The Night is Changing Overhea...

By BabyTeacup3

18K 355 836

One of the best fics on ao3 I don't claim this story, I didn't write it Slight dom/sub More

The Breath Before We Get a Little Closer
Here Comes The Rush Before We Touch
I Won't Treat You Like You're Typical
It's Not Just All Physical
The Night Sky is Changing Overhead
I Want You Close
The Sun is Finally Setting
Here Come the Dreams
Doors are Open

Let's Make Things Physical

1.5K 39 47
By BabyTeacup3

Harry spent the rest of his day in what some might have called, distress.

Naturally, when Harry initially read the imprinted scribbles, his first reaction was to drop the cup of coffee onto the ground. He watched with hands covered over his mouth as the brown liquid splattered across the kitchen floor.

He had never been good with surprises, chronically known to have spoiled every present he had given his mum.

In all fairness, Harry was startled that Louis managed to sneak out, buy him coffee, break back into Harry's studio, and leave...again. After all of that effort, the only trace left behind was Louis' mobile number and lukewarm coffee.

It had been three mornings of Louis and each one of them had rendered Harry stupid.

Harry held the empty cup in his hand, his eyes peering the black ink. The only part of the scrawl that didn't look as if written by a child, was Louis' name. It was obvious which part the barista had done, and which part Louis had added himself. Harry refused to let himself feel endeared as he pulled out his mobile and added Louis' contact.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with Harry thoughtlessly lazing around the studio. After cleaning the mess in the kitchen, he took a bath. His mobile glistened on the side table, the screen black and undisturbed. After showering, Harry watched TV and fidgeting with the mobile in his hand. His eyes were locked on the flickering of the television as his thumb ran across the home button of the phone. Giving into exhaustion, Harry eventually took a nap. When he woke up two hours later, his mobile was perched on the pillow next to him.

It wasn't until Harry was about to cook himself dinner, that he opened up the list of contacts in his phone. He scrolled down to the letter L and clicked, Little Coffee Thief. Opening a new message, Harry's fingers briefly hovered over the keyboard.

Sneaking in and out of someone's flat is very frowned upon...Lucky for you, I'll still buy tomorrow's coffee. –H.

Harry hit send before he could think too much into it, placing his mobile on the counter. Harry worked around the kitchen in ease, chopping up peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce, for fajitas. The sultry cooing of Adele's voice hummed throughout the studio, the vinyl record slowly turning on the jockey. Harry swung his hips to the rhythm, swaying his weight from foot to foot. His ears perked as his phone vibrated against the countertop. He looked over his shoulder and saw Louis had responded.

Forgetting food for a moment, Harry unlocked his phone and opened the new message. He barked out a laugh when he saw Louis' response, his teeth dug into his thick bottom lip.

Lucky me? You're the one who got my cock up their arse. Lucky you.

Harry was already thinking of a snide remark when Louis texted him again.

See you at 9 princess.

Heat curled in the center Harry's stomach, the feeling of lust thrilling through his body. Tapping the home button, Harry closed his messages. Harry glared at the mobile as he attempted resist the idea of wanking off to the thought of Louis. If he had any chance of maintaining a "relationship" with the pixie of a man, he needed to play it cool.

That notion lasted all of thirty seconds.

Leaving the fajita behind, Harry quickly made his way to the shower, pulling off his clothes as he went. He turned on the faucet to the shower head and palmed his already thickening cock. Condensation coated the suspended vanity, cueing Harry that it was time to climb in the tub. Carefully, Harry stepped beneath the spray of warm water.

Harry's eyes shut as flickers of images rolled through his mind. Visuals of Louis trailing his fingers against his rim made Harry tweak his nipples, the buds getting firm under his touch. The ghost pressure of Louis' fingers wrapped around Harry's throat, had him tugging himself to full hardness. With one hand wrapped around his cock, Harry brought the other against his neck. He kept his eyes closed as he imagined Louis whispering petnames into the shell of his ear. Princess, being the main one of his fantasy. Harry dug his thumb into the side of his throat as his wrist flicked over the sensitive head of his cock.

Water poured down his back and Harry could feel his climax quickly approach. Images of Louis' hands running over his body, evolved into Louis pressing his cock past Harry's rim. Harry bit into his shoulder as he imagined Louis bending him nearly in half. Humid air beautifully constricted him, water droplets cascading along every contour of Harry's frame. Harry's breath was becoming rugged and he felt so close.

It wasn't Harry cutting off his own airway or the quick movements of his wrist that made him to come. It was the image of Louis giving a harsh slap against his cheek. Harry's voice cracked as he whimpered into his wet skin. Warm come filled his palm as he came into his fist. Feeling as if his knees were about to give out from underneath of him, Harry stretched out his hand to stabilize himself. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Harry managed to open his eyes.

As he weakly grabbed soap to clean himself off, Harry had an inkling that wasn't going to be the last time he got off to Louis Tomlinson.


Harry stood in front of the vanity hung above the sink. His eyes darted between his reflection and the brown box that held a small collection of ribbons. September air filtered through the studio, the sound of rustled leaves accompanied the rhythmic taps of Harry's fingertips.

With a definitive nod towards his reflection, Harry secured his hair in a high ponytail. He fingered through different ribbons in the box, searching for one in particular. His fingers curled around an olive green strip, the material thick and slightly tattered from years of wear. Harry wrapped the ribbon around the base of his ponytail and fastened it to make a bow, the green contrasting with his maroon flannel and white shirt.

