Marvel One-Shot Book!

By ThunderingLava

14.6K 259 202

Yeah, I decided to start a Marvel one-shot book. I need ideas for chapters. I'm bored. SO send me ideas so I'... More

Family Game Night
The Winter Spiders - Part 2
The Winter Spiders - Extra
Worst Interrogation Ever
Forgotten and Replaced - Part 1
Avengers React to Photos - Tony Stark
Avengers React to Photos - Peter Parker
Avengers React to Photos - Natasha Romanoff
Mini Stories - Natasha and Pepper
Peter Parker's Problems (Angst)
A Brotherly Brawl - Peter Barton
Babysitting the Avengers
MEMES And Headcanons
Bomb Pinterest Post 'bout Peggy Carter
Amazing Pinterest post 'bout Steve Rogers
Sleep Deprived Peter = Talented Peter
Peter and the Avengers - Steve and Bucky (Edited)
YOU are Spiderman?!
What if Peter Snapped
What if Peter Snapped - Pt 2

The Winter Spiders - Part 1

1K 7 12
By ThunderingLava

Peter and Petra looks like this? ^^

He has a sister. They are twins, Pyotr and Petrova Romanov. Mary and Richard Parker are alive, they became Spidey when their 11. Please vote if you like it.

We go by many different names and have quite a few secret identities.
Peter Benjamin Parker, Pyotr Romanov, Benjamin Barnes, Spider-man and The Winter Spider.
Penelope Petra Parker, Petrova Romanova, Petra Barnes, Spider-woman and The Winter Spider.

Let us tell you how we came to be.

Our parents, Natalia Alianovna Romanova and James Buchanan Barnes, were part of the Red room and Hydra. They got selected for Project Winter-Spider, otherwise known as, us. You know, we were never meant to be spiders. It was just a lucky coincidence. However, let us start from the beginning.  

We grew up with my mother, hardly knowing our father. When he did visit, it was short and he never remembered after.
Our mother trained us to be the best of the best, so we would survive. You see, we remember everything. We have a photographic memory. Therefore, we also remember the day that we were taken from our mother. Our most painful memory.

We were only four; how tragic it is that at such a young age we lost our mother. How appalling it is that we understood everything that was happening, even their twisted reason for separating us from our mother. Though perhaps it is expected since we grew up among all that. We were only four.

We remember as they gave us a drug to make our bodies mimic death. We remember our mothers tears falling onto our intertwined hands. We remember the rough concrete floor. We remember the harsh blinding light filtering through our eyelids. We remember the overpowering silence, only broken by her heartbroken sobs. We remember everything. We remember. We don't want to remember. We were only four.

How cruel  that we have to remember. How vile that we had to be aware. We were only four.

We spent the next 5 years alternating between Hydra and The Red Room. Pyotr is probably the only male in the Red Room, ever. We are thankful that they hardly ever separated us. What a basic thing to be thankful about. But our lives were cruel. 

For 2 of those torturous years, we trained under our oblivious father. He did not know us; we did not expect him to. We never tried to remind him of us. We knew that it was a long and painful process. We knew that he would not remember for long. We knew, so we never tried. Our only goal was survival. How cynical we were. We were only six.

They experimented on us, they experimented again and again and again. They experimented until we were indifferent to the blinding pain. They experimented until we stopped screaming; stopped caring. How barbaric it was. We were only six.

They believed that they would be successful as we already had the supersoldier gene inside us. They believed that we would become their greatest weapon. They believed they failed. They were wrong.

We had gained and trained our powers, all while keeping it a secret. We knew we had to keep our powers a secret or they would never let us go. That we would become a deadly weapon for them. We knew that they would make us wreak havoc. We were only six.

We bid our time, pretending to be loyal, pretending to serve. Every mission they sent us on, every assassination we had to do, we learned. We learned about the outside world. We learned to survive. We were only eight.


Pyotr and Petrova have:

Biological and Body Manipulation.

Basically, we can manipulate the body on a cellular level, be it ours or others. There are endless possibilities, we can cure diseases, we can give ourselves powers to do with the body like invisibility, shrinking, appearance manipulation, invulnerability etc...
However, it takes an abundance of energy and we are usually exhausted afterwards. 

(Ability to manipulate life on a cellular level, including genetic changes and physical distortion and/or enhancing biological functions. This can cause cells to change to have advanced or slower biological healing, induce and cure diseases, have appearance alteration, etc.) 

With our powers, we had created a mind link, so we were never apart.


We managed to escape. After years of planning, practicing and saving up, we managed to escape. It's amazing, hysterical, it feels like a dream. We managed to escape hell. 

We were sent on an assassination mission. We manipulated the Hydra agent driving to crash the car. We created a fake body that looked like us with our powers, made their genetic structure like ours and faked our death. We took out our tracking chips and implanted them in the bodies. We escaped! We escaped hell and we're only nine.

We bought a house under a fake name, and changed ourselves to look different, getting rid of all our scars. We also changed our genetic structure slightly, so we were stronger and more importantly, unrecognisable. We stayed in hiding for a few months, monitoring Hydra's activities. We never stopped looking for our mother. 


It was a few months later that we came across two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Mary and Richard Parker. Mercenaries were after them because of a failed mission and they could not contact S.H.I.E.L.D.

We helped them, gave them a place lay low, eliminated the mercenaries and made sure that they were healed. They probably would have died otherwise.

They wanted to adopt us, we went into detail about how dangerous it was but they insisted. We told them absolute minimum information about our background but they still wanted to adopt us. We couldn't trust them. But we did. *cough*  After a very long time in their minds to see if they were Hydra or if they had any ulterior motive or hostile feelings towards us. Yeah... we're very trusting.

We still had our scars, mental and emotional ones. But they were healing. Slowly but steadily healing, as Peter and Petra Parker.


This is where we are now, tidying the house for 2 agents that are coming tomorrow, Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff. 

Petra started a conversation through the mind link, while picking up a pillow from the floor

Mind Link Convo:

"Hey, Peter?
Yeah, Petra?
Remember, we saw Agent Barton in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files but no Agent Romanoff
Hmm...yeah, that's strange, but we'll have to trust mom and dad, Petra.
But be alert, we don't know a thing about her, she's a complete stranger (The irony)
Always, sister, you know that. Besides, even I don't trust mom and dad that much.
You were always the more positive out of the two of us
But no less deadly
*chuckles* No less deadly"

They resumed their tidying, both thinking about their missing mother, and this mysterious stranger called Agent Romanoff.

Both thinking about the file they had found, classified 'Compromised', which they knew was a death sentence in Hydra and the Red Room. 

Both mulling over the fact that their mother might as well be dead, and that their father will never remember them.

Both readying themselves for the day ahead, not knowing about the bombshell that would be dropped onto them in the form of their absent mother. 

They are only eleven.

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