My Fake Fiancé

By Dimple_Lady

11.4K 368 51

Nick needs a fake girlfriend - one wife-material enough to present to his father the King and drama-free enou... More

The Wedding Reception
The Deal
Arabian Palace
Arabian Night
Meeting the Sheikh
Announcement Day
The Lie Begins

A pressing Need

1.4K 48 3
By Dimple_Lady

As Aron swayed me around, Dimple gave me a wink and I wanted to wink or even smile back, but I could not. Dancing with a rich handsome guy should have made me feel alive or thrilled. But I felt nothing. Have I forgotten how to have fun? I closed my eyes and sighed.

I could feel Aron's hand on my back and I felt nothing. I looked up at him and he smiled and gave me a wink. I tried a tentative smile, how the hell could I not feel anything?

"I think I'll take it from here" Nick's voice came from behind. This was his business voice, all serious and controlling. Aron, a handsome and sweet guy kind of paled and nodded with an awkward smile.

In a blink of an eye I was in Nick's arms, close, so close to him. His nearness almost made me swoon...or was it his cologne? I did not have time to react however, as I was boiling over how he had treated Aron.

"You are such a mean person!" I reprimanded in a whisper. I did not want to attract attention. This man was always involved in scandals with women and I did not want to become another scandal.

He looked taken aback though. "Why? You were not enjoying his company" he stated and I could not agree more, but it was still rude to just barge in and intimidate him.

"It still does not justify being rude"

"So you'd rather I ask him to stop boring you to death and let a real man take the lead?" he asked, looking at me with a dark eyebrow raised.

I shrugged. "Who said he was boring me?" I questioned. Was it so visible?

"Weren't you bored?" he asked and then smirked, and suddenly I was again very aware of his arms around me. "Won't you agree dancing in my arms is way better than in his?" he asked, his dark eyes boring into mine.

I shook my head, but it only got me another disarming smile. It was like he was mocking me. He leaned in, his mouth close to my ear. "A little tip of advocacy, you need to lie confidently" he said and his voice was a tone lower, more sensual, sending ripples down my back, even though what he said was mocking. I cursed my treacherous body.

He laughed at my expression and swayed me again. He was taking the lead, obviously! I thought sourly. He narrowed his eyes at me. "It seems like you are better at lying to yourself. " Then he sighed dramatically. "I guess I just have to make you realize that dancing with me is way better" he said and in a matter of seconds, his arms tightened, snaked down to my butt and cupped my butt cheeks. I knew I was blushing and tried to push away from him, but strong as he was, it only got me closer, closer to feel his erection, again!

I gasped and glared at his chest, not confident enough to look at him. I knew his eyes must now be dark and sultry, and his smile was mocking. He leaned in again. "I have never felt this strong attraction before, Sherry, why do you deny it?" he asked and that made me go cold. This was all about some fling, a horny attraction, nothing more, not that I wanted anything more. I did not have time for all this.

I pushed back, and this time weirdly, he allowed me to walk away, not laughing mockingly, but eyes dead serious.

A month later

Nick's POV

"You need to do your duty by us, and soon" he said in his heavy accent and the deep voice. I looked at him carefully. His health was indeed slowly deteriorating. It was plain to even me that he was in his final days. There was a father I barely knew, and he was asking me to give up a lot. I might not be a family man, but I grew close to him, closer than I wished to be with someone.

"Hridaan, are you with me?" he asked, clever eyes boring into mine. He had this uncanny ability to read into my eyes. I nodded, already thinking about how I will get out of this one. A hired one won't be bad.

I heard his deep chuckle, his eyes crinkling. Then the coughing started and I was compelled to sit by his side on the bed. "Father"

He still had the smile on his face. "Anyway you decide to do your duty, it is fine with me" he said, as if he knew.

"I told you, even if you hate it, you are very much like me. I would have been thinking the same thing had I been in your place." He said and I stared at him.

"Go on, I am sure you need to prepare a lot. And I need my rest." He said I nodded. He did look like he needed his sleep. As soon as I reached the door however, he said "Two weeks is the only time I can give you" and I cursed my ethnic blood.

I walked to the only woman who I could consider a mother figure. Lady Heena, my aunt was sitting by her balcony, staring into the desserts.

"His health is failing" she said, sensing my presence behind her. I bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. She smiled and motioned for me to sit down.

"Its not fair" I said without thinking. She turned to look at me with the anger obvious in her eyes.