As he strode towards the clothing racks, Harry plucked his wallet from a ceramic dish and slid it into the pocket of his blue jeans. He pulled his brown jacket off a hanger, slid it past his arms and over his shoulders. Dark brown foux fur lined the collar, the soft material caressing the junction of his neck.

After tugging on a pair of battered Chelsea boots, Harry left his flat. He brushed a few loose tendrils behind his ear as he padded down to the bottom floor. Delicate whispers sifted through the corridor. Floorboards creaked as quiet conversations sounded from behind tenant's closed doors. Harry could smell a hint of bacon, his stomach giving an uncomfortable lurch in response. Having spent far too long in the shower, for reasons he would never admit aloud, Harry had forgotten to eat breakfast.

Harry squinted his eyes as he exited the building, the overcast sky slightly blinding him as he stepped onto the pavement. He tugged his jacket tighter around him as he walked to Menchies. Pulling out his mobile, Harry saw that he was going to be a few minutes early. The knots that twisted his stomach barely subsided.

Harry opened the door to Menchies and quickly scanned the small crowd for Louis. He wasn't there. Making his way to the back of the line, Harry nervously adjusted the bow nestled in his hair. Harry was listening to a petite woman place her order when he felt a sharp jab in his side.

"Fucking hell, Louis," Harry cursed before he even turned around. He wasn't surprised to see Louis standing behind him with a shit eating grin stretched across his face. Louis reminded Harry of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, feline and mischievous.

He pulled Louis' fingers away from his side. Holding them in a tight grip, Harry reprimanded, "Bad." He let Louis go with a pointed glare.

Louis shrugged, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his black jeans. "You'll get over it."

Harry rolled his eyes and turned towards the cashier, taking a step forward. "Hi, two large Americanos, dash of milk. A blueberry muffin for me and..." Harry drawled out, staring at Louis questioningly.

"Croissant, please."

The cashier nodded and typed in their order. He handed over a tenner, biting back a grin as Louis nudged Harry's bicep with his shoulder. Slipping the change into his wallet, Harry walked away from the counter with Louis in tow.

"Coffee and breakfast?" Louis teased, "Be careful or I might start to think you're trying to impress me."

"If this is impressive to you, I won't have to try very hard in the future."

"The future, hmm? A bit presumptuous, don't you think?" Louis crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side.

Heat rose to Harry's cheeks but he wasn't going to let Louis get the best of him. He was far too stubborn when it came to Louis. "Seeing as how you're the one who left his number, I think it's just presumptuous enough."

"Fair play, Princess," Louis laughed, shaking his head back and forth.

"Two Americanos with dash of cream, blueberry muffin, and croissant," the barista called out.

The two men shuffled forward to grab their food. There was a slight moment of hesitation afterwards, both rooted in place. Harry fidgeted with the silver ring wrapped around his thumb.

"Do you-" Harry started, stopping as Louis cut him off.

"I have some time before I need to get to work and I hate eating alone, so." Louis shrugged. He took a slow step backwards towards a wooden table perched in the right corner.

Harry nodded, a pleased feeling settled in his gut as he followed Louis.

Carefully, Harry set his coffee cup and muffin on the table top. He pulled out a chair and got settled in the worn seat. Louis sat across from him and stripped off his fitted black blazer. Harry took in Louis' appearance, feeling as if it was the first time he could get away with a long look at him.

With an initial glance, everything about Louis Tomlinson was a contradiction. From his physical appearance to his personality - based off of what Harry had seen at least - it was all a contradiction. Physically, he was on the shorter side, 5'6 tops if Harry had to guess. Louis had strong legs, thick and sturdy. His biceps, the same; strong enough to handle Harry but not to the point where he looked burly.

On the other hand, Louis was delicate. Harry couldn't think of a better word to describe him and he was sure that if he ever told Louis, well, he would lose feeling in his groin region. Regardless, it was true. While his arms and legs were muscular, his shoulders were lean as they featured his pronounced collar bones. His wrists were slight and his ankles bony. Soft curves settled at his waist, giving him an almost feminine figure.

Underneath of his blazer, Louis wore a The Who baseball shirt. It confused Harry because that meant Louis was going to work in a band-tee and jeans. The most professional aspect of his outfit was an onyx blazer. Given, Harry wasn't the poster child for what would be "typical" work-dress, but still, another contradiction.

"Do you work around here?" Harry asked after he took a sip, liquid slightly burning the roof of his mouth.

Louis tilted his head from side to side, "Sort of. I live in Piccadilly, work just outside of Soho. Not really far away because I take the tube everywhere."

"But you come all the way out here for coffee?" Harry gestured towards the drinks in front of them with his index finger.

"Ah, yeah. Well, that's a bit of an interesting story," Louis humorously laughed, his eyes somewhat squinted. Harry mimed for him to continue. Louis rolled his eyes, "If you judge me, I'll castrate you."

"For someone who likes cock so much, you have a weird fascination with castration."

"Fuck off," Louis huffed out on a laugh, the corners of his mouth lifting. "Alright, if you must know, the first morning when we had our incident-"

"Is that what we're calling it? An incident?" Harry interrupted, his chin turned up indignantly.

Louis' expression was unimpressed, "Yes, that's what we're calling it. Now are you going to shut that lovely mouth of yours and let me finish my story?"

Harry mimed zipping his lips shut, picked up his blueberry muffin, and took a bite. Louis watched him with a smirk etched into his expression. "What?" Harry muffled out around the food in his mouth.

"Did y'know you stick out your tongue before you eat?" Louis leaned back in his chair.

Harry frowned because, no, he did not know that. "Weren't you supposed to be telling me a story? Stop being observant," Harry childishly replied.

