21 Murders | Harry Styles AU...

By silhouette_styles

742K 29.7K 16.3K

Noelle Robinson, 21, was reported missing this morning and is suspected to be victim sixteen to an anonymous... More

I. Calamitous
II. Aberrant
III. Puppet Master
IV. Didactic
V. Heuristic
VI. Atelophobia
VII. Eeriness
VIII. Spontaneous
IX. Flummoxed
X. Secrecy
XI. Reminisce
XII. Circumstance
XIII. Torture
XIV. Oblivion
XV. Enchanting
XVI. Cataclysmic
XVII. Intervention
XVIII. Detonate
XIX. Quiescent
XX. Turmoil
XXI. Vendetta
XXII. Prevarication
XXIV. Prevention
XXV. Curiosity
XXVI. Rescern
XXVII. De Rigueur
XXVIII. Mesmerize
XXIX. Detrimental Disturbances
XXX. Deranged
XXXI. Pragmatic
XXXII. Compliance
XXXIII. Genesis
XXXIV. Misconstrued
XXXV. Inveterate
XXXVI. Camouflage
XXXVII. Tribulation
XXXVIII. Overtax
XXXIX. Inclusion
XL. Predisposition
XLI. Reverie
XLII. Objectionable
XLIII. Torpefy
XLIV. Penitence
XLIV. Teamwork
XLV. Exoneration
XLVI. Dematerialize
XLVII. Annihilation
XLVIII. Victimize
XLIX. Empathy
L. Climax
LI. Hypothesis
LII. Malevolent
LIII. Limerence
LIV. Vanquish
LV. Subliminal

XXIII. Accommodate

12.4K 618 286
By silhouette_styles

accommodate (verb): fit in with the wishes or needs of

Commenting and votes are well appreciated! xx

Noelle's POV

I await patiently in the hall for only a few more moments before I'm greeted with a kind Estelle, smiling and clicking closed the heavy door behind her. The sound of her heels upon the concrete echo in my mind, though, and the way she squinted at me when I held the folder out to her.

"You're lucky,'' she starts. "I was just coming on break. Are you hungry?"

"Uh, yeah,'' I shake off the torturing thoughts that she could be working in the dark for Des, and smile. With a polite nod, she gestures down the hall to the new break room. My hopes fall to my feet slightly as I realize the severity of this situation.

I know deep down that Estelle is a kind woman, she basically raised Harry- therefor- she can't be the monster I am making her out to sound like, but the sights are too fresh in my mind to just disappear into the air that easy.

As crooked as this department may be in Harry's eyes, I never thought about the mole being her. I rock back and forth on my heels once we make it to the break room on the other floor, Estelle sauntering off to the counter to order us some muffins and what I assume to be lattes.

"Let's sit back here,'' I tell her and her shoulders relax.

"So, what's up?" Elstelle's elbows then find the surface of the shiny counter and sipping on her latte, her eyes trail up to meet mine in expectancy. "Harry giving you heart trouble?"

I laugh slightly at her question. If only she knew.

"That is one way to put it,'' I confess. "I noticed that he is very different when he comes to work than when he is at his place. It is kind of juvenile of me,'' I pause slightly. "But I can't help myself but to wonder about him when he was little."

"Ah,'' she tilts her head back in understanding. "That is what this is about, isn't it?"

I give a meek smile in return and she just chuckles, tucking a strand of dyed hair behind her ear and speaking, ''I knew there had to be some background reasoning to why you'd come to me. So what do you want to know?"

I ponder over this question. Last time I had had a one-on-one with Estelle, Harry ended up over-hearing the last half of the conversation. That then enticed his knowledge on my specific liking toward him. That was a mess, but it needed to be said either way. I don't take it back now, but I do remember the intensity in his eyes and the actions that were then caused from that exact situation.

"Who is Fred Muller?" I ask, dipping my finger into the whip cream on my un-touched drink. Estelle bites her lip in thought, but shrugs and crosses her legs.

"He is an old friend of Des' and Harry's mother. I assume because he was in the force with Des before they both split off and became other things. Harry has never taken a liking to the man, though, for reasons unknown to me. Personally,'' her voice deepens. "The man's a blabber mouth."

