
By IAmQueenVader

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this is about Corey Scherer the YouTuber, dancer, and comedian. Some TFIL members will be in this and it may... More

Moving To Cali
Home welcoming
Wonderful Day
Story to tell
Family Meeting
Nightmare's Come True
Traphouse 2.0
Life update💜
Win or Lose
Dreams into reality

New start

116 0 0
By IAmQueenVader

Y/n P.O.V

Y/n- it's been a couple months now since we moved in together as Traphouse 2.0 but unfortunately we're moving out so Corey can be closer to his studio for music and we're moving ( yes I'm skipping months so I don't have to recap all that stuff it's a lot 😭) in with uncle Elton, ginger, chazz and Wesley in a house Elton bought I'm so proud of him. Also coreys label has been getting noticed it's really cool and he's just working like he always is. Anyways let me wake my goofy ass up so you can hear the real tea sis/guys. I wake up and yawn to see Corey on his computer And I get out the bed and go sit in his lap. "Good morning baby"

Corey- "Goodmorning beautiful how was your sleep" he kisses my cheek

Y/n- "it was good" smiles and rubs his beard "what you doing?"

Corey- "thats good baby, oh I'm just changing a couple things on the nogxnre website" he sits back in his chair and rubs my back

Y/n- "that's cool" yawns " I'm gonna shower and go get me some Starbucks I think"

Corey- "okay" smiles "you want me to go with you"

Y/n- "you want to?" He nods and sits up holding me "Okay baby" gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on some music and sing Arianas part on favorite part with Mac miller and repeat the words as I shower nodding my head. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I get out and dry off and put on lotion then I put on my outfit (below)

Then I go do a lil makeup and curl my hair and grab my purse and phone and go to Corey. "Ready baby?" smiles and he turns around.

Corey- "yes beautiful" smiles and stands up and grabs his keys and wallet. He holds my hand as we walk out of his room and go to his car. He unlocks the car and opens my door. I get in and he shuts my door then gets in on his side.

Y/n- "it's actually nice outside for once it not gloomy" I say as I put on my seatbelt.

Corey- "yeah true" Chuckles and as he pulls out the driveway and drives to startbucks.

Y/n- "so whats the plan today " I say as I look at his side profile and smile a little

Corey- "uh Im not sure what do you wanna do?" He asks

Y/n- "wanna go to sky zone?" He gives me a questionable face

Corey- "hmm yeah that sounds fun" smiles

Y/n- "yeah " smiles and looks out the window. he finally gets to Starbucks and pulls into the drive thru

Corey- "okay baby what do you want" he turns to me

Y/n-" can I get a peppermint mocha with almond milk and 2 cake pops?" he says my order and hey say the total then he pulls up and pays. then gives me my drink and cake pop bag. "thank you baby" I drink some of my coffee.

Corey- "your welcome baby" he drives off "so how about we invite some of our friends to skyzone so we can do a funny video?"

Y/n-" Actually that's a pretty good idea, who do you wanna invite?" I say

Corey-"maybe Jake, Tara, Chazz, Alexis, Sam and Katrina  basically the couples" he laughs

Y/n-" yeah" giggles and bites her cake pop. He drives back home and call all there friends to go to sky zone later with them. Then they play Fortnite for a while while they wait for time to pass.

Corey- "Fuck yeah!" He puts up his arms from getting a victory royale

Y/n- "oh my gosh" I laugh at him and he laughs then we get off and head to sky zone. " this is gonna be fun "

Corey- "yeah" smiles and goes to her and holds her hand as they walk to the building. He keeps looking around by them

Y/n- "baby stop what do you see?"

Corey- "oh nothing baby just looking around us gotta pay attention to everything and everyone" princess he then kisses my cheek

Y/n- "I know I know we'll be fine baby" smiles and they go inside

Well it's been who knows how long but I'm back 😂💜🖤I promise guys it's just I'm trying to catch up but I was gonna make this a 1,000 words like I always do but I couldn't I was just ready to post, I missed you guy! More coming soon❤️ also I made a YouTube please go subscribe I'll put my link tree on my page in a minute but yeah 🖤like comment share and I'll see you next time

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