the number 1 comeback

By kraffsole

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following the battle of Russia, accelerator and last order disappeared for 2 months, how the city will react... More

chapter 1:the number 1 is gone
chapter 2:Shokuhou Misaki and her clique
chapter 3:an unexpected ally
chapter 4:the railgun and her little sister
chapter 5:accelerator and mental out
chapter 6:GROUP
Chapter 7:tokiwadai
Chapter 8:memory
Chapter 9:a familiar place
Chapter 10: misty childhood
Chapter 11:is there some kind of discount on heroes today ?
Chapter 12:mental out
Chapter 13:an interesting discussion
Chapter 14: 3rd ranked
Chapter 15:a never ending day
Chapter 16:the end of the day
Chapter 17:new day,same life
Chapter 18:three guys,three level 5
Chapter 19:an interesting theory
Chapter 20:me....i'm just the driver
Chapter 21:the mission begins
chapter 22:be quiet,she is sleeping
Chapter 23:insanity
Chapter 24:this is me
Chapter 25:falling
Chapter 26: Sometimes a Hug is All We Need
Chapter 27:Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Chapter 28:number 1
Chapter 29: tokiwadai
Chapter 30:a painful but necessary truth
Q&A(not a chapter)
Chapter 31:just a coffee
Q&A(not a chapter)
Chapter 32:the closet
Chapter 33 : the meeting
Chapter 34: emotions
Chapter 35:more than human
Chapter 36: "guts!"scream misaka misaka
Chapter 37: Yuzuriha Ringo
chapter 38: alive and dead
Chapter 39 :emotional dysfunction
Chapter 40 :slow evolution
Chapter 41 : back at home
Chapter 42:it all start a Monday
Chapter 43:another day at the office
special chapter: happy new year
chapter 44:aleister's favourite
Chapter 45:you've been running for this long ?
Chapter 46:motoharu and the night
Chapter 47:motoharu is healed and mikoto is fixed
Chapter 48:they're just children
Chapter 49 : blood sample
Chapter 50:I's looking directly at me...
Chapter 51: criminality
Chapter 52: playing chess with the universe
Chapter 53:the beginning
Chapter 54:meeting some people
chapter 55:end of the day
Chapter 56:crazy children,crazy children everywhere
Chapter 57:harsh times
Chapter 58:dad-celerator
Chapter 60: guts>faith
Chapter 61:it's been a long time
chapter 62:a bit of alchemy
Chapter 63:confusion
chapter begins...
not a chapter
not a chapter :some news
chapter 65:it's been a long time again
chapter 66: a different kind of evil
Chapter 67: i said "GET THE FUCK OUT"
announcement:not chapter

Chapter 59:tea time..well not really

1.8K 53 67
By kraffsole

author's note: hey everyone, I know I'm late for this by an entire week... so I decide to make the chapter a bit longer than it should have... okay, it's way longer than it should have... you will understand what I mean... but here's a hint.... this chapter is exatly 15 000 words long and no,it not a joke)

inside Kakine's apartment

Accelerator,Kakine,Mugino,Kinuhata,Ringo,Enshuu and Umidori were still on the table but they were done eating

Accelerator gets up

"so now,that we all done,let's have a talk and i mean about the deal"said Accelerator

[he really did eat the whole 2 ramen...]thought the rest still a bit surprised

"i agree"said mugino as she stays in her seat

"what's the plan ?"

Accelerator turns to Umidori

meanwhile Enshuu took out a strangely big and sharp knife out of nowhere, she had a creepy smile on her face while looking at umidori

 [where did she get that knife ?]thought the rest

"okay.......i get it....."said Umidori

umidori really lost the will to go against accelerator since the meal and also she was fearing for her life because of Enshuu and that's just a detail now

"you don't need to torture me or anything,i will talk...i never though that mafia had a chance in the first place...i was just doing that to annoy you"admit Umidori to Accelerator

"i just know,where their principal hideout is and some other that are secondary hideout,i know that there's only high ranked member in the city,the others are staying outside of the city,because they're too scared"

"that will be helpful,tell me where is it"said Accelerator

Umidori tell where the hideout of the mafia is, their principal hideout is in the same district where accelerator's old apartment is, umidori also told the location of some secondary hideouts

"so we're going to destroy those hideouts one by one ?"asks Mugino

"nope,even thought i wouldn't mind,that's not your role in all this"said Accelerator

" what's ITEM's role in that ?"asks Mugino

Kinuhata, Ringo, and Kakine were watching the whole conversation without really participating in it

"you all will be a bait"said Accelerator

"wait what ?"react Mugino and Kinuhata

meanwhile Enshuu try to contain a tiny laugh,Mugino didn't seem to laugh though

with Gunha and Hokaze

they were searching for a good place to drink a tea

Gunha stop at the first he sees

"this place seems nice"said Gunha

he looks at Hokaze, she seems unsatisfied

"i would prefer to go somewhere else"said Hokaze

"we'll just found another place then"said Gunha with a smile on his face

they found another place after a few minutes,they weren't far away from tokiwadai,it's an udon house

"here seems nice !"said Gunha with joy,he looks at Hokaze,she seems a bit nervous

hokaze look in the direction of tokiwadai[it's still too close....]

"...i go here often"said hokaze,she didn't seem to be happy about it

hokaze really lying,she does come here often,it's actually shokuhou's favourite place

"hmm...."Gunha didn't really hesitate

"let's go somewhere else then,there's a lot of those places in the city,we'll find something eventually"

and so the two of them kept going

after a few minutes

gunha noticed that hokaze was looking back often

"is there a place you think in particular ?"asks Gunha

"i wouldn't mind a place where i don't usually go"said Hokaze

"so...somewhere far away from tokiwadai ?"asks gunha

Hokaze was a bit surprised by his remark

"i mean,it's kinda obvious you're trying to go as far away from tokiwadai"said Gunha

"....i...i....."Hokaze didn't really knew what to answer

"you  could have just told me from the start!show some guts !"said Gunha,he wasn't angry or anything,he seems to mostly encourage her

"we've been walking for like 15 minute for nothing"

hokaze sigh of relived because gunha don't seem to be angry at her

"why do you want to go away from tokiwadai anyway ?"asks gunha

hokaze hesitate for a few second while looking down

"well...... tokiwadai is on alert.... and so they prevent the student from going too far away.... and if I'm seen with someone else that is a stranger to them.. they may see you as threat"said Hokaze

"and also...i would get a lot...."

"i don't usually do those kind of things!"said Hokaze with despair

"but shokuhou-sama manage to convince me to do it!"

"she said that even if i were to go outside of tokiwadai,i would still be fine"

"well, that's understandable, you are pretty strong, "said gunha

gunha strike a pose while crossing his arm

"plus i'm here!i can protect you!"said Gunha [not that you need  my help anyway]

"so we can as far away from tokiwadai as we can !"

Hokaze stare in shock

after a second she starts smiling

"okay....let's go far then"said Hokaze

"well,if we don't a limit to how far....i guess we can to my favourite place in the city,i'm not sure they serve tea though....but i think i saw old lady ordering a tea once"proposes gunha

"however lunch break is not unlimted,we may run out of time"said Hokaze

"alright....let's do a race then"said Gunha

"to gain as much time as possible"

Gunha starts smiling

Hokaze's fighting spirit awoken

she clenches her fist and activate rampage dress, some electricity seem to be emitted from her

she suddenly stops

"wait....but i don't where is that place"said Hokaze

gunha just smile and point in a direction

"that place is in a straight line from here, it's called the fated meal"said Gunha with a smile as he suddenly seems to power up too, a strong wind seems to engulf him

"there a big glowing sign with the name on it"

Hokaze power up again

"alright,i'm ready!"said Hokaze as she prepare to run

"great then!"said gunha as he seem to power up again but even more,look like he was going to jump not run

"try to keep up and show some guts!"screams Gunha as she jump as great speed in the air,causing an impact on the floor and a strong wind

"amazing!"said Hokaze for a second

but she quickly took a jumping stance,she can't jump as high as him,however right now she doesn't need to jump higher than him,she need to go faster than him

a lot of electricity appeared around Hokaze,she seems to charge herself

suddenly her foot hit the floor as she starts running,bringing the wind with her

[i need to go on the roofs!]thought Hokaze

there were in an area of the city where skyscrapers were none existent

if she wanted to even keep up with gunha,she need to go on the roofs to be able to go in straight line

Hokaze jump on the back of the car who was just parked there and use to jump high in the air toward a building while near the building she reach for a balcony, she immediately hit the barrier with her right foot with all her power to propulse herself high enough to reach the roofs

"i made it !"said hokaze outloud

"that was some guts!!"said Gunha from afar

it was surprising that she could hear her

did he scream that loud ?