Louis smirked from over the top of his cup, the skin along the side of his eyes crinkled. "Right. So, the first morning I saw you, was actually my first time in here. I was coming back from a, uh, sleepover of sorts."

Harry's jaw dropped, his eyes comically wide. "Is this - Is this like your hunting ground?" Harry incredulously asked.

A sharp laugh ripped out of Louis as he leaned forward, his palms slapping against the table top. "My hunting ground?"

"Lurking around Soho, bedding the gays. Shameless is what you are."

Louis was full on cackling, his eyes reduced to small slits from how hard he was laughing. "Bedding the gays, that's a first. You sure are something else, Harry."

Harry openly smiled and took another bite into the muffin, being mindful of the way he ate that time around.

"For the record," Louis started, dramatically pausing to rip off a piece of the croissant. He popped it in his mouth and exaggeratedly moaned as he swallowed. "No, I don't wander around Soho to ensnare pretty boys like yourself. Just a coincidence."

Harry narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly, "Coincidence, right."

"Right. Anyways, as I was saying before you questioned my honor," Louis accentuated the last word with a quick but harmless kick to Harry's shin. "He was a bit clingy and I wasn't interested in any form of a conversation that morning so, I rushed out. I had to get home to change before work, wash any come off me. But, I passed by here and decided to pop in."

"Still doesn't explain why you came back the morning after."

"I wanted to see if you would be here again. It was pretty entertaining to see someone get all worked up over coffee." Louis nonchalantly raised a shoulder, taking a pull from his cup.

"You came back here in hopes to torture me," Harry deadpanned.

Louis held up his thumb and pointer finger, a small space between the digits, "Just a little bit."

"And you call me an overgrown child."

"You surprised me, though," Louis raised his eyebrow. "Didn't expect you to play along, let alone get back at me. It was a good surprise."

Louis' tone made Harry feel a small flame of pride. Even for Harry, it was a bit forward. He surprised himself that he managed the courage to do it. Louis was grinning at him, "The bow helped, too."

Flush rose to Harry's cheeks and his stomach did an array of flips and turns. "Be honest," Harry narrowed his eyes, amusement dancing across Louis' features as he stared back. "Did you grab my coffee on purpose?"

A broad grin illuminated Louis' profile, his eyebrow expectantly cocked. "What do you think, Harry?"

Harry bent forward and sharply punched Louis' bicep, "You little shit!"

Batting him away, Louis' touch lingered on Harry's pulse point. Louis raised his hands in defense, "What! It was a weird night, I saw an opportunity with a pretty boy, and I took it."

"That's what you call an opportunity? I call it thievery. Thievery from a little coffee thief."

"If you keep calling me little, I'm going to develop a complex."

Harry snorted, "Doubt it. I'm sure your ego is stroked enough."

Louis impishly winked at him as he pushed his chair out, "I can think of something else that needs be stroked a bit more."

"You wish," Harry muttered, a heat prickling the apples of his cheeks.

Louis stood, grabbed his cup, and pushed his chair back in. Harry was quick to follow suit.

"You're not wrong, Princess."

Harry pointedly rolled his eyes and discarded the trash in a bin by their table. The pair walked towards the exit of Menchies, dodging the bodies waiting in line. Harry held the door open for Louis and watched as Louis tugged his blazer back on, his biceps flexing underneath the cotton shirt.

"Well this was lovely, Harold," Louis said as he turned to face Harry.

"Was it?" Harry squinted, earning him anther sharp jab into his side.

Louis crossed his arms and straightened his back, appearing taller than he was, "Yes, it was."

Harry shoved his hands into his pockets and loitered by the entrance of the café. The toe of his boot scuffed against the pavement. As silence continued to bridge between them, Harry was the first to give in.

"Am I gonna see you again?"

People passed by them on the street, loud conversations and car horns filling the lull between them. Harry focused on the intent look that was forming on Louis' face. Louis' gaze almost unnerving as he stated, "I want to be upfront with you, Harry."

Harry rocked back on the heel of his boot, "I'd appreciate that."

"Figured," the corner of Louis' mouth quirked in a private smile. "You're interesting and really fuckin' pretty."

"Thanks?" Harry more so questioned than stated, confusion muddling his expression.

"I'm not going to date you," Louis blatantly stated.

"Uh. Okay..." Harry drawled out, evidently putout by the information.

Louis stepped closer and looped a finger in the front pocket of Harry's jeans. "I like talking to you, I like fucking you, and I would like to keep doing both. I'm just being honest, I don't want to waste your time." Louis' tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip. He shrugged, "Don't expect a relationship from me and I wont expect one from you."

Complete earnestness reflected back at Harry as they kept eye contact. Harry was impressed more than anything else. Nobody liked being fucked around with and Louis was making his intentions extremely clear. In truth, Harry wasn't sure if he even wanted the possibility of a serious relationship. He was still young and had his shop to worry about.

"I appreciate you not trying to dick me around," Harry watched a miniscule smile flicker over Louis' face. "Well, at least about this," Harry teased. Louis full blown grinned, crows feet crinkling the skin by his eyes.

Harry definitely wasn't ready to end whatever was happening between them.

"I can handle that."

Relief spread across Louis' face, his irises luminous, "And if anything changes, you tell me. I'll do the same, yeah?"



"You complete twat of an excuse for a Styles! Where have you been?"

Harry pulled the glass door shut behind him. Niall stood behind the reception desk, his hands situated on his bony hips. Harry had flashbacks of his mum reprimanding him as a child for sneaking crisps to his bedroom.

