I Won't Treat You Like You're Typical

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"What the-" Harry grumbled out, sleep coating his voice. He felt hot all over, his toes curled into the sheets underneath of him. Warmth pooled in his stomach as he unconsciously bucked his hips, chasing the feeling of relief.

Harry wiped the back of his hand against his fingers, getting the sleep out of his bleary eyes. The only thing he was registering was slick heat swallowing him. "Oh fuck."

When Harry's eyes adjusted, he saw Louis ducked between his legs, bobbing his head up and down. Louis looked up at him through his eyelashes and pulled off of Harry's stiff cock. He crawled up Harry's body and sat on Harry's thighs.

"Took you long enough," Louis smirked.

Morning light was just beginning to pour into the flat and Harry had never been more pleased to be woken up before his alarm went off. Harry brought his hands to Louis' neck and tugged him forward to meet his lips hallway. He was aware that they both smelled of sex and Harry probably tasted like morning breath, but really, what else had Louis expected him to do?

Louis must have been on the same page because he hummed happily into the kiss. He rocked his hips forwards, sliding their cocks together between their bodies. Harry moaned and brought his hands to Louis' lower backside, palming Louis' arse.

"I was thinking," Louis started as he kept rolling his hips into Harry, "We could shower and go get coffee. It's early enough so you would have time to get ready for work."

"Together?" Harry hopefully asked, punctuating the word by pulling Louis into him by his bum.

Louis rolled his eyes, "No, I woke you up so you could just listen to me shower." He slapped Harry's bicep and then started to pull out of Harry's grasp. Harry unwillingly let him go but followed suit, shifting to get out of bed.

He stretched his arms above his head and watched as Louis climbed off the mattress. Harry noted the way Louis' golden skin was illuminated underneath the warm glow of morning light. There was a small part of his brain that berated him for missing the view the first time they had a sleepover. Well, Harry had learned his lesson and was not about to let it happen again if he could help it.

Harry followed Louis into the bathroom and shut the door behind them. The bathroom floor was tiled in white and surprisingly, the walls were painted a muted blue. It was a stark comparison to the rest of the almost sterile looking flat. Twin sinks nestled on top of black cabinets, the tops lined with grey marble. Next to the mirror was the only painting in the flat. It looked like it was done by a toddler and not in a sarcastic way. Red painted scribbles joined together to make what Harry assumed was supposed to be a house. In front, nine smiling stick figures stood in a line, each painted a different color.

"Family picture?" Harry questioned, his eyes trained on the picture.

Louis stepped behind him and ran his hands along Harry's spine. "Yeah, little sister made it for me. Said I needed color in here," Louis snorted and took a step towards the glass shower door.

Harry watched Louis in the reflection of the mirror, the stretch of his muscles as he turned on the shower head and held out his hand under the water. "She wasn't wrong. The only color scheme in here is white and black. I think your place needs a bit more of this...uh...character."

"Character?" Louis mused. He turned around and met Harry's eyes in the mirror, his back resting against the glass.

Harry turned around and crowded in Louis' space. "Yes, character."

"What, you mean like your flat? The place that looks like a color wheel exploded everywhere?"

"Its homey," Harry retorted.

The Night is Changing Overhead- LarryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora