Dead Bite

By IveAwokenMyDemons

2.4K 190 91

A girl goes on an adventure during the zombie apocalypse. She knows how it started but is there a cure for th... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21


323 23 8
By IveAwokenMyDemons

My dad, Dan, worked as an FBI agent who was recently researching a deadly disease made by a crazy man. My mom, Jennifer, worked in a loony house and helped my dad. I was only seven; I did not understand any of this at the time. It was the fourth of July and my dad got off work early so he could celebrate with us. He pulled out a huge box of fireworks.
"Fireworks!" I shrieked as I ran to my dad. He set the box of fireworks down and picked me up.
"Yeah, fireworks. Which one should I shoot off first?" He asked me chuckling.
"The big one!" I screamed with joy. He smiled and set me down starting to set it up. Once he got it all setup, he got his lighter out. He turned to me and laughed.
"In order for me to light this you need to go to mommy on the porch," he smiled and I ran to my mommy. I clung onto her hand with anticipation. He looked back at me.
"Are you ready?" He smiled. I shook my head as hard as I could. He put the lighter up to the wax and the flame flickered before going back out. Then in the near distance, there were booms.
"Fireworks!" I screamed and laughed. My dad; however, was not smiling anymore. He put his hand on his holster and my mom pulled me back into the patio. All of a sudden a man busted through the fence; although, he did not look like a man. He was bloody, missing an arm, snarling, and had a piece eaten out of his neck.
"Put your hands in the air and get on the ground!" My dad ordered. The person did not stop, so my dad pulled the trigger. I screamed as the man fell to the ground.
"We need to leave," my mom urged,"he's from the asylum." My mom pointed out. "If one of them got out than a lot more got out." She picked me up and brought me into the house. My dad came in close behind and locked the door.
"Go upstairs and pack a bag with some clothes, shoes, and your toothbrush," gun shotsshe smiled setting me down. She kissed my head and skipped upstairs. While I packed my stuff, I heard my parents talking.
"What are we going to do with Rubble?" My mommy asked.
"Pack his stuff," my dad replied. I finished my packing and walked downstairs. I made it to the bottom of the stairs before hearing the banging on the door. I went over to the door and moved the blind out of the way. Outside was a man banging on the glass.
"Mommy, there is someone at the door!" I called. Not getting a reply, I opened the door a crack. The man pushed the door open and lunged at me. I screamed as the man snapped at me. My parents ran into the room and then there was a loud bang. The guy fell beside me and my mom picked me up, holding me close.
"That was the same guy I shot," my dad shook his head," nevermind, we need to leave right now." He grabbed our bags and we headed outside. About to get in the car, there was one problem, the roads were overcrowded with running people and cars.
"Leave the bags here, we cannot run with all of it. You carry Kaylee while I carry Rubble." My mom pushed me against her chest. I heard her heart beat algunshotsand people screaming. There was a snarl. Then my mom screamed and we hit the ground. I felt her wrap her arms around me tightly then something runny and wet drip in my hair.
"Jennifer!' I heard my daddy yell. Bang! I lifted my head; there was blood everywhere.
"Mommy? Mommy!" My dad picked me up and that's when I saw the whole thing. A lady bit my mom's arm. My dad picked her up bridal style and held onto my hand.
"What about Rubble?" I cried. I ran back to pick him up. A kid ran at me, Billy. He had bite marks on his neck. I screamed and swung my hand. He stumbled back, but by the time he gained his balance my dad had me and Rubble on his back.
My dad ducked into one of the closest buildings. He set me down and propped my mom against a wall. The bite on her arm was bleeding profusely and her veins were turning purple and yellow. She would not open her eyes.
"Honey?" My dad asked. Her chest went up and down one last time before ceasing. My dad shook her. Her fingers started twitching and the tips of her fingers began to turn black. She lifted her arms and opened her eyes. Her eyes were not her normal blue eyes, they were pitch black. She snarled and lunged at my dad. She tried biting my dad in the face. My dad yelled as he kept her away from his face. Rubble barked at mommy. My daddy's gun was out of his reach. So, I ran and grabbed the gun. I pointed the gun at my mother's head and pulled the trigger. She dropped to the ground. My dad pushed her limp body off and looked straight at me. There was a ringing in my ear. I started swaying back and forth. My vision blurred. The last thing I saw before being consumed by darkness was fire and my mother's lifeless body on the ground.
The war between the dead and the living started ten years ago. I was seven at the time, just a child. One bite and you become one of them. This was the start of the zombie apocalypse.

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