"Sorry mum, I won't miss curfew again," Harry teased as he walked closer to Niall.

Harry went to wrap his arms around Niall's shoulders, his hands fully extended towards the man. Niall swatted him away and ran to the other side of the desk.

Niall was a toddler. A disgruntled, blonde, toddler.

"No Niall love for you until you explain yourself."

Harry sighed and dropped his forearms to rest against the desk top. "I'm sorry I'm later than usual. But...I thought I didn't have a booking for another hour?"

"What? No, I couldn't give a fuck about that," Niall's nose scrunched his nose as he waved Harry off.

"Then what...?"

Niall began to pace across the checkered floor. He scoffed and dramatically threw his hands in the air, "Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!"

If Harry was a better friend, he would have been worried about Niall's mental health. Instead, he found himself cackling.

"This isn't a laughing matter! The last I saw of you was your gangly arse being pressed up against a wall. Your only defense was a horny puppy."

"Is Louis the horny puppy?"


Tears pricked Harry's eyes from how hard he was laughing, Niall watching him unimpressed.

"Well?" Niall asked expectantly.

"Well, what?" Harry replied, coming down from his laughter.

"Tell me about his penis," Niall bluntly stated.

That was exactly why Niall was Harry's best mate. It was also the reason why Harry decided he needed to start taking Niall to more "straight" bars. The man talked about cock far too much for someone who didn't have any personal interest.

"Average size, I'd say," Harry thoughtfully said as if they were discussing possible answers to world hunger. "Excellent girth, knew what to do with his hands if you know what I mean."

"I don't fuck boys so, no, I don't know what you mean. Details," Niall slowly walked behind the desk.

"Bit of choking and pinching. Great stamina which unfortunately, isn't always the case with blokes. Overall, quality work on his end," Harry affirmed by giving Niall a thumbs up.

"Did he stay the night?"

Harry nodded, "Was gone before I woke up, though."

Niall's expression instantly morphed from pensive to disappointed. His eyebrows pulled together and his bottom lip slightly jutted out. The amount of transparency made Harry's chest ache.

"Don't pull that face," Harry reprimanded. "He left his number and we got coffee this morning."

Like a switch, Niall was back to his regular chipper state. "Oh, you like him! Just look at you, all blushy and shit."

Harry's hands clasped behind his back, his pigeon toes awkwardly angled towards one another, "I like hanging out with him."

"Do you know when you'll see him again?"

"No...We-uh, we agreed on a pals-who-get-each-other-off, sort of situation. So, I'll see him soon enough m' sure."

Niall doubtfully peered at him, his nose crinkled, "Is that what you want?"

"I think so?" Harry tugged his bottom lip between his thumb and pointer finger. "I already have a lot going on with the shop and for now, that's more important than building a relationship. And y'know I sort of hate the whole one-night-stand scene. I think this is a good middle ground that I can handle."

"As long as you're happy and getting laid, I'm happy," Niall smiled. He bridged the space between them and wrapped his arms around Harry's middle.

Harry made a pleased sound and pulled Niall closer, "Yay, Niall love."


"No soaking your tattoo, no chlorine, no -"

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore...

Harry's cheeks flushed scarlet, immediately shooting his hand out to silence his mobile.

His client chuckled in the tattoo chair, her hand covering her mouth, "Hamilton? Really?"

"Its a catchy musical," Harry huffed, moving to forward the call to voicemail. Little Coffee Thief flashed across the home screen. A jolt of warmth ticked at the base of his spine.

Harry's eyes darted towards the woman, his thumb hovered over the screen. "If you go to the front desk, Niall will tell you the rest about after-care. I'm sorry, but I need to take this," Harry gestured to his mobile.

"No problem, have fun with Hamilton," the woman chuckled. She gathered her jacket and walked towards the exit, "Thanks again for, yuh know, the tattoo."

"You're welcome!" Harry called after her, waiting until the door shut. Tapping Accept, Harry brought the mobile to his ear, "You do know I just saw you this morning, right?"

Laughter cackled through the receiver and Harry privately smiled to himself. He situated his elbows on the knobs of his kneecaps, his chin rested against his palm.

"Think of this as an honor," Louis cheekily replied.

"Right," Harry drawled out.

An accumulation of voices filtered in the background, the different pitches faintly echoing as Louis' cut through, "Right, well I'm leaving work now and was wondering if you wanted to come 'round."

Harry started to clean his work station, grabbing discarded paper towels. "Long day at the office?"

"You could say that," Louis groaned.

Niall's voice carried through from the other room as Harry shuffled to grab his jacket. "Send me your address and I'll be there after I finish closing up here."



"Well, shit," Harry muttered to himself, rooted in place outside of Louis' building.

The grandiose building wrapped around the corner of Westminster Borough. Panels were coated with white paint and the windows were trimmed with warm burgundy brick. Pointed grey roofing made the building appear taller than it already was. The entryway was supported by thick columns, green canopy tents positioned above. Tenants dressed in lavish suits sauntered in and out of the building, each one looking more important than the last.

Harry tugged at the bottom of his flannel, scuffed boots digging into the pavement.

Pulling out his phone, Harry read the address Louis had sent him. He scanned the message, intently looking over the building number. Lowering his mobile, Harry read the plaque nestled in to the red brick. Surprisingly enough, Harry was at the correct address.

With a bit of difficulty, Harry hauled the glass door open. He made a bee-line towards the elevators positioned at left side of the lobby. Harry waited behind a thick woman who looked as if she had loss her neck somewhere amongst her tailored pantsuit. The lobby was rather decadent for something that was merely a passageway. Pearly marble floor and white walls. Abstract art was strung along the walls, the patterns abrasive from a glance. Everything seemed pompous and admittedly, Harry was put off by all of it.

