
By thepplsauthor

255 21 1

The San Jose native (Bayley Martinez) is one of the rebellious teens in her previous high school which she go... More

Parking Lot Fight
An Unknow Surprise
Party Night
Last Friday Night
Grounded and Ungrounded
"Im late"
We're here for you.


20 2 0
By thepplsauthor

"No way." I say moving aside. "Rebecca Lynch but everyone calls me Becky or Becks/Bexs." Becky said to Sasha holding her hand out for a handshake which Sasha accepts. "Becky what are you doing here?" I ask in shock seeing her again. "Well two nights ago I convinced my parents to let me move to Boston since I've been miserable without you and they agreed so now I'm Boston's new resident!" Becky said happily. "So Shes the girl back in California that you've mentioned earlier, I'm Sasha btw." Sasha said. "Oh I know Bayley talks about you." Becky said and Sasha smiled. "Oh you do huh Bayls?" Sasha asked smirking and I shook my head. "I do not anyways Becky its great to have you back." I say embracing her into a hug. "Well I guess I should get going to let you guys catch up?" Sasha said not wanting to be a third wheel I assume. "Actually you can stay any friend of Bayley's is a friend of mine." Becky said as we headed back to my room and began talking.

Later that night
Becky and I met up at the school and snuck in through the back with a bag of spray cans. "Ready?" I ask Becky who nods as we both grab a spray bottle and began tagging on the cafeteria tables. "Our principle is going to be so fucking pissed tomorrow." Becky says and I smirk as I finish up my graffiti and put my signature 'P-1800' as I move onto other things to tag before heading to the principals office and began tagging his office walls and desk. "McMahon sucks!" I wrote on his wall and moved over to the desk. I tapped my chin thinking of what I could write before it hit me. "P-1800 rulez" with a crown right above 1800. "B, let's tag the lockers!" Becky shouts to me and I smirk. We come up with something pretty cool that we'd only understand and sign it with 'PB' before exiting the building taking the bag and empty cans with us heading back to my house. "That was fucking cool!" Becky says as we run back to my house. "Agreed Becks." I say.

Monday morning
Becky and I make it to school together just in time for the shit show. "Dude someone tagged the school!" Dean said as he looked at the lockers and me and Becky secretly fist bump. Next thing we knew Mr. McMahon came out of the office furious. "Which one of you delinquents did that to my office?!" He said in a demanding tone and everyone stayed silent. He walked around to see the locker and looked at the signature. "Paige and Banks come with me!" He said as he stormed into his office as the students turn their attention to Sasha and Paige who stood their confused before walking into the office. "Oh they're in big trouble." Charlotte said worried. "I'm sure they'll be fine." I say with a slight smirk. Within minutes Sasha and Paige came out his office and he looked at me and Becky. "I'll be pulling you all individually to see who did this and once I find out you'll be expelled unless you want to confess now then you'll only have two weeks of detention." He said and everyone remained silent until the bell ringed and we all went to class except Becky who had to get her schedule and of course Charlotte was her guide.

The school day was going fine until it was my turn to be pulled from class to be questioned on the graffiti. "Ms. Martinez, are you responsible for this?" He asked and I shook my head. "No sir." I say and he squints his eyes as he pulls out my record. "Says here you're known for graffiti on school property." He said and I sigh. "I'm screwed." I say underneath my breath. "Sir I've changed since then, I cant afford to have my mom constantly move from state to state." I say calmly. "Well if that's true why don't we bring Ms. Lynch, you guys know each other well." He said as his door opened and Becky sat beside me. "So Becky, Bayley told me that you were responsible for the incident that occurred in my office, cafeteria and lockers." He said and Becky sighed. "Sir I just got here and I'm already in trouble? If anything I'd be blaming that Dean kid I mean look at him he said it himself during our class he'd want to do something like that, maybe he's responsible." She said and he nods. "Well you two wouldn't mind writing down those phrases would you?" He asked and Becky and I both nod as we began writing them. Becky wrote in cursive with her right hand despite being left handed. As I finished off the writing Becky had already handed him his paper back and exited the office while I gave mine back as well leaving with her. "Think we're in trouble?" She asked and I shook my head 'no' and she smiled. "I'll see you later Bexs." I say as I head back to my class.

The rest of class went on and then lunch came around, I sat at the table furthest from everyone while Becky joined me. "So how was your classes with Flair?" I ask and Becky smirks. "Ok first shes hot and two shes fucking brilliant." She says before Sasha chimed in. "Who's brilliant?" She asked sitting across from me as her sister joined too now sitting across from Becky. "I was saying Bayley was brilliant." Becky said and I nod in agreement. "Did you guys hear about the party at Romans next weekend?" Charlotte asked and I shook my head no. "Yeah apparently it's for all the seniors in our school." Becky said. "Holy shit Pam is that you?!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Kate standing by me. "Hey Kate, Uh um what's up?" I ask and she shrugs. "Not much, mind if I sit here?" She asked and I shrug. "Not at all sit." I say and she does. "Who's this?" Becky and Sasha ask in union. "Oh this is Kate, these are my friends Becky, Sasha and Charlotte." I say as Kate waves at them. "So your friends with two cheerleaders that's not what I expected out of you Pam." She said and I smile. "On a side note, who's Pam?" Sasha asked confused. "Oh right see um I'm Pamela go by Pam but I hate the name so it's legally changed to Bayley although I sometimes use Pam when meeting new people, so Kate you can't keep calling me Pam it's Bayley or Bay maybe even Bayls as Sasha and Becky call me." I say and Kate nods. "Alright Bayls." She said and I smile. "Class how's that going?" Sasha asked as that started a conversation that continued til lunch was over.

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