A Life Without The Sun

By tendosbitch

102 0 0

"The black sky was dotted with hundreds of bright lights, like tiny spotlights. They twinkled and sparkled, a... More

Settling In
A Bizarre Reverie
Sudden Consternation
An Eternity
Complete Juxtaposition
A Shock To All
He Glows Softly
Once A Crow, Always A Crow
The Team's Sins
When Will I Be Ready?
The CD
A Legacy

Better Late Than Never

7 0 0
By tendosbitch

"Wake up lovebirds!!"

Kageyama felt two tiny hands shaking his shoulders and opened his eyes, squinting to protect them from the blinding sunlight pouring through the window. He made out the small frame of Nishinoya standing over him, and his eyes widened as he realised that Hinata's head was on his chest. He hurriedly pushed him off and jumped out of bed in a cold sweat, panting slightly.

"Morning your highness!" Tsukishima remarked, bowing comically towards him. Rolling his eyes, he pushed passed him and greeted Yamaguchi, who was adding some milk to his cereal. Hinata also arose, wiping the sleep out of his eyes and smacking his lips.

Tanaka was also in the room as well as Nishinoya. They were both whispering and chuckling at what they walked in on.

"So guys, have you made it official?" Tanaka teased, leaning back on his chair comfortably, until he almost fell off when he started to laugh.

"I don't know what you mean." Kageyama quickly responded, turning his head away from them, firm in the knowledge that he was blushing again.

Hinata looked at the floor glumly and sat back on the bed. 'Is he embarrassed of me?' he thought to himself.

Suddenly the door burst open, and stood in the hallway was Ukai and Daichi.
"What the hell are you guys doing up here?!" Ukai screamed, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. He had his hair styled without his headband for once, which meant his beach blonde locks were hanging softly over his eyes.

"Uh..what do you mean coach?" Yamaguchi asked, the fear in his voice clearly showing from the crack that occurred mid sentence.
Daichi placed a hand over his face and shook his head.

"Uh..what do you mean coach?!" Ukai said mockingly, repeating Yamaguchi's words in a high voice.
"Yesterday, what time did I say the match started? You know, the match which will determine whether we are international champions or not?"

"12:30pm!" Tanaka exclaimed proudly, placing his hands on his hips and standing up straight, like a child who had just won an award.

"Right! Well done Tanaka!!" Ukai applauded, again with sarcasm in his voice.
"Now, Tanaka you smart boy, tell me. What time is it currently?" He batted his eyelashes towards Tanaka, who innocently turned towards the clock hanging on the wall.

"11:47..." Tanaka turned his head back towards the rest of the team around him.

"SHIT!" They all screamed, as they quickly scrambled around the room like madmen.

"You idiots better be down in 10 minutes otherwise we won't make it in time!!" Daichi roared, slapping Tanaka and Nishinoya around the back of the head as they both ran out of the room towards their own.

Frantically shoving whatever scraps of food they could down their throats, the foursome put their uniforms on rapidly, and proceeded to stampede down the stairs. Tsukishima had forgotten his sports glasses, but honestly this was the least of his worries at the moment.

'God why did I actually have to get into volleyball?' He thought to himself, rolling his eyes as they all reached the bus at the same time and clambered on.

Panting wildly, they took their usual seats and the bus started driving. Ittetsu looked as white as a sheet, his heart still racing from the sheer panic those stupid boys had put him through. The rest of the team simply laughed it off though, Ennoshita noting that it wouldn't be a normal match without something going wrong right off the bat.

Kageyama blew some cold air from his mouth under the hair hanging over his eyes. He glanced over at Hinata, who had his head in his hands. For a brief moment, he actually thought he was crying, until he sat back up, holding a hand over one eye.

Calming his breathing down a bit, Kageyama managed to ask if he was alright. He still looked slightly pale, and he couldn't help but notice huge bags which had formed under his eyes overnight.

"I'm fine! I just have a headache again that's all, obviously it had to happen today of all days." He chuckled, wiping a bead of sweat off of his chin.

"Are you nervous for the game?" Kageyama asked him.

"A little. But as long as we have our new quick, we can't go wrong right?" He replied, digging an elbow into the setters ribs. Kageyama grinned back at Hinata, and he leant his head back on the rest.


Thanking the driver, Ittetsu waved as the bus sped away, leaving them outside of the looming stadium.
The third years stood with their hands tightened into fists, confident and cool-headed.

"Today, we're going to prove that the Karasuno Crows can fly across the globe. We will win, for ourselves and for Japan!!" Daichi declared, and led the way into the stadium.

Kageyama and Hinata were at the back of the group, staring up at the tall beams outside that held the colossal structure in place. Hinata's cheeks turned pink, and he thought about how not even the Little Giant had made it to the Internationals. Looking down at the small boy, Kageyama smiled at the pride that was showing in his face.

But then Hinata dropped to the floor. Kageyama quickly pulled him back to his feet as the rest of the team turned around at the sound of something thumping to the concrete. Hinata shook his head softly in confusion

"Hinata, are you okay?" Narita asked, placing a hand onto his shoulder.

"Y-yeah. Sorry guys I don't even know what happened then! We better get going!"

Ukai and Ittetsu gave eachother a concerned look, but continued walking inside. The rest of the team followed suit.

Furrowing his brow, Hinata looked to the floor.
'What just happened?' He thought to himself, 'It felt like my legs just gave out from underneath me. Strange..'

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