The elevator doors slid open and Harry stumbled inside the compartment. He waited for the woman to tap the button for her floor. Internally, Harry rolled his eyes as she selected the second floor. In all fairness, her audacity did match the theme of the building. Harry kept his mouth firmly shut as he pressed a button for the seventh floor.

Keeping his eyes trained on the green carpeted floor, the elevator rose from the ground floor to the second and then up to the seventh. There was a delicate ping as the silver doors opened on Louis' floor. Harry stepped out of the suspended compartment, immediately noticing a fresh floral scent wafting in the corridor. Harry's eyebrows knitted together as he saw an automated air freshener fastened on the wall across the elevator.

Of course fucking course.

Two black doors were implanted at end of the hall, one labeled with a golden A and the other a golden B. Harry took four strides to the door on the left. He stood still for a moment, looking the A dead on.

Taking a deep breath, Harry brought his knuckles to the door's surface and knocked twice. He took a step back once he heard shuffling from inside the flat.

With a faint click, the door unlocked and Louis stood in the doorway.

Harry was relieved to see Louis wearing a loose pair of grey joggers and a basic black t-shirt. His hair hung a messy fringe, the tendrils limp over his forehead. There was a part of Harry that was mentally prepared to see Louis wearing a pressed suit with his hair neatly gelled back. While it wouldn't have been an unwelcomed sight, Harry would have felt overwhelmingly inadequate.

"Find it alright?" Louis asked. He stepped to the side and gestured for Harry to go in.

Harry snorted, "Yeah, as if I could miss the building."

He kicked off his boots to the left of the doorway where a mess of shoes were piled up. Harry smirked, deliberately lining the boots next to the pile.

However Louis, being Louis, he took one look at them and knocked them in the pile.

"My place, my rules," He chirped.

"Is making a mess a rule of yours?" Harry asked as he wandered further into the flat. His eyes widened, noticing the flat was two floors. Technically, one and a half.

White brick extended down the right side of the wall, three enormous windows lining the far back wall. Glass extended to the tall ceiling and Harry suspected people could see out of them from the second floor. As he walked closer to the windows, passing by black cushioned chairs and sofas, Harry recognized that they were actually doors that led to a balcony. The balcony was protected by black wrought iron fencing, the image nothing short of regal.

He turned around and saw a set of black stairs. The staircase led to a half floor that hovered above the entryway and kitchen. A short glass barrier lined the lip of the floor. Harry figured that Louis bed was nestled up there, probably a bathroom, too.

"Sometimes," Louis grinned as he rested his back against the kitchen island.

Harry noted that all of the kitchen appliances were stainless steel and most likely recently renovated. While the walls remained white, the cabinets were lacquered with a matte onyx coating. Harry immediately recognizing the theme of white, black, and grey.

It was the complete opposite of Harry's studio.

"Well," Harry turned around in place to look at Louis, "This is definitely not boho-y."

Louis snorted out a laugh, walking to where Harry was planted by the couch. "No, m'afraid it's not."

Harry sat down on the arm of the couch, his legs parted as Louis crowded into his space. His eyes lolled shut as Louis cupped his neck. Harry snaked his fingers underneath Louis' shirt and rested his hands on the curve of Louis' waist. Louis' soft skin melded against the pressure of Harry's thumbs, the digits pressing into his back dimples. With the grip against his waist, Harry pulled Louis a step closer.

"It's nice. Not really what I expected, though."

"What did you expect?" Louis quietly murmured. He ducked his head to the side, his mouth pressed against Harry's neck. Lethargically, Louis traced his tongue against the heated skin.

Harry's throat bobbed underneath Louis' ministrations, his toes curled against the sole of his boots. "Erm...I guess I thought-shit...didn't think it..." he rambled, the corners of Louis' mouth quirked against his skin.

Louis nipped his teeth at the junction of Harry's neck, plumping his lips against the crimson afterwards. He hummed, "Go on, Princess."

Once the petname was out, Harry submissively lolled his head to the side. He dug his fingers into Louis' hips.

"This is a really nice building is all...Oh, yeah, right there," Harry breathily whined when Louis found a sweet spot below his ear. "Nicer than most," Harry finished with a gasp.

"I got lucky," Louis murmured with a final kiss.

Drowsily, Harry blinked his eyes open. Louis watched him through half-hooded eyes, blatantly raking over Harry's front. His thumb pressed against the center of Harry's throat. Harry tipped his head back and slightly pouted his lips. A delicate grin played at Louis' lips as he leaned forward.

The first kiss was soft and slow, lush mouths gently molding together. A hint of mint spiked Harry's lips as he breathed Louis in. Harry tilted his head and began lengthening every kiss. Every press of their mouths built an underlying tension between them. Louis gently bit his bottom lip, tugging the rosy skin between his teeth. Harry parted his lips as he gasped into Louis' mouth. The first flick of Louis' tongue was quick and had Harry openly moaning. The second was lingering; Louis' tongue softly meeting Harry's with an unyielding certainty that raised goosebumps along Harry's skin.

Harry leaned away, his forehead pressed against Louis' as he inhaled through his nose. "Bed?" he softly asked, his breath mixing with Louis' in their tight space.

Louis nodded, moving to press a feather light kiss against Harry's temple.

Even though it was his idea, Harry let out a disappointed noise when Louis backed away. Harry opened his eyes and saw Louis already walking towards the staircase. Louis gave one look over his shoulder, winking at Harry before jogging the rest of the way. Harry remained on the armrest, momentarily dumbfounded before he managed to scamper after Louis.

