4) Guardians of the Galaxy |...

By nightcrow92

1.9K 144 137

After a space mission where the X-Men find themselves with the Guardians, two former X-Men decided to join th... More

Awesome Mix | Bonus Tracks
1) Signal
2) Spaceman
3) Screwed
4) Dance
5) Zenn-La
6) Blitzball
7) Galaga
8) Stars
9) Connection
10) Crystal
11) Galan
12) Herald
14) 96H
15) Norrin
Ultimate Alliance | The Devourer of Worlds

13) Remember

52 7 1
By nightcrow92



Chapter 13 | Remember

Song | Delete Forever (by Grimes)


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WARNING: Trigger for mentions of sexual abuse

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I was lying in my bed inside the Milano looking at the ceiling on my room, I wasn't actually looking at anything or focusing on something, I couldn't feel anything, all that I could do is remember the transformation and him...leaving...

<<<<<<<<<< FLASHBACK >>>>>>>>>>

I was lying in the bed with Norrin after our first time together, we were just cuddling into each other talking about all the possibilities of us together and traveling with the Guardians.

"Then...you do know how to fight?" - I asked

"Of course I do, one of my uncles trained me to it, once I told him about my dream to both of them of not settle down around the planet just to do about anything, he told me about the dangers on the outside, that's how he met my other uncle" - he explained

"One of your uncles is not from Zenn- La?" - I asked

"No, he is a Kree and yeah I know they don't have the best reference in people and all, he even had bad looks from people in here for a long time, but he really was something else and he was the one that trained me, it was a bit intense but I learned enough to know how to shoot or use other weapons and hand to hand combat" - he said smiling

"I like the way you smile talking about it, sounds like you really were happy living with them" - I said

"Yeah I was, they are the only close family I have, my uncle from here is brother of my dad, but my mom doesn't have family as she was an orphan and my grandparents died long ago, so they are all I have" - he said smiling – "but anyway, yeah my Kree uncle teach me to fight, basically I'm kinda deadly" – he joked

"You know, I just know some on hand to hand, I know it may sound very weak but I always depended on my powers to fight and is so easy for me to handle them that I don't even need to get in hand to hand, usually the people I fought never got to get too close to me with them, which is fine by me because I actually do not enjoy fighting, I don't even like to use already living plants to fight, that is why I use seeds" - I explain to him - "but I know enough to handle myself" - I add

"That's awesome, I really liked the little extend I have seen of your powers, I will totally will be interest to see you in action and how they work on a battlefield" - said Norrin - "also we have a good advantage with me being there with you, not only for the fighting but to help you with the other side of your abilities" - he added with a smirk

"What do you mean?" - I asked confused

"That I will be helpful during those times your pheromones got out of control, I mean what better than your lover to be the one helping you through it?" - He said

"You know...I don't remember much of my ex but...one of those things is that I push him away every time that happened to me, that didn't made it easier for me to like have a boyfriend to help me through that, I always was ashamed of that part of my mutation" - I said to him

"Why would u be ashamed of it?" - He asked confused

"Because...that was the main reason I had to leave where I come from and go to the mansion" - I say - "people around me got so confused with that...I never really told much people about this but...I even got very close to being raped during one point and I was just 14 years old just about 2 years after my powers manifested...it was my older brother and..." - I trailed, my body shook at the memory and I felt Norrin holding me closer to him if that was even possible in the position we were

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" - he assured me

"Sorry..." - I say with my voice cracking and cleaning a tear that rolled from my eye - "thankfully nothing happened because my dad found us and could take my brother way for some reason the only two people that weren't affected by that were him and my mom...but it was too late...I turned into someone so hated back then, even by my own dad, people said very bad stuff about me, they avoided me and some even were aggressive pushing me around making me fall on the ground, one time I had to run away from a group of guys that throw rocks at me...if it wasn't for my aunt and Professor Xavier finding out about me...I don't think I would have been here" - I say

"Thankfully you are here and...no matter what happened in the past Talib...that doesn't define who you are, you are more than just your powers" - he said to me - "however...you shouldn't feel ashamed about them as they are part of you, even that and you know...maybe back then you didn't have all the help and you are used to push people away when that happens but...I will always stand by your side, I will not guilt you about it or leave you, not even when that happens" - he explained

I felt my whole body still shake as my eyes cried but not from sadness...but I felt...loved and happy that someone was saying this words to me, it was like he injected me with something and made a warm feeling spread all over my body but not in the bad way, on the contrary it made me feel...safe

"Norrin..." - I said with my voice feeling small and hug him tight before kissing his cheek - "thank you...thank you for those words but...you shouldn't compromise so quick with me this way" - I say worried

"But I want to, I never felt this way with anybody ever Talib and I don't care if it's too soon, I feel like we are deeply connected and I bound to the words I just say, I promise, I will never leave you" - he said

<<<<<<<<<< END OF FLASHBACK >>>>>>>>>>

But he did leave, even after he promised...I know that it may sound very selfish that I would have prefer him to stay even if what he did was to save his planet and become what they say a Hero in the history books of his planet...