[he's so far away already!]thought Hokaze

but she didn't give up, she immediately rushes with rampage dress, she runs and jumps between roof and go as fast as she could

Gunha was just so far away from away and he wasn't slowing down

gunha was jump between the building like a monkey,it's almost like he was bouncing on the surface he was landing on

a powerful gust of wind was create everytime he was bouncing

"he's amazing!"said hokaze out loud,she could only see Gunha from far away with being able to reach

 with Gunha

as he was bouncing,the feeling that he had earlier came back

[that feeling again.....someone is watching us........i know it]thought gunha as he thought of a strategy

and contrary to earlier the feeling was getting stronger

.... or more like getting closer...

with Hokaze

for some reason....she felt like something was wrong

she look at gunha in the air

gunha turn around mid air

Hokaze suddenly see Gunha getting it by something

Gunha was hit by a bullet while he was in the air

Gunha fall on a roof and fall face first on a roof

"Gunha-san!"calls Hokaze as she rush at him to see if his okay

she barely had the time to blink...less than a second

gunha was already up

he was bleeding from the right shoulder

hokaze join hims soon after

"you're okay ?!"asks Hokaze still surprise by the situation

Gunha doesn't say a word

he had his back turn to Hokaze

he suddenly start doing a warm up with his injured arm

the bleeding stop almost instantly, some kind of heat seems to be omitted by him, hokaze swear she saw the wound being healed and that the blood didn't just stop... the wounds just heal completely

he suddenly around to Hokaze

"don't worry,my guts can endure that kind of things,it's just a bullet"said Gunha

he suddenly look in the far away distance on his right

"but that was one hell of a gutsless attack"

gunha seem angry,he doesn't seem to like surprise attack

Hokaze didn't have the time to react nor sea, but gunha immediately appear in on her side

she didn't saw him move,nor felt it

his fist was next to her head

some smoke seem to come from it

hokaze realise what just happen as gunha open his fist for a single second

inside was a bullet,in perfect condition not even damaged

hokaze stand his shock,Gunha catch the bullet right before it hit her,she would have die from it

and that time Gunha seem truly pissed

far away from here

a sniper was standing on a rooftop

he's name patrick,a french young man around 22 year old

it was right after gunha get up

[fuck.....a bullet wasn't enought to kill him ?!how resistant is his body ?it doesn't make sense i used special bullet for penetration]thought patrick

patrick on his scope

he see gunha's staring at him

[but i'm almost a kilometter can he see me ?]

[can every level 5 just do that ?]

he see a girl who suddenly appear near gunha

"heh ?!"

with a reflex patrick took the shot at the girl with purple hair

he didn't meant to do it,it just a reflex that he still have from the hunting he used to do


he quickly look back in the scope and see that gunha caught the bullet

 while patrick felt relieve that he didn't a civilian by accident.. he saw gunha becoming darker for a second,just a second

he saw a white aura appear around gunha and his fist that was holding the bullet

Patrick remember that the other people warned him about the number 7.....about how impredictable he was

of course that went for gunha's power but also his over-all character

the number 1 and number 2 are monsters,patrick and his group know that that accelerator and dark matter will go for the kill

however for gunha,it was still uncertain about weither or not he would kill someone

in cold blood or not didn't matter

patrick suddenly had a flash back on a conversation he had with a spy that his group had

their group had a few information  about the level 5s,they got them from a spy inside the city,that spy manage to see through some of the files of the level 5s

it was mostly the general description of the level 5s,however from what the spy said

the files was telling whether the level 5s could kill in fight with ease or not,there was even a scale

the scale went  from

"unable to kill unless force to"

"hesitation to kill"

"able to kill without hesitation in certain condition"

"able to kill if sees the need to"

"kill on sigh when in combat"

the railgun was place on "unable to kill unless force to".....even it seem kinda strange to a have a scale for that kind of thing when it's come to the level 5

the number 6 was place on "hesitation to kill"

the number 2 was strangely put on the scale of " able to kill if see the  need to"

[even thought he killed a saint and more than 20 people without any remorse...]thought patrick

but the weirdness of the list didn't stop there

the number 4 was put on "kill on sigh when in combat" ,the group with group had a description of meldowner so it wasn't that surprising

the number 5,mental out.....was on the scale "able to kill without hesitation in certain condition"....even thought her description didn't match that at all

and the question on what those condition ares came up pretty quickly

[on what information is that scale build on ?....or maybe we are missing something]thought patrick several member of the group when they heard it,sadly the answer was unknown

and then there was the number 1 and the number 7

the number 1 was mark on the two part of the scale,and it didn't really made sense

accelerator was on "kill on sigh when in combat"...and "hesitation to kill"

and the number 7 who was describe as a super hero by some people that the group magician interrogate themselve,he had a scale for himself

"kill on sigh when in certain condition"

and of course... the conditions weren't on the files

and patrick was afrait he just put gunha in those conditions

patrick was looking throught the scope at gunha who was still holding the bullet,the energy around him seem to go in his fist and his eyes

Hokaze look at =Gunha in shock as he takes a throwing stance like in baseball

patrick was almost a kilometer away from Gunha

Gunha suddenly throw the bullet insane speed

patrick saw the bullet going straight for the scope and it hit and destroy the sniper

patrick had to throw the gun away because it explode

but he didn't even try to run,he was frozen

sogiita gunha just through a bullet....on a distant of almost a kilometer with his bares hand and land a perfect hit

even if patrick had never miss a shot in his entire life even when he learn to shoot with gun,he was still really impress.....

and scared

patrick gets up after a second or 2

he starts to grab his phone

[fuck i need to call others,i can't do anything again someone like that!]thought patrick

Patrick manages to send a message to Charles and after he tried to call Isabella

however,gunha grab patrick's hand,the one who was holding the phone

"heh?"react patrick,but he could even realised what just happened

"that attack wasn't very gutsy of you"said gunha

gunha didn't grab patrick's hand...he completly crush it along with the phone by the help of a superhuman strenght

patrick's finger were broken

patrick falls on his knee

he didn't even scream,he just look at his hand

"fuck !my hand dammit!!"

Patrick wasn't even speaking Japanese, he was in so much pain that he was speaking in native language... french

gunha look around while patrick was still on the floor,after a second gunha suddenly turn to patrick

"so what you're gonna kill me now ?"ask patrick

"why would i ?"said gunha as he facial expression could be finally be seen

he didn't seem angry at all

"killing you would be stupid anyway and gutsless"

"what ?"react patrick

gunha bow his head and look straigh in patrick eyes,gunha's eye look full of energy and will

"because it's take guts to kill someone,but it takes even more to spare someone"

patrick stare into gunha's eyes

suddenly hokaze land near gunha and patrick,she took a bit more time to join them

"heee.......i don't really know what going on...."said hokaze

she was still in shock well,more like surprise

"well,this guy tried to kill us"said gunha

patrick look down

"i was only aiming for you....level 5"said patrick as his eye look at gunha

"but you did try to shoot her "said gunha with a cold tone

"i swear i didin't meant to!"said patrick

"i only kill my targets and nothing else!that's how i hunt!"

"well,you're a bad hunter then"said gunha

"fuck you!"respond patrick

patrick look at hokaze

"i'm sorry for shooting at you,it was on old reflex,i thought i lost it"said patrick

[.... I shouldn't have come back to hunting after that........ the reflex I had when I was a child came back and decide to stick around too much] thought Patrick

"okay,interrogation time"said Gunha

"who are you,what do you want and why us?answer fast,we don't have that much time"

Gunha turn to Hokaze

"he manage to send a message to someone,so we should leave pretty fast,we can't start fighting bad guys right now,if we do we won't have the time to drink a tea nor the fight"said Gunha

Hokaze was kinda surprise by Gunha putting the tea and their fight first

patrick simply start to talk,of course he could have just kept his mouth shut,but he could answer Gunha's question without telling any useful information against his group

plus patrick also needed to buy time for charles to arrives

"my name is patrick cordieu"

"i'm a hunter,and i'm alway searching for new thing to hunt"

"so you're a hitman ? hired to kill us ?"ask gunha

"no,i came here from my own accord"answer patrick

[well,i'm paid  but i did choose to come here]thought patrick

"while,it's true i used to be a hitman but i hate that term,i prefer the term hunter,the guy you call if a human start acting like an animal and was making too much noise, but i went on a break after a while"

"a break ?"react hokaze

"well,you see i wanted to stop and go back to normak hunting,i had enought money to live my entire life the way i want without any problem,you know much money a hitman makes ?"said patrick

"you kill people for money ?"said gunha

"i know people like you exist but i just can't understand it"

gunah seem angry

"not for the money!for the hunt!"said patrick,he seem almost exite by the idea

"i don't personnality enjoy the killing,but i love the tracking part!the learning part"

"I don't expect kids like you who grew up in a city to understand, but the feeling while you hunted an animal, find a footprint, or a clue...."

patrick's eye were full of passion

"and then you start to slowly get closer to your target, learn its weaknesses and its strength, how it react to its surrounding..... I find the whole process incredibly...."

patrick made a pose in his sentence as hokaze and gunha stand in front of him

"and then when you see it.....defenless in a trap,or even in its stronger condition....aiming at your target with a rifle...a good wait for the right moment sometimes for hours...."

"and when the time comes....when the times is rightn when it's finally the right time....

"you shoot!"

patrick was almost screaming

"the target fall on the ground,lifeless....a clean kill,.......the perfect game......"

"and that's a feeling i just i can't resist, the feeling  of finish a good hunt,achieving what you wanted to achieve"

Hokaze was looking at Patrick in disgust while gunha seem to understand the man.... well not the hunting part.... but the passion that this man has been something gunha could understand

"so you hunt human too and not just animals ?"ask gunha with a calm tone

"and you know that some humans are just animals,the hunt is even better,but i rather hunt a animal than a human if that's what your asking"said patrick"

"why making academic city your hunting ground ?"ask gunha with determined eyes

[he's not gonna kill me i know it.....the condition for him to kill on sigh aren't set...]thought patrick

"because since i knew that esper exist....i alway wanted to hunt one....and i alway go for the biggest make sense doesn't it ?"said patrick

"even if my previous attempt on hunting a level 5 was a failure"

" you tried to hunt a level 5 before ?!who was it ?!"react hokaze,she actually seem she was going to punch patrick [it's better not be shokuhou-sama!]