Across from the top of the stairs, there was a protruding wall with a white door. A large bed was situated against the back wall, a plush white comforter stretched across the mattress. Harry smirked at the dark mahogany bedside tables perched at each side of the bed. White, black, and grey pillows lined against the headboard. Interestingly enough, each pillow was neatly placed.

For someone who was messy, Louis showed great respect for pillow placement.

"Well?" Louis teased. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, his shirt off and lying lamely on grey carpet.

Harry strode towards Louis, stripping off his jacket along the way. Pausing when he got to the end of the bed, he pulled his shirt over his head. He gripped Louis' shoulders and straddled his thighs. Louis' hands immediately ran over Harry's chest, the pads of his fingers outlining the different tattoos.

"Fuck," Louis breathed out as his pointer finger traced over the laurels imprinted on Harry's hip bones. "I've never really been into tattoos but, they look good on you."

He bit back a chortle, Louis obviously didn't understand just how important tattoos were to Harry. "Ever thought of getting one?"

Louis shook his head, his nose adorably scrunched, "Not really. Never thought of something that I would want bad enough to have branded on me. Not to mention, actually trusting someone not to cock up a design."

"Maybe you just haven't met the right artist yet," Harry beamed, unable to help the ironic huff of laughter that came out of his mouth.

"Maybe," Louis shrugged. He brought his eyes back up to Harry's, his fingers continuing to run up and down the indentation of Harry's groin.

Harry leaned down and nosed along Louis' neck, reveling in the way Louis' pulse thudded underneath him. He brought a hand between them and lightly tugged on Louis' wrist, bringing Louis' hand down to palm Harry through his jeans. He could feel Louis swallow underneath his lips as Louis gripped his hardening length through the fabric.

While keeping one hand on Harry's cock, Louis brought the other to Harry's arse. He firmly rubbed his fingers along the seam down the back of Harry's jeans, pressing against where Harry's entrance was. Harry pushed his arse back against the touch, feeling needy for Louis to properly touch him. Harry mindlessly rolled his hips, chasing the feeling of Louis' pressure against his arse and cock at the same time.

"Fuck, need you to touch me," Harry whimpered against the junction of Louis' neck.

As if he didn't weigh anything at all, Louis flipped them over. The comforter broke Harry's fall, cradling him against the luxurious material. Harry lifted his hips as Louis made easy work of getting his jeans and briefs off of him.

Louis gave Harry's inner thigh a quick kiss before resting on his haunches, "On your front, Princess."

Harry shuffled towards the top of the bed. He rolled over to lie on his stomach, crossing his arms to rest his cheek against them. Louis settled between his parted thighs, fingers lifting Harry's hips so he rested on his knees. Harry's back arched obscenely as his face pressed against his forearms.

"Look so good like this," Louis murmured from behind Harry.

Biting into his forearm, Harry attempted to wane off pathetic noises that threatened to spill from his mouth.

Louis's palms kneaded into Harry's arse, spreading him open. Harry closed his eyes and jerked foreword when Louis bit the cleft of his left cheek. Louis quickly licked over the sensitive skin and then repeated the motion on the other cheek. Harry felt wonton under Louis' administrations, his thoughts saturated with a thick haze.

The first flick of Louis' tongue over Harry's hole had him moaning into his skin. Louis deliberately traced his tongue around the ring of muscle. Harry could feel himself twitch underneath the pressure. He gripped the duvet tightly, his knuckles turning white. Moving his head back and forth, the slight stubble on Louis' chin scratched against Harry's sensitive skin. Harry could feel Louis deeply inhale as he continued to rub Harry raw.

"Oh fuck," Harry practically sobbed into his forearm.

Louis leaned away and Harry unconsciously pushed his hips back, chasing the feeling of Louis against him. Louis sharply slapped Harry's right arse cheek, Harry brokenly moaning in response.

"Don't cover your mouth," Louis sternly instructed. "Want to hear all of the noises you make because of me. All of them."

Harry moved his face from the crook of his elbow, hauling himself upwards. He rested his forearms against the duvet. Glancing over his shoulder, Harry locked eyes with Louis. Louis already looked wrecked. His hair a rumpled mess and his chin slick from his own spit. The lights of Louis' eyes had diminished into a foggy grey. His pupils blown out.

"That's it, Princess," Louis crooned, his fingers leaving faint bruises against Harry's ivory skin.

Louis ducked down and licked against Harry's rim in earnest. Whimpers tumbled out of Harry's mouth without any hesitation. The feeling of Louis' prodding tongue became the only sensation that Harry could focus on.

"Relax," Louis whispered against the inside of Harry's thigh, Louis' cheek purposefully chaffing against the sensitive skin.

Harry outright sobbed and collapsed his upper body against the bedspread. He felt his hole relax underneath Louis' insistent tongue, allowing Louis to prod past the ring of muscle. Both men let out a throaty moan as Louis began to fuck Harry open with his tongue. The feeling was as close to nirvana as a person could get, Harry was sure of it. Tears openly cascaded down his cheeks as he let Louis completely envelop him. With every press of Louis' tongue inside of him, Harry relaxed more and more.

As Harry felt his orgasm quickly build in the pit of his gut, he reached a hand between his legs and gripped the base of his cock. Louis slowed his movements and removed his tongue from Harry's slick hole. A high pitch whine tore through Harry at the loss of Louis' mouth but he knew that if there was anyway of him being semi-useful, he couldn't come yet.

Louis was running his fingers up and down Harry's back, cooing him and telling him to breathe. Harry let his knees give out and he was pressed flat against the bed, his hand still gripping the base of his cock so that he wouldn't come just yet.

"So good for me," Louis praised, kissing from the bottom of Harry's spine to between his shoulder blades. "Want me to keep licking you out, Princess? Or would you rather come on my cock?"

Harry was vaguely aware that he was shaking underneath of Louis. Tears still coated his eyes from Louis breaking him down. "Want you to-" Harry broke off with a shudder as Louis kissed the dip of his back.

"Hmm?" Louis asked against the sweltering skin.

"Wanna have you in me," Harry muttered, his tone more abashed than normal.

Harry needed Louis to take control and tell him what he wanted. The only thought that processed through Harry's mind was that he wanted to make Louis happy. He needed to make Louis happy. His vision was blurred from crying, an innate need pooling inside of him with each passing moment.

"Want me to take care of you, that it?" Louis gently asked. His fingers moved to Harry's hair where he thumbed the knotted green ribbon.

Harry nodded but kept his eyes shut. He didn't want to see any judgement that might have lingered on Louis' expression. Louis climbed off the bed, Harry listening to the remainder of his clothes hitting the carpeted floor. He heard a drawer open and then shut before he felt the mattress dip from Louis' weight.

"Need you to look at me, can you do that?" Louis' tone wasn't patronizing, rather gentle and cautious.

Hesitantly, Harry rolled over onto his back and blinked open his eyes. He nudged Harry's thighs apart and settled between them. Louis sat down and tugged on his hip, shifting Harry to sit between his thighs. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and his legs around Louis' waist. The position was oddly intimate as Harry's ragged breathing slowed back down.

Louis placed both hands on each side of Harry's face, his thumbs wiping away renegade tears. "Harry," Louis slowly whispered, his blue irises intently locking with Harry's, "I want to take care of you but, you tell me now if there's anything that I need to know."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, staring at Louis' sternum. "It's nothing really, just get worked up... need someone to take control of things sometimes...I don't know how to explain it."

Louis kissed along Harry's cheekbone, his lips light against Harry's skin. He brought his lips to the shell of Harry's ear and quietly said, "I can do that, if you want me to."

Wrapping his arms tighter around Louis, Harry shuffled forward to directly sit in Louis' lap. Harry tucked his face against the side of Louis' neck and nodded, "Want you to."

Harry felt vulnerable in Louis' hold but that was exactly how he wanted to feel. He would never be able to word it properly, but Harry felt his best when he was broken down from sex. It nearly wrecked him the first time it happened. He couldn't reason why he felt the way he did and the man he was sleeping with, didn't seem to understand it either. Sometimes, he needed to be taken care of. It was something Harry didn't even know that he needed back when he was an adolescent. Over time, after different experiences, Harry finally had gotten a hold on it. But, that didn't mean the other person always could.

Louis reached out next to them, the only sound being a faint flick of a bottle's cap. Harry kissed along Louis' shoulder, the skin warm underneath the press of his lips. He was anxious to feel Louis in him again, craving to pick up where they had left. Louis framed one arm around Harry's middle and pulled him flush against his chest. Slick fingers rubbed over Harry's hole, lube mixing with Louis' residual spit.

Harry curled into Louis' chest as he nudged his index finger against Harry's rim. The pressure had Harry lightly moaning against Louis' neck. Louis began by slowly fucking his finger in and out. Each drag against Harry's walls made him begin to fall apart again.

Pressing a second finger in along with the first, Louis started mumbling encouragements against Harry's neck. Louis told him how good he was being, how Louis was going to take care of his Princess. The petname made Harry bite into the smooth skin of Louis' shoulder. Louis started to fuck into Harry with earnest, his fingers crooked to find Harry's prostate.

Harry tossed his head back in ecstasy once Louis rubbed against the bundle of nerves, throatily moaning, "Daddy."

The moment the word was out, Harry went rigid. Louis stopped his ministrations, the pads of his fingers pressed directly against Harry's prostate. It was both the best and the worst feeling. Harry moved to dislodge himself from Louis' grip. His heart rabbited in his chest, needing to get out of the flat before Louis could say anything he had already heard before.

However, Louis clutched Harry tighter. Beryl blue eyes were blown wide. Before Harry could register what was happening, Louis flipped him over onto his back. He kissed Harry with a bruising force, the plush of his lips turned firm and persistent. Too dazed, Harry barely puckered his lips to return the gesture.

Louis pulled back a fraction of an inch. His free hand cupped Harry's jaw, "Is that your thing? What you said wouldn't concern me?"

Biting his bottom lip nervously, Harry figured he had two options. The first being to lie, pretend that it was a joke. Or, he could be honest and potentially ruin their agreement on the first day. Harry wasn't familiar with the rules of friends with benefits, but he had a gut feeling that wasn't normal.

Trying not to think too much of possible consequences, Harry barely nodded.

Resting on his haunches, Louis placed a hand on Harry's lower abdomen. Louis' fingers were scorching against the indents of Harry's hips. His expression was thoughtful as he stared at Harry, his eyebrows pinched.

"What if I want it to concern me?"

Harry's eyes widened and he sat up, resting his weight on his forearms, "You don't need to say that. Really, we can forget it happened and-"

Louis interrupted Harry with a quick kiss. Pulling back, Louis mumbled, "I know I don't need to. I don't have any uh...experience with it but, I want to."

Harry gaped at Louis, attempting to get a read on the man sat in front of him. He didn't see judgement or distaste. Instead, he saw wonder reflected back at him. Louis leaned forward and tenderly kissed Harry, his lips lingering when he pulled back.