A real laugh falls from my lips at her childish way of speech. I still feel slightly uneasy, but the casual conversation has taken me to a place of what I like to call: "Harry Land." My thoughts of seriousness evaporate into the air while my mind is shifted into this gear of finding out the truth behind Harry's undiscovered depths while in this so-called paradise.

"He likes to gossip?" I question, picking back up on the current conversation. Meanwhile Estelle has eaten half a muffin and shoved one in front of my face.

"And about all the interesting things,'' she adds. "His son- oh, the little shit- use to be a brat and still is. I remember when Haz was little,'' her eyes roll back profusely. "He would come and have these play dates; Nate would break the chairs and scream and just was a devil child. I don't know how his mother refrained herself from smacking the boy silly."

"Haz?" I eerily question, adoring the cute nickname.

"I use to call him that when he was little,'' she licks her lips, wiping the powder from her fingertips to the pale denim of her jeans. "I couldn't be angry at Fred's son though, I don't think the child is fully with it, if you know what I mean."

"Oh,'' I let out a small breath, feeling bad that I just thought horrible toward an unfortunate case of some mental disorder. "Does he get medication for it?" I find myself wondering.

"I think he does now, but I don't even know why we are still talking about this boy. I thought you wanted to know about Harry,'' her smile perks up to one side. I notice the light red tinting in her lips and the moon-shaped pendant around her neck.

"My mother use to wear a necklace just like that,'' I purse my lips.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I faintly remember it. But she did." I confirm, flashes of the moon shaped metal resting on her tanned chest while I'd lay in her arms at night. It was years and years and years ago, but the sight brings back a deja vu spark of time to flare into my vision.

"She must have good taste,'' Estelle laughs, picking up the jewelry and resting it back on her chest. The pad of her thumb dances over the shining, cool black stone and then drops to rest in her lap. "Anyway, I think we should finish this conversation over shopping."

"We can do that?" I excitedly speak.

It isn't the thought of shopping that gets adrenaline pumping through my veins, but the idea of getting out of this station and having a small taste of what I use to have as regular day life. Harry hasn't offered to take me out and frankly, I never even knew we could. Last time we tried, we were swarmed with camera men and paparazzi.

"Yeah, sure!" Estelle waves her hand, smiling. "I don't care what that boy says about safety and staying hidden. There is a difference between going out and being flashy. As long as you stick by me and we get you a little covered up, there is no reason to be stuck in this shitty work space all day. I know I'm tired of it."

A smile forms on my lips, "Great! Should we tell him, you know - Harry?"

"Nah, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." She abruptly stands up, clearing the table of crumbs and stealing the muffin from my napkin. "If you aren't going to eat this, then I will."


A few hours of laughter and jokes go by while we shop the empty store, hauling bags over our shoulders and hooked onto our wrists. The circulation cuts off in my hand most of the time, causing a stinging to appear and reddish-purple to scatter under my pale skin.

"You know what I think we need?" Estelle cheerfully exclaims, gripping my shoulder with both hands and making a pained face when my bag accidentally hits her. I muffle a laugh and nod, assuring her to continue speaking. "A spa day."

"A spa day?" I raise a brow. "I've never had one of those."

"Are you serious?" Her whole face turns down in shock before the largest grin plasters her face, ''Then all the more reason to! Come on, I know this one spa that is just perfect and the owner can really hold a gossip session!"

My excitement is hidden under my anxious smile; never have I ever even been to a spa before. My mother had always cut my hair growing up- and frankly- I never even let her do that that often. I did my own nails occasionally, never having time with the chronic studying and nail-biting as nervous tendencies before exams. The most feminine thing I've done in a long time is take a bath, and that was even a fluke.

We arrive just outside this little shop with bold letters lining the top of the business. From what I can see at the door, the 'CLOSED' sign is hanging daintily on the pink-paneled wall. I frown, pointing to the sign. "Estelle, I think we're too late."

"Nonsense,'' she shakes her head, un-strapping her belt. "She could never say no to her first client." I do as she does and get out of the car, hurriedly walking in through the door and smelling the strong stench of nail polish remover and hair dye.

"Sorry, we're-!" A woman whips around, cutting herself off when Estelle rushes up with open arms. "Estelle!" The woman calls, squeezing tightly around the thin body of my fortunate friend. I stand back awkwardly, not sure whether to go and hug her too or just stay in my spot.