"it's was the number 6....tch.....that weird shadows thing.....i wasn't even the one to track them down..."said patrick

"still...that monster had some guts to hide in a ground full of children and woman"

[is the number 6 a coward.< ?...]thought gunha..he seem to be actually angry for a second

"you didn't shoot...right ?"ask gunha

patrick look up to gunha

"in hunting...they are rules,a hunter is not suppose to hunt to babies nor the female for the reproduction cycle....but depending on the animal you're hunting those rules can changes"

"come on!i'm may be a hunter but i'm still human!even thought that rule is a real thing!kid i'm a professional hunter or hitman"

[how does that kid know about that ?]though patrick for a second

patrick look at gunha straight in the eyes

"professional have standard!"

"i don't hunt human!"said patrick

"but...that doesn't make said earlier.."said hokaze

"i know what i said and it make sense,i don't hunt human,i only hunt animal,but sometime human are animals!i only hunt those humans,those children weren't least not yet if they do become animals  at some point i won't mind hunting them"

"why us then ?"asks hokaze with almost despair in her eyes.....she was in a full incomprehension,she just simply couldn't understand that man

patrick turns to hokaze and then gunha

"there's no way, I can consider something like you, human"said Patrick

"we talentless people,we human,we use weapons to fight and our brain to make strategies"

"we don't have some have the normal gift that some animal does, we don't have the speed of a cheetah, nor the strength of a gorilla but we still can win, that's what a human is"

"however,look at you,with what you just did may not be an animal...but i refuse to considered you a human!"

gunha back down as he hear that,he hand start shaking and his eyes as well

you're not human,you're a curse child

he hear that so many time when he awaken his power when he was a child

gunha manage to slowly calm himself,he join in his hands and they slowly stop shaking

afte they stop shaking,he look at his right hands

Gunha was born far away outside the city, he wasn't raised and expect to be an esper, but when his power first appears

so many people stop seeing him as human and they told him so many fucking time,even his own parents,they were mostly afraid of him,because he was powerfull

Gone was trying his hardest to contain himself and the bad memories.... and to think his times in academic city wasn't really happy either when he was forced to come to the city

gunha seem to be furious as some pretty bad memorie came up

but hokaze touch his shoulder

"and i could say the same about the other levels 5"

"and that city represent an idea that i despise,the idea that the strong should rule the world"

patrick turn to hokaze

"I was raised by a hunter, I was raised with the idea that any human can hunt and kill the strongest beast, with the correct preparation, the human species is so naturally weak that we can't even hunt the weakest animal with only our body, we're not fast enough we have not claws!, so we use our brain better and never gave up  and became the strongest species"

"I raised by the idea, the great weakness of the human was our greatest strength, that the true nature of the human race is that it's weak,but it's we just never give up despite being powerless"

"but this city destroy that giving power to human,a power that they shouldn't have"

"and i think the same about those magicians some of them seem to think they're so much better than the others however since they keep it a secret it doesn't affect many people"

[magician ?]thought gunha and hokaze

"but this city shows the supernatural power out in the open like it was human evolution"

"but it's human evolution"said hokaze

"no it's fucking not!"almost screams patrick

he looks at gunha who was still listening with open ears,and with a lot of patience

"you both know that in the history of mankind, the story of superhuman can be seen everywhere in the world"

"Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and of course japan doesn't escape it...... stories about humans with supernatural power or even gods or mythical beast"

"as mankind evolved those stories became myth and legend, humanity stop being a child, and stop believing in super heroes...... humanity grew up"

"in those times, those with supernatural power were the kings, the gods, they use to rule the world...since academic city reavel to the world that supernatural are's only natural that some people that to to think and for good good reason that most of the myth and legend have a good chance of being true and gemstone are just an addition proof of it"

"but as mankind evolved the weak united themselves to rules, democracy was invented for example, a republic,democracy... the end of the kings and emperors...... the weak have now a chance to rules compare to before"

"however look at you...."

patrick stare at gunha

"you could take over a whole city and rules it... you could have the right on who dies and who lives..... and nobody could stop you.... and that with just your own power, no brain no strategies... just pure and brutal strength like a bear rule over his territory"

"and accelerator...or even mental out...the queen of tokiwadai !..."

"the kings, queens, emperor, empress everything could be resurrected.... and humanity would become a child again and start to fear about the judgment of the strong,the feeling that the king have godlike power would come back.... sure it's an evolution... but i see that as a regression.."

"this city is a great example"

"the whole system of this city is the base for the strong to prosper and the weak to suffer"

patrick turn to hokaze

"tell me,if you weren't a powerful how would you life be ?how would you life be if you were a level 0  in this city?would it be harder or easier ?huuuh!"

hokaze back down a bit....after a second she starts to think a bit

{what if...i wasn't a level 4....i wouldn't even be at tokiwadai...]thought hokaze

gunha sigh as he kneel to be on the same level as patrick

"i'm surprise..."said gunha

"by how little faith you have in humanity"

gunha get up

"We're not in ancient Greece, nor ancient Egypt or whatever!"

"it's modern day,modern society!mankind think way differently than before!"

"and even in those myths and legend, you seem to forget that some of the strong were protecting the weak!and myth about the weak defeating the strong exit too"

"and today,that didn't change"

gunha point at himself

"and you're wrong on the strong ruling the city"

"Sure, while it's true that the Esper were higher level have better conditions than the low level Esper.... the city is mostly ruled by the board of director and rich people and those people aren't Esper"

gunha stare at patrick in the eyes

"and yet believe me,they have more power than me or the other level 5,it's just not the same kind of power!they hurt more people than any level 5 did"

"and I believe the level of an Esper can go higher if he work hard enough, they aren't trapped as weak people and even low level Esper can beat the strongest with enough guts!... did you know that there is a rumor that the number 1 was beaten by a level 0?"

[a level 0 beat the number 1 ?!what ?]thought patrick,he was standing on his knees in shock

[i've heard of that rumor...i wonder if it's true...i could ask accelerator or shokuhou-sama]thought hokaze

"i think i know the guy by the way,and he has a lot of guts! and that's what make him strong!"said gunha

"anyway, that's not my point, academics have anti-skill to prevent the Esper from abusing their power or even judgment a police of esper to deal with Esper, its modern society... just because you have a powerful ability doesn't make you unstoppable nor above the law"

"Isn't it the same in the normal society? Just because you're born rich doesn't mean you can't fall, just because you're born poor doesn't you'll stay poor all your life


"rich people who abuse their power that have with money still get punish when they commit a crime"

"you're so  full of illusion..."said patrick outloud

"Maybe, but at least I don't go around to people to say that they aren't human, just because they don't suit my own definition of what a human is! nor am I saying out loud that the evolution of humanity is in regression"scream gunha

"and if you only use the past as an example than you shouldn't talk about human evolution in the beginning,you seem to forgot that humanity is alway learning,so that humanity can gain even more guts everyday!"

Gunha bends down to the level of Patrick's eye

"Plus, you despise the system of the city while it's the same system of the rest of the modern world, but with supernatural power as a social statues... the rest is the same"

gunha turns around

"but you know what..i will tell you something....i don't really care about the hitman part nor the whole king/queen things that's just boring old stories of dead people"

"what ?"said patrick,the man was frozen

even hokaze was a bit surprise

[so  all that speech was for nothing ?]thought patrick

gunha kept going as he turn around to look at patrick

"sure,the system is bad and everything and maybe you are right on certain points"

"....but i don't care,i'm just gonna live the way i want,i like saving people so i just do that and that's it........your passion is that you love hunting...i just love something else i just love saving people"

"i don't really like to talk about morals with other peoples,it's kinda hard for me to think about those kind of things,i don't really  care weither or not the system is wrong or not,i'm just saying that people can do what they want if they have enought guts to do it,everyone can be happy with guts"

"that's the life motto i live by!"

"anyone can have happyness if they have the guts to reach it!"

"and in my case,i like helping people as much as i can,i like training,i like fighting! and the rest doesn't matter!"

"you sound pretty greedy,you make it sound as if you could save everyone  and just whatever you like without answering to anybody"said patrick with a tiny laugh

"i am sogiita gunha!"

"i will make it if i puts enough guts into!"

hokaze who of course was still listening suddenly remember a sentence that gunha said to her in the past

"oh then what do you do if a person try to kill themselves ?"asks patrick

"i will stop them from doing it"said gunha

"and then what ?you just gonna do a speech about love or how life is worth it ?"asks patrick

"of course,if i don't what the person is going through and can't directly help them than it's up  to that person to have enough guts to not kill themselves,i will just to stop them at every suicide attempt till they have enought guts to not do it anymore!"explains gunha

[is that kid stupid ?!]thought patrick

"or what order to save a person,you will lose you own life?"

as this point patrick was mostly trying to understand what kind of man was gunha,he wanted to know about the beast he was hunting

"simple,i will save the both of us"said gunha

"that's not how the real world works!"said patrick

"then i will make it works like that !"said gunha

"sacrificing you own life for someone else life is not good trade!,there's no such thing as giving up,there's only guts!"

