Mr. Dominat And I

By inch_worm2646

5.3K 65 5

Re written look in and see it's great here More

Part one
Part two


1.2K 15 3
By inch_worm2646

Clayton pov**

" she's still taking fluid fast-" I nod, looking at the iv drip as she sleeps. She's been sleeping everyday. Shows she's drained and malnourished. " you said you knew some things about her? Bout what her powers do-"

" yes, come on" I have secured my land this morning so I'll trust leaving her more now, doctor Yamika took me outside into my backyard demon hounds racing past the barrier doing their rouge hunts " there was a group. An coven of witches wolfs and demons, mixing dna and genes to enhance powers and physical ability, but it wasn't easy, all these sciences my king come with a price, child had to be young before puberty began, female due to the level of hormones needed to regenerate cells and also the ability to endure the entire thirty six hour transition. It's sick-"

" keep going" she lit a cigarette, watching the trees her tail flicking she's powerful enough to be in half form when she wants. Emmy, don't tell me you were one of those children, like please don't tell me.. why her?

" they abuse them for months to get them used to pain, so their bones are breaking and skin is splitting and they aren't freaking out because during the thirty six hours, mortality rate is three percent" holy shit. There's plenty of simple enhancements that can be done hell your a ice demon and can't deal with the cold for long there's simple positions to make your body frost bite resistant. Everything in books are no lower than 30 percent mortality rate and those are the extreme ones, any less than thirty are banned by the elder council.

" when you brought her in I couldn't believe it, you know me and I'm popular, I ain't never in my thirty years of practice met anyone who's survived. I have video of the last four hours of transition from the dark kingdom, if you'd like to see-"

" show me" thing is, people don't walk away from this type of shit, to think I even had a grasp on her that I could understand her. Fuck I feel so bad for ducking chasing her like that fuck! " here-" she gave me her phone, I already wanted to throw up, it was a boy, he didn't look older than ten but I couldn't tell beyond size he was wrapped in disgusting bloody bandages their so grimy, the light was low it was a dark room obviously my blood was boiling demon rising up, I'm a king, seeing any of this fucking disgraceful shit makes me so irritated I want to bulldoze every other fucking kingdom make sure shit is right.. that people is safe. " injection thirty six, t3-the boy, oh my god my stomach churned

It was a hand grabbing him so rough blood was coming out of whatever wound the person was holding fuck why'd I grab Emmy like that earlier!

" no-no I don't want it I want to g- I want to go home! Mom-MOM MOM MOM!!!"

" fuck man-" tears came to doctor Yamikas eyes I rolled mine back trying to calm down before I explode they injected him, he was screaming in fear and then started to scream in pure agony, his eyes were glowing white suddenly beams like.. just like emmys green ones. Blood trickles from his eyes his back was arched from the strapped chair his mouth so wide screaming till I heard gargling- his chest was moving- you could hear them exiting the camera was picked up I growled just so pissed there's people fucking doing this so fucking sick I want to slaughter them

" m-mom. Mom" he croaked out, gasping as blood came from his mouth it has a weird ass color to it like black in it his eyes were the same and nose and ears his chest suddenly split open bones ribs- " t3 failed subject 13 failed subject 13 failed-" we're sticking out his whole body spasming what in the hell is happened

" thirteen -" it said on the boys intact wrist the camera ended on..she looked at me knowingly..I blinked. Seeing the back of emmys neck in my mind. The number hidden by her hair. Number 50. He was only half way, they entirely doubled the numbers or more just to do what!? Fucking what to use kids as weapons!!? " they couldn't make the solutions weaker, then it wouldn't allow the ability of all pull, connectivity and unlocking aldeta"

Let me explain some power names.

All people have these powers even humans, the scale will start on number 0 to 100, humans always have 0 in supernatural powers mostly but can have psychic powers up to the twenties at Max.

Shifts typically can go up to 50, if you're above 50 like me or others than you're extremely powerful but no one besides gods have ever went passed 70.

All pull- I'm a fire demon for example, I pull oxygen from the air easy but I don't have the same control over heat to pull it from everywhere. All pull is important cause the stronger it is the more you can use and amplify your powers by pulling the recourse.

Connectivity is not as it sounds but it's the power to have multiple powers, earth fire water electricity wind telekinesis. Most people connectivity is at 10, this dumbass experiment Is to take it to damn near 50, which is five times than the normal amount even I'm only at 17 because I have demon magic.

Aldeta- a word given to this unique power gods have. Power to control natural things, weather and air pressure. Oh shit.. Yamika nodded. " somehow, they were able to force her to unlock aldeta, but I doubt they survived-"

" why do you say that-? I'm ready to go kill" she chuckled taking her phone back " she has aldeta, connectivity and all pull on easy access, the burst of power I don't believe shed allow anyone to live to go do again and the man-"

" that mystery man in the damn clothes-!" He just appears at the hospital soon as I was there with Emmy like who in the hell was that!? I would've restrained him if I knew all this about my Emmy. " yes, the necklace she has on seemed to be important as to why she was upset for him to take it, she said you know how my powers get, he said I know, that's what your mate is here for now" hmm holy hell so what I gotta control her? " I can barley control my own damn self-"

" that's why I'm glad she's sleeping so we can talk first. I think you should create a medical team now, I'll get my top colleges and bind them to a pack before disclosing, I don't know what could happen no one knows what the long term affects are, there's no one else but her. Even more important we monitor her heart and blood to make sure she's healthy even like during pregnancy we'd need something to compare to normal" I nod, what type of genes are she even carrying now? Wonder what type of shift she'd create.

