Falling For Freckles

By Laughingwolf78

603K 13.6K 22.5K

It's shy sheltered Izuku Midoriya's first year of college as a photography student. He's nervous and anxious... More

1. The Shy Kid
2. The bad boy
3. Maybe
4. Use Your Voice.
5. Stressed Out
6. Misunderstandings
8. Caught Up in the Rapture
9. I Like Me Better with You
10. Sick Day
11. Football and Fuck offs
12. Leather Seats and Stars
13. It's Only Day Fucking One
14. Who's Telling Bakugo?
15. Surprise
16. One by One
17. Not so Picture Perfect
18. From Bad to Worse
19. Not so Empty Hallway
20. Use Your Voice Katsuki!
21. Winter Break
22. Home
23. The Midoriya's
24. The Bakugo's
25. Weekend away
26. Unexpected Visit
27. So Weird
28. Night Out
29. Something isn't Right
30. When All Hell Breaks Loose
31. Raging Hell Fire
32. Before it's too Late
33. Making Up
34. Mine
35. Birthday Plan
36. Happy Birthday Kacchan
37. Finals and Futures
38. Always Falling

7. Breached Walls

16.3K 405 499
By Laughingwolf78

It was four am by the time Katsuki had finally reluctantly relented and gave up at the greenett's door, going back to his own room to lay in bed restless, tossing and turning with Izuku's words and teary emerald eyes swimming through his head.

It was five thirty am when Shoto Todoroki was awoken by a familiar voice at the side of his bed. Izuku had a spare key to his room and when he was sure Katsuki had left his door a distraught greenett krept to his bestfriends room.

" Sho, Sho,I need you to wake up a minute" , Izuku whispered after he had tip toed into the room.

Shoto slowly came out of his slumber jumping up, slightly startled hearing his friends voice in the dark.

" Midoriya? What's wrong, are you ok?! ", he asked nervously turning on his bedside lamp seeing a pale, red eyed greenett.

" I'm..I'm ok Sho, but I need to ask you a favor. Can I borrow your jeep for the weekend, I...I want to go home, I will be back Monday" ,Izuku said in a hoarse voice from crying and vomiting the alcohol from his system only hours before.

Shoto was sitting straight up now moving to his friends side on the bed.

" Izuku what happened? Was it Bakugo, did he hurt you?!" , bicolored eyes burned with intensity at the thought.

Izuku bit his cheek, he didn't want Shoto and the blonde to fight, and he didn't want a million questions right now either.

" No Sho, it's my fault, just..I just made a mistake and I need some space from here for the weekend."

Shoto studied his friend. It was clear he had been crying. He had left the movie early so he wasn't sure if something had happened after that. Clearly it had.

" Midoriya..."

Izuku cut him off.

" Sho, please not a bunch of questions right now ok? I promise we'll talk about it when I get back but please can we just drop it right now?"

Shoto sighed.

" Fine i guess, but I'm worried about you. Do you want me to go home with you? I'll stay the weekend at your house"

Izuku shook his head no, emerald eyes on the dark blue rug on Shoto's floor. He didn't want company, he wanted to hide.

" No Shoto, it's ok. I just want some time alone. I can have mom get me if you need your jeep tho."

Todoroki didn't want Izuku to be alone, but he also knew when he got like this he left no choice so he got up and pulled his keys from his jacket handing them over to the greenett.

" It's fine, you can take it, but promise me to text me as soon as you get home, and you better check in or I'll catch the train home to check"

Izuku gave him a weak smile taking the keys getting to his feet. He wrapped his friend in a hug.

" I will Sho, I promise. Thanks, I love you" , he whispered before he was out the door leaving a bicolored male to worry.

By six fifteen am Izuku was coming out of his room with a bag over his shoulder keys in hand to be met by a sleepy redhead who had come out of his room to go to the vending machine in the hall for a drink.

" Mido? You going somewhere man?" , Kirishima asked his voice hoarse from sleep.

Izuku gave him a small smile tears wanting to spill again.

" I'm..I'm just going home for the weekend. I'll be back Kiri."

A frown pulled at the redhead. He saw the tears. He took a step forward putting his arm around the greenett.