"Matilda, it is great to see you,'' Estelle pulls away, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"I swear I can't get rid of ya,'' the woman named Matilda happily responds back. ''You were just in last week and are already wanting something more. How am I suppose to keep up with your chronic desires?"

"Oh, it's not for me this time,'' Estelle shakes her head, moving over and letting the ladies eyes trail over my body. I smile nervously and walk up, shoving out my hand as the woman covers her mouth with one. "Now Matilda,'' she starts. "We are out for a day of fun and secrecy."

"Of coarse,'' Matilda flutters her eyes back and throws my hand away for a comforting hug instead. "I've seen so much about you on the news and through the shop. It just took me a little while to get over it, but rest assured, there will be no more talk about that! Now c'mon back, do you have any ideas for what you'd like done?"

I give a nervous look when she talks about all the things she wants to do to my "untouched" and ''virgin" hair. With Estelle's whisper in her ear, Matilda is shaking her head excitedly and racing back to the back room.

Her hands pile with products and shampoos and supplies when she rushes back, displaying them all on the counter and working as if she can't wait to start on the long hours accompanying this trip.


Four hours later and I am excitedly turned around in the swivel chair to face the mirror. My jaw drops at the difference; what use to be dull brown hair is now a rich, thick brown with honey-colored highlights. My hair has been trimmed in the shape of a triangle, yet is still very long and layered in curls. What surprises me, though, is the side-swept bangs angling to the left of my face, giving me a stronger defined face and a sweeter look.

I raise my hand to touch the small pendant clipping back a french braid and travel my fingers over the large curls falling over my shoulder. My mouth fumbles with words as I stare into the mirror, meeting eyes with an enthused Estelle and nervous Matilda.

"So,'' Matilda trails off. "How do you like it?"

"Like it?" I almost shriek, standing up and wrapping my arms around her apron-covered frame. "I love it, thank you so much!" She replies with many laughs, hands rubbing my back in reassurance as I continue to squeeze her.

"I told you she was the best of the best,'' Estelle brags, crossing her arms and fighting back a toothy grin. Taking another look in the mirror, she follows and sweeps my hair over my shoulders, ''And I bet Harry will love it, too."

If excitement was't evident in my system before, a bubbling new feeling declares it in behalf. Part of me can't wait to see Harry and his reaction; I know I haven't necessarily been the most dolled up girl since I met him, and although this isn't too different, it is still "me-enough" to make that lop-sided grin appear. At least, I hope.

"You really think so?" My insecurities start to rise.

What if this is too much and he thinks that I'm trying too hard? I don't want to look desperate or hungry for attention like Klara. Then again, it shouldn't matter what he thinks. It is my hair and my decision, but even repeatedly telling myself this, I feel the ache for his approval. I guess this is what it is like for girls who never got into studies like I did.

"I know it,'' Estelle reassures, eyes glinting with a small sparkle. "You look beautiful, darling, and if he has anything rude to say, to hell with him! Tell Harry to come see me and I'll straighten him out real well. He won't be complaining then."

I laugh and nod, stroking my hair once last time. With pastel pink nail polish decorating my fingers and toes, I feel more pampered than ever before. It is nice to feel this way, but I know that I'll be lucky if I ever reach this deal of girlishness again on my own.

"Noelle,'' Matilda orders to me and I turn to look over at her, expectantly. "You come and see me before that ball Estelle told me about, and I'll set up a full-body wax treatment right here at the salon after closing hours. You don't want to ruin your first vacation together with stubble." She winks and I redden, nodding shyly.

"Good, now give me one last spin."

I laugh, doing as told and getting a round of applause in return. A grin plasters on my face but starts to fall as both gossip-loving women leave me alone to pay the check- that Estelle assured she would pay for. Sights of my mother and I hit me quite profusely; I never got these days with her, even if I wasn't this type of girl, it is about the bonding and we never had the special connection I share with Estelle.

A slight pang of guilt surfaces in my mind until I can remember Harry's words. He was right, I shouldn't feel bad for her fail at parenting. Still though, I can't shake the destruction that the mini hurricane caused havoc upon.

As I am left in my own mind, Estelle accompanies me at my side and leads us out of the small salon, the fresh breeze whipping at my face and causing hair that is now layered to fall into my eyes.