" get started instantly, you'll all need to make her top priority, I'll be calling beta John for a office to begin renovating." She nods standing when I heard something behind me I turned just as the sliding glass door open.. she's so cute, stepping out slow I got up quick " bae your ankle-" she has on my grey and blue long sleeve, walking with my slippers on and her hair was pulled back some the curly brown hair half in a ponytail half out, she held onto my arms her skin so cold. " hi" she whispers adorable Yamika smiles and waves she waves, " wanna come sit out here?" She nods i back up walking to my seat she just followed and sat beside me that's good she's warming up to me. " get ya all warm-"

" how are you? How do you feel?"

" I'm okay just been sleepy"

" nothing hurts bae or anything wrong?" She shook her head no " can I see your ankle-" the bruising was gone.. isn't that odd? I have accelerated healing it takes five days for bruises that big and bad to go away even her wrist one is gone. " m-my healing is slow I-I don't have my necklace-"

" your healing affects your necklace?" She asked and this is good getting information. " no. My necklace only controlled how much power I was exerting so I could just put a lot out and keep in control ... it'll heal in a day or hours even breaks. But I don't want to lose control, I'm worried..."

" what happens when you lose control-" she looked to the woods.. bitting her lip softly in anxiousness. " I..." she didn't answer, you could tell her mind was working that it was experiencing so much she froze and couldn't create words. I rubbed her back softly, " it's okay bae, ya can tell us another time but it's best we know what to do to help keep you in control"

" I'm so mad why did he take my necklace.. I liked it... there's nothing you could do from outside, I'd have to live in a bubble to not activate my powers. Unless like when  I get emotional or upset or I'm in pain it's best to isolate me under ground fast-"

" why under ground-"

She looked up to the sky, I could see tears. " you both know what I am. It's better to die, than to be able to flip to that other side. You have to lock me in till I calm down.. the necklace kept from more than twenty percent of my power coming out unless I try to force it. Right now I have full one hundred" I hugged her, her head on my shoulder

" are there certain things anything you know that is a big warning? We're so sorry Emmy, we're gonna support you best as we can-"

" gon re do my basment-"

" it might seem childish but like animals getttjng hurt or bullying I freak out and I don't try to control myself to be honest-" she giggled when I narrowed my eyes her first real laugh but I understand the hell people be hurting animals and bullying for???

" I just can't get too upset, you have a demon side. But imagine being the demon, Nd having a small human side."

I shut the front door letting doc out, turning back to percious Emmy refusing to eat again I huffed coming and sitting behind her she's so tiny " you're mad-?"

" no-"

" you seem mad-" she mummers quietly, I breath deep just focusing on calming calming down. I have to be nice to her.. I'll admit.. growing up after what happened hell I had no sensitivity, I was goal driven to the crown and felt nothing but resentment in the mean time. I always get that damn you seem mad response from everyone I meet so I was obsessive to lock my mate in.. but honestly I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with her.

" I'm not. Never mad at you" rubbed her arm, holding her hand picking up her fork " lets eat, ya up to going to the store and stuff or sleepy still?" She was trying to resist my lifting her hand with pasta on her fork her head turning some as she started to talk but I fed her still cause she wants to be stubborn but no. She needs to eat.

" we can go but why?" She asks covering her mouth she eats so slow like she's resisting food " get ya some clothes and stuff ya need a lot, and do ya need to grab anything from where you lived-?" She sat thinking. But then shook her head no. " they'll just keep my deposit and I don't keep a lot of stuff.. I feel so odd without my-" her hand feels her neck I can tell it's stressing her out she's had it for so long and it had to be like a identity clutch. Her favorite necklace just having it even if it was broken would help her be calm to know it's there. " we'll get you a new one baby, it can be a promise necklace-" she looked back to me her eyes so adorably soft the green so beautiful my hand rubbed her hair softly " promise? What Will you-"

" that... you're safe with me. No matter what happens I promise. No one else gonna hurt you ya not gon have to worry bout being alone or about that other side trust I can pull out enough of my demon to deal with anything. Promise ya gon try to not hurt ya self, Nd communicate. I won't make you promise to keep in control" her head tiled up slightly, she wanted a kiss, I gave her one of course. " okay. I promise. I want one" feeding her again.

See that was pretty good.. maybe I can learn how to deal with my mate on my own?.. she wanted a kiss so obviously I did good.

" we'll get it today. After you eat-" she groans adorably pouting turning her head

" come on na bae eat-"

" no-"

" yes!"

" nooo I don like to eaee-" forced her till the whole plate was gone she groaned laid out on her back tummy fully with a bulge proving she never ducking eats I held her face in my hands those eyes, they are so intensely green I just get lost every time " you need to eat and take care of yourself Emmy, if I have to force you everyday we'll sit like that everyday" two three kisses she's just so pretty

" hm, your mean-" she turned as I started walking upstairs to get clothes for us I chuckle

" you're stubborn-" she sticks her tongue out I laugh her true personality is coming out so is mine..

" and I'm all yours"

" yes all mine~"


Lmk what y'all think if y'all okay with the new style of writing I have it's a lot more accurate Nd advance I hope so enjoyyyy

- inch_worm

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