" You ok man? Something happen? And does Bakubro know you're headed out for the weekend?"

A tear slipped from the greenett hearing Katsuki's nickname. He wiped it away quickly. Part of him wanting to tell the redhead he had become close with what happened but part of him not.

He let out a small laugh his eyes on the floor.

" I ah, don't really think he cares about that Kiri. I just ..want to see my mom is all. Anyways I'll see you monday ok?" ,Izuku said giving the redhead a side hug then moving away twards the exit quickly.

Kirishima frowned calling after him.

" Mido wait man! I'm pretty sure that's not true, he'd want to know, and hey you wanna talk?!"

Izuku cringed, why did everyone want to talk all the sudden? He actually felt bad for walking away from the redhead. He called to him over his shoulder.

" No time, I gotta go. But I'll talk to you Monday Kirishima, promise", and with that he was gone out the door to a back jeep in the parking lot while Kirishima watched from the glass dorm doors.

It was nine thirty am when a tired, grumpy Katsuki walked out of his room after only a couple hours of restless sleep.

He stood at his door with tired red eyes looking five doors down, feeling that knot in his gut that just wouldn't leave. He hadn't intended to go to his door this morning just yet but fuck if his feet weren't carrying him there anyways.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance at himself as he knocked on the door like he had a hundred times last night.

" Freckles, you...you alright? Look ..I just fucking want to be sure you're not sick as shit from a hangover" ,he called through the door getting met by silence. It was almost too quiet.

A blonde brow furrowed then he heard a redhead coming up next to him from down the hall.

" He's not there bro,he left with his bag this morning."

Katsuki felt his heart drop, red rubies snapping in the direction of his friend.

" What? What the fuck you mean?! Where did he go and fucking when??"

Kirishima leaned his shoulder against the wall by the greenett's door.

" I ran into this morning early when I was getting a drink, he said he was going home for the weekend, that he'd be back Monday. He looked really upset. I asked if he wanted to talk but he rushed out leaving in Shoto's jeep."

Katsuki's face dropped as he slammed his back against the wall running a hand through blonde spikes growling in frustration.

" You've got to be fucking kidding me"

Kirishima rose a brow.

" What the hell happened man?"

The blonde looked at him as he pushed himself from the wall, huffing in annoyance and ...what the fuck else was this.... fear? Fuck.

" Last night, he fucking came to my room... and he kissed me, which on a normal fucking night would have been fine, fucking better than fine, but you saw him last night after the movie, he was drunk as shit and ....and I didn't want him doing that drunk, I wanted him to be sure of what he wanted, and I'm not taking fucking advantage of that shit ...but he took it as a God damn rejection when I stopped him, he never let me explain before he bolted out the damn door. I followed him, but he fucking refused to talk to me. I tried." , Katsuki paused before he continued his eyes trailing down the hall when he said the next thing a pained expression on his face.

" Worse fucking part is he said he knew someone like me wouldn't want someone like him. He really fucking thinks that shit"

Kirishima's eyes softened. He saw a look on his hot headed friend he never has before. The fact that Katsuki had stopped Izuku when he was drunk said alot, and that he seemed to be so upset that the little greenett had completely misunderstood said everything else, Katsuki did not care about peoples feelings, till now. Could his friend finally be falling for someone?!

His thoughts were interrupted.

" Oi, you have any idea where he lives?"

' holy shit, is he really going to chase him down?! Oh yeah, he's definitely falling' , Kirishima thought with a smirk.

" No bro, I don't. He mentioned one time when we were taking that it was like two hours from here but that's all I know, Shoto would be the one who would know"

Katsuki scoffed.

" He'll fucking never tell me"

There was a voice suddenly behind them one that rang with the sound of anger. Speaking of Shoto.

" What did you do Bakugo??! What the fuck did you do to him?!"

Kirishima and Katsuki turned to see a normally calm Shoto Todoroki coming out of his room storming twards them still in just his red and black pajama pants, anger burning in bicolored eyes, his fist clenched.

Ruby red eyes flashed with anger.

" The fuck is your problem Half and Half?!"

Before Katsuki could say anything else Shoto took a swing that the blonde dodged in disbelief but quickly put his fist up.

