XL || J.JK

By golden_usagi17

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Wherein she loves him for all that he is, but he hurts her by pointing at her biggest insecurity. More



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By golden_usagi17

"I didn't mean to hurt you..." Jungkook tell you softly, his voice small, almost whimpering.

You glared at him. "You called me stuff, Jungkook! You pointed out at all of my insecurities!"

He looked down. "I'm sorry..."

When he hears no answer from you, he look up at your sad eyes again. "I really didn't mean those words, Y/N. Believe me!"

You cried. "H-How... How am I supposed to believe you!?"

"I did those because I don't want you to get hurt!"

"You hurt me! Those hurt me! You're so confusing ! How is hurting me preventing me from getting hurt!?" You spat, pushing him away.

He grabbed you by your shoulders looking you straight in the eyes. His expression almost mirroring yours. He's pained to see you like this.

"I was saving you from myself! From the future me! I don't want you to fall in love deeper, I can't be kind to you, I can't accept you that time because I was stupidly waiting for my ex to comeback!" He exclaimed. "I never wanted to hurt you but I have to — so you would leave and hate me."

You cried at him. Hitting his chest with your fists. "I'm already in too deep before you met me, Jungkook. What makes you think making me suffer would make me hate you?"

Your eyes met his, pleading and tearstained. "I can never hate you no matter what you do... Instead, I hate myself for being like this."

Jungkook hugged you. Your face nuzzling on his unique scent. "I know, Y/N. I know."

When a minute passed and you're finally calm, he decided to slowly pull away from you. His eyes immediately scanning your face in worry. "Are you okay now?"

You gave him a small nod that causes him to smile.

"You—You won't hurt me ever again?" You dumbly asked which he chuckled at.

He bop your red nose. "That's the plan, silly."

"Even if I'm like this?"

He furrow his brow at that. "Like what?"

"I'm fat and ug—"

"Shh! Stop calling yourself fat and other mean things." He hushed you. His eyes staring deeply onto yours. "You're beautiful, Y/N. Inside and out, don't ever feel insecure about small flaws that I find perfect in you."

You pouted. "You really mean it?"

He nodded, flashing you his bunny smile. "I mean it."


Silence dawn upon the both of you two again. Not awkward silence, but comfortable one. Just staring at each other's eyes as you hug — and just when you thought he's done surprising you and making your heart skip a beat, he said something that made you froze in your spot.

"I like you, Y/N."

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