Harry's POV

"Where is she?" I slightly panic, not seeing the brunette girl with crossed arms sitting reluctantly in the corner of the ops room. Estelle's desk was deserted and no signs of the two are hinting at where they could have gone.

Klara trudges in behind me, most likely rolling her eyes at my racing heart and fogging mind. It is only now that I notice the thick headphones on Royce's ears and his furious typing. Security camera footage's pop onto the screen as his eyes focus intently on the people coming and going.

I roll my eyes, brushing past Klara on my way out and not answering her yell of where I am going. My feet hurriedly pad down the stairs and clap against the pavement, mind too busy with thoughts of where the two are and if they are in danger.

An alarming ringing has been signaling in my brain ever since I found that empty desk chair and I can't shake this horrible feeling that Noelle isn't safe or is somewhere out of my sight. The thoughts drive me crazy, causing a sweaty slickness to form onto my skin. My hands slide on the railing and abruptly opening the staircase door, I'm met with many eyes turning to stare at my upbeat movements.

It takes about point-two seconds for all my uncertainty to disappear, the cute sound of Noelle's laugh radiating down the hall. When I turn, Estelle walks side-by-side with her, arms holding up bags of clothes and a Starbucks coffee in her empty hand.

They casually strut in from the secret entrance led from the parking garage and I bite back my lip; everything seemed to freeze in my mind when I noticed Noelle wasn't in the department. It was like I could feel her absence and I hated the itching it caused my skin to have.

Seeing as though they are both perfectly fine- and happy- I force myself to calm my breathing. They shouldn't have left the department. It was too dangerous, especially for them to go without warning anyone.

"Hey Harry!" Noelle chirps happily, smiling and approaching my side. She struggles with the bags in her hands, shifting them until I roll my eyes and grab them from her grip. "What's wrong? You're not happy,'' she states almost matter-of-factly.

"I need to talk to Estelle,'' I tell her. "Go upstairs to my office, I'll be right up."

With a hesitant look, Noelle sighs and decides to not fight me on this, looking over her shoulder at her fellow friend and then heading to the staircase. Estelle gives me a serious look, tilting her head to the side as if to ask, "Really?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask her, anger flooding me like burning lava. "I should have been informed about this little stunt. You could have gotten her killed!"

"Calm down, Haz. We only went to the mall and the salon." Estelle rolls her eyes, starting to walk around me before I move over to block her. My eyes glare into hers before she gives up, stepping back and waiting expectantly.

"Noelle can't be seen in public,'' I remind her sternly. ''If people found out she wasn't in hiding, it would blow up all the news stations. We're trying to eliminate this kind of attention, not encourage it."

"Are you done?" She disrespectfully asks, biting down on her lip. "Look, the way I see it is she came to me because she needed time away. How much time away can you get if you are basically held prisoner in this department?"

I stay silent.

"Exactly,'' her lips purse. "Yeah, it was risky and sure, you could say a little dangerous, but we had a good time and nothing bad came of it. I know you care for her Harry-"

"I protect her,'' I cut in.

"Right,'' she laughs knowingly. "Keep telling yourself that is the only reason, but like I was saying, I understand you don't like the idea of her being away from you for any amount of time, but that is what she needs. So that is what she got. Now if you'd excuse me, I have some bags to load into my trunk. I recommend you do the same for Noelle, as well."

I clench my jaw, letting her successfully walk around me this time.

The stress that that situation caused was much more detrimental than I once thought. What mattes is that Noelle is safe and she had a break. In a way, I am pissed but grateful for Estelle's reasoning. We're lucky life was on our side for once, otherwise this situation could have gotten out of control.

Reluctantly, with my hammering heartbeat and thumping mind, I didn't even get to notice Noelle's change in appearance. Boy did I notice it, but seeing as though I was nervous she wasn't alive seconds earlier, it seemed to have been pushed back under other priorities to handle.

My lips release a sigh as I travel the staircase once again, making way to my office to find Noelle tiredly closing her eyes and leaning her head on the armchair. She peaks one eye open and lightly smiles, speaking a small, ''Hey."

"Listen, I'm sorry about-" I start to speak but am cut off.

"No, I understand. I should have told you first. This was my fault."

I chuckle, ''We could blame Estelle, how about that?"