Kirishima's eyes widened. He grabbed Shoto from behind and then yelled for Sero who quickly emerged from his room not knowing what was happening but when he saw the commotion and a ready to fight blonde he lunged forward and grabbed the hot head.

" Oh you're dead Icyhot!"

" Me?! You're the one dead, what did you do to Midoriya?! He left here a wreck. You use him like you do everyone else?!"

Katsuki's eyes were burning now with rage.

" Fuck you! You have no God damn idea what happened, it was a fucking misunderstanding, and its between him and I not you you bastard!"

Kirishima and Sero were holding the two back as they kept trying to break free.

" The hell it's not my business, he's my best friend, I told him to stay away from you, you're incapable of real feelings!" , Shoto spat.

Katsuki's face was twitching with anger, his fist burning for contact with the male in front of him talking shit.

" Bestfriend??! Ha! Don't make me laugh you fucking self righteous prick. Where the fuck were you when he was having a nervous breakdown in his room over a project huh?! Or when he was falling apart because some dick talked down to him and he didn't know how to defend himself?! Where the hell were you last night when he was drunk as shit and needed someone to take care of him?! I didn't fucking see you, but you know who was there, fucking me! Now you wanna go, let's go, we can take this shit the fuck outside but don't pretend you know a god damn thing about me or how I fucking feel!" ,Katsuki yelled seething.

Guilt slammed into Shoto as he took the words in. It was true he hadn't been there lately for the greenett, not like he usually was, it was also clear Katsuki had been even if he hated to admit it. He had told Izuku he would back off being overprotective, but he shouldn't have disappeared either. But still something happened, if it was really a misunderstanding or not he didn't know yet.

The bicolored hair male stilled slightly in Kirishima's death grip, giving the redhead finally a chance to speak.

" You guys need to fucking stop man, and put a wrap on this before you get caught fighting and then tossed from the game roster. And Mido would be pissed and upset man so knock it the fuck off both of you!"

" Yeah guys, cut the shit before we all get busted" , Sero said panting from trying to hold back a seething blonde.

Both males sent death dealing glares at each other before Shoto pulled away, running a hand through bicolored locks and walking back to his room in anger without another word slamming the door behind him.

Katsuki yanked his arms back from Sero's loosened hold. A low growl coming from his throat as he turned to storm out but Sero called after him.

" What's with you dude?! You have never gotten into a fight over anyone else before?"

Katsuki stopped walking his back twards his friend. His mind searching for the answer.

There was a couple beats of silence before he turned his head to the side to respond.

" Maybe no one else has ever been fucking worth one till now"

With that he was gone, down the hall and out the dorm doors leaving a surprised Sero and an already knowing Kirishima.

Izuku was currently curled up in his bed at his mom's house. He had stumbled through the door of his home about two hours ago.

His mother had been surprised to see him,she quickly took note of how upset her only child looked as soon as he walked in. She instructed him to go lay down for awhile before she asked anymore questions.

The greenett had sent Shoto a text letting him know he was home. He ignored any that came after that, even several from Kirishima who seemed equally as worried. He was too emotionally drained to even text at the moment.

His mind kept seeing ruby eyes and blonde spikes even though he didn't want to. His head replaying that kiss. Oh god that kiss. The one that the firey football player had actually returned at first pulling him close until he stopped him.

Izuku opened his eyes thinking.

' wait, he kissed back first. What's that mean exactly...., nothing probably, he just realized he didn't want you you idiot' , he told himself.

His mother suddenly entered with a cup of tea and a smile. Handing him the steaming liquid as he sat up taking it she sat on his bed studying her son.

" So, you wanna tell me what brought you home without a word and why you look like you just lost your bestfriend, since you have Shoto's jeep I know that isn't it, so what is it?" , she asked gently.

He looked up and met her concerned gaze then looked back down at his cup tears in emerald eyes while he stared into the hot liquid.

" I, ... I dunno. I made an idiot out of myself last night. I thought, ....I thought someone who I knew was way out of my league had feelings for me maybe... I .. I was wrong " , he said through tears.

She furrowed her brow not liking that her son assumed someone was out of his league.