<<<<<<<<<< FLASHBACK >>>>>>>>>>

I sat there in the bed of Norrin's room looking everything around me, apparently the new ruler that took place of Jartran-Bal which is her son Fernnan-Bal wants to make a tribute to Norrin as the savior of Zenn-La in a history exhibition, to me it was ridiculous, because they didn't even let his uncles who I sadly met on this circumstance take something from here, I couldn't even take the ring/glove thing he bought for me because it was piece of jewelry known in the planet and they thought it belonged to him no matter what I said

"I will not take anything, but please...can you give me some privacy?" - I asked to the guy that stood in front of me

"I have orders to make sure nobody steals anything" - said the guy

"I'm mourning! Don't you understand that he was-" - I yelled but choke up in tears, I saw Quill and Kitty pass by and they stopped when they heard me

"Hey dude, come on give the boy a moment, he and Norrin were close, let him be, just a couple of minutes, 5 or 10 minutes, come on" - said Quill

"Fine, only 10 minutes" - said the guy before both exit the room but Kitty stood there

"You need me here?" - asked Kitty

"I...I just need to be alone" - I said to her

"Okay...see you in short" - said Kitty walking out the room and the door closed

I look around again now alone, I stood up and walked around touching the tables, the walls, they were old cold and I just wanted to sink in the feeling I got the first time I enter his room and what we did, I walk to his bed and sit up on the side he was sleeping last night and I lay down, my nostrils were hit right away with Norrin's scent like he still was there, I started to cry again letting out everything once more and soon my cries turned into sobs as I hugged his pillow, all I could think is from everything that could happened why him...why did he have to go?

<<<<<<<<<< END OF FLASHBACK >>>>>>>>>>

"Hey plant boy" - called Rocket

"Not now Rocket" - I said to him while still looking at the ceiling tears had wet the sides of my face, I don't know when I started to cry remembering all

"I know this is not the moment for anything but-" - started to say Rocket

"You are right is not, please leave" - I said interrupting him

"Listen now, I'm trying to be nice here, so shut the fuck up and listen to me, I got something for you" - said Rocket

"And what would that-" - I started to say while sitting up but stopped myself once I saw him next to Drax and Groot holding on his hands a device in one hand and the ring/glove thing that Norrin bought for me

"I...I thought...I thought we couldn't take-" - I stuttered

"We couldn't, but I manage to" - said Rocket and he handle the things to Groot who expanding his arms to me put them in front of me in the bed

"We are the Guardians of the Galaxy after all, we kick names and take ass" - said Drax

"This...but what is this?" - I asked confused to the device thing

"I am Groot" - said Groot

"A record? From who?" - I asked confuse

"From the chick you, him and Mantis went to see" - said Rocket - "you can play it in the player of your room, you just plug it on the access in the left" - he explained

"Thanks...Rocket" - I said surprised

"Yeah, yeah, anyway, also just know that we contacted Carol and ask her to let us know if she heard something about Galactus and...him" - he said making me look down at the stuff in front of me and I heard him sigh before walking away

"I am Groot?" - asked Groot

"I'm not...but I will be just...not now and...not soon, thanks for asking" - I said looking up to him with a weak smile and he just nod and walked away too

"Do you need a hug?" - Asked Drax

"I just need to be alone now" - I said

"I understand" - said Drax nodding and I stare as him as he stood awkwadly in my door looking at me before nodding again and turned to walk away

I grabbed the device and look at it for a good couple of seconds before moving to plug it where Rocket told me to and then clicked a button that started to play the record and I remembered the song from the concert, I remember that while it was playing Norrin stood behind me and hugged me to him because Mantis asked me why I was sad during the song as she felt it with her empathic abilities, I just told her that it was because the song made me felt nostalgic so Norrin did that to make me feel better.

I sat on the bed while the song played and grabbed the ring/glove that I was also wearing that day, I put it on and hugged myself as the song played and lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling, silent tears started to fall from my eyes again while all I could do was remember Norrin since it was all I could do for now.

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A/N: Welcome to the Sad Fest Chapter, please have cookies, milk and tissues in the table at the right lol well...not much more to say here except that this explains a bit of the aftermath of Norrin leaving with Galactus and something I had from the whole smut chapter that I didn't wanted to leave as deleted scene so I thought I put it here as flashback.

Jartran-Ball is not the real name of the character I said here, Jartran is actually the father of Norrin so his last name is Radd to, just wanted to change stuff like I did with Shalla-Bal who is Norrin's first lover in the comics, I didn't wanted Norrin's dad as the comics to be the leader and have some female power on it...even the character didn't last long and now we have the actual leader of the planet from the comics here but alive as Galactus didn't eat the planet as he promised.

Thank you to everybody for reading and remember to Comment and Vote around here so I know you guys are reading and have some feedback, only 1 chapter left to go and the Epilogue, so see you guys next Wednesday for that one...maybe more 🪐👄🪐

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Remember to also read my books from another universe: "Rhythm of the Hero" and "The Immortals", both part of another universe out of ZET Universe but that I will really appreciate if you guys check them out 🤗

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