"Sounds good to me,'' she shrugs, smiling into the upholstery of the chair. "But really, I had a good time with her today. She likes to talk about you." My eyes peak over to her in an amused way, earning a small, "What?"

"You look lovely, by the way,'' my lips confess before I can think twice. Noelle seems surprised too, lifting her arms to rest between the barrier of the chair and her chest. I walk around my desk, sitting down and resting my elbows onto the counter.

"I hope she only told you the good things,'' I half joke.

The bond that I hold with Estelle is unique because other than the four people around me- now adding Noelle- I don't get close to people. I don't let them enter my life and I sure as hell don't try to make it so that I have friends. I don't need friends. I have work and I have a past that I am not willingly to share.

With the knowledge that the motherly woman has, it sometimes nerves me. She is good at her job and also very good at gossip; if I didn't trust her with my life, I'd be nerved to know she is so caught up in my life's troubles. Never have I let someone in so deep before, not even Klara or Royce fully know about that section of my life. Estelle and Des are the only ones who have been around long enough to see me turn from what I use to be to what I am now.

"Somewhat,'' Noelle giggles, peeling the shoes off her feet by the heels.

"Hmm,'' I hum, shaking my head and glancing down at the folder on my desk. I have so much paperwork to do thanks to my recent responsibilities coming up. With Des retiring, it will be my duty to file and sign off on all the documents.

"Hey Harry,'' Noelle speaks up about ten minutes later, sitting upright in her seat and looking less tired than before, and more curiousness now. The meek tone in her voice causes my eyes to travel upward and meet hers; cool blue against piercing green.

I nod expectantly.

"I want to talk to you about something."

"Go on,'' I lightly continue.

"And I want you to keep an open mind."

"Okay,'' I add, getting slightly nerved with her running around the question.

"So, when I bring this up, don't freak-"

"Noelle,'' I stop her. "You don't have to be worried about asking me anything. Go ahead and ask away." She gives me a slight nod of reassurance before standing up and walking over, my eyes trailing over her new appearance.

Thick, brown curls align her face, bangs that use to be brushed aside now messy from her almost-slumber. I want to brush them from her eyes, but instead I sit calmly in my seat, thinking over what she could possibly be this nervous to ask about.

"I really think you should... re-consider Fred's offer." Noelle fumbles, my throat internally groaning. "Remember you promised to not freak out. I just think it would be good for you to get away. You wanted me to go out with Estelle and relax, so is it wrong for me to want the same for you?"

"El,'' I sigh.

"He sent you a letter asking you to be his special guest. I saw the way you looked when we were at the press conference; you were so happy and proud and you deserve it. I think this could be nice for you to see how much you've accomplished." She pleas, playing with her thumbs in front of her standing figure.

"I already said no,'' I speak the half-truth.

She frowns at me before shaking her head, ''No you didn't. It came this morning, there is no way you could have already said no. Just think about it,'' Noelle pulls an envelope from her pocket, the same one I threw away this morning in ops. She must've taken it out when I left. ''Please? You deserve this."

My eyes glare at the spot she sets the letter down on, burning holes through the paper walls. "Fine, I'll think about it." I give up, looking up to see the tight frown on her lips loosen into a small smile. "What are you doing to me, Noelle?"

A sudden emotion catches her face before flooding away and causing a light blush to creep down her cheeks and neck. "Hopefully what you do to me." She shrugs, turning around and sitting back onto the chair, resting her face against the side and closing her bright blue eyes.

The rest of the afternoon passes by with me in my office, glancing up ever so often at the sleeping beauty creating light snores, while finishing some documented warrants. I start to wonder what it would have been like if I refused to listen to Noelle's plea. She wouldn't be with me this second and I wouldn't have to be fighting myself from taking her on my desk with the door locked.

I bite my lip and push away the thoughts, looking back down at my work. I hope she's right. I need to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Maybe the ball wouldn't be too bad; Noelle in a classy dress and her bright smile.

She would waltz into the room and everyone would turn to stare at her for what she thought was because of her circumstance, when the rest of us all know that it is because she is more beautiful and smart and nobble than anyone else in the room ever could be.

And the best part about that is she's all mine.

Thank you all for reading and taking time to show appreciation on this book that I spend a lot of time writing. It's so refreshing to see the people who don't normally comment - comment!

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Byee! :)

- Dani xx

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