" Izuku, tell me what exactly happened. Let's see if we can figure it out"

He blushed slightly. Not really wanting to tell his mother he had kissed the firey blonde and oh yeah there was the drunk part. He took a breath.

" I uh... kissed someone, not just anyone, the quarterback of the football team. We have kinda been hanging out since I got to school and I was a little, don't freak out but...a little drunk and I kissed him like an idiot! But... but he stopped me. Obviously not returning my feelings"

She rose a brow, she didn't like that he had been drinking but she wasn't foolish enough to think he wouldn't be doing those things once he entered school.

" Did he say that?"

Emerald eyes met the same shade.

" What?"

" Did he say that? Did he tell you he didn't return your feelings? " ,she asked.

Izuku scrunched his face.

" Well... I mean not exactly. But he stopped me, doesn't that say it all. That was rejection enough, I didn't need to hear him say it too"

Her eyes softened.

" Izuku, how can you be sure that's what he was going to say? Stopping you doesn't necessarily mean he was rejecting you, maybe just the kiss in the moment it was given, but not necessarily you."

The greenett thought about what his mother was saying. It was true he didn't know for sure, but he just couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the fact that just maybe Katsuki felt the same, it seemed so out of his reach.

When her son didn't respond she could tell he was thinking. She smiled softly at him.

" Just think about it and when you go back to school maybe give him a chance to talk. Maybe your right and nothing will come of it, but maybe your wrong Izuku, and it could be the start of something great. You'll never know if you run every time something scares you hunny" , she said kissing his cheek leaving his room for a now even more confused greenett to think.

Hours later Katsuki was in the weight room working out.

His heart and mind tangled with emotions, emotions that he wasn't sure how the fuck to deal with. Katsuki wasn't good with them, not at all. It's one of the reasons he had always wanted nothing to fucking do with a real relationship. But here he was, his damn heart aching in his chest, his mind angry. Angry at the fight with Shoto and the things that bastard said to him not knowing shit. Angry that the greenett misunderstood and then refused to let him explain, angry then that the little shit took off out of campus all together, running away , leaving the firey blonde twisted up with all these God damn feelings surging through him like electric currents.

And that kiss, let's not forget that fucking kiss that still danced on his lips, making his skin burn and tingle missing the sensation as soon as it stopped. The kiss that had awakened something deep, something he had kept hidden from view, something he never wanted to deal with, fucking feelings.

He stared in the huge mirror of the work out room as he lifted,the wights locked in both his large hands, sweat running down built arms that flexed revealing powerful muscles under the skin. His face and neck wet with sweat as he pushed past his limits making his arms ache,trying to work off the frustration burning through him. Ear buds tucked in his ears, the song Heart Down on repeat, feeling the lyrics swim in his mind.

Kirishima and Sero watched from the other side of the room working out too .

" Man, I don't think I've ever seen him like this" , Sero said shaking his head.

Kirishima grinned and nodded.

" Well yeah, but he's never had feelings for anyone before either dude"

Sero met his eyes.

" You really think that's it? You think he likes Mido that much? I mean I wouldn't blame him, but this is Kat we're talking about here"

Kirishima smiled.

" I do think that's it and bro I'll go as far as to say that I think it's deeper than like, I think our hot headed play boy over there is falling for Freckles and fucking hard bro."

" No way man, you really think?!"

Kirishima laughed.

" Yup, he's growing up, so manly dude, so manly" , Kirishima said wiping a fake tear.

Sero eyed his friend, then looked over at Katsuki then back at the redhead.

" But Mido won't even talk to him now" , the raven eyed male said.

Kirishima frowned and sighed.

" Yeah I know bro, but I think he will, he just needs a push in the right direction when he gets back" , the redhead grinned making Sero cock a brow in wonder.


It was Sunday night Katsuki was laying on his bed fingers laced behind his head earbuds in once again Party tonight playing ,his mind on emerald.

Two days, it's been two days and the firey blonde is completely twisted up inside. Sleep has been next to impossible, he's more aggressive than normal, he's tired, frustrated and dare he say a bit fucking heartbroken.