"get greedy and go for it all"said Hokaze interrupting Gunha

hokaze just the said that gunha told her in the past

gunha turn to hokaze


patrick look down

"those kids are fucking stupid...."said patrick [but i wish i could believe them]

"sadly,the world isn't like that,just because you try enough doesn't mean you can do anything"

"aren't you contradicting yourself ?"said hokaze

"what ?"reacts patrick in confusion

"didn't you say earlier that any man could slay any animal with enough  training and preparation as long that they don't give up on the hunt ?"

patrick was confuse

"that despite being weak by nature,mankind never gets up on fighting ? and that also applies in history,people never stop fighting against kings,queen,it took centuries but eventually the kings and queens fell"

"that's how  our powerless species could become the strongest one"

"what seem impossible became possible and it happen several times in history"

"you said that the world doesn't allow us to do anything just because we try enough"said hokaze

"but you also said that mankind's nature is to never give up and the only reason we could give up is our weakness,and you own passion when hunting goes against the idea that impossible things exist"

"however we have powers and guts!"said gunha

hokaze and gunah look at each other  and after a second they then turn to patrick

"we have even less reason to give up than you do"said hokaze and gunha at the same time

there was a silence as patrick stare at hokaze and gunha

nor gunha nor hokaze to be lying,they both of them truly believe what they just say....and mostly their eyes were showing kindness and hope

and it's been a long time since patrick saw those kind of eyes

[thoses kids.....]thought patrick as he look down in shame

[those fucking kids....]

after a long silence

"so...i still have a last question"said gunha

"is there more people like you ?coming to try to kill me today ?"

gunha give his phone in patrick's not broken hand

there was a sudden tension as gunha slowly put his phone in patrick's hand

"you can call them if you want...but they better be worth the time and give me a good fight"

patrick was frozen and in shock he couldn't even move

he start thinking after all of this,

he himself walk around the city,he saw a lot of children from afar....and mostly he now saw the two kids in front of him right now,he realise that their power themselve didn't make them monster,the simple that gunha didn't kill him on the  spot is already proof of that

patrick start thinking that isabella was probably right,the children of the city aren't monster at least not all of them

patrick thinks about gunha and the character traits that he could assign to gunha,he did the same with hokaze

"sogiita gunha"said patrick as he stare at the phone in his hand

"and.."patrick turns to hokaze

"hokaze junko"said hokaze

"hokaze junko"said patrick

"both of you are idiots....however..."

"you are idiot in a pretty human way"

patrick put the phone on the ground

[i'm getting myself in a lot of trouble...]thought patrick,but he just couldn't see gunha as a prey

gunha took back his phone,because he saw that patrick wouldn't use it

and he suddenly gain he usual smile back

he turn to hokaze and ignore patrick

"so....hokaze-san,let's go again...since he send a message earlier,his friends may not be far,so let's go to drink a tea okay ?"said gunha

"....oh....right"said hokaze,she almost forgot about the reason she was with gunha in the first place

"'re just gonna leave me here ?!"react patrick

"yep"said gunha

"i don't have the time to call anti-skill nor judgment and your buddie will arrive soon anyway"

"but first..."

"wait!"said patrick [i can at least tell them about that,i mean they didn't ask but still]

Gunha stop his punch, yes Gunha was going to punch Patrick to make him unconscious

"yeah ?"react gunha

"i'm part of a group who's objective is to destroy academy city...well that's how the majority of the group present it,anyway what i mean is that negociation is impossible with most of those people"said patrick really fast

"most ?"react hokaze

"yes,we have 3 people who could be said to be in charge,we have 3 tiny group in our organisation, we have a guy name charles Gauthier who's basically a coldblooded fanatic and my boss and there is isabella moonlight who is a nun and seem to be believe in the children of this city and believe in a more peaceful approach...and there's gabriel ivan a priet who is kinda in the middle,he  don't seem like a fanatic,but he doesn't seem to believe in the children like isabella does"

"while negociation is impossible with Charles,there's a chance with isabella and a tiny chance with Ivan"

""why are you telling that to us ?"ask hokaze

patrick look at gunha

"because isabella will probably try to reach to you eventually but i think she will go for accelerator first,and charles is going to be here soon"

"i mean we can probably deal with charles"said gunha

"yeah,maybe but you both are busy right ?"said patrick

"and  charles will arrive a lot of peoples and he's strong himself"

"you're will probably win eventually,but charles doesn't care about civilian,he will fight dirty and use them against you if needed he's pretty good at that thing,just by fighting , you would be putting the civilian in the area in danger which is why you need to go"

"ok...i got it thanks"said gunha

gunha suddenly punch patrick in face making him inconsious

hokaze actual back down of surprise

"why ?"ask hokaze

"because if he was conscious,his boss charles could think that he gave enough information so that we let him go...that would put this guy in danger,"said gunha as he point at patrick

"that way,they will just think that i put him inconsious and left"

"let's just go"said gunha with a smile to hokaze

"heu.....okay..."said hokaze as she see gunha jump away

gunha sigh in mid air [i should tell accelerator about what just happen]

hokaze look at the man who was inconsious

[we don't even know his name...still he's a strange person]thought hokaze

hokaze was worried by what she just heard,she wondered [is there many people who think like that ?..people that just don't see the esper as human being...]

hokaze looks in gunha's direction

[he seems to be really affected when he heard that this man didn't see him as a human being...]

hokaze end up leaving quickly by using rampage dress and jumping away to follow gunha

with accelerator with mugino,kakine,kinuhata,ringo,umidori and enshuu

"wait what ?!"said mugino

"what do you mean we're a bait ?!"

"don't i won't tie you or anything like that,i just need you to attrack this damn mafia somewhere and neutralise as many as you can"

"i'm basically asking you to hold a position against a mafia,which is something you can easily do"

"oh..."mugino sit down

"you should have said that first"

"also....try to avoid killing them. if you can....just aim for the leg or something"adds accelerator

"since when do you spare people ?"ask kakine

"since i'm also working with someone who has some rules about killing"respond accelerator

'i guess....i can try to make so they promises though"said mugino

accelerator turn to enshuu

"meanwhile you will go their principal hideout and take  care of everyone there"

"can i kil-"start enshuu

"no,no killing,same rules as meldowner"

enshuu just start pouting like a child and look away

[what's her deal anyway ?why is she even working with accelerator ?]thought mugino,kinuhata,umidori and kakine

ringo was mostly sleepy and wasn't really litening to the conversation anymore,she was mostly rubbing her eyes,trying to stay awake

accelerator turn to umidori

"and what will you do ?"ask accelerator

" ?"react umidori

"her ?"react the other

"i'm asking what you're going do while we do this..."said accelerator

"and returning to the mafia isn't one of your option...."

"is it a situation where its join me or die ?"ask umidori

"no,you can stay neutral,but if you side with the mafia i won't be the one responsible if you get shoot by a lazer beam"said accelerator as his eye slowly turn to mugino

"i will know if you have any contact with the mafia so either fully neutral or with us"

"it's your choice"

umidori think......all the pressure was suddenly on her

mugino actually prepare a ball of energy

[working with accelerator.....]thought umidori

umidori don't think can do's too soon for her

"before i tell you....promise me i will walk out of here alive and well"said umidori

"i promise"said accelerator

"as long that you stay neutral and don't choose a side"

he look around especially at mugino who had a beam ready to be fired

'fine!but if a snitch happen i will get her"said mugino as the ball of energy disappear

umidori's spine shivers with mugino's word

"see"said accelerator as he look at umidori

"well....i prefer to stay neutral....i don't really want to get in the way of 3 level 5s....especially you..."admit umidori

"well,that's done"said accelerator as he turn around to mugino

"heu..can you stop ignore the fact that i'm here"said kakine

"i mean,it's my apartement and i've heard it all!...please include me in i own you something now and that idea make me wanna pukes,and also those magician are also after us and given what we know of your doesn't seem to include them"

accelerator put in his hand on the table and use it to support him and sigh

[i guess he own me a favor now...]thought accelerator

the idea of favor reminding him of the favors he owned to shokuhou

[she's gonnna give me hell isn't she....]

"who's she ?"reac the other

accelerator didn't realise but he thought out loud at least the second part

[fuck]thought accelerator

"no one,just ignore that...."said accelerator

[well,that's not suspicious...]thought the rest

he look at kakine

"fine...i guess you can deal with the magician when they will arrive there"said accelerator

kakine just smile with pride

"by the way,where is "there""asks mugino

"just find a place to make a fake a hideout in the discrict 14,and make everyone there know you're in that discrict but do it quickly don't start shoot lazer everywhere"

"got it...but why the discrict 14 ?"asks mugino

"it's on border of city,right next to the.."start accelerator

'the saitamai district!!"suddenly said kinuhata and ringo..even umidori seem to be with them on this one

mugino,kakine,accelerator and enshuu turn and stare at the 3 three girl

"why are you react like's just a normal district outside academic city"said mugino

kinuhata and ringo suddenly calm down and sit properly

"saitama..."whispers ringo under her breath

umidori roll her eyes

"aaaannd...they didn't get the reference....."said umidori


"it's just an anime thing....just ignore that...."

then umidori realise the problem

the three level 5 seem to be clueless

{wait....they don't get an anime reference..]thought umidori

[but it's fucking japan]

umidori suddenly get up and hit the table

"and also what the fuck?!how the hell did none of you heard of- one  ehjfbanczjnf"

kinuhata stop umidori by choking umidori

"forging them for their lack of culture..."whisper kinuhata to umidori

"saitama"whispers again ringo as she clench her fist like a super hero

enshuu take the device to prevent umidori from talking,because umidori  seem to really try to scream

enshuu whispers to umidori and kinuhata

"i got the reference but looking at you getting angry is just really funny watch"whispers enshuu

kinuhata and umidori felt  like they got betrayed by their best friend  in an anime

"how could you!/hofew couefhld  you!"said kinuhata and umidori,well umidori tried to say something

meanwhile enshuu just giggle a bit like an anime villain

the 3 level 5s stare at the scene

[what the fuck...]thought mugino,kakine and accelerator

"isn't that a reference to an anime or a manga ?"said kakine

"i think i saw ringo watch something with a guy name saitama in it"

"so that why....i never watch those kind of things"said mugino

"me neither but with ringo here,i'm kinda force too"admit kakine

"it's been a long time since i watch an anime...i mostly read light novel"admit accelerator

"so they got that from you huh"said mugino with a giant smirk

even kakine and enshuu had a grin at those words

"dad-celerator"adds mugino

"just stop already"said accelerator

kinuhata point at accelerator with her finger with great determination

"you said you used to watch anime a long time ago...what was is ?"ask kinuhata

"does it really matter?"ask accelerator

"what was is? at least the name of one of the anime that you used to watch! and dragon ball,one piece,naruto are out,everyone has seen those anime"

"what's that ?one piece ?naruto ?"ask mugino and kakine

(how kinuhata,umidori,ringo,enshuu react)

kinuhata's heart stop beating,umidori's heart stop beating,enshuu's heart stop beating

accelerator look at mugino and kakine

" both are serious ?you don't know about none of those animes ?"asks accelerator

"i do know that those are anime,but i never watch any of them,not my things"said kakine as a defence

accelerator to be surprise too by mugino and kakine

"dragon ball,one piece and naruto are basically the most known manga and anime on a world scale"said accelerator to explain to mugino and kakine,but mostly to mugino

"but it's weird that you never heard of weird and i'm the one saying it..."

