the broken windows. To be honest, the place looked completely devoid of life, not a single ounce of evidence supported Bakugo being here. Not to mention my gut telling me he wasn't here.

"I don't think this is the place." I whispered sadly, already knowing that we wouldn't find my best friend here. 

"What do you mean Midoriya? This is where Momo's tracker lead us? How could it not be the place?" Kirishima asked, desperation clear in his voice.

"Because look at the place. Why would such an organization as the League of Villian go as far as to kidnap the UA sports festival winner and keep him here? If that was the case, then this wouldn't be considered a rescue mission, more of a find 'Kacchan before he can kill anyone' mission. This was most likely just a stop, to throw us all off. Meaning, they have him somewhere else. I guess we can assume they have more than one base, as any smart villain group would." I answered, looking around for somewhere to scale the building next to me so I could get to the roof.

"That does make sense. Still, this is, or was, a hideout of theirs. It doesn't hurt to take a quick look and see if maybe they left a clue to Bakugos whereabouts." Iida said, his arm doing his normal chopping motion. 

"Iida has a point, even if he isn't here, there might be something useful here." Momo interjected.

"Still, we should play it safe. Let's scout from the roof first before moving in." Shoto said, pointing out a fire escape that leads to the top of the building. Nodding, all of us moved out, being mindful to keep our noises down to the bare minimum and making sure to keep an eye out on our surroundings. 

Once we reached the top, Kirishima pulled out a pair of binoculars and used them to see through the windows across the street. After looking for a second, he let out a sharp gasp, making us all jump and rush to his side, trying to see what made him react in such away. 

"What? What did you see Kirishima?" Momo asked, a concerned look taking over her features. 

"There's so many of them. So many nomu's." Kirishima whispered, his eyes wide as his hands shook. All of us let out gasps of our own. One nomu was hard enough, but dozens? This was bad news, really bad news.

"Are you sure it's nomu's? What if it's something else?" Momo asked, her hands shaking as she placed one on Kirishima's shoulder.

"No, I'm certain they are nomu's. They're in giant tanks filled with some liquid with tubes running throughout them all. It's almost like a lab." Kirishima said with a firm tone. 

"Can I see?" I asked, motioning towards the binoculars dangling from the tips of his fingers. He nodded, handing them over to me and motioning towards the windows along the left side of the building.

Holding the binoculars up to my eyes, I looked through the lenses and turned my gaze toward the windows along the left side of the building. Looking through them, I saw tubes upon tubes filled with different creatures, no doubt nomu's. The lab looked long abandoned, the electronics hooked up to the tubes slightly damaged, and no sign of electricity running anywhere in the building. Either these were failed products or they had to leave the lab in a rush and tried to destroy some evidence along the way.

"He's not lying. Those are definitely nomu. Though, the lab looks abandoned. I don't think we'll find any evidence leading to Kacchan. It would be best if to inform the pros of this location. It's clear they have their eyes set on another location or they would have all been here by now." I said, lowing the binoculars and sitting next to the others on the floor. 

"I see. I'll reach out to the local police station so they can inform the pros then." Iida said, pulling out his phone to make a phone call.

But before he could actually place the call, a lot of things happened all at once. The warehouse in front of us suddenly collapsed and disappeared, instead, being replaced with multiple figures. The figures turned out to be League of Villian members, along with an unknown person holding a clearly struggling Katsuki.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima whisper yelled, leaning forward slightly to get a better look.

"Shh. We can't draw attention to ourselves. That person holding Kacchan is giving me really bad vibes." I said, leaning down slightly to hide further behind the half-wall in front of us. The others followed suit as we watched the villains below us. 

The next thing to happen was All Might literally appearing out of nowhere, no longer wearing his signature smile. His face held a frown, a look of anger and disdain for the man in front of him. It's clear All Might knew exactly who the man in front of him was. It was clear they had a history of some sort by the way the two interacted with each other. Suddenly, the two were talking.

We were too far to hear what was being said, but whatever the villain was saying was pissing All Might off. Not to mention the villain has yet to release Katsuki, keeping a firm hold around his neck even as he continued to struggle in vain.

"We have to go help him!" Kirishima said, looking two seconds away from jumping down and fighting. 

"No, we can't interfere. We need to wait until he releases Kacchan and he's by himself." I said, taking hold of Kirishima's shirt in order to keep him from going anywhere.