He lays there with his mind working overtime. He had tried to do the right fucking thing the other night and now it felt like he was paying for it.

If it had been anyone else who had stumbled into his room that night he wouldn't have given two shits, he would have went with it. So why, why hadn't he done the same with that little shit he wonders. But down deep he already knows why. He didn't because Izuku Midoriya was fucking different, he had known that from the day he laid eyes on him and for once in the firey blonde's life he didn't want to fuck things up by rushing into things, he wanted to take his time with the greenett and maybe fucking do it right for a change, but now he wonders if all that is messed the fuck up anyway.

This is why he never wanted to fall for anyone, love was hard, love was fucking complicated. Love meant being valuable and weak, two things he was fucking not, except that's how he was feeling right now.

He let out a frustrated growl. This fucking little shit had flipped him upside down, messed his mind and his feelings up in a matter of god damn weeks.

He would have never thought it possible. In fact if you would have said it to him a few months ago he would have laughed in your face and told you to fuck off because no way could the great Katsuki Bakugo be taken down by anything, fucking anything. Especially not emerald eyes and Freckles, but here he fucking was laying here a completely fucked up inside disaster, with his god damn feelings flying all over the place.

Katsuki likes control, he likes to be in control, especially over how he feels, but this... this... this fucking emerald typhoon that has slammed into him has changed that, he can't control these God damn feelings,and any wall the blonde had put up so that he could maintain that control was now being breached by the waves of this crashing typhoon.

He groans picking up his phone looking at the time. Its after ten pm. His fingers dance over the keys. He's thought about texting that little world flipping nerd a hundred times, but he doesn't want to talk about this shit over a screen, he wants to see those damn emerald gems and make sure he fucking understands every damn word he's saying.

He groans again slamming his arm over his eyes. Maybe he should just say fuck it all together and forget it, just go back to the way he was and forget this greenett haunting him, go back to fucking around with whoever whenever and not worry about all this shit that's cluttering up his every thought. Feelings blow and right now he would love nothing more than to get shit faced drunk and forget them.

As this thought dances in the corner of his mind as if cue theres a knock on his door. He assumed it was Kirishima who was supposed to come by and grab notes for tomorrow so he yells that the door is open without making a move.

The door opens and a figure enters. The blonde only has a dim light lit his arm still over his eyes, he pulls his earbuds out speaking.

" The notes are on my desk Shitty Hair ,take them and leave", he snaps but gets no reply.

He feels the weight of his bed shift and he knows someone is hovering over him.

For half a second his heart jumps in his chest and he wonders or hopes even that maybe, just maybe that little shit nerd has come back.

He moves his arm swiftly, ruby eyes snapping upward.

His face turns into disappointment and anger when he sees it's not who he had hoped for but that shitty extra Camie who was looming over him in nothing but her jeans and a bra clearly intoxicated trying to purr down at him.

" Katsuki, hi babe, I thought we could play" , she whispers as she runs manicured nails over his chest.

He stares at her. Old him, not even old him, less then two fucking months ago him would have let her have her way without another thought. But this isn't two months ago him, this is now him, him that has been taken over by a damn green force and all he can see when he looks at this extra now is pain filled emerald eyes.

That thought he had had only moments before about fucking around with whoever and forgetting that little shit are out the window.

She makes a move to kiss him and the blonde turns his face growling at her.

" Get out."

" What?"

He pushes her from him and stands quickly.

" You fucking heard me, I said get out. I never invited you in here in the first place" , he snaps.

She sits up staring at him in shock.

" What's with you this year?! Is it seriously that little green haired loser?!"

Katsuki spins around , anger rolling off his actions as he closes the gap towering over her. If she had been a guy she'd have a fist in her face.

" Watch what you fucking say, like I said, get the fuck out, I won't say it again", he snarls, his voice low in his throat.

She gets the hint seeing anger in ruby eyes, she grabs her shirt and flys out the door as he slams it behind her.

He throws himself back on his bed.

Fuck feelings, but fuck having them for anyone else. Emerald had worked it's way into a blondes viens and now he was bleeding only green.


Guys! I love these boys, I'm falling for my own damn story I'll tell you that much. I hope you're great. Our tale continues!
Love LW

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