"What's not fair is that he has to die so soon, all because of your English mother who broke his heart. What's not fair is that those council members are pressurizing him even though his health has deteriorated. What's unfair is that his only son, albeit estranged, cannot do his only duty"

By then she had tears in her eyes. I moved closer to her and wiped her tears. "You know I did not mean it that way aunt"

She softened and nodded, sadness in her eyes. "Would a wife be that dreadful to you?" she asked, her eyes searching. I shook my head. "It's the complications that a wife brings that I do not want. She'll want my time and you know how busy I am. I have to take care of both my job and running this country. I have no time for a wife's demands on my time." I said and she patted my hand.

"You'll find a wife would make it easier for you. Not the other way round. There are so many girls here who would be ready to-"

"oh no, if I can't decide whether to marry or not, I'll decide who I marry." I said, not able to give her more than that. I kissed her cheek and walked out, knowing that I needed to find a solution to this, and soon.

A week later

I walked to the balcony and gazed at the city lights. One week to go. One week to choose the woman who would be my wife. I sighed and took in the crisp air. Damn Sherry for not accepting what I proposed. It would solve both our problems and she was the perfect candidate. She was not clingy and complicated. She was strong and independent and sexy as hell. She needed what I offered and I needed her.

I cringed at the options I had besides her. The women I had been with were all interested in the money and fame it would get them to marry me, they would never survive the deserts. And their insane demands on my time would make it impossible for me to both work as a lawyer and run the country at the same time. It would be pure hell to not be able to have intelligent conversation.

Damn it all! Damn those council members who are pressurizing my father, damn my father for pinning for my mother and not being able to produce any other heir, damn Sherry for being so stubborn and thick headed!

"What's got you in such a mood?" Damian asked and shook me out of my cursing race. I made a face and gulped down my whiskey.

"Women!" I said and Damian looked startled for a moment then burst out laughing.

"Who would have known? Nick the ladies man would be upset over women"

"One in particular" I said, knowing my problems could be gone if only Sherry would agree!

Damian sobered. "You know its against company rules to date employees" he said and it only succeeded in worsening my mood.

"Then I guess I have to fire her" I said without thinking.

Damian immediately went serious. "You would be so cruel as to fire her, knowing how she desperately needs the money?"

I sighed. Me and Damian both knew what it meant to stand on our own feet and struggle to keep those we loved afloat. And Sherry was doing just that...only that

"It's not cruelty, its kindness. I told her I'll help her out" I said, gritting my teeth. It took courage to divulge the vital information of a small country's crisis but I knew that she should know what she was getting into. I thought she would understand, but all she did was throw it all back in my face saying she much preferred an honest path.

"Damn it! Her honesty is applaudable, but it's a pain in my ass right now!" I said, annoyed at her. Damian looked thoughtful and one look at him was enough to know he went all business again, and that meant ruthlessness.

"You know, you could use that very same honesty against her" he said. I sighed. "You are right. Asking her nicely isn't going to make her agree" I said.

"Because wooing and seduction is called asking her nicely?" Damian asked then chuckled.

I shrugged. "It's what women want" I said simply. Women loved all the wining and dining. "But I guess firing her would force her to accept my proposal" I said and Damian nearly spilled his drinks.

"Man! You can be so damn callous when you want to be! I meant help her mother out and because she is so ethical, she will agree to it as she will be grateful. Not fire her!"

I shook my head. "Being callous is what gets you deals and keeps your company well away from legal troubles." I retorted but I knew he was right.

"Yeah, and you have always been charming with women, how come one girl affects you so much that you suddenly decide to have her, even if it means being cruel?" he asked then as though something hit him, he started laughing.

"Anyways man, good luck. Don't do anything that will get me in the bad books of my wife" he said as he started walking away.

"As though Dimple could think the worse of you!" I said, those two were so madly in love that hurting or thinking bad about each other was something totally alien when thinking about them.

Damian however paused by the door and looked serious. "It could happen. A lack of communication can lead two people to disastrous ends" he said before walking off.

I looked back at his retreating figure and noticed the attention he commanded, even though he gave them no notice. I shook my head. Married people suddenly HAD to give advice. But I had to admit that a miscommunication led to Dimple and Damian's divorce. But Dimple and Sherry were two very different people. I needed to tread carefully. One false move and I would have to choose those girls who would definitely make my life hell. As I started to plan it all out, I finally found some hope. After all women rarely say no to me.


A/N: I am still struggling with the storyline, but hopefully you will be patient and love the coming few chapters. Please comment and let me know how you liked this chapter.

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