"that's super weird"said kinuhata

"not being into anime is onething,but to not know about something that literally change the way the whole world see japan on a cultural level,a change that had a worldwide weird...we even have a holiday about dragon ball"

author's note:that a fact by the way,in japan,there's an holiday called goku's day

kinuhata's respect toward accelerator has increased!

umidori's respect toward accelerator has increased!

"i know one piece...but what is dragon ball ?"asks ringo

" don't worry i will show it to you later"said kinuhata

"why is okay for her not to know it but for me it's weird ?"asks mugino

"how old are you ?"asks accelerator to ringo

"10....i think..."respond ringo half asleep

accelerator turn to mugino

"how old are you ?"asks accelerator to mugino

mugino hesitate to answer

"17...near 18..."respond mugino with a bit of time

"oh so you're the oldest here"remarks kakine

"shut up"said mugino with cold eyes at kakine

accelerator sigh

"I thought that I had a secluded childhood, but it's seems like you beat me"said accelerator

"and he grew up in a lab"add enshuu

"my childhood is none of your problems"immediately said mugino with a bit of anger in her eyes

[seem like i hit a sensible part...]thought accelerator

"and i am not weird!"adds mugino

" didn't answer saiai's question"said mugino

ringo,umidori,kinuhata and even seem to suddenly to give a judgemental look on accelerator ,ready to hear his answer

"just one is enough ?"ask accelerator

 he actually remember several names of the animes he used to watch

" i can remember that one of them was named captain tsubasa"said accelerator

"ooohhh"react kinuhata and umidori  as they look each other

"that's pretty old now but hey,it's pretty good"said kinuhata while umidori was just nodding since she couldn't talk

[i didn't saw that one yet....]thought enshuu

"so you're satisfied ?"ask accelerator

"yep...and you super pass"said kinuhata with a thumb up

"what is that suppose to mean ?"ask accelerator

"oh.... well.... I usually ask those kind of things to people,I can watch anime with"

" now you're all going to watch anime together ?is that it ?"said mugino

then mugino realise

" that why hamazura,Takitsuboand you alway go the cinema to watch movies without telling me ?"asks mugino to kinuhata

"well... kinda.."admit kinuhata, she was a bit embarrassed by her own answer

mugino was kinda hurt but she manage to hide it...well at least to herself

there's a silence

"so anyway can we go back to serious know mafia,magician and all that weird shit"said kakine

"he's right"said mugino

"so what's next? I go in district 14 and make a tiny hideout while letting my presence be known so that the mafia can found me right... but what about the magician?"

"while the mafia already know you'll be over there thank to enshuu's help"said start accelerator

enshuu seem happy like a child getting praise

accelerator just ignore her reaction

"well,it's simple the principal base of operation  of the magician  is in discritct 19"

"while it may be a district away from you,all the magician in that hideout will react,i hope that their brain of fanatic make them rush at you like idiot,at least the goons will go to you i think the higher ranked in their organisation will stay in the hideout but some could rush toward mugino but those who stay at the hideout will analyze the situation"explain accelerator

"fairy boy,you will prevent the magician goons to reach mugino,but you have to let them enter district 14"

"can do"said kakine

"also... the no killing rules only apply with the mafia,... do whatever you want against the magician"

"and what do you do in all that ?"asks mugino

"meanwhile....i will go straight for the boss"said accelerator

the number 1 turn to enshuu

"I'll go to their hideout... once there after I beat up everyone, I will use the information I will found to send it to you, I will try to find the emplacement of the rest of the other hideout of magician hideout of the magician inthe city... so you know... you can send it to the other kiharas"

enshuu just nod

"how did you get the emplacement of the principal hideout by the way?"ask enshuu

"i have my ways"said accelerator

"but...we need to get of the mafia too..."start kinuhata

"I already everything prepares to get ride of the mafia, enshuu you will go to their principal hideout at the same of their attack on mugino, I want you take the phone of the highest rank of the mafia in the city right now"

"why ?"asks enshuu

"because I'm gonna try having a talk with the big boss... I already have something prepared to force this guy to listen to me thank to one of my associates"simply said accelerator

"What? You intend to negotiate ?"asks kakine

"Plus, it's the big boss of a mafia we're talking about, he probably has an influence all over the country and people everywhere, you sure you want to negotiate with a big fish like that"

accelrator suddenly had a big smirk and sadistic smile

"of course not.... do I look like the kind of person to negotiate with my enemies?"said accelerator

everyone in the room saw for a single second,the one way road himself

"scary..."said enshuu and ringo as the same time....they didn't seem to show actual fear though

"and when will all that happen ?"asks mugino

"well, the mafia intends to start searching tomorrow, but when they will attack is unknown, they wait to be sure that you're over there to attack"respond accelerator

"Tomorrow? that's doesn't give that much time to find a hideout...... but I think I have place in mind, I always thought of several places to lay low after a mission in case something goes wrong... I think I have one of those places in the district 14"said mugino

accelerator turn to enshuu

"i want you to keep searching and observin the mafia,we need to know when they will attack,it's really important"said accelerator

"i got it....those idiot just think i'm just a cute and weak girl walking around,i will get them to talk without them realising it"

"'s seem like everything is good for now,we have a plan and the mean to do you have a backup plan in case ?"ask kakine to accelerator

"of course i have"said accelerator

[a  lot of them actually]thought accelerator,he could do many things

"care to share it ?"ask kakine

"i won't need to if everything goes well,it's the point of having back up plans"respond accelerator

"planS"remarks mugino while raising an eyebrow

"yep"said accelerator

accelerator take a deep breath

"and that's it for today"finally said accelerator

[when i think about ringo and that umidori are really quiet]thought everyone

they turn at ringo

she fell asleep during the conversation, her head was just resting the table with her arms as a cushion

[cute]thought all the girls

{well,she did use a lot of power earlier..but i guess all of thise seem pretty boring to her]thought accelerator,kakine,mugino and kinuhata

they now turn to umidori,she was sleeping too,she coudn't talk either,so it's surprising that she got bored and fell asleep

"i know you awake"said accelerator to umidori

"you're not actually asleep,i do that all the time i invented that shit,it won't work against me"said accelerator

umidori open her eye

"so annoying...."try to say umidori but couldn't meanwhile enshuu giggle

meanwhile kakine goes to ringo and gently grab her

he surprise everyone in the room by how gentle he was to ringo,he simply bring her back in the bed

"there,it's more comfortable..."thought kakine out loud as he put ringo on the bed

there an awkward silence as kakine turns around

" those dad's instinct come out from time to time..or you're alway like that ?"asks mugino

"fairy dad"

"shut up"said kakine as he go back on the table

"you do have those mom instinct too"said kinuhata to mugino

[with fremea]thought kinuhata

{well....most of the time,you're more like a big sister]

"no i don't"said mugino while look away to hide her face

" heh,lazer mom"said kakine with a grin

"shut up"said mugino

"well,when i think about it....accelerator and i are kinda family....i wondered if there a term for that..."said enshuu

"the fuck ?!"react mugino,kakine and accelerator,everyeon actually

"we ain't related stop with that bullshit"said accelerator

enshuu gain a smirk

" were basically amata-ojisan's adopted son despite what you may think that how we could describe your relation"

"Also, I remembered that some Kihara actually uses to joke about that fact and saying that you could be amata-ojisan actual son and thus a Kihara and that it would explain your genius and your natural path to evil"

author's note: that's a real theory of the fands that some people believe, not that accelerator is amata's son, but that accelerator is a kihara, because accelerator has character trait similar to a Kihara, and also we do know that accelerator's last name has 2 kanji, and if he's family name is Kihara is would fit because Kihara is also written with 2 kanji

and no in my story accelerator is not a kihara

"he's not my fucking father"insist accelerator

"wait...where are you in the familiy tree ? compare to amata"said accelerator,he was curious and he wasn't the only one

"well,i don't know which kihara is my father or mother,but i remember that gensei-ojisan said that amata and i are directly related"said enshuu

"i doutb he's my father though,we just don't look alike...i think he's probably my uncle given the age differences,but it's not like i could asks him and the others kihara won't answer my question anyways"