"Midoriya is right. We can't interfere, it's the hero's job to after all. We should wait until Bakugo is out of reach of any of the villains before trying to get him out of harm's way." Iida said. We all nodded in agreement, Kirishima a little bit reluctant. 

"The minute he's alone, we'll use Iida and Todoroki to launch ourselves into the air. Kirishima, I'll hold you and you'll call out to Katsuki. He'll answer if it's you." Shinso suddenly spoke up for the first time today.

"I assume I'll be meeting you both somewhere with Midoriya?" Momo asked, ever the smart thinker she is.

"Yes. We'll meet by where we bought our disguises. It should be far enough from all the action while close enough to reach out to pros if needed." Hitoshi said, glancing over his shoulder just as Katsuki managed to break free from the hand around his neck. Though he is free now, he's still much too close to enacting our plan. To be honest, I don't think he'll be getting much farther if that villain has anything to say. I don't think our plan will work at all. 

"Guys, I don't think Kacchan will get far enough away for us to use our plan. I think the only person who stands a chance at saving him is me, not to sound conceded or anything." I spoke, keeping my eyes on the three main figures moving around below us.

"What do you mean Midoriya? You've said it yourself, your quirk isn't strong enough for hero work, how are you suppose to save Bakugo by yourself?" Iida asked. Shinso and Shoto seemed to put together what I was planning, what I meant by how I was the only one who could get Katsuki.

"Izuku, are you sure you want to do this?" Shoto asked, his face for once filled with worry and concern in front of others. 

"It's the only way." I said standing up.

"Do what? What is he doing?" Kirishima asked, Iida and Momo nodding along.

"Revealing his biggest secret and outing something he's tried his best to keep secret." Hitoshi said, standing up beside me.

"I guess there's no point hiding it anymore. All will be explained later, but right now we don't have any time to waste." I said before dropping my glamour completely. My wings were in full display, my hair no longer the forest green it was before and my eyes mirror images of the boy standing right beside me. Our matching scars standing right next to each other as the heros in training in front of us gasped.

"This makes so much sense." Momo whispered, quickly putting together everything we've let slip. 

"We'll explain everything later, right now I need to go save Kacchan. We'll meet at the location we said before." I said before quickly taking off, my wings spreading out to their full length before lifting me off my feet and across the halfway toward Katsuki. I only had one shot at this and I wasn't going to mess it up.

"Kacchan! Grab on!" I shouted, flying toward my best friend. He quickly looked up, activating his quirk and shooting up toward me before the villain had the chance to grab him. We locked hands as I shot past, pulling the both of us away from the battle now between the villain and All Might.

"Stupid nerd! What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself caught?!" Katsuki yelled though I could tell he was thankful.

"Too late for that Kacchan." I said before slowly lowering us down to the ground. Once landed I grabbed Katsuki's hand and started leading him toward the meeting point where the others should be.

"Too late? What the fuck have you done?" Katsuki asked, his voice strained as he stared at me with shock. 

"Kirishima, Momo, Iida, Shoto, and Hitoshi all came with me to rescue you. But when you showed up with that villain, our plans had to change. This was the only way we could get you out safely and for All Might to fight without restraint with you there." I explained quickly, catching sight of Shinsos purple hair through the crowd of people surrounding the TVs in a store window.

"Stupid nerd. You know everything going to change now right?" Katsuki sighed out, relaxing and letting an exhausted look take over.

"Ya, but it was worth it. Now come, the others are right there." I said just as we reached the others. Kirishima immediately wrapped Katsuki up in a hug, relieved to see his best friend alive and well in front of him. 

After lots of hugs and 'glad you're ok's, we gathered around the TV and watched All Might battle All For One, as Katsuki supplied. We watched as All Might grew weaker and weaker, slowly losing his buff form as he continued battling. Eventually, the battle ended, luckily All For One went down, but not before the loss of All Mights buff form.

"Now, it's your turn." It was clear who he meant by this as he pointed to the camera. Hitoshi tensed beside me, tears rimming his eyes as he realized it really was all up to him now. On the other side of me, Katsuki was biting his lip roughly, tears welling up in his eyes as he belittled himself. He probably thought he brought the end of All Might.

It's safe to say that the next couple of days are going to be rather rough.

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