"Let me take care of you, Princess."

Harry nodded and made grabby hands, needing to feel Louis' weight cover his body. Louis grabbed one of Harry's outreached hands and brought it to his lips, pressing firm kisses against each digit. Harry keened as Louis plucked a condom from the night stand. Foregoing any teasing, Louis quickly rolled the condom down his length. Louis drizzled lube on his cock and tugged himself twice before settling between Harry's legs.

"Alright?" Louis asked with his cockhead against Harry's rim.

In lieu of an answer, Harry pushed his hips and sank down onto Louis with one fluid movement. Louis placed one hand on the mattress, the other gripped Harry's shoulder. Harry rolled his head to the side and kissed the knob of Louis' knuckle.

Using his grip on Harry's shoulder, Louis pulled him into each thrust of his hips. Harry felt like a hotwire being cut loose, electricity thrumming through his body as Louis fucked him open. The stretch of Louis' cock was intense. Significantly more than his fingers and Harry loved the burn that settled at the base of his spine. He reveled in the feeling of his body adjusting around each thrust that Louis gave him.

"So tight around me," Louis panted, his eyebrows pulled together in concentration.

He looked at Harry with hooded eyes, slight hesitation coating his expression.

Harry frantically nodded and begged, "Fuck, keep talking. Please-oh, fuck."

"Feel so good for Daddy."

Harry's brain short circuited and he was coming hard. A throaty moan poured through his ragged breathing. His vision frayed in the most spectacular way.

"You just...from-shit," Louis rambled, enamored by Harry's reaction.

Weakly, Harry pushed Louis back. He winced at the empty feeling once Louis pulled out. Harry fumbled off the bed, his breathing jagged with every exhale. Immediately, he kneeled against the soft carpet. Louis' eyebrows furrowed as he watched Harry's actions.

Harry held his hands behind his back and opened his mouth slightly.


With a bit more grace than Harry, Louis moved off the bed. Harry nuzzled against the front of Louis' thigh as Louis pulled off the condom, tossing it in the nearby bin. He drowsily opened his eyes when Louis' fingers brushed against his cheek. Leaning back to rest on his haunches, Harry opened his mouth and blinked up at Louis. From his position, Harry could see a flush creep upwards from Louis' chest to his neck.

Louis pressed the tip of his cock against Harry's lips. Harry hummed happily as the crown of Louis' cock slid against his tongue. Deliberately, Harry kept his hands knotted behind his back. He waited for Louis to make the first move, to push Harry to his brink.

Harry looked through his eyelashes, locking eyes with Louis. He gave a slight nod of his chin. Louis brought a hand to the back of Harry's head, fisting the base of Harry's ponytail. Harry groaned around Louis' length in encouragement.

Louis tightened his grip in Harry's hair. He started with shallowly thrusts into Harry's mouth. Harry slackened his jaw and relaxed his throat, wanting Louis to fully slip into his heat. He purposefully flicked his tongue upwards. Louis' hips jerked forward, his length moving in deeper. Harry gripped his hand into a tight fist behind his back, effectively pushing back his gag reflex. Watching Harry's expression, Louis got bolder with his movements. Tears pricked Harry's eyes and he blinked them away. Louis brought his free hand to Harry's cheeks, intentionally smudging the tears down Harry's face.

"You like being messy, Princess?" Louis wondered aloud, his head tilted to the side. Harry bobbed his head forward on Louis' next thrust, chocking himself on Louis' length. "Fucking hell," Louis huffed out, his thighs quivering.

"Where do you want me to come?" Louis urgently asked, pulling his cock out of Harry's mouth.

Harry closed his eyes and jutted his chin upwards.

Louis breathily whimpered, "Fuck."

He came on Harry's cheeks, mouth, and chin. Harry's lips parted as he felt Louis mark him.

When Harry opened his eyes, he saw Louis staring at him with his jaw hung loose and pupils blown twice their regular size. Ardently, Harry brought a hand from behind his back. He thumbed Louis' come off his cheek and into his mouth. Harry sighed around the digit in his mouth, Louis watching him as if he was on the brink of tears. Silence stretched between them as Harry finished cleaning the come off of himself.

When Harry went to stand up, Louis was immediately in his space. Louis gripped the soft curve of his hips, helping Harry balance on his wobbly legs. Harry held onto Louis' bicep as he was directed sit on the edge of the bed.

"Let me go get a wet flannel," Louis murmured. He kissed the top of Harry's head and then walked towards the bathroom. Harry felt sedated as he laid back and closed his eyes. He listened to the faint sound of a faucet running, turning off, and Louis shuffling across the carpet.

Louis breathlessly chuckled, "Are you always useless after you have sex?"

Harry flailed out a leg, pleased when he heard an oomph from Louis. A grin quirked the corner of his mouth, "Pretty much."

Flicking off the bedside lamp, Louis climbed into bed. He maneuvered Harry towards the headboard and tucked him underneath the duvet. Harry peeked open an eye and watched as Louis disappeared back into the bathroom. A minute later, Louis came back wearing a pair of thick-rimmed glasses. A warm smile spread across Harry's face.

"Aww," he cooed as Louis started to climb in bed. "You look cute in glasses."

"I'm not cute, Harry." Louis indignantly huffed. "I'm manly."

Rolling his eyes, Harry turned over on his front. "Whatever you say," he mumbled into a pillow.

Harry was acutely aware of the space between them in the bed and while he was a natural born cuddler, he knew that it wasn't part of the deal. It was alright though, Harry was happy. He could handle it.

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