" don't know who your father or mother despite being around many member of your family ?"asks kinuhata

even mugino and the other were shocked

"well,we kihara don't really have the same kind of relation wih each other that a family would,while a kihara is being raised by the other kihara we're aren't told who are ours parents,because it doesn't really matter"explain enshuu

[no wonder all the kihara are crazy people!]thought everyone except enshuu

"so..anyways...back with amata...if he's my uncle...then accelerator is my adoptive cousin!"said enshuu

kakine try to contain his hardest....actually he didn't try to  contain it and just start laughing

mugino could contain her laugh though

if accelerator had can in his hand he would have crushed it

kinuhata and umidori didn't really find it funny,it was really awkward for them and ringo was sleeping

accelerator manage to keep his calm...At least he manage to not show it

"...i mea-"start enshuu

"just shut up from now on"said accelerator with a tone as calm as he could

there was a silence

 enshuu  when to take oof the device on umidori's mouth

"by the way...can i go now ?"ask umidori

"i mean,i'm still stuck on that chair....."

everyone turn to umidori

"'re here...."remark kakine as he goes near umidori and disable his dark matter chair,umidori just fell on the ground

"great!....can i leave now ?"ask umidori

"i mean i have no reason to stay here"

"i kinda agree with her"said accelerator

"i have no reason to stay either,i'm done with what i wanted to do"

the number 1 turn to mugino

"also my part of the deal with after this plan is over,i also need preparation for that part"said accelerator

mugino look down as she sigh a bit

"i guess,i don't have a choice"

mugino look up and straight at accelerator

"but you better keep you word"

"i will" saidaccelerator

there's a silence

"saiai!"call kinuhata

"we're leaving"

kinuhata look at ringo who was peacefully sleeping and then she look a bit at accelerator

"got it"'said kinuhata as she goes near mugino

they both go toward the door

"we'll go back to our apartment the normal way,i don't think i could flying at the speed of sound again...we just ate..."

"make sense"said the rest

while umidori was still there,enshuu went next to her,showing that umidori will have a good compagny

mugino open the door,ready to leave

"well...i guess we'll wait for you call while we search for an hideout,i will send you a message and a location when we found one"

"so on that,number 1..number 2,umidori,ringo who is still sleeping and the weirdo"

enshuu didn't to mind being a weirdo

after in a room full of weird people,a weirdo is just a normal person from the room's perpective

"see you later bunch of weirdos"said mugino as she leave the apartment

kinuhata followed mugino,but she did turn around and make a sigh to the people inside the apartment...but she add a middle finger toward umidori in the end

"bitch....."said umidori under her breath

"anyways,we're gonna leave too"said enshuu as stay near umidori

accelerator stare at enshuu

"don't worry,i'm not going do to anything to her"said enshuu as she start pouting

accelerator stares at umidori

"i will stay neutral,and i can leave on my own!"said umidori as she turn to enshuu

"don't care,enshuu stay with her the time she leave...after that you can go on woth your job"

"got it"said enshuu with a smile as umidori just make fell in despair

"number 1 after they left,i would to talk to you about something"said kakine

"about ringo"

"ok,i can stick around a  tiny bit..."said accelerator as he watch umidori and enshuu leaving

enshuu open the door,umidori leave first

enshuu turn around as the door

"bye! my adoptive cousin"said enshuu with a smirk

"just leave! already"said accelerator

"fine!"said enshuu as she slap the door and make a face while doing it

the door close and now it was only kakine and accelerator in the apartment while ringo was sleeping

with gunha and hokaze

they manage to finally reach the place gunha wanted to go

"it's really called the fated meal...."remarks hokaze

"let's go...i think they do serve tea here...but of course we can take something else did you have lunch already ?"said gunha as he go inside

"no i didn't have lunch....but i guess we can eat someting too"

"great then"said gunha

while it look like a cafe,the restaurent had a few tables on the exterior,there is 4 tables inside ,it's seem to be a small place

"inside or outside ?"asks gunha

"inside i think"said hokaze

and so they both go inside

a waiter quickly came to them and give them a table

they were in front of each other

"so...what do we take ?"ask gunha

"i don't really know;.it's the first i come here"said hokaze

suddenly another waiter appear next to hokaze

he mostly look at gunha

"hi,gunha"said the waiter

"hi,shirou!"said gunha

shirou is a tall young man..probably in his 20so if not younger, he has brown hair and blue eye, he also has a the beginning of a beard

"so who's the lady ?"ask shirou as he turn to hokaze

"oh..i'm hokaze junko"...hokaze seem a bit embarrased

hokaze could easily understand that gunha come in this restaurant often

"well,hokaze-san,i can assure that every single of our dishes is exquisite"said shirou

"he's right everything here is good"said gunha

"however i think our best dishes is "start the waiter

"the yakitori"said gunha

shirou made a disappointed sigh

"please gunha....i'm trying to do my job here...even though i think you know the menu better than me now...."said shirou

"well...i'll try the yakitori..."said hokaze

"me too"said gunha

"well,it's on the way"said shirou as he leave

"also...something to drink ?"ask shirou before he leave

"well...i think a tea doesn't really go well with a a soda i guess"said hokaze

"same here "said gunha

[i wonder if accelerator is eating well...]thought gunha

[he better be....i need to go check on him at tokiwadai this afternoon]

"got it"said shirou as he left

after shirou left

"you two seem to know each other well"said hokaze

"well,i guess i do come here often"said gunha

"at least once a week"

"oh so that's why"react hokaze

"also it should be pretty fast,the cook here has a lot of guts,he works really fast"said gunha

"......sogiita-san.."start hokaze

"yeah ?"react gunha

"earlier when that sniper said he didn't saw you as human had....a certain reaction to it...."said hokaze

"i mean...i know we don't know each other well enough..but there a reason you react that way...?"

"well..i'm not going to's a bit personnal"said gunha while being a tiny bit embarrased

"i rather not talked about it,at least not now......

"let's just enjoy the meal...okay ?"said gunha

"hmm....sure..."respond hokaze,she was surprise to see gunha like that

she was even surprise that he actually dodge the question,well he didn't really dodge it, he was clear he didn't want to talk about it

"hey,the soda is here"said shirou who suddenly appear out of nowwhere

"heh!?"hokaze was really surprise and almost punch shirou,she didn't heard shirou coming nor see him,shirou manage to dodge it

"oups...sorry,i didn't mean to scare you"said shirou as he put the drinks on the table

"'s mind was just somewhere else..."said hokaze

shirou start leaving again

"the food will ready in a minute or two"said shirou as he leave

hokaze look at shirou leaving

"i'm surprise he dodge my punch..."said hokaze

"that?well...shirou is the kind of person you don't see until he's right in front of you....i remember that the first i came here,he surprise me and i actually punch him"said gunha

"really ?"react hokaze

"'s actually happened several...and i think he gained somekind of sixth sense because of me and now he can easily down a punch"said gunha a bit embarrased

"that's much ?"reac hokaze

"well...i punch really hard even when i don't actually want to...."said gunha

hokaze thought for a second as she remember her fight with gunha a few months ago,he does punch hard

"by the way...where did you learn to fight ?"ask hokaze

"unlike most people or esper in the city,you clrealy have a training in martial arts"

"well,that's thank to my homeroom teacher"said gunha

"he's really a nice guy, he taught me how to fight, but it was mostly to teach me on how to control my power better"

"you had  problem controling your powers ?"ask hokaze kinda surprise

"well,kinda like every esper,except since nobody seem to understand my power,there weren't really anyone who could help me understanding"said gunha

"but when i met my teacher,he propose the idea of teaching me martial arts and hand to hand combat....and as i learn i gain more control on my powers,well i mostly learn on how to hold myself back"explain gunha

suddenly the food arrive,but this hokaze didn't try to punch because she saw him this time

"the food is here!"said shirou as he put with pride the food on the table

[that's was really fast !]thought hokaze

"see,told you the chef was fast"said gunha

"well,i will leave you two to your meal and hope you enjoy it"said shirou as he leave again with a smile on his face

"now!let's eat!"said gunha

"itadakimasu!"add with an excited voice

"itadakimasu"said hokaze with a smile and calm tone as she start eating

meanwhile shirou and a waitress and the chef

"hey....don't know if you all noticed..but our sogiita just brought a girl"said shirou with a smirk

"oooohhh"said a waitress,she  was around 19,brown hair and blue eyes

"she's cute ?"asks the girl

"yes but she's also a lady from tokiwadai"said shirou

"man,our boy sogiita seems to aim pretty high,i'm really happy that he choose our place for that"said the chef  with a bit of tears in his eyes

he was 30 year old man with a beautiful moustache

"sogiita's a level 5,she's the one aiming high"said the girl with a grin

"aren't you a bit too harsh ?"said shirou to the girl

"maybe but it's true"respond the waitress

"wait...are you even sure they're on a date ? i mean aren't they in their lunchbreak right now...not gonna lie,it would make more sense to do it the weekend"

"maybe they just saw each other and decide to hang out,maybe they're just friend ?"said the chef

"i mean when i think about it...i really don't see gunha as the type of person who care about love"

"well,i think i heard them talking about martial arts"said shirou

" maybe she's another martial art freak"said the waitress

"well,she did almost punch me"said shirou

"i can understand,you do have punch-able face"said the waitress as she pulls a little part of shirou almost non-existent beard

"hey!"react shirou a he oush her hand away

"no flirting during work"said the chef

"anyways..i don't it matter if it's a date or not,what's important is that they both enjoyed the moment and the meal"said the chef

the waitress and shirou look at the chef

"you're such a lover"said the waitress to the chef

"not necessarily, I mean it's not like sogiita-san bring people here everyday.. I mean apart from his teacher, I don't think I ever saw him some else"said shirou

"well... it's true...from what i heard sogiita and accelerator are friend"said the waitress

"me neither i never saw him with some else..."said the chef

"wait....sogiita and accelerator are friend ?"

"maybe...have the seen the photo have sogiita and accelerator eating togheter ?"ask the waitress

"the what ?"react the chef and shirou

the waitress take her phone out,she search something on it

shirou and the chef goes next to the waitress so they could see the phone

"it's been on several social media here and there...and i think there's even a radio who talk about maybe doing a show where they invite a level 5 and talk about different things"said the waitress as she show the picture

"oh..."react shirou and the chef

"i didn't know what accelerator looked like"said shirou as he look a the photo

"me neither"said the chef

"the level 5s are that much known ?i mean apart from the railgun "

"yeah,i think there's one or two website that are only about them"explain the waitress

"hmm.../interesting"shirou and the chef didn't really knew what to do with that information

"anyways......weither or not it's date doesn't matter,if he can just enjoy being with some else than it's a good thing" said the chef as he goes back to the kitchen for a second and take two dishes

the chef put the two dishes in front of the waiters

"anyways,let's get back to work"said the chef

"yes,chef!"said shirou and the waitress

with gunha and hokaze,they were eating

"this is delicious!"said hokaze

"indeed,the chef here has a lot guts and you can feel it throught the food his makes!"said gunha

they both kept eating

"by the way,you turn now,why did you learn martial art ?"ask gunha to hokaze

hokaze put her food back in the plate

"well...i learn to protect my queen"said hokaze

"i mean...mental out,i'm part of her clique"

"wait she has a whole crew?"react gunha

"yes,but it's a bit more than just a simple group,anyway"said hokaze

"i learn martial art so i could protect her no matter what,despite not being a level 5..."

"but does she really need protection ?"ask gunha [she's  a level 5]

"shokuhou-sama's power isn't really made for combat"explain hokaze

"yeah,i know that's why she need other people around her,to be able to use them"said gunha

hokaze look away for away for a second

"i don't think the word "use" quite fit here..."said hokaze

[yes,it does you just don't like to say it like that]thought gunha

"anyways....I actually learn a martial art by myself.. it isn't something that you get taught at tokiwadai, but thank to my father I could have access to a few books and videos about martial art"

"you learn martial art by yourself ?and buy just reading book and watching videos ?"react gunha

"you're really amazing hokaze-san !"

gunha had a big smile on his face

hokaze  blush  a little

"than-thanks"said hokaze

gunha seem to think a bit

"also,you said you learn so you could  protect people despite not being a level there something in particular you want to protect mental out from ?plus why do you protect her"asks gunha

" the past...let's just say bad thing happens...,but shokuhou-sama was there to help me,when i needed help,like she still does today...however as a level 5...she has her share of enemie and problem...but the problem is that i'm alway afraid that when the comes for me to help her, i couldn't because i was too weak and there's very little chance i ever reach the level 5...and that's why i learn martial arts"

"so you learn martial arts to your compensate your weakness...."said gunha

"that's pretty understable....and impressive,you couldn't become a level 5,but you didn't stop there,you learn martial arts and became even stronger despite not leveling up for the sake of protecting the people you love"

"i saw it when you fight,you're really good at fighting,and from what i remember your fighting style suit your power"

"hokaze-san you really are strong person and a gutsy one at that!"said gunha

hokaze took a seond to react

gunha seem to genuily respect her and the respect seem t work both way

she smile


after that they were mostly eating

at some point hokaze look at the hour

shirou came to the table

"so ready for some desert ?"ask shirou

"sadly..i don't think so"said hokaze

"my lunch break is almost over....i don't think i  have the time for a desert"

gunha look at the hour too

[she's right......why so short,we don't have the time to fight now!]thought gunha

"yeah,no desert"said gunha

"so....who's paying ?"ask shirou as he look intensly at gunha with a grin

gunha already had his money card in his hand

"i can pay for my-"start hokaze

"too late payment's over"said shirou

"heh?!"react hokaze

[that fast ?!]

apparently this place was also fast for making the client paying the addition

hokaze didn't have the time to see but gunha had already pay for the both of them

"..."hokaze stay silence still they left the restaurant

after leaving the restaurant

she was kinda embarrased by gunha paying for her

"thanks for paying the meal....."said hokaze

"don't worry about it'said gunha

gunha suddenly look deppressed

"sadly we won't time to fight..."

hokaze was kinda sad because of it too,

gunha suddenly had a brilliant idea

"how about we see each other again ?"asks gunha with a smile

"like this tomorrow or the weekend so that we'll have all the time in the world?"

hokaze seem to completly agree and was already looking forward to it

"sure,with pleasure"respond hokaze

"yosh!"said gunha

"okay,let's go back to tokiwadai,i will accompagny you on the way,my school is probably less strict on the lunch break than yours,plus tokiwadai is on alerted"

hokaze had an idea

"let's race over there"said hokaze

gunha gain a smile


hokaze activate her rampage dress

gunha suddenly power up

" guts!"

"however it's only running"said hokaze

"only running,i can do that"said gunha

"well?"hokaze look art gunha as she take a stance to start running

gunha did the same

they both look at each other

"ready ?"said hokaze

"set"said gunha

"go!!!!"said both of them as they start running

in the restaurant,the waitress from ealier and shirou were looking outside

"and here they go"said the waitress as she see hokaze and gunha running

"they're kinda cute toghether though"

"i'm kinda sad that the girl seem to be the only one opening"

"what do you mean ?"asks shirou

"i don't know,when i was watching from afar..she seem to be the one who talk the most"

"the chef was maybe right,it's not a date"

"you watch them from afar ?you creep"said shirou

"i'm not  a creep........anyways"said the waitress

"a date is about learning to know the other"

"and i feel that while gunha learn a thing or two on that purple girl...i have a feeling she didn't learn that much about him"

"aren't you the lover now"said shirou

"shut up"said the waitress

"I'm just following my feminine intuition"

"okay,didn't know you had that kind of thing..........creep"said shirou

"i'm not a creep!"respond the waitress

the waitress turn to shirou

"you know earlier i said that you had a very punch-able face...wel right now you really have a punch-able face!"

the waitress try to punch shirou but shirou dodge with ease,she try again and falied several time shirour dodge every time,it's mostly seem like  2 child playing

in the end she just stop because she was tired

[~i feel like they're the one who need to go on a date~]thought the chef

author's:i can't believe i manage to type this ~ by accident i didn't even knew that this existed before........the more you know....

with accelerator and kakine,ringo was still sleeping

"wait...what ?"ask accelerator

"you want to bring to tokiwadai ?!"

"i know it's sound stupid and all"said kakine

"but her power is way really similar to yours and i think it's even more similar since she's back from the dead"

"even more ?"what do you mean ask ?"accelerator

kakine take a serious look

"ringo is suppose to be a telekinesist"said kakine

"but,it's only level 1 or 2 and the only moment where she's using a power similar power to vector manipulation and in a really powerfull way..and the condition for it to happen was a great amount of stress and she basically had no real control over it"

"but ?" said accelerator

"however,...recently she try to use telekenesis several and every time she use this weird vector control by accident"

"is that how she lost control earlier ?"ask accelerator

"yes,she was just trying to use telekenesis and she lost control"said kakine

"but as you saw,yourself when you help her ealier to calm her down...she has a certain control over it something that she didn't have before"

"and i have my own theory on what happening"said kakine

accelerator sigh

"i feel like i'm not gonna like it"said accelerator

" you know when i was still trying to kill,i learn how your own vector control works so that i could counter it"

"and that failed"said accelerator

"but it did work for a moment"add kakine

"anyways,that's not the point,you see,when i met ringo my sole purpose was to use her and her power so that i could learn how to defeat you"

"but it's was full of flaws so that i decide to stop,it didn't give the calculation i wanted to counter you"

"however...during our fight i had a pretty good taste of what the original's power was like"

"and  since you know i recreate ringo's body with dark matter...'

"please don't tell me....."said accelerator

"i never knew the calculation that ringo use to do in order to use her telekenesis,i only knew her calculation when she's in vector control mode"

and since our fight,i learn  more about vector control"

"i think there's a good chance that when i recreate ringo's body...i unconsciously corrected the flaw in her power by using the memories from our fight"

"so you're telling you manage to fullly replicate.....vector control ?"react accelerator as he look at ringo,he sounded angry at kakine

"i don't think i fully replicate it,an esper power is about personnal reality"said kakine as he felt like  that accelerator was going to kill him

"i think that i mix her telekenesis with vector now it's just the same i already told you,her power is only similar to vector control...

"let's see that"said accelerator as he goes to ringo with an angry look,he trie to put his hand on ringo's head

"the fuck you think you're doing ?"ask kakine with a  serious tone as he grab accelerator's hand before it's reach ringo's head

"I'm just gonna check  her brain,something, I won't hurt her.... the only one I should hurt for that is you and you know it so get out of my way right now or you will end up in the deepest depth in the ocean"said accelerator

kakine despite not liking accelerator remark still move

acceleator just go past kakine and put his hand on ringo's head,he use his power to analyze her brain

...he was surprise....and kakine saw it

"is there something wrong ?"asks kakine

accelerator smile as he put his hand away

"well...that's not a really mix up"said accelerator

"what ?"said kakine

"Hey, fairy boy... if I remember you said that her body is made of dark matter.. but after that it become a real body nor made of dark matter.. what is instantaneous or progressive?"said accelerator

"it's progressive i think but it was really fast"said kakine

"well...from what in understand,her power is in a mix between telekenesis,vector control and dark matter"

"and dark matter ?"reacts kakine

"yep,i'm start with the dark matter part,first you made her a body of dark matter with a the soul,that came from the necromancy thing"

"when you made the body,you did include vector control and telekenesis in her her brain"

"however you said that before she's did she couldn't do them at the same time;'s probably because the two power are too hard for her brain too handle it"

"however the new brain you made for her was made of dark matter...a matter that doesn't any rules and keep changing..and you know i can affect dark matter with my power"

kakine understand pretty quickly

"so you think that when she had a body of dark matter,ringo use vector control to make the dark matter change and adapt the best so she could mix the two power,telekenesis and vector control"

and after that dark matter just became normal organinc matter ?'s doesn't make sense"said kakine

"however we're both dealing with magic and soul here"said accelerator

"there's still things you don't know about your dark matter and there's still thing i don't know about my power either and we don't know shit about the power of  a soul nor magic"

"maybe a soul is so powerful that it can just affect the body of dark matter and make it natural"

"and that's how i could try to explain to why she has a mix power and a real body"

"but it's only a theory,i'm not sure myself....i'm kinda in unknown territory here"

"same here...."admits kakine

" mix power what do you mean ?so it' s vector control or?"asks kakine

"the answer is in the shape of her brain"said accelerator

"you see...earlier i touch her head when i was trying to calm her down,i also analyze the shape of her brain and it's a tiny bit differents"

"really ?how much ?"reacts kakine

accelerator had a smile

"can you felt dark matter around you ?" asks accelerator

"yeah,of course i can,i couldn't control  it if i couldn't"said kakine

accelerator point at ringo's head

"try to search for dark matter in brain"said accelerator

and kakine just di that,he put his hand

"there a tiny really tiny!...but i can feel it...i just sense it...why ?"said kakine

"that's cause it's not your anymore,its her's"said accelerator

"this tiny shard of dark matter is chaning shape when she use her power"

"it's was able the mix often telekenesis and vector control"

"telekenesis act like a trigger,ring's will make the shard of dark move and change shape...and then the dark matter connect the part of the brain that are necessary to use this pseudo-vector control"

"like a turn on and off button"said kakine

"the attempt of using telekinesis sent a neuronal message and when the dark matter receives it changes its shape and the neuronal message is changing too, and in the end it's make a power similar to vector control appear"

"it's like a convertion"

"it's not really a's like the telekenesis change shape to copy vector control and the dark matter allow this impossible thing to happen"

"exatly,ringo is not controling the vector like i do,she's using telekenesis on them and make them change shape and move"said accelerator

"i guess you could see this new power as a downgrade version of vector control,because it's seem weaker from what i've seen,it's probably because it's only copying vector control,i doubt she could qualify as a level 5,a really powerfull level 4 at best"

kakine look down,he seem to mostly had panick attack as ans insane amount of possibilites goes throught in his mind

there's a silence in the room as kakine sit on the couch as he face palm face

accelerator actually sit near kakine

"...i just create academy city second vector manipulator...."said kakine

"and you didn't even do it on purpose"said accelerator

kakine turn to accelerator

"do you realise in how much danger that simple fact put her ?"said kakine

"well...we have a fews solutions.. we can hide her or prevent her to use her power so that she remain a secret from the long that aleister doesn't get involve....but enshuu saw her already..."

"that's a no already,trying to contain her that way will make thing worse,emprisiong someone with superpower is the best way to make that person a monster so no....and we're not kihara we don't do that here"said kakine

"i agree on that one"said accelerator

"or we can follow my idea of tokiwadai"said kakine

"if she goes there and become a student...she will have the protection of the director and even the kihara won't do shit..i already thought of sending her there know that she goes to school,while i don't especially need to go school,but for her it's different"

"she's still growing up and while i don't really like tokiwadai it's still the safest place she can go to school and actually try to have friends and everything"


kakine suddenly realise

"are you who sending last order there ?"said kakine

accelerator sigh because he couldn't escape the question

"yes, I've got the permission of the director, while last order's not old enough the director gonna watch over her and pull a few strings here and there so last order can go to another school under tokiwadai's jurisdiction"

"wait....tokiwadai has control over other schools ?"react kakine

"not really, but they have links with several other schools so they can have the info on some potential student... tokiwadai's not the only to do, I think most highschool of academy city does it too"explain accelerator

"anyway,that's not the problem...ringo and last order have the same even ringo would need to another school till she reach the right age"

"plus you have to look on ringo's acadmic level,ringo probably never went to school or almost it was took long ago for her"

"she could be below the level require to enter tokiwadai"

"i don't really how to fix,i'm not a teacher and i'm not sure i could teach the right things to ringo"said kakine

"and i don't try to found a teacher for ringo is also a bad idea unless it's someone we can trust for sure"

[well...yoshikawa is someone i can trust and she's already preparing class for last order....]thought accelerator

"..unless you could be her teacher"said kakine

"while i could help her  with her power,on the academical level,i didn't really had the chance to go to a normal school either,my only teacher were creepy scientist"said accelerator

[maybe it's a bad idea to involve yoshikawa and last order in this...but it's the safest way for ringo,plus i think yoshikawa would love to have another student]thought accelerator

"but i have someone we can trust who can be her teacher"

"you do ?!....wait you do ?but you said the only teacher  you had were creepy scientist"said kakine

"she's a scientist alright,but she's not least she's not THAT creepy and we can trust her 100%"

" that part is solve,i'll meet that person after tokiwadai"said kakine

the number 2 get up

"what are you doing ?"asks accelerator

"well,i'm going to tokiwadai,i need to see the director anyway if i want to get a chance for ringo"

accelerator get up too

"i'm going there anyway,plus there's an old hag who won't let you enter,she might see you as an enemy and everything could go pretty bad"

"at least you have my support but you should expect for the director to ask for something,you can just go in there and ask something,she won't just give it even if you're a level 5"

"well,if she doesn't want her school to be destroy by the number 2"said kakine

"don't even think about it,the building will be rrebuild really fast and the money isn't somethig that tokiwadai should the price of coffee there it's insane"

"and if you even try to hurt a girl there even if it's barely anything,i'm gonna kill even you before you can make a single step"

accelerator didn't seem that much serious when he said because he knew that kakine wasn't stupit enougt to actually do it

"damn,you take your job seriously"said kakine

"i also have a little girl to take care of and her having a happy life is my top priority"said accelerator

"never thought we would actually agree on something one day"said kakine as he walk toward the toward

"me neither"said accelerator as he followed kakine

"it's fine we let her here alone ?"ask accelerator

"she will sleep for a while....she does sleep a lot actually..."said  kakine

"and on security,since i remade the whole floor in dark matter...i did few changes here and there so that no one i don't know  can come in apartment...without burning alive or melting"

"you can make define it so it only affect certain people ?"react accelerator

"yep"said kakine as he left the apartment and accelerator followed

with gunha and hokaze,they were running really fast,but this time hokaze could keep up a bit

they were running in a straigh line

gunha realise that the street were strangely empty,hokaze realise it too

he give a look to hokaze

"i have a bad feeling !"said gunha as he slow down

"me too!"said hokaze

suddenly a serie of explosion occur in front gunha and hokaze..but is  a few hundred of meters away...and a second explosion happen behind them also a few hundred meter away,the explosion to close the street and trap gunha and hokaze in it...there was a few civilan trap in the street

hokaze stop herself and gunha suddenly appear in front of her

gunha seem to suddenly get hit by a lot almost look like tiny fireworks....and it seem to actually hurt him

gunha was actually push away from the strange projectile,he even start bleeding,but he fully protect hokaze

gunha turn to hokaze with a bit of blood coming of his mouth and nose,but the bleeding stop pretty quickly

"you're okay ?!"asks hokaze

"it's nothing,just a scratch"said gunah as he look all around the street

"get ready....we've got lot of weirdos coming"

"from where ?"asks hokaze

"everywhere"said gunha

a sudden smile appear on his face as he wipe ff the rest of the blood on his cheek

"look like we get to fight after all"

hokaze was stilpretty serious

"back to back ?"ask hokaze

"back to back"respond gunha

they both get in a fighting stance

a lot armed men appear...they were wearing masks and black robes...some of them seem be holding sword while the other were in the back...they don't seem to have any weapon,they would probably somekind of power

"the one who beat the most of them win...but be careful have the guts to call for help if your in trouble also think about the civilian i saw some of them,they're hiding but be careful about them"said gunha

"same for you"said hokaze

gunah had a tiny laugh

"sure,i've have enough guts for that"

"Also, don't forget to smile when you save people... it's reassuring for the civilian"add gunha at the end

[why am i enjoying this when i'm in a clear danger ?]thought hokaze as she feel a bit weird

"anyway,let's fight"sadi hokaze

" and let's show some guts !!!"said both of them

and that's it for this chapter,a really big chapter

[15000 words!!!!! and that's way too long for a single chapter!]

i decide to do a bigger chapter because i was late...but i was so into writing the chapter that i forgot that a chapter need to end at some point and to publish it (it's why some scenes may have felt like chapters ending)and so i just kept writing on the same chapter

anyways,i don't really know when the next chapter will be out,probably in a week or something like that,

you know how i work now,i mean it's like....chapter now..... feel like i will reach chapter 100 one day..not that i actually mind

and so as usual....don't hesitate to ask any question about anything